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The electric field pulses used for most measurements of transient electrooptic properties such as birefringence and dichroism, are rectangular and assumed to be ideal, but in practice do all such pulses have non-zero rise and fall times. Claims have been made that this non-ideality may be taken into account by employing standard deconvolution techniques. We find that this approach yields exact results in the zero electric field limit when the electric dipole moment of the studied macromolecules is predominantly induced. However, for finite electric field strengths and/or macromolecules with partly or fully permanent electric dipole moments, we find that the deconvolution method yields erroneous estimates of the electrooptic relaxation times. When the decay time of the electric pulse and the electrooptic decay time are equal, and the system is operated in the Kerr domain, this systematic error for macromolecules with purely permanent electric dipole moment equals 37%. In a research field where the uncertainty of the reported relaxation times normally is assumed to be only a few percent this is an error that may seriously mislead unsuspecting users. We find that this systematic error can readily be avoided by employing standard numerical integration of a set of coupled first-order differential equations instead of the standard deconvolution techniques.  相似文献   
半滑舌鳎早期形态及发育特征   总被引:52,自引:0,他引:52  
半滑舌鳎卵子为分离的球形浮性卵 ,卵径 1 18-1 3 1mm。卵膜薄、光滑、透明 ,具弹性。多油球 ,一般为 97-12 5个 ,多数在 10 0个左右 ,油球径 0 0 4-0 11mm。在培养水温为 2 0 5-2 2 8℃的条件下 ,卵子授精后 3 7h仔鱼孵出 ,3 0min后仔鱼全部孵出。初孵仔鱼全长 2 56-2 68mm。 1日龄仔鱼 ,出现胸鳍芽。 1 5日龄仔鱼 ,巡游模式基本建立。 2日龄仔鱼 ,逐渐建立外源性摄食关系。 3日龄仔鱼 ,出现鳔泡 ,个体发育进入后期仔鱼期。 18日龄 ,个体发育进入稚鱼期。 2 5日龄稚鱼 ,右眼开始向上移动。 2 7日龄稚鱼 ,右眼已转到头顶。 2 9日龄稚鱼 ,右眼完全转到左侧 ,胸鳍退化 ,各鳍鳍条发育完全。 57日龄 ,个体发育进入幼鱼期。 79日龄幼鱼 ,鳔退化、鳞片发育完全 ,侧线 3条。研究结果表明 :前期仔鱼培育期间 ,除了严格控制适宜的培养水温外 ,仔鱼开口后就应及时投喂一定密度的适口饵料 ,这是苗种培育中不可忽视的重要环节和技术措施之一 ;稚鱼变态期间加强鲜活饵料的投喂是提高稚鱼变态成活率的关键所在。仔鱼孵化后出现的管状感觉器官以及背、臀鳍膜上的泡状结构在早期发育阶段的生态和生理作用尚不清楚。半滑舌鳎成鱼无鳔和无胸鳍 ,而在早期发育期间具有鳔泡和胸鳍 ,这是生物个体发育史中祖先特征的重演  相似文献   
The three anthocyanins, delphinidin 3-O-beta-galactopyranoside-3',5'-di-O-beta-glucopyranoside (1), delphinidin 3-O-beta-galactopyranoside-3'-O-beta-glucopyranoside (2) and cyanidin 3-O-beta-galactopyranoside-3'-O-beta-glucopyranoside (3), and the 3-O-beta-galactopyranosides of delphinidin (4) and cyanidin (5) were isolated from the bluish white berries and compound umbel of Siberian dogwood, Cornus alba 'Sibirica'. The ornamental autumn leaves and the characteristic purplish red bark of this variety were found to contain only pigment 5.  相似文献   
A monoclonal antibody against Neurospora soluble adenylate cyclase was obtained. The antibody inhibits cyclase activities from several lower eucaryotic organisms but not activities associated to testicular cytosol or turkey erythrocyte membranes.  相似文献   
According to previous studies, the nonlinear susceptibility tensor ratio χ33/χ31 obtained from polarization‐resolved second harmonic generation (P‐SHG) under the assumption of cylindrical symmetry can be used to distinguish between fibrillar collagen types. Discriminating between collagen fibrils of types I and II is important in tissue engineering of cartilage. However, cartilage has a random organization of collagen fibrils, and the assumption of cylindrical symmetry may be incorrect. In this study, we simulated the P‐SHG response from different collagen organizations and demonstrated a possible method to exclude areas where cylindrical symmetry is not fulfilled and where fibrils are located in the imaging plane. The χ33/χ31‐ratio for collagen type I in tendon and collagen type II in cartilage was estimated to be 1.33 and 1.36, respectively, using this method. These ratios are now much closer than what has been reported previously in the literature, and the larger reported differences between collagen types can be explained by variation in the structural organization.   相似文献   
The aim of our study was to determine the in vitro developmental potential of porcine nuclear-transferred (NT) embryos that had been reconstructed with Tg(pWAPhGH-GFPBsd) transgene-expressing fibroblast cells. The gene construct was introduced into fibroblast cells by the novel method of nucleofection or standard lipofection. NT oocytes derived from foetal and adult dermal fibroblast cells were stimulated by either simultaneous fusion and electrical activation (Groups IA and IB) or sequential electrical and chemical activation (Groups IIA and IIB). The percentages of cloned embryos that reached the morula and blastocyst stages were 152/254 (59.8%) and 77/254 (30.3%) or 139/276 (50.4%) and 45/276 (16.3%) in Groups IA or IB, respectively. The rates of NT embryos that developed to the morula and blastocyst stages were 103/179 (57.5%) and 41/179 (22.9%) or 84/193 (43.5%) and 27/193 (14.0%) in Groups IIA and IIB, respectively. In conclusion, the in vitro developmental competences of porcine transgenic NT embryos that had been reconstructed with the Tg(pWAPhGH-GFPBsd) gene-transfected fibroblast cells were relatively high. Further, the nucleofection efficiency of all the porcine fibroblast cell lines as estimated by intra-vitam fluorescent evaluation based on the index of reporter eGFP transgene expression was nearly 100%. However, PCR analysis for transgene screening confirmed the absence of Tg(pWAPhGH-GFPBsd) fusion gene in some of the nucleofected cell lines. To our knowledge, the novel method of nucleofection is the first to transfect nuclear donor cells in the production of transgenic cloned embryos.  相似文献   
