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The present investigation determined that native angiotensins II and III (ANG II and III) were equipotent as pressor agents when ICV infused in alert rats, whereas native angiotensin IV (ANG IV) was less potent. An analogue of each of these angiotensins was prepared with a hydroxyethylamine (HEA) amide bond replacement at the N-terminus, yielding additional resistance to degradation. These three angiotensin analogues, HEA-ANG II, HEA-ANG III, and HEA-ANG IV, were equivalent with respect to maximum elevation in pressor responses when ICV infused; and each evidenced significantly extended durations of effect compared with their respective native angiotensin. Comparing analogues, HEA-ANG II had a significantly longer effect compared with HEA-ANG III, and HEA-ANG IV, whereas the latter were equivalent. Pretreatment with the AT1 receptor subtype antagonist, Losartan (DuP753), blocked subsequent pressor responses to each of these analogues, suggesting that these responses were mediated by the AT1 receptor subtype. Pretreatment with the specific AT4 receptor subtype antagonist, Divalinal (HED 1291), failed to influence pressor responses induced by the subsequent infusion of these analogues. These results suggest an important role for Ang III, and perhaps ANG IV, in brain angiotensin pressor responses mediated by the AT1 receptor subtype.  相似文献   
Electrophysiological studies of cultured rat pancreatic β-cells using intracellular microelectrodes show that exogenous insulin over the range of 0.1–10.0 μg/ml inhibits the electrical activity due to 27.8 mM glucose in a dose-related manner. This inhibitory effect is manifested by a mean increase of the membrane potential from about ?20 to ?30 mV and inhibition of the manner of cells impaled showing spike activity from 60 to less than 10%. The inhibitory influence of insulin is rapid occuring within 5 min for the highest level used. The results provide evidence for a negative feedback role of insulin in regulating its own release.  相似文献   
R Payne  C E Inturrisi 《Life sciences》1985,37(12):1137-1144
The lumbar to cisternal CSF distribution of morphine and methadone were compared to C-14 sucrose, a standard marker of CSF bulk flow, after lumbar subarachnoid injections in a sheep preparation. Morphine appeared and peaked simultaneously with C-14 sucrose in cisternal CSF at 90 to 190 minutes. The mean peak cisternal CSF morphine concentrations were sustained for 30-40 minutes, and averaged 148 ng/ml, representing 0.3% of the administered dose. Methadone was not detectable in cisternal CSF up to 240-300 minutes after lumbar subarachnoid administration. The C-14 sucrose/morphine ratio was increased an average of 6.7 times in cisternal CSF as compared to the ratio of the two compounds injected into the lumbar subarachnoid space. These studies demonstrate that morphine, a hydrophilic opioid, given intrathecally moves rostrally and appears in cisternal CSF by bulk flow. Furthermore the rostral redistribution of morphine is associated with the clearance of morphine from CSF. Methadone, a lipophilic opioid, appears to be completely cleared from CSF before it reaches the cisterna magna. These pharmacokinetic studies support a contribution of supraspinal sites to the analgesic and adverse effects produced by morphine given by spinal routes of administration. In contrast methadone appears to exert its effects predominantly at spinal sites.  相似文献   
Using hapten-reversible inhibition of plaque formation as an assay for auto-anti-idiotype antibody (anti-Id) and as a means for following idiotype (Id) expression, we have obtained evidence that following immunization with trinitrophenyl (TNP) conjugates (a) there are differences in Id expression in the anti-TNP antibody response to different TNP conjugates although there is some overlap; (b) different strains, although showing some differences in Id expression, tend to produce cross-reactive Ids, thus no obvious allotype linked inheritance of Id expression is observed in this heterogeneous immune response; (c) the auto-anti-Id produced following immunization with TNP-Brucella abortus or TNP-Ficoll tends to be of the IgG2a and IgG2b isotypes.  相似文献   
The interaction of the 1α,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 receptor with immobilized calf thymus DNA has been compared with its sedimentation properties on hypotonic sucrose gradients. Forty to sixty percent of total hormone:receptor complexes formed at 4 °C were retained by DNA-cellulose and could be eluted by 0.18 to 0.2 m KCl. In contrast, heating preparations to 25 °C rapidly and irreversibly converted receptor to a form which bound hormone and DEAE-cellulose normally, but was unable to associate with DNA. Similarly, the ability of receptor to aggregate to a 6 S species was labile at 25 °C. Stabilization of receptor in the DNA binding aggregating form was accomplished using Ca2+, Mg2+, Mn2+, or Na2MoO4 while several protease and phosphatase inhibitors were ineffective. An examination of DNA binding properties of aggregating and nonaggregating receptor forms revealed that only receptor competent to enter into aggregates could bind DNA suggesting that a functional nucleic acid binding site, and, hence, a nucleic acid interaction is necessary for aggregate formation. Consistent with this view, an RNA:receptor interaction appears to be involved in formation of the 6 S complex since removal of RNA by ribonuclease treatment or purification of receptor reduced aggregation, an effect that could be reversed by addition of purified RNA.  相似文献   
