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Public opinion can have a decisive influence on conservation actions leading to a need to understand how public opinion is formed. In a survey with a representative sample of the German population, participants answered questions about foxes in two consecutive years. Different versions of a leaflet about foxes were distributed to 2448 participants before the second interview. We compared a narrative text presentation to a non-narrative list of facts and examined the use of photographs and schematic graphs. We assessed how the presentation format and socio-demographic factors affected the probability that participants read the leaflet. Using a before-after/control-impact design, we examined whether the leaflet affected people's fox-related knowledge, attitude, and risk perception. The results show that participants were more likely to read the leaflet with increasing age and a higher educational level. Reading probability also increased with attitude toward foxes. Participants who read the leaflet completely gained more knowledge about foxes than those who read it only partly. Photographs also contributed to a higher knowledge gain, but schematic graphs did not. Moreover, participants who read a fact list gained more knowledge compared to the control condition. Furthermore, the combination of visual and textual features had an effect on attitude toward foxes. However, we found no evidence that any treatment affected risk perception. We discuss implications and derivations for science communication to improve conservation actions.  相似文献   
Prostaglandin D2 synthase (PGDS) catalyzes the isomerization of prostaglandin H2 (PGH2) to prostaglandin D2 (PGD2). PGD2 produced by hematopoietic prostaglandin D2 synthase (H-PGDS) in mast cells and Th2 cells is proposed to be a mediator of allergic and inflammatory responses. Consequently, inhibitors of H-PGDS represent potential therapeutic agents for the treatment of inflammatory diseases such as asthma. Due to the instability of the PGDS substrate PGH2, an in-vitro enzymatic assay is not feasible for large-scale screening of H-PGDS inhibitors. Herein, we report the development of a competition binding assay amenable to high-throughput screening (HTS) in a scintillation proximity assay (SPA) format. This assay was used to screen an in-house compound library of approximately 280,000 compounds for novel H-PGDS inhibitors. The hit rate of the H-PGDS primary screen was found to be 4%. This high hit rate suggests that the active site of H-PGDS can accommodate a large diversity of chemical scaffolds. For hit prioritization, these initial hits were rescreened at a lower concentration in SPA and tested in the LAD2 cell assay. 116 compounds were active in both assays with IC50s ranging from 6 to 807 nM in SPA and 82 nM to 10 μM in the LAD2 cell assay.  相似文献   
Ego-depletion, a psychological phenomenon in which participants are less able to engage in self-control after prior exertion of self-control, has become widely popular in the scientific community as well as in the media. However, considerable debate exists among researchers as to the nature of the ego-depletion effect, and growing evidence suggests the effect may not be as strong or robust as the extant literature suggests. We examined the robustness of the ego-depletion effect and aimed to maximize the likelihood of detecting the effect by using one of the most widely used depletion tasks (video-viewing attention control task) and by considering task characteristics and individual differences that potentially moderate the effect. We also sought to make our research plan transparent by pre-registering our hypotheses, procedure, and planned analyses prior to data collection. Contrary to the ego-depletion hypothesis, participants in the depletion condition did not perform worse than control participants on the subsequent self-control task, even after considering moderator variables. These findings add to a growing body of evidence suggesting ego-depletion is not a reliable phenomenon, though more research is needed that uses large sample sizes, considers moderator variables, and pre-registers prior to data collection.  相似文献   
Intermittent streams are dynamic ecosystems that alternate between dry and wet states. Despite their global dominance, we have scant information about the effects of surface flow drying on terrestrial arthropods in channel and adjacent terrestrial habitats. In the present study, we used pitfall traps to characterise the terrestrial arthropod assemblages along lateral gradients (channel, riparian, and upland habitats) in perennial and intermittent reaches of two contrasting Mediterranean intermittent streams (Rogativa and Fuirosos streams). Simultaneously, we assessed changes in assemblage composition and structure on five sampling occasions over the entire drying period (i.e. 29 days). The composition of arthropod assemblages differed among streams, flow regimes, habitat types, and sampling dates. In contrast, depending on the stream, taxonomic richness and total abundance were similar between perennial and intermittent reaches, but differed among habitat types. Formicidae, Araneae, Collembola, and Coleoptera explained most of the differences between flow regimes and habitat types in both streams. In Rogativa stream, arthropod abundances peaked in the dry channel and increased with drying time, while abundances decreased in riparian and upland habitats. It implies that the dry channel may be colonized by riparian and upland arthropods to a greater or lesser extent depending on the stream and the specific landscape context. Our results emphasize the importance of dry channels as temporary habitats for terrestrial arthropod assemblages. Thus, the dry period should be considered explicitly when assessing biodiversity of and establishing management strategies for intermittent streams and their fringing riparian and upland areas. