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大劣按蚊四龄幼虫会吞食其它按蚊的一龄幼虫,在文献中未见有详细报道,在按蚊饲养中,我们对大劣按蚊吞食按蚊幼虫的情况作了较细致的观察,现报道如下。1 材料和方法大劣按蚊(Ancpheles dirus)采自海南,驯化成功后我所引入饲养;中华按蚊(An.sinensis)系1987年采自思茅城郊,实验室驯化品系;嗜人按蚊(An.anthropophagus)由贵阳 相似文献
【目的】为害态幼虫现场识别时, 幼虫常出现姿态弯曲情况, 使提取的特征向量失真, 影响幼虫的匹配识别结果。本文提出了一种基于扇形变换的姿态不变胡氏矩特征向量提取方法, 提取的病害幼虫特征向量具有平移、 比例、 旋转和姿态不变性, 可以实现粗短弯曲姿态幼虫的自动识别。【方法】首先在幼虫图像细化的基础上采用最优一致逼近法确定了幼虫的弯曲区域和非弯曲区域。然后, 幼虫的弯曲区域采用扇形变换实现校正变直, 非弯曲区域经旋转和平移与扇形变换后的区域拼接组成完整虫体; 采用八邻域均值法填充变换后虫体区域中的空白点, 实现幼虫像的弯曲自动校正; 在此基础上提取胡氏不变矩具有姿态不变性, 采用最小距离分类器实现了多姿态幼虫的自动识别。最后, 以多种弯曲姿态的斜纹夜蛾Prodenia litura、 棉铃虫Heliocoverpa armigera、 甜菜夜蛾Spodoptera exigua、 玉米螟Ostrinia nubilalis等病害蛾类幼虫为识别对象进行了识别验证。【结果】对于24种不同姿态的幼虫图像, 在80%的识别阈值条件下, 基于经典胡氏不变矩的幼虫识别率为25%, 基于姿态不变胡氏矩的识别率为100%。【结论】实验结果表明该方法对多种弯曲姿态的粗短幼虫具有较高的识别率。 相似文献
Janne K VALKONEN Ossi NOKELAINEN Marianne JOKIMAKI Elviira KUUSINEN Mirva PALORANTA Maiju PEURA Johanna MAPPES 《动物学报(英文版)》2014,(1):114-122
Animals can avoid predation by masquerading as objects that are not food to their predators. Alder moth Acronicta alni larvae go through an impressive ontogenetic change from masquerade to highly conspicuous appearance: early larval stages resemble bird droppings but in the last instar the larval coloration changes into striking yellow-and-black stripes. We hypothe- sized that such a change may be driven by differential predation favoring dissimilar anti-predator strategies in different life stages We show with a series of laboratory assays that larvae are distasteful to birds regardless of their developmental stage, suggesting that ontogenetic color change is not driven by the differential chemical defense. Birds showed higher variance in hesitation to- ward conspicuous prey; some individuals hesitated long time before attacking whereas all birds attacked instantly masqueraded prey. We also found that the activity level of the larvae increased with age, which fits to the fact that larvae need to move from foliage to pupation sites. In the field by using artificial larvae resembling the two life-history stages we found predation risk to vary during the season: In early summer larger yellow-and-black larvae were attacked most, whereas later in the summer small 'bird-dropping-larvae' suffered the highest predation. We conclude that the ontogenetic switch from masquerading to aposema- tism is adaptive most likely because actively moving prey cannot mimic immotile objects and thus, aposematism during the ac- tive and vulnerable period when larvae are searching for pupation sites becomes beneficial 相似文献
详细地记述了枝尺蛾亚科Petelia rivulosa (Butler)、Exangerona prattiaria(Leech)及Culcula panterinaria(Bremer&Grey)老熟幼虫的形态特征,并提供了形态特征图。所有标本均保存在韩国江原大学校森林资源保护学科昆虫标本室。 相似文献
家蝇(Muscadomestica)幼虫以营养成分全、蛋白质含量高而逐渐引起人们重视,具有很高的开发利用价值和广阔的前景。系统动力学的发展为研究复杂系统提供了有效途径[1,2]。本文试用系统动力学方法建立家蝇幼虫开发生态工程仿真模型,以期解决这一研究... 相似文献
852417单蜡素(m。noeerin)的生物合成〔英J/Scott,F.E.…1 J.Chem.Soe.Che-m .Commun一1984,12一756一758〔译自DBA,1984,3(19),84一09184〕 向培养的Drechslera rave”el公掺入“H、,‘C和‘“O标记的醋酸盐研究除芬剂单蜡素 (1)的生物合成。用碳核磁共振(CMR)和质子核磁共振(PMR)分析的富化代谢物表明,酷酸盐的掺人是高效率的。(1)的结构显示它是多聚乙酞的起源,掺入研究确定是一种heptaketide的起源。已经提出一种融合糠苯并咄喃酮(furobenzopyrone)系统的一种方法。并且得到了在多聚乙酞的生物合成中还原和脱氧合成过程的较重… 相似文献
地胆系鞘翅目芫菁科地胆属昆虫,它的幼虫是蜜蜂体外寄生虫,蜜蜂受地胆幼虫寄生为害,被称为“地胆病”。虽然不常发生,但是有时对养蜂业的局部危害也很严重。在我国,地胆病很少见。自1991年在宁夏固原县首次发现以来,新疆、安徽部分地区也相继发生。 相似文献