The neurointermediary lobes from 190 rat pituitaries were homogenized in an acidic medium which inhibits peptidase activity and maximizes the solubilization of undamaged peptides. Octadecylsilyl-silica (ODS-silica) was used to extract the supernatant of the tissue homogenate. The ODS-silica eluate, now largely protein and salt free, was subjected to reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) employing 0.1% trifluoroacetic as counter ion. The column eluates were monitored for beta-endorphin immunoreactivity. Five immunoreactive components were observed. The most hydrophobic of these was repurified on the same HPLC column using 0.13% heptafluorobutyric acid as counter ion. Characterization of the purified peptide by gel permeation HPLC, amino acid analysis, and tryptic fragmentation indicated that it corresponded in structure to alpha-N-acetyl-beta-endorphin1-26. Amino acid analysis of the native peptide and its trypsin and carboxypeptidase fragments indicated that an alanyl residue occupies position 26. This finding is in contrast to the sequence predicted for the beta-lipotropin/corticotropin precursor by recombinant DNA techniques which suggests that the 26th residue of the beta-endorphin molecule should be valine.  相似文献   
Isolation of ouabain-resistant human diploid fibroblasts   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
R Mankovitz  M Buchwald  R M Baker 《Cell》1974,3(3):221-226
Seventeen clones resistant to the cytotoxic action of ouabain were isolated in culture by direct selection from 5 independent strains of diploid human fibroblasts. Resistant clones were recovered at frequencies on the order of 10?7 per wild type cell selected from populations treated with the mutagen EMS, but no resistant cells were detected among 108 unmutagenized cells. Most selected clones remained ouabain-resistant following further propagation in the absence of drug. The growth of wild type cells was inhibited by 50% at ouabain concentrations of 2–5 × 10?8 M, while resistant clones required 15–180 fold higher drug concentrations to cause equivalent inhibition. Ouabain-resistant clones showed increased resistance of K+ transport function to ouabain inhibition that paralleled their increased resistance to growth inhibition. Initial experiments suggest that under selective conditions the resistant diploid fibroblasts differ significantly from wild type in binding of 3H-ouabain per unit surface area. The ouabain-resistant cells were similar to wild type in transport properties unrelated to ouabain inhibition. Resistant cells had normal karyotypes and senesced with a lifespan similar to control clones. The ouabain-resistant phenotypes of these diploid human fibroblast isolates apparently reflect point mutations that specifically affect the Na+/K+ transport ATPase with respect to ouabain-binding and/or response to bound ouabain.  相似文献   
Three patients with progressive coccidioidomycosis were given preparations of transfer factor (TF). Adverse reactions to TF were minimal. Following TF administration two of these patients had prolonged clinical remissions in their coccidioidal disease. Cellular immune responses were sequentially evaluated by coccidioidininduced delayed-type skin tests, lymphocyte blast transformation and macrophage inhibition factor production (MIF). These three patients each exhibited different cellular immune patterns before and after TF administration. Two patients converted their coccidioidin skin tests, and one converted lymphocyte transformation response to coccidioidin. Also, TF apparently favorably affected the MIF response in all three patients.  相似文献   
Summary The sulfhydryl reagent 5, 5-dithiobis (2-nitrobenzoic acid) (DTNB) was used to study the functional role of an exofacial sulfhydryl group on the human erythrocyte hexose carrier. Above 1mm DTNB rapidly inhibited erythrocyte 3-O-methylglucose influx, but only to about half of control rates. Efflux was also inhibited, but to a lesser extent. Uptake inhibition was completely reversed by incubation and washing with 10mm cysteine, whereas it was only partially reduced by washing in buffer alone, suggesting both covalent and noncovalent interactions. The covalent thiol-reversible reaction of DTNB occurred on the exofacial carrier, since (i) penetration of DTNB into cells was minimal, (ii) blockade of potential uptake via the anion transporter did not affect DTNB-induced hexose transport inhibition, and (iii) DTNB protected from transport inhibition by the impermeant sulfhydryl reagent glutathione-maleimide-I. Maltose at 120mm accelerated the covalent transport inhibition induced by DTNB, whereas 6.5 m cytochalasin B had the opposite effect, indicating under the one-site carrier model that the reactive sulfhydryl is on the outward-facing carrier but not in the substrate-binding site. In contrast to glutathione-maleimide-I, however, DTNB did not restrict the ability of the carrier to reorient inwardly, since it did not affect equilibrium cytochalasin B binding. Thus, carrier conformation determines exposure of the exofacial carrier sulfydryl, but reaction of this group may not always lock the carrier in an outward-facing conformation.  相似文献   
The purpose of this work was to test whether induction of massive -carotene synthesis in the alga Dunaliella bardawil is triggered by oxygen radicals. The following results were obtained: (i) The induction of -carotene synthesis is preceded by a lag period of about 4 h during which the cells swell and photosynthesis is partially inhibited, (ii) Addition of promoters of oxygen radicals or of azide (an inhibitor of catalase and superoxide dismutase) during the induction period, under conditions which are suboptimal for massive -carotene accumulation, greatly enhances -carotene synthesis, photodegradation of chlorophyll and inhibition of photosynthesis, (iii) High irradiance, which induces massive -carotene accumulation, also induces a high catalase activity. It is suggested that photosynthetically produced oxygen radicals are involved in triggering massive -carotene accumulation in D. bardawil.  相似文献   
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