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A direct method for determination of Δ5 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3β-HSD) activity was employed in isolated Leydig cells (LC) derived from rats on fetal day 19 (F19) and postnatal (N) days 1,12,24, 34 and 45 and adults. The activity of 3β-HSD in the adult LC was 1.15 ± 0.02 (μmole/μg DNA/hr, mean ± SEM, n = 73). Activities in the other groups, expressed as a percentage of the respective adult control, were: F19-38%; N1-39%; N12-8%; N24-89%; N34-166%; and N45-118%. A good correlation was found between histochemical staining for 3β-HSD and the quantitive method employed. Using (3H)-DHA as a substrate, LC isolated from F19, n1 and N12 produced testosterone in appreciable amounts (41%, 55% and 20% of the toal products respectively) whereas at advanced stages of development (N24 to adulthood) the major product was androstenedione (93 ± 1%). These findings may be explained by the observed decrease in 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (17β-HSD) activity, due to an insufficient supply of NADPH, in the older vs. earlier stages of development. This study indicates the presence of steroidogenic enzymatic activity in LC throughout development in the rat. It also provides a relatively simple in vitro model for studies of testicular regulation during development.  相似文献   
In developing mammalian males, conversion of the Wolffian ducts into the epididymides and vasa deferentia depends on androgen secretion by the testes, whereas in females these ducts remain in a vestigial form or regress. However, there is continuing uncertainty whether the androgen needs to be delivered locally, either by diffusion from the adjacent testis or, by secretion into the lumen of the duct, or whether circulating androgens maintain and virilize the Wolffian ducts. To resolve this uncertainty, we transplanted either day 0-2 or day 8-9 post-partum testes beneath the flank skin of three groups of neonatal (days 0-1) female tammar wallabies, where they developed and secreted physiological levels of hormones. The Wolffian ducts of all these females were retained and had formed extensive epididymides when examined at days 25, 34 and 87 after birth. In the two older groups of females, sampled after the time of prostatic bud formation, the urogenital sinus was virilized and there was extensive prostatic development similar to that of normal males of the same age, showing that androgen secretion had occurred. Virilization of the Wolffian ducts occurred during an early but short-lived window of sensitivity. This study provides the first clear evidence that under physiological conditions virilization can be mediated by circulating androgen.  相似文献   
The metabolism of 3H-androstenedione (Δ4 -A) and 3H-estriol (E3) was studied in 12 human breast tumors. Part of each tumor was analyzed for estrogen receptor content. Aliquots of tumor homogenates were incubated for 2 hr separately with 3H-δ4-A and 3H-E3 in the presence of appropriate cofactors. No distinct differences emerged in the profiles of the unconjugated metabolites of 3H-δ4-A, the major compounds in the approximate order of descendence being androsterone, androstanedione, testosterone, 5α-androstane-3α,17β-diol, epiandrosterone, and dihydrotestosterone. One tumor homogenate from an infiltrating lobular carcinoma converted 3H-Δ4-A to glucosiduronate metabolites (11%), of which androsterone, 6.4%; testosterone, 1.6%; and androstanediol, 0.6% predominated. The homogenate of this tumor and two other tumors converted 3H-E3 to 3H-E3-3S. Conversions of E3 to E3-3S In the other tumor homogenates were less than 0.6%. No correlation between receptor content and the capability of the tumor to conjugate Δ4-A or E3 evolved. However, correlations between steroid hormone metabolism and tumor histopathology may exist.  相似文献   
The 5alpha-reduction of testosterone in target tissues is a key step in androgen physiology; however, 5alpha-reduced C(19) steroids are sometimes synthesized in testis via a pathway that does not involve testosterone as an intermediate. We studied the metabolism of 5alpha-reduced C(21) steroids by human cytochrome P450c17 (hCYP17), the enzyme responsible for conversion of C(21) steroids to C(19) steroids via its 17alpha-hydroxylase and 17,20-lyase activities. hCYP17 17alpha-hydroxylates 5alpha-pregnan-3,20-dione, but little androstanedione is formed by 17,20-lyase activity. hCYP17 also 17alpha-hydroxylates 5alpha-pregnan-3alpha-ol-20-one and the 5alpha-pregnan-3alpha,17alpha-diol-20-one intermediate is rapidly converted to androsterone by 17,20-lyase activity. Furthermore, 5alpha-pregnan-3alpha,17alpha-diol-20-one is a better substrate for the 17,20-lyase reaction than the preferred substrate 17alpha-hydroxypregnenolone and cytochrome b(5) stimulates androsterone formation only 3-fold. Both 5alpha-pregnan-3alpha-ol-20-one and 5alpha-pregnan-3alpha,17alpha-diol-20-one bind to hCYP17 with higher affinity than does progesterone. We conclude that 5alpha-reduced, 3alpha-hydroxy-C(21) steroids are excellent, high-affinity substrates for hCYP17. The brisk metabolism of 5alpha-pregnan-3alpha,17alpha-diol-20-one to androsterone by CYP17 explains how, when 5alpha-reductases are present, the testis can produce C(19) steroids androsterone and androstanediol from 17alpha-hydroxyprogesterone without the intermediacy of androstenedione and testosterone.  相似文献   
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