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Boza is a low-pH and low-alcohol cereal-based beverage produced in the Balkan Peninsula. From a total population of 9 × 106 colony-forming units ml−1, four isolates (JW3BZ, JW6BZ, JW11BZ, and JW15BZ) produced bacteriocins active against a broad spectrum of Gram-positive bacteria. Bacteriocin JW15BZ inhibited the growth of Klebsiella pneumoniae. The producer strains were identified as Lactobacillus plantarum (strains JW3BZ and JW6BZ) and L. fermentum (strains JW11BZ and JW15BZ). The spectrum of antimicrobial activity, characteristics, and mode of action of these bacteriocins were compared with bacteriocins previously described for lactic-acid bacteria isolated from boza.  相似文献   
Winterhardiness has three primary components: photoperiod (day length) sensitivity, vernalization response, and low temperature tolerance. Photoperiod and vernalization regulate the vegetative to reproductive phase transition, and photoperiod regulates expression of key vernalization genes. Using two barley mapping populations, we mapped six individual photoperiod response QTL and determined their positional relationship to the phytochrome and cryptochrome photoreceptor gene families and the vernalization regulatory genes HvBM5A, ZCCT-H, and HvVRT-2. Of the six photoreceptors mapped in the current study (HvPhyA and HvPhyB to 4HS, HvPhyC to 5HL, HvCry1a and HvCry2 to 6HS, and HvCry1b to 2HL), only HvPhyC coincided with a photoperiod response QTL. We recently mapped the candidate genes for the 5HL VRN-H1 (HvBM5A) and 4HL VRN-H2 (ZCCT-H) loci, and in this study, we mapped HvVRT-2, the barley TaVRT-2 ortholog (a wheat flowering repressor regulated by vernalization and photoperiod) to 7HS. Each of these three vernalization genes is located in chromosome regions determining small photoperiod response QTL effects. HvBM5A and HvPhyC are closely linked on 5HL and therefore are currently both positional candidates for the same photoperiod effect. The coincidence of photoperiod-responsive vernalization genes with photoperiod QTL suggests vernalization genes should also be considered candidates for photoperiod effects.  相似文献   
We investigated the allelic nature and map locations of Hordeum vulgare (barley) homologs to three classes of Arabidopsis low temperature (LT) regulatory genes—CBFs, ICE1, and ZAT12—to determine if there were any candidates for winterhardiness-related quantitative trait loci (QTL). We phenotyped the Dicktoo × Morex (D×M) mapping population under controlled freezing conditions and in addition to the previously reported 5H-L Fr-H1 QTL, observed three additional LT tolerance QTLs on 1H-L, 4H-S, and 4H-L. We identified and assigned either linkage map or chromosome locations to 1 ICE1 homolog, 2 ZAT12 homologs, and 17 of 20 CBF homologs. Twelve of the CBF genes were located on 5H-L and the 11 with assigned linkage map positions formed 2 tandem clusters on 5H-L. A subset of these CBF genes was confirmed to be physically linked, validating the map position clustering. The tandem CBF clusters are not candidates for the D×M LT tolerance Fr-H1 QTL, as they are ~30 cM distal to the QTL peak. No LT tolerance QTL was detected in conjunction with the CBF gene clusters in Dicktoo × Morex. However, comparative mapping using common markers and BIN positions established the CBF clusters are coincident with reported Triticeae LT tolerance and COR gene accumulation QTLs and suggest one or more of the CBF genes may be candidates for Fr-H2 in some germplasm combinations. These results suggest members of the CBF gene family may function as components of winterhardiness in the Triticeae and underscore both the importance of extending results from model systems to economically important crop species and in viewing QTL mapping results in the context of multiple germplasm combinations. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   
Autoantibody responses against conformational epitopes of myelin/oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) possess myelin destructive potential, as demonstrated in the marmoset model of human multiple sclerosis (MS) and in some rodent models of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis. We have previously characterized monoclonal Fab fragments specific for conformational epitopes of MOG that were derived from a combinatorial antibody library generated from a MOG-immune marmoset. In this paper, we address the molecular heterogeneity of humoral responses against MOG in this outbred model of MS by studying additional antibody clones derived from a genetically unrelated animal. We find that all MOG-specific IgGkappa Fab fragments, unrelated to genetic make-up, utilize a restricted set of variable region genes, IGHV1 and IGHV3 for the H chain and IGKV1, IGKV3, and IGKV5 for the L chain. Despite these restricting factors, diversity within these antibody repertoires can be observed, predominantly within the H-chain CDR3 regions. Our findings suggest that only a limited set of Ig genes is necessary to launch a diverse, destructive humoral immune response against a single CNS antigen in primates. These results are the first to contribute to a better understanding of how myelin-directed and potentially destructive autoantibody responses may develop in human MS.  相似文献   
