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Rhodopsinlike opsins constitute a distinct phylogenetic group (Yokoyama 1994, Mol. Biol. Evol. 11:32–39). This RH2 group includes the green-sensitive opsins in chicken and goldfish and the blue-sensitive opsin in a nocturnal lizard gecko. In the present study, we isolated and sequenced the genomic DNA clones for the RH2 opsin gene, rh2 Ac , of the diurnal lizard Anolis carolinensis. This single-copy gene spans 18.3 kb from start to stop codons, making it the longest opsin gene known in vertebrates. Phylogenetic analysis strongly suggests that rh2 Ac is more closely related to the chicken green opsin gene than to the gecko blue opsin gene. This gene tree differs from the organismal tree, where the two lizard species should be most closely related, implying that rh2 Ac and the gecko blue-sensitive opsin genes have been derived from duplicate ancestral genes.Correspondence to: S. Yukiyama  相似文献   
Although the importance of signals involved in species recognition and sexual selection to speciation is widely recognized, the processes that underlie signal divergence are still a matter of debate. Several possible processes have been hypothesized, including genetic drift, arbitrary sexual selection, and adaptation to local signaling environments. We use comparative analyses to investigate whether the remarkable geographic variation of dewlap phenotype in a Hispaniolan trunk Anolis lizard (A. distichus) is a result of adaptive signal divergence to heterogeneous environments. We recover a repeated pattern of divergence in A. distichus dewlap color, pattern, and size with environmental variation across Hispaniola. These results are aligned with ecological models of signal divergence and provide strong evidence for dewlap adaptation to local signaling environments. We also find that A. distichus dewlaps vary with the environment in a different manner to other previously studied anoles, thus expanding upon previous predictions on the direction dewlaps will diverge in perceptual color space in response to the environment.  相似文献   
Studies integrating evolutionary and developmental analyses of morphological variation are of growing interest to biologists as they promise to shed fresh light on the mechanisms of morphological diversification. Sexually dimorphic traits tend to be incredibly divergent across taxa. Such diversification must arise through evolutionary modifications to sex differences during development. Nevertheless, few studies of dimorphism have attempted to synthesize evolutionary and developmental perspectives. Using geometric morphometric analysis of head shape for 50 Anolis species, we show that two clades have converged on extreme levels of sexual dimorphism through similar, male‐specific changes in facial morphology. In both clades, males have evolved highly elongate faces whereas females retain faces of more moderate proportion. This convergence is accomplished using distinct developmental mechanisms; one clade evolved extreme dimorphism through the exaggeration of a widely shared, potentially ancestral, developmental strategy whereas the other clade evolved a novel developmental strategy not observed elsewhere in the genus. Together, our analyses indicate that both shared and derived features of development contribute to macroevolutionary patterns of morphological diversity among Anolis lizards.  相似文献   
Anolis lizards in the Greater Antilles are thought to have diversified through natural selection on body size and shape, presumably due to interspecific competition and variation in locomotor performance. Here we measure natural selection on body size over three years and across seven replicate populations of the brown anole, A. sagrei. We experimentally manipulated an important component of the environment (population density) on several small islands to test the role of density in driving natural selection. Results indicate that the strength of natural selection was proportional to population density (r2 = 0.81), and favored larger body sizes at higher density, presumably owing to the enhanced competitive ability afforded by large size. Changes in the distribution of body size by selective releases of lizards to islands show that this effect did not arise by pure density dependence, since smaller individuals were disproportionately selected against at higher densities. We measured significant broad sense heritability for body size in the laboratory (h2 = 0.55) indicating that selection in the wild could have an evolutionary response. Our results suggest an important effect of population density on natural selection in Anolis lizards.  相似文献   
Central serotonin (5-HT) is activated during stressful situations and aggressive interactions in a number of species. Glucocorticoids secreted peripherally during stressful events feed back on central systems and may affect 5-HT mediation of stress-induced behavioral events. To test the neuromodulatory effect of stress hormone secretion, serotonin overflow was measured from the hippocampus of the lizard Anolis carolinensis. Microdialysis was used to collect repeated samples from anesthetized lizards, with perfusate measured by HPLC with electrochemical analysis. Following initially high levels of 5-HT, concentrations stabilized to basal levels after approximately 2 h. Intracortical infusion of 200 ng/ml corticosterone evoked transient increases in 5-HT release of approximately 400%. The effect of corticosterone on 5-HT overflow appears to be dose dependent as 20 ng/ml stimulated an increase of 200%, whereas 2 ng/ml stimulated a 50% increase. Administration of 0.1 and 1 ng/ml GABA via the dialysis probe significantly inhibited 5-HT overflow by 20 and 40%, respectively. The duration of GABA inhibition is greater than the stimulatory response for glucocorticoids. Short-lived glucocorticoid stimulation of 5-HT release suggests a possible mechanism for endocrine mediation of continuously changing social behavioral events.  相似文献   
