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Weakly electric fish produce electric signals with a specialised organ in their tail. In addition, they are electrosensitive and can perceive their self-generated signals (for electrolocation) and electric signals of other electric fishes (for electrocommunication). Mormyrids possess three types of peripheral electroreceptor organs, one used for electrocommunication and two types involved in electolocation. They are innervated by afferent fibres, which project to different zones in the electrosensory lateral line lobe (ELL) in the medulla. Brain circuits for electrolocation and electrocommunication are separated almost throughout the whole brain. Electrolocation pathways run from the ELL-cortex to the torus semicircularis of the midbrain and then via the valvula cerebelli towards the telencephalon. Pathways involved in electrocommunication run from the nucleus of the ELL to another part of the torus and from there through the isthmic granule nucleus to the valvula. In addition, a pathway via the preglomerular complex to the telencephalon might exist. In both the electrolocation and the electrocommunication circuits, prominent recurrent pathways are present.  相似文献   
The purpose of the study was to analyse the effect of arm-shoulder fatigue on manual performance. Ten experienced carpenters performed three standardized tasks (nailing, sawing and screwing). Electromyographic activity was recorded from six arm-shoulder muscles and the performances were video-filmed. After 45 min of standardized arm-cranking (arm-shoulder-fatiguing exercise of approximately 70%-80% maximal oxygen consumption), the tasks were repeated. The number of work movements and the time taken for each task were recorded and the quality of the work performed was compared. After the fatiguing exercise, only nailing was perceived as being harder and more mistakes were made during nailing and sawing. Movement performance was not influenced during nailing but was slightly slower during sawing and faster during screwing. However, there were increased mean EMG amplitudes in the upper trapezius and biceps muscles during nailing, in the upper trapezius, anterior deltoid and infraspinatus muscles during sawing and in the anterior deltoid muscle during screwing. Of the muscles studied the upper trapezius and anterior deltoid muscles increased their activity most after the arm-shoulder-fatiguing exercise.  相似文献   
No one has ever doubted that maternal milk, in comparison to formula milk, has a far superior nutritional value. Colostrum has a well acknowledge crucial value for the survival of the animal species that cannot receive immunoglobulins through the placenta. Until recently the presence of cytokines in colostrum was unsuspected but it has been now clarified that normally there are at least four cytokines, namely interleukin 1 and 6, tumor necrosis factor and interferon gamma, that may exert an important immunostimulatory role particularly on the oropharyngeal-associated lymphoid tissue. As a corollary, physiological concentration of cytokines administered per os may exert a useful adjuvant activity in aged or immunodeficient people.  相似文献   
Leuconostoc (Lc.) mesenteroides TA33a produced three bacteriocins with different inhibitory activity spectra. Bacteriocins were purified by adsorption/desorption from producer cells and reverse phase high-performance liquid chromatography. Leucocin C-TA33a, a novel bacteriocin with a predicted molecular mass of 4598 Da, inhibited Listeria and other lactic acid bacteria (LAB). Leucocin B-TA33a has a predicted molecular mass of 3466 Da, with activity against Leuconostoc/Weissella (W.) strains, and appears similar to mesenterocin 52B and dextranicin 24, while leucocin A-TA33a, which also inhibited Listeria and other LAB strains, is identical to leucocin A-UAL 187. A survey of other known bacteriocin-producing Leuconostoc/Weissella strains for the presence of the three different bacteriocins revealed that production of leucocin A-, B- and C-type bacteriocins was widespread. Lc. carnosum LA54a, W. paramesenteroides LA7a, and Lc. gelidum UAL 187-22 produced all three bacteriocins, whereas W. paramesenteroides OX and Lc. carnosum TA11a produced only leucocin A- and B-type bacteriocins. Received: 11 April 1997 / Accepted: 10 June 1997  相似文献   
