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Zusammenfassung Ultradünnschnitte durch die Thymusrinde erwachsener männlicher Mäuse wurden mit einer Einkristallschicht von Ilford-L 4-Photoemulsion überzogen. In elektronenmikroskopischen Autoradiogrammen können die mit H3-Thymidin markierten Zelltypen besser erkannt werden als in lichtmikroskopisch-autoradiographischen Untersuchungen am gleichen Gewebe.Den größten Anteil der freien Zellen stellen die kleinen Lymphocyten mit dichten, von wenigen Ausnahmen abgesehen, unmarkierten Kernen und schmalem Zytoplasmasaum. In der subkapsulären Zone finden sich gehäuft große Lymphozyten und ihre Vorstufen mit einem umfangreichen, nicht so dichten Kern und einem breiteren, freie Ribosomen enthaltenden Zytoplasmasaum. 83% der Kerne dieser Zellen sind deutlich markiert. Die epithelialen Retikulumzellen im Inneren der Rinde und das Randepithel haben unmarkierte Kerne. Nur vereinzelt werden markierte Retikulumzellen unmittelbar unter dem Randsaum gefunden. Plasmazellen sind in der Rinde nur selten zu finden. Ihre Kerne weisen keine Markierung auf. Die lichtmikroskopisch-autoradiographisch erhobenen Befunde von Hinrichsen (1963, 1965) werden elektronenmikroskopisch bestätigt: Bei der Maus stellt die unmittelbar unter der Kapsel liegende Randzone des Thymus die Keimschicht zur Bildung von Thymuslymphozyten dar.
Summary Sections of the thymus of adult male mice were covered with Ilford-L 4 photographic emulsion. In electron microscopic autoradiograms, the labelled cell types after H3-thymidine injection — can be more easily identified than with light microscopic autoradiographic methods.Most of the free cells are small lymphocytes with dense, mostly unlabelled nuclei and scanty cytoplasm. In the sub-capsular zone larger lymphocytes with a bigger, but not so condensed nucleus and more extensive cytoplasm containing free ribosomes can be found. 83% of their nuclei are labelled with tritiated thymidine. The nuclei of epithelial reticulum cells in the inner cortex and the surface epithelium are unlabelled. Only very few labelled reticulum cells can be found immediately under the connective tissue layer. Plasma cells are rarely found in the cortex. Their nuclei are not labelled. The light microscopic autoradiographic findings by Hinrichsen (1963, 1965) are electronmicroscopically confirmed: the lymphocytes of the mouse thymus originate in the immediately sub-capsular cortex of the thymus.

Herrn Professor Bargmann zum 60. Geburtstag gewidmet.

Mit Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   
The submicroscopic organization of mesophyll cells from tobacco leaves systemically infected with tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) is described. After fixation with glutaraldehyde and osmium tetroxide the arrangement of the TMV particles within the crystalline inclusions is well preserved. Only the ribonucleic acid-containing core of the virus particles is visible in the micrographs. Besides the hexagonal virus crystals, several characteristic types of "inclusion bodies" are definable in the cytoplasm: The so-called fluid crystals seem to correspond to single layers of oriented TMV particles between a network of the endoplasmic reticulum and ribosomes. Unordered groups or well oriented masses of tubes with the diameter of the TMV capsid are found in certain areas of the cytoplasm. A complicated inclusion body is characterized by an extensively branched and folded part of the endoplasmic reticulum, containing in its folds long aggregates of flexible rods. Certain parts of the cytoplasm are filled with large, strongly electron-scattering globules, probably of lipid composition. These various cytoplasmic differentiations and the different forms of presumed virus material are discussed in relation to late stages of TMV reproduction and virus crystal formation.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die Ausdrucksbewegungen der Sichelente,Anas (Eunetta) falcata Georgi, werden beschrieben, soweit möglich vorläufig analysiert und mit denen nächstverwandter Arten, vor allem denen vonAnas (Nettium) crecca crecca L.,Anas (Chaulelasmus) strepera L. undAnas (Mareca) penelope L. verglichen. Dieser Vergleich ergibt, genau wie der morphologischer Merkmale des Gefieders und der Knochentrommel, eine systematische Stellung vonfalcata genau zwischen den drei genannten Arten, näher den beiden erstgenannten als der dritten. Die Verteilung der Merkmal-Gemeinsamkeiten einerseits mitcrecca, andererseits mitstrepera, läßt den Schluß zu, daß die drei Arten divergent aus einer gemeinsamen Ahnenform entstanden seien. Keine gemeinsamen Merkmale, die bei anderen Arten fehlen, verbinden die drei genannten Formen zu einer Gruppe.Beim Gesellschaftsspiel der Sichelerpel sind, im Gegensatz zu dem aller anderen bisher daraufhin untersuchten Schwimmentenarten, alle beteiligten Bewegungsweisen, einschließlich des einleitenden Schüttelns, zur Ente hin orientiert, die hier, wie beicrecca undstrepera, am Spiel der Erpel sehr regen Anteil nimmt. Dagegen fehlen solche Bewegungen, die durch Ritualisierung aus Angriffsverhalten entstanden sind, beim Gesellschaftsspiel völlig