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Endometriosis is a chronic inflammatory syndrome and nearly 6%‐10% of women are affected by it during the reproductive period. Previous studies have proved that microRNAs (miRNAs) are implicated in the pathogenesis of ovarian endometriosis. In this study, we aimed to investigate that restored miR‐488 would effectively inhibit the development of endometriosis. The microarray‐based data analysis was performed to screen endometriosis‐related differentially expressed genes (DEGs). The mouse model in endometriosis syndrome was established by being subcutaneously injected with Estradiol benzoate, and the ectopic endometrial tissues and normal endometrial tissues were collected. Additionally, the endometrial glandular epithelial cells were extracted from the endometrial glandular epithelial tissues from normal and endometriosis mice. In order to examine the role of miR‐488 in mice with endometriosis, we measured miR‐488 expression and expression levels of Frizzled‐7 (FZD7), cyclinD1, β‐catenin, and c‐Myc in vivo and in vitro. Finally, we detected the effect of miR‐488 on cell proliferation, apoptosis, migration and invasion in vitro. FZD7 was upregulated in human endometriosis. The data showed higher expression levels of FZD7, β‐catenin, c‐Myc and cyclinD1, and lower miR‐488 expression in mouse endometrial tissues. FZD7 was the target gene of miR‐488. Furthermore, elevated miR‐488 in isolated mouse endometrial glandular endometrial cells inhibited FZD7, the translocation of β‐catenin to nucleus, the activation of Wnt pathway, and the cell proliferation, migration and invasion. Collectively, these findings indicated that up‐regulated miR‐488 may reduce the proliferation, migration and invasion of endometrial glandular epithelial cells through inhibiting the activation of Wnt pathway by down‐regulating FZD7.  相似文献   
Di-(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP), a distinctive endocrine-disrupting chemical, is widely used as a plasticizer in a variety of consumer products. It can easily cross the placenta and enter breast milk and then it is rapidly absorbed by offspring. Since it is generally accepted that individuals are more sensitive to chemical exposure during vital developmental periods, we investigated whether DEHP exposure during lactation affects cardiac insulin signaling and glucose homeostasis in the F1 male rat offspring at postnatal day 22 (PND22). Lactating Wistar rats were administered with DEHP (1, 10, and 100 mg/kg/d) or olive oil from lactation day 1 to 21 by oral gavage. All the male pups were perfused and killed on PND22. On the day before the killing, they were kept for fasting overnight and blood was collected. The cardiac muscle was dissected out, washed in ice-cold physiological saline repeatedly and used for the assay of various parameters. DEHP-exposed offspring had significantly lower body weight than the control. DEHP-exposed offspring showed elevated blood glucose, decreased 14C-2-deoxyglucose uptake and 14C-glucose oxidation in cardiac muscle at PND22. The concentration of upstream insulin signaling molecules such as insulin receptor subunit β (InsRβ) and insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS1) were downregulated in DEHP-exposed offspring. However, no significant alterations were observed in protein kinase B (Akt) and Akt substrate of 160 kDa (AS160). Surprisingly, phosphorylation of IRS1 Tyr632 and Akt Ser473 were diminished. Low levels of glucose transporter type 4 (GLUT4) protein and increased GLUT4 Ser488 phosphorylation which decreases its intrinsic activity and translocation towards plasma membrane were also recorded. Lactational DEHP exposure predisposes F 1 male offspring to cardiac glucometabolic disorders at PND22, which may impair cardiac function.  相似文献   
Tau is a microtubule associated protein whose aggregation is implicated in a number of neurodegenerative diseases. We investigate the mechanism by which anionic lipid vesicles induce aggregation of tau in vitro using K18, a fragment of tau corresponding to the four repeats of the microtubule binding domain. Our results show that aggregation occurs when the amount of K18 bound to the lipid bilayer exceeds a critical surface density. The ratio of protein/lipid at the critical aggregation concentration is pH-dependent, as is the binding affinity. At low pH, where the protein binds with high affinity, the critical surface density is independent both of total lipid concentration as well as the fraction of anionic lipid present in the bilayer. Furthermore, the aggregates consist of both protein and vesicles and bind the β-sheet specific dye, Thioflavin T, in the manner characteristic of pathological aggregates. Our results suggest that the lipid bilayer facilitates protein-protein interactions both by screening charges on the protein and by increasing the local protein concentration, resulting in rapid aggregation. Because anionic lipids are abundant in cellular membranes, these findings contribute to understanding tau-lipid bilayer interactions that may be relevant to disease pathology.  相似文献   