Eco R124I, Eco DXXI and Eco prrI are the known members of the type IC family of DNA restriction and modification systems. The first three are carried on large, conjugative plasmids, while Eco prrI is chromosomally encoded. The enzymes are coded by three genes, hsdR , hsdM and hsdS . Analysis of the DNA sequences upstream and downstream of the type IC hsd loci shows that all are highly homologous to each other and also to sequences present in the bacteriophage P1 genome. The upstream sequences include functional phd and doc genes, which encode an addiction system that stabilizes the P1 prophage state, and extend to and beyond pac , the site at which phage DNA packaging begins. Downstream of the hsd loci, P1 DNA sequences begin at exactly the same place for all of the systems. For Eco DXXI and Eco prrI the P1 homology extends for thousands of base pairs while for Eco R124I an IS 1 insertion and an associated deletion have removed most of the P1-homologous sequences. The significance of these results for the evolution of DNA restriction and modification systems is discussed.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Im Ebrodelta ist, abgesehen von einigen Seen und Sümpfen, nur noch ein schmaler Küstenstreifen landwirtschaftlich ungenutzt. Hier hat sich ein Teil ursprünglichen Vogelreichtums erhalten, und hier wurde seit einigen Jahren eine Reihe faunistischer Erhebungen durchgeführt.Diese erbrachten mehrere erste Brutnachweise für Spanien oder die spanische Mittelmeerküste:Larus ridibundus, Sterna dougallii, St. sandvicensis, Haematopus ostralegus, Limosa limosa, Asio flammeus, Acrocephalus palustris. Als Rast- und Überwinterungsgebiet ist das Delta von großer Bedeutung, z. B. fürEgretta garzetta undPhoenicopterus ruber. Enge Beziehungen zur Camargue sind vielfach erkennbar, vielleicht sogar hinsichtlich der Ausbreitung vonLarus ridibundus undHaematopus ostralegus. Regelmäßige Wintervorkommen vonMarmaronetta angustirostris sind erwähnenswert.Es wird mit einigen bisher unbekannten Brutplätzen von Laro-Limicolen bekanntgemacht, von denen eine Kolonie vonSterna albifrons mit 300–400 Paaren besonders vermerkt sei. Für weitere Arten können Bestandsangaben gemacht werden.Dieses einzige, bedeutende Brut- und Rastgebiet zwischen Camargue und Coto Doñana ist in höchster Gefahr, durch intensivere landwirtschaftliche Nutzung und touristische Erschließung vernichtet zu werden.
Resumen Datos ornitologicos sobre el Delta del Ebro. — Sin contar con charcas y marismas, el Delta del Ebro es una franja costera aun no explotada por la agricultura. Gracias a esto una numerosa variedad de aves ha podido mantenerse aprovechando las todavia persistentes condiciones orginarias del medio ambiente. Sobre estas aves se han venido acumulando en los ultimos años un buen acopio de observaciones.Se pudo constatar como nidificantes por primera vez en España o costas mediterranes a las siguientes especies:Larus ridibundus, Sterna dougalli, St. sandvicensis, Haematopus ostralegus, Limosa limosa, Asio flammeus, Acrocephalus palustris. Como lugar de invernada o refugio durante el paso el Delta del Ebro tiene un especial interes, por ejemplo paraEgretta garzetta yPhoenicopterus ruber. Se establecen algunas relaciones con la Camarga principalmente en cuanto a la expansión deLarus ridibundus yHaematopus ostralegus. Se mencionan invernadas regulares deMarmaronetta angustirostris. Se señalan algunos nuevos lugares de cria para Laro-Limicolas, merece destacarse el hallazgo de una colonia deSterna albifrons compuesta por unos 300–400 pares. Para otras especies se dan datos numerieos estimativos.El Delta del Ebro es un lugar unico y de gran importancia, situado entre la Camarga y el Coto de Doñana, que está hoy en peligro de desaparición debido a la colonización intensiva de la agricultura y a la creciente afluencia turistica.
An aldehyde reductase (EC from human liver has been purified to homogeneity. The enzyme is NADPH-dependent, prefers aromatic to aliphatic aldehydes as substrates, and is inhibited by barbiturates and hydantoins. The following physicochemical parameters were determined: molecular weight, 36,200; sedimentation coefficient, 2.9 S; Stokes radius, 2.65 nm; isoelectric point, pH 5.3; extinction coefficient at 280 nm, 54,300 M-1 cm-1. Results from polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis with and without sodium dodecyl sulfate, gel filtration, and ultracentrifugation suggest a monomeric structure. On molecule of NADPH binds to the enzyme causing a red shift of the coenzyme absorption maximum from 340 to 352 nm. The amino acid composition has been determined and a partial specific volume of 0.74 was computed from these data. An alpha-helicity of 7 and 18% was estimated from the ellipticities at 208 and 222 nm, respectively. Combination of the most reactive thiol group with p-mercuribenzoate does not cause loss of catalytic activity. Inactivation occurs when more than one thiol group is modified. The presence of NADPH or NADP+ prevents loss of activity by thiol modification. The comparison of structural features of aldehyde reductase with other monomeric and oligomeric dehydrogenases suggest similarities of aldehyde reductase with octopine dehydrogenase.  相似文献   
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