Standard biochemical tests have revealed that hemin and menadione auxotrophic Staphylococcus aureus small-colony variants (SCVs) exhibit multiple phenotypic changes. To provide a more complete analysis of the SCV phenotype, two genetically defined mutants with a stable SCV phenotype were comprehensively tested. These mutants, generated via mutations in menD or hemB that yielded menadione and hemin auxotrophs, were subjected to phenotype microarray (PM) analysis of over 1,500 phenotypes (including utilization of different carbon, nitrogen, phosphate, and sulfur sources; growth stimulation or inhibition by amino acids and other nutrients, osmolytes, and metabolic inhibitors; and susceptibility to antibiotics). Compared to parent strain COL, the hemB mutant was defective in utilization of a variety of carbon sources, including Krebs cycle intermediates and compounds that ultimately generate ATP via electron transport. The phenotype of the menD mutant was similar to that of the hemB mutant, but the defects in carbon metabolism were more pronounced than those seen with the hemB mutant. In both mutant strains, hexose phosphates and other carbohydrates that provide ATP in the absence of electron transport stimulated growth. Other phenotypes of SCV mutants, such as hypersensitivity to sodium selenite, sodium tellurite, and sodium nitrite, were also uncovered by the PM analysis. Key results of the PM analysis were confirmed in independent growth studies and by using Etest strips for susceptibility testing. PM technology is a new and efficient technology for assessing cellular phenotypes in S. aureus.  相似文献   
A novel reactive perstraction system has been developed based on liquid-core capsules, involving an enzyme-catalyzed reaction coupled with simultaneous in situ product recovery. Lipase-catalyzed reactions, hydrolysis of triprionin and nitrophenyl laurate, were selected to test the system and demonstrate the feasibility of immobilization of enzymes to the membranes of liquid-core capsules and the ability to extract hydrophobic products of the reaction within the capsule core. The lipase from Candida rugosa was immobilized to the microcapsules by adsorption and by covalent binding through activation with glutaraldehyde. In both cases improved temperature and operational stability were achieved. Both types of immobilization resulted in a basic shift of the pH optimum for activity, from 7.5 to 9.0. The presence of an organic phase within the capsule core allowed direct product separation and lead to a decrease in product inhibition of the lipase-catalyzed reaction.  相似文献   
How does the way an organism functions affect its subsequent development? Bryozoans are colonial animals that capture suspended food particles from water currents they generate using crowns of ciliated tentacles (lophophores). In many encrusting bryozoans the water passes through and then under the lophophores until it exits the colony at "chimneys" where the lophophores spread apart to form an opening. To determine whether these water currents can induce the formation of new chimneys, I augmented the excurrent flow by injecting seawater into the colony. New chimneys began to develop near the site of seawater injection within as little as one to two days. New chimneys rarely began to develop within this time interval at control sites where I did not inject seawater. This shows that fluid flow controls development in an external fluid transport system lacking pipe-like conduits, as has been found in the vertebrate circulatory system, an internal fluid transport system with pipe-like conduits. These fluid transport systems show feedback between the way they function and their own development. This kind of "function-dependent development" should be differentiated from phenotypic plasticity, since the developing system, not the environment, produces the signals that induce morphological change.  相似文献   
The blind Drosophila mutant ninaD lacks the visual chromophore. Genetic evidence that the molecular basis is a defect in carotenoid uptake which causes vitamin A deficiency exists. The ninaD gene encodes a scavenger receptor that is significantly homologous in sequence with the mammalian scavenger receptors SR-BI (scavenger receptor class B type I) and CD36 (cluster determinant 36), yet NinaD has not been characterized in functional detail. Therefore, we established a Drosophila S2 cell culture system for biochemically characterizing the ninaD gene products. We show that the two splice variant isoforms encoded by ninaD exhibit different subcellular localizations. NinaD-I, the long protein variant, is localized at the plasma membrane, whereas the short variant, NinaD-II, is localized at intracellular membranes. Only NinaD-I could mediate the cellular uptake of carotenoids from micelles in this cell culture system. Carotenoid uptake was concentration-dependent and saturable. By in vivo analyses of different mutant and transgenic fly strains, we provide evidence of an essential role of NinaD-I in the absorption of dietary carotenoids to support visual chromophore synthesis. Moreover, our analyses suggest a role of NinaD-I in tocopherol metabolism. Even though Drosophila is a sterol auxotroph, we found no evidence of a contribution of NinaD-I to the uptake of these compounds. Together, our study establishes an evolutionarily conserved connection between class B scavenger receptors and the numerous functions of fat soluble vitamins in animal physiology.  相似文献   
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