Type I interferons (IFNs) elicit antiviral, antiproliferative and immunmodulatory responses by binding to a shared cell surface receptor comprising the transmembrane proteins ifnar1 and ifnar2. Activation of differential response patterns by IFNs has been observed, suggesting that members of the family play different roles in innate immunity. The molecular basis for differential signaling has not been identified yet. Here, we have investigated the recognition of various IFNs including several human IFNalpha species, human IFNomega and human IFNbeta as well as ovine IFNtau2 by the receptor subunits in detail. Binding to the extracellular domains of ifnar1 (ifnar1-EC) and ifnar2 (ifnar2-EC) was monitored in real time by reflectance interference and total internal reflection fluorescence spectroscopy. For all IFNs investigated, competitive 1:1 interaction not only with ifnar2-EC but also with ifnar1-EC was shown. Furthermore, ternary complex formation was studied with ifnar1-EC and ifnar2-EC tethered onto solid-supported membranes. These analyses confirmed that the signaling complexes recruited by IFNs have very similar architectures. However, differences in rate and affinity constants over several orders of magnitude were observed for both the interactions with ifnar1-EC and ifnar2-EC. These data were correlated with the potencies of ISGF3 activation, antiviral and anti-proliferative activity on 2fTGH cells. The ISGF3 formation and antiviral activity correlated very well with the binding affinity towards ifnar2. In contrast, the affinity towards ifnar1 played a key role for antiproliferative activity. A striking correlation was observed for relative binding affinities towards ifnar1 and ifnar2 with the differential antiproliferative potency. This correlation was confirmed by systematically engineering IFNalpha2 mutants with very high differential antiproliferative potency.  相似文献   
The conversion of soluble, non-toxic amyloid beta-protein (Abeta) to aggregated, toxic Abeta could be the key step in the development of Alzheimer's disease. Liposomal studies have proposed that Abeta-(1-40) preferentially recognizes a cholesterol-dependent cluster of gangliosides and a conformationally altered form of Abeta promotes the aggregation of the protein. Cell experiments using fluorescein-labeled Abeta-(1-40) supported this model. Here, the interaction of native Abeta-(1-42) with unfixed rat pheochromocytoma PC12 cells was visualized using the amyloid-specific dye Congo red. Abeta-(1-42) preferentially bound to ganglioside and cholesterol-rich domains of cell membranes and formed amyloids in a time-dependent manner. These observations corroborate the model involving ganglioside-mediated accumulation of Abeta. The NGF-induced differentiation of PC12 cells into neuron-like cells caused a marked increase in both gangliosides and cholesterol, and thereby greatly potentiated the accumulation and cytotoxicity of Abeta-(1-42). NGF-differentiated cells exposed to Abeta-(1-42) had degenerated neurites, in which ganglioside and cholesterol-rich domains were localized, preceding cell death. A reduction in the amount of cholesterol by the cholesterol synthesis inhibitor compactin almost nullified the formation of amyloids by Abeta-(1-42). Our system using NGF-differentiated PC12 cells and Congo red is useful for screening inhibitors of the formation of amyloids by and cytotoxicity of Abeta.  相似文献   
In honeybees (Apis mellifera), the biogenic amine octopamine has been shown to play a role in associative and non-associative learning and in the division of labour in the hive. Immunohistochemical studies indicate that the ventral unpaired median (VUM) neurones in the suboesophageal ganglion (SOG) are putatively octopaminergic and therefore might be involved in the octopaminergic modulation of behaviour. In contrast to our knowledge about the behavioural effects of octopamine, only one neurone (VUMmx1) has been related to a behavioural effect (the reward function during olfactory learning). In this study, we have investigated suboesophageal VUM neurones with fluorescent dye-tracing techniques and intracellular recordings combined with intracellular staining. Ten different VUM neurones have been found including six VUM neurones innervating neuropile regions of the brain and the SOG exclusively (central VUM neurones) and four VUM neurones with axons in peripheral nerves (peripheral VUM neurones). The central VUM neurones innervate the antennal lobes, the protocerebral lobes (including the lateral horn) and the mushroom body calyces. Of these, a novel mandibular VUM neurone, VUMmd1, exhibits the same branching pattern in the brain as VUMmx1 and responds to sucrose and odours in a similar way. The peripheral VUM neurones innervate the antennal and the mandibular nerves. In addition, we describe one labial unpaired median neurone with a dorsal cell body, DUMlb1. The possible homology between the honeybee VUM neurones and the unpaired median neurones in other insects is discussed. This work was supported by the DFG ME 365/24-2.  相似文献   
