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The ABO histo-blood group system is one of the most clinically important antigen families. As part of our overall goal to prepare the entire set of the A, B and H type I-VI antigens for a range of biochemical investigations, we report herein the synthesis of the type I and II antigens with a 7-octen-1-yl aglycone. This linker was chosen to facilitate not only the future conjugation of the antigens to a protein or solid support but also the synthesis of the H type I and II octyl glycosides for enzyme kinetic studies.  相似文献   
汉族ABO血型的皮纹特征分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
作者对芜湖地区382例(男220人;女162人)汉族ABO血型的皮纹特征进行了分析,其中O型130人,A型113人,B型101人,AB型38人。分析比较了指纹类型、指纹组合格局、指嵴纹计数、掌嵴纹计数、atd角,掌部真实花纹,掌褶纹和拇趾球纹等项参数,结果表明,ABO各血型的皮纹参数间有若干统计学差异。  相似文献   
本文提供了男、女两性共404人ABO、MN血型各表现型的35个体质特征测量数据,对血型和测量体征的关系进行了初步讨论。统计分析表明,不同血型群体的某些单个体征平均值之间有显著差异。对所调查的35个体征作整体分析,可见男性MN系统和女性ABO、MN系统各血型群体平均值之间差异显著。在MN血型系统,MN型群体的测量体征平均值低于M型和N型与MN基因型的杂合状态有密切关系。本文还分析了4个民族的血型资料,表明MN血型在ABO血型系统是随机分布的。  相似文献   
本文对黔南州布依族、苗族、水族人群ABO血型的表现型及基因型频率进行检测。结果显示:黔南布依族ABO血型分布为O>B>A>AB;苗族、水族为O>A>B>AB。3个民族ABO血型基因频率相接近;经吻合度检测,符合Hardy-Weinberg平衡定律。黔南与黔东南、黔西南布依族和苗族群体间以及黔南水族男女群体间ABO血型分布差异均具有显著性(P<0.05或P<0.01),结果提示ABO血型分布存在民族、地区和性别差异。  相似文献   
贵州黔西县少数民族ABO血型分布及基因频率调查   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对贵州黔西县1260例6个少数民族人群红细胞ABO表现型进行了检测;结果如下:贵州黔西县布依族、满族、苗族、白族这四个民族的ABO血型基因频率很相近,彝族和仡佬族与这4个民族的差别较大,布依族,苗族,满族,白族ABO血型分布为O>B>A>AB,彝族为O>A>B>AB,仡佬族为A>O>B>AB;经Hardy Weinberg吻合度检测可以证明贵州黔西县的ABO血型表现型分布状况及基因频率相对稳定,其分布符合hardy Weinberg平衡,获得了该地ABO血型系统群体遗传学数据,为群体遗传学的研究提供了一定的资料。  相似文献   
鄂伦春族,锡伯族和汉族中结合珠蛋白的遗传多态性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
调查了原籍华北地区汉族的ABO、Lewis、MN、Rh、P等血型系统和ABH分泌型的分布,结果表明:O型(33.44%)和B型(29.38%)较多;N型(27.97%)略多于M型(27.65%);Le(a )型的频率很高(24.17%)。在94人中还发现四名Le(a )型属于ABH分泌型,且都属于分泌A或B血型物质的类型,无一例为分泌H血型物质的类型;Rh(D)阴性率仅0.3%,CCDee和CcDE型占75%以上;P_1( )型占39.1%;ABH分泌型占72%,低于全国其他民族中已知的分布。  相似文献   
目的:评价中西药结合治疗对母儿ABO血型不合的疗效以及新生儿溶血发生与孕次关系的探讨。方法:对314例抗体滴度≥l:64的ABO母儿血型不合孕妇(20-45岁)进行研究,其中246例孕期给予以中西药结合治疗(茵陈蒿汤联合25%葡萄糖液、维生素C、维生素E、苯巴比妥),68例作为对照,观察孕妇IgG抗A/B抗体效价变化及新生儿溶血发生情况。结果:治疗组抗体效价降低与对照组相比,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05),治疗组新生儿溶血发生率与对照组相比,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。孕次越大,新生儿溶血的发生率越高。结论:中西药结合治疗对降低孕妇IgG抗A/B效价及防治新生儿溶血疗效满意,新生儿溶血发生可能与孕次呈正相关。  相似文献   
In this study, we explore the geographic and temporal distribution of a unique variant of the O blood group allele called O1vG542A, which has been shown to be shared among Native Americans but is rare in other populations. O1vG542A was previously reported in Native American populations in Mesoamerica and South America, and has been proposed as an ancestry informative marker. We investigated whether this allele is also found in the Tlingit and Haida, two contemporary indigenous populations from Alaska, and a pre‐Columbian population from California. If O1vG542A is present in Na‐Dene speakers (i.e., Tlingits), it would indicate that Na‐Dene speaking groups share close ancestry with other Native American groups and support a Beringian origin of the allele, consistent with the Beringian Incubation Model. If O1vG542A is found in pre‐Columbian populations, it would further support a Beringian origin of the allele, rather than a more recent introduction of the allele into the Americas via gene flow from one or more populations which have admixed with Native Americans over the past five centuries. We identified this allele in one Na‐Dene population at a frequency of 0.11, and one ancient California population at a frequency of 0.20. Our results support a Beringian origin of O1vG542A, which is distributed today among all Native American groups that have been genotyped in appreciable numbers at this locus. This result is consistent with the hypothesis that Na‐Dene and other Native American populations primarily derive their ancestry from a single source population. Am J Phys Anthropol 151:649–657, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
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