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has an estimated prevalence of 3-5% in adults. Genome-wide association (GWA) studies have not been performed in adults with ADHD and studies in children have so far been inconclusive, possibly because of the small sample sizes. Larger GWA studies have been performed on bipolar disorder (BD) and BD symptoms, and several potential risk genes have been reported. ADHD and BD share many clinical features and comorbidity between these two disorders is common. We therefore wanted to examine whether the reported BD genetic variants in CACNA1C, ANK3, MYO5B, TSPAN8 and ZNF804A loci are associated with ADHD or with scores on the Mood Disorder Questionnaire (MDQ), a commonly used screening instrument for bipolar spectrum disorders. We studied 561 adult Norwegian ADHD patients and 711 controls from the general population. No significant associations or trends were found between any of the single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) studied and ADHD [odds ratios (ORs) ≤ 1.05]. However, a weak association was found between rs1344706 in ZNF804A (OR = 1.25; P = 0.05) and MDQ. In conclusion, it seems unlikely that these six SNPs with strong evidence of association in BD GWA studies are shared risk variants between ADHD and BD.  相似文献   
SUMMARY The most complex and diverse secondary sexual character in Drosophila is the sex comb (SC), an arrangement of modified bristles on the forelegs of a subclade of male fruit flies. We examined SC formation in six representative nonmodel fruit fly species, in an effort to understand how the variation in comb patterning arises. We first compared SC development in two species with relatively small combs, Drosophila takahashii , where the SCs remain approximately transverse, and Drosophila biarmipes , where two rows of SC teeth rotate and move in an anterior direction relative to other bristle landmarks. We then analyzed comb ontogeny in species with prominent extended SCs parallel to the proximodistal axis, including Drosophila ficusphila and species of the montium subgroup. Our study allowed us to identify two general methods of generating longitudinal combs on the tarsus, and we showed that a montium subgroup species ( Drosophila nikananu ) with a comb convergently similar in size, orientation and position to the model organism Drosophila melanogaster , forms its SC through a different developmental mechanism. We also found that the protein product of the leg patterning gene, dachshund (dac) , is strongly reduced in the SC in all species, but not in other bristles. Our results suggest that an apparent constraint on SC position in the adult may be attributable to at least two different lineage-specific developmental processes, although external forces could also play a role.  相似文献   
Aim Invasive alien species (IAS) pose a significant threat to biodiversity. The Convention on Biological Diversity’s 2010 Biodiversity Target, and the associated indicator for IAS, has stimulated globally coordinated efforts to quantify patterns in the extent of biological invasion, its impact on biodiversity and policy responses. Here, we report on the outcome of indicators of alien invasion at a global scale. Location Global. Methods We developed four indicators in a pressure‐state‐response framework, i.e. number of documented IAS (pressure), trends in the impact of IAS on biodiversity (state) and trends in international agreements and national policy adoption relevant to reducing IAS threats to biodiversity (response). These measures were considered best suited to providing globally representative, standardized and sustainable indicators by 2010. Results We show that the number of documented IAS is a significant underestimate, because its value is negatively affected by country development status and positively by research effort and information availability. The Red List Index demonstrates that IAS pressure is driving declines in species diversity, with the overall impact apparently increasing. The policy response trend has nonetheless been positive for the last several decades, although only half of countries that are signatory to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) have IAS‐relevant national legislation. Although IAS pressure has apparently driven the policy response, this has clearly not been sufficient and/or adequately implemented to reduce biodiversity impact. Main conclusions For this indicator of threat to biodiversity, the 2010 Biodiversity Target has thus not been achieved. The results nonetheless provide clear direction for bridging the current divide between information available on IAS and that needed for policy and management for the prevention and control of IAS. It further highlights the need for measures to ensure that policy is effectively implemented, such that it translates into reduced IAS pressure and impact on biodiversity beyond 2010.  相似文献   
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