2-DE is a powerful separation method for complex protein mixtures. However, large intergel variations in spot intensity limit its use for quantitative proteomics studies. To address this issue, we developed a fluorescent internal protein standard for use in 2-DE analysis. Protein samples are spiked with an Alexa-labeled internal standard (ALIS) prior to separation with 2-DE. Due to the high extinction coefficient of the Alexa-fluor, incorporation of 0.1% of total protein is sufficient to allow visualization of the internal standard yet low enough to avoid interference in subsequent quantification and identification steps. Following 2-DE, total proteins are visualized with fluorescent postelectrophoretic stains spectrally separated from ALIS. Four protein stains, Deep Purple, Sulforhodamine G, ruthenium II-tris(bathophenanthroline disulfonate) (RuTBS), and SYPRO Ruby, including improved purification and staining protocols for RuTBS and ten-fold dilutions of SYPRO Ruby were evaluated. All staining protocols were compatible with the ALIS method and had similar LODs (1-4 ng) and dynamic ranges (10(3)). ALIS is a powerful normalization method for quantitative 2-DE which avoids potential problems associated with dual spot migration patterns observed in the DIGE method. Furthermore, ALIS provides significantly improved normality in the distribution of spot abundance-variance compared to normalization through division by the total spot volume.  相似文献   
Legumes can acquire nitrogen through a symbiotic interaction with rhizobial bacteria. The initiation of this process is determined by a molecular dialogue between the two partners. Legume roots exude flavonoids that induce the expression of the bacterial nodulation genes, which encode proteins involved in the synthesis and secretion of signals called Nod factors (NFs). NFs signal back to the plant root and trigger several responses, leading to bacterial invasion and nodule formation. Here, we describe the molecular and cellular characterization of a Phaseolus vulgaris non-nodulating mutant (NN-mutant). Root hair cells of the NN-mutant plant respond with swelling and branching when inoculated with Rhizobium etli, albeit without curling induction. Furthermore, neither initiation of cell division in the outer cortex, nor entrapment of bacteria nor infection thread formation was observed. Both the bean wild-type and the NN-mutant responded with elevated intracellular calcium changes in the root hairs. Although the NN-mutant is deficient in early nodulin gene expression when inoculated with R. etli, it can be effectively colonized by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (Glomus intraradices). Our data indicate that the P. vulgaris NN-mutant is not blocked at the NFs early perception stage, but at later downstream stages between Ca2+ signaling and early nodulin induction. This supports the idea that both microsymbionts are perceived and trigger different downstream pathways in the host plant.  相似文献   
The type I interferon (IFN) receptor plays a key role in innate immunity against viral and bacterial infections. Here, we show by intramolecular Förster resonance energy transfer spectroscopy that ligand binding induces substantial conformational changes in the ectodomain of ifnar1 (ifnar1-EC). Binding of IFNα2 and IFNβ induce very similar conformations of ifnar1, which were confirmed by single-particle electron microscopy analysis of the ternary complexes formed by IFNα2 or IFNβ with the two receptor subunits ifnar1-EC and ifnar2-EC. Photo-induced electron-transfer-based fluorescence quenching and single-molecule fluorescence lifetime measurements revealed that the ligand-induced conformational change in the membrane-distal domains of ifnar1-EC is propagated to its membrane-proximal domain, which is not involved in ligand recognition but is essential for signal activation. Temperature-dependent ligand binding studies as well as stopped-flow fluorescence experiments corroborated a multistep conformational change in ifnar1 upon ligand binding. Our results thus suggest that the relatively intricate architecture of the type I IFN receptor complex is designed to propagate the ligand binding event to and possibly even across the membrane by conformational changes.  相似文献   
Membrane disruption by oligomeric α-synuclein (αS) is considered a likely mechanism of cytotoxicity in Parkinson’s disease (PD). However, the mechanism of oligomer binding and the relation between binding and membrane disruption is not known. We have visualized αS oligomer-lipid binding by fluorescence microscopy and have measured membrane disruption using a dye release assay. The data reveal that oligomeric αS selectively binds to membranes containing anionic lipids and preferentially accumulates into liquid disordered (Ld) domains. Furthermore, we show that binding of oligomers to the membrane and disruption of the membrane require different lipid properties. Thus membrane-bound oligomeric αS does not always cause bilayer disruption.  相似文献   
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