Why convergent evolution occurs among some species occupying similar habitats but not among others is a question that has received surprisingly little attention. Caribbean Anolis lizards, known for their extensive convergent evolution among islands in the Greater Antilles, are an appropriate group with which to address this question. Despite the well-documented pattern of between-island convergence, some Greater Antillean anoles are not obviously part of the convergence syndrome. One example involves aquatic anoles--species that are found near to and readily enter streams-which have evolved independently twice in the Caribbean and also twice on mainland Central America. Despite being found in similar habitats, no previous study has investigated whether aquatic anoles represent yet another case of morphological convergence. We tested this hypothesis by collecting morphological data for seven aquatic anole species and 29 species from the six convergent types of Greater Antillean habitat specialists. We failed to find evidence for morphological convergence: the two Caribbean aquatic species are greatly dissimilar to each other and to the Central American species, which, however, may be convergent upon each other. We suggest two possible reasons for this lack of convergence in an otherwise highly convergent system: either there is more than one habitat type occupied by anoles in the proximity of water, or there is more than one way to adapt to a single aquatic habitat. We estimate that almost all of the 113 species of Greater Antillean anoles occupy habitats that are also used by distantly related species, but only 15% of these species are not morphologically similar to their distantly related ecological counterparts. Comparative data from other taxa would help enlighten the question of why the extent of convergence is so great in some lineages and not in others.  相似文献   
The larger islands of the Lesser Antilles are ecologically and geologically complex and are inhabited by single, but morphologically variable, Anolis species. Although earlier work has indicated that a large part of the morphological variation in Anolis oculatus from Dominica can be attributed to selection, a history of recurrent volcanic activity over the last few million years suggests that vicariance may have also played a significant role. We report a study of variation in the cytochrome b gene of mitochondrial DNA across the island to address this issue. We uncovered a very high degree of polymorphism, with an overall gene diversity of 0.97 and a nucleotide diversity of 0.04. Sequences, on average, differ by 3.82% and the maximum pairwise divergence (corrected for multiple hits) is 9.29%. Most haplotypes are restricted to single localities (a pattern not changed by increasing the sample size). Phylogenetic analysis revealed the presence of two distinct lineages on the island with strong phylogeographic structure. One of these is geographically restricted to a relatively small part of the central Caribbean coast. Sublineages were also discernible within the other more widely distributed lineage, but resolution within and support for these sublineages was poor. The phylogeographic pattern is not congruent with generalized body shape and scalation, but is significantly correlated with color pattern. Even when correcting for this lineage effect with partial Matrix correspondence tests, the relationship between color pattern and vegetation is reaffirmed, suggesting that although both vicariance and selection have played a role in the morphological differentiation of this species, selection for current environmental conditions has been more important. We discuss the causes of the phylogeographic structure in light of the volcanic history of the island and highlight the exceptional instance of congruence between all morphological character systems and lineage boundaries, which occurs at the transition between the northern and southern Caribbean ecotypes.  相似文献   
Transferrins, found in invertebrates and vertebrates, form a physiologically important family of proteins playing a major role in iron acquisition and transport, defense against microbial pathogens, growth and differentiation. These proteins are bilobal in structure and each lobe is composed of two domains divided by a cleft harboring an iron atom. Vertebrate transferrins comprise of serotransferrins, lactoferrins and ovotransferrins. In mammals serotransferrins transport iron in physiological fluids and deliver it to cells, while lactoferrins scavenge iron, limiting its availability to invading microbes. In oviparous vertebrates there is only one transferrin gene, expressed either in the liver to be delivered to physiological fluids as serotransferrin, or in the oviduct with a final localization in egg white as ovotransferrin. Being products of one gene sero- and ovotransferrin are identical at the amino-acid sequence level but with different, cell specific glycosylation patterns. Our knowledge of the mechanisms of transferrin iron binding and release is based on sequence and structural data obtained for human serotransferrin and hen and duck ovotransferrins. No sequence information about other ovotransferrins was available until our recent publication of turkey, ostrich, and red-eared turtle (TtrF) ovotransferrin mRNA sequences [Ciuraszkiewicz, J., Olczak, M., Watorek, W., 2006. Isolation, cloning and sequencing of transferrins from red-eared turtle, African ostrich and turkey. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 143 B, 301-310]. In the present paper, ten new reptilian mRNA transferrin sequences obtained from the Nile crocodile (NtrF), bearded dragon (BtrF), Cuban brown anole (AtrF), veiled and Mediterranean chameleons (VtrF and KtrF), sand lizard (StrF), leopard gecko (LtrF), Burmese python (PtrF), African house snake (HtrF), and grass snake (GtrF) are presented and analyzed. Nile crocodile and red-eared turtle transferrins have a disulphide bridge pattern identical to known bird homologues. A partially different disulphide bridge pattern was found in the Squamata (snakes and lizards). The possibility of a unique interdomain disulphide bridge was predicted for LtrF. Differences were found in iron-binding centers from those of previously known transferrins. Substitutions were found in the iron-chelating residues of StrF and TtrF and in the synergistic anion-binding residues of NtrF. In snakes, the transferrin (PtrF, HtrF and GtrF) N-lobe "dilysine trigger" occurring in all other known transferrins was not found, which indicates a different mechanism of iron release.  相似文献   
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