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Arenaviruses are a family of enveloped RNA viruses that cause severe human disease. The first step in the arenavirus life cycle is attachment of viral particles to host cells. While virus-cell attachment can be measured through the use of virions labeled with biotin, radioactive isotopes, or fluorescent dyes, these approaches typically require high multiplicities of infection (MOI) to enable detection of bound virus. We describe a quantitative (q)RT-PCR-based assay that measures Junin virus strain Candid 1 attachment via quantitation of virion-packaged viral genomic RNA. This assay has several advantages including its extreme sensitivity and ability to measure attachment over a large dynamic range of MOIs without the need to purify or label input virus. Importantly, this approach can be easily tailored for use with other viruses through the use of virus-specific qRT-PCR reagents. Further, this assay can be modified to permit measurement of particle endocytosis and genome uncoating. In conclusion, we describe a simple, yet robust assay for highly sensitive measurement of arenavirus-cell attachment.  相似文献   
Both the opioid antagonist naltrexone and corticotropin‐releasing factor type‐1 receptor (CRF‐R1) antagonists have been investigated for the treatment of alcoholism. The current study examines the combination of naltrexone and CP154526 to reduce intermittent access ethanol drinking [intermittent access to alcohol (IAA)] in C57BL/6J male mice, and if these compounds reduce drinking via serotonergic mechanisms in the dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN). Systemic injections and chronic intracerebroventricular infusions of naltrexone, CP154526 or CP376395 transiently decreased IAA drinking. Immunohistochemistry revealed CRF‐R1 or μ‐opioid receptor immunoreactivity was co‐localized in tryptophan hydroxylase (TPH)‐immunoreactive neurons as well as non‐TPH neurons in the DRN. Mice with a history of IAA or continuous access to alcohol were microinjected with artificial cerebral spinal fluid, naltrexone, CP154526 or the combination into the DRN or the median raphe nucleus (MRN). Either intra‐DRN naltrexone or CP154526 reduced IAA in the initial 2 hours of fluid access, but the combination did not additively suppress IAA, suggesting a common mechanism via which these two compounds affect intermittent drinking. These alcohol‐reducing effects were localized to the DRN of IAA drinkers, as intra‐MRN injections only significantly suppressed water drinking, and continuous access drinkers were not affected by CRF‐R1 antagonism. Extracellular serotonin was measured in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) using in vivo microdialysis after intra‐DRN microinjections in another group of mice. Intra‐DRN CP154526 increased serotonin impulse flow to the mPFC while naltrexone did not. This suggests the mPFC may not be an essential location to intermittent drinking, as evidenced by different effects on serotonin signaling to the forebrain yet similar behavioral findings.  相似文献   
The multifaceted gut‐brain peptide ghrelin and its receptor (GHSR‐1a) are implicated in mechanisms regulating not only the energy balance but also the reward circuitry. In our pre‐clinical models, we have shown that ghrelin increases whereas GHSR‐1a antagonists decrease alcohol consumption and the motivation to consume alcohol in rodents. Moreover, ghrelin signaling is required for the rewarding properties of addictive drugs including alcohol and nicotine in rodents. Given the hereditary component underlying addictive behaviors and disorders, we sought to investigate whether single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) located in the pre‐proghrelin gene (GHRL) and GHSR‐1a gene (GHSR) are associated with alcohol use, measured by the alcohol use disorders identification test (AUDIT) and smoking. Two SNPs located in GHRL, rs4684677 (Gln90Leu) and rs696217 (Leu72Met), and one in GHSR, rs2948694, were genotyped in a subset (n = 4161) of a Finnish population‐based cohort, the Genetics of Sexuality and Aggression project. The effect of these SNPs on AUDIT scores and smoking was investigated using linear and logistic regressions, respectively. We found that the minor allele of the rs2948694 SNP was nominally associated with higher AUDIT scores (P = 0.0204, recessive model) and smoking (P = 0.0002, dominant model). Furthermore, post hoc analyses showed that this risk allele was also associated with increased likelihood of having high level of alcohol problems as determined by AUDIT scores ≥ 16 (P = 0.0043, recessive model). These convergent findings lend further support for the hypothesized involvement of ghrelin signaling in addictive disorders.  相似文献   
Current approaches to high-field functional MRI (fMRI) provide 2 means to map hemodynamics at the level of single vessels in the brain. One is through changes in deoxyhemoglobin in venules, i.e., blood oxygenation level–dependent (BOLD) fMRI, while the second is through changes in arteriole diameter, i.e., cerebral blood volume (CBV) fMRI. Here, we introduce cerebral blood flow–related velocity-based fMRI, denoted CBFv-fMRI, which uses high-resolution phase contrast (PC) MRI to form velocity measurements of flow. We use CBFv-fMRI in measure changes in blood velocity in single penetrating microvessels across rat parietal cortex. In contrast to the venule-dominated BOLD and arteriole-dominated CBV fMRI signals, CBFv-fMRI is comparable from both arterioles and venules. A single fMRI platform is used to map changes in blood pO2 (BOLD), volume (CBV), and velocity (CBFv). This combined high-resolution single-vessel fMRI mapping scheme enables vessel-specific hemodynamic mapping in animal models of normal and diseased states and further has translational potential to map vascular dementia in diseased or injured human brains with ultra–high-field fMRI.

This study presents a phase contrast-based, high field MRI-based approach for the functional mapping of cerebral blood velocity in individual cortical arterioles and venules in the rat cortex; this approach can be combined with previously established approaches to map BOLD, CBV, and blood velocity from penetrating microvessels.  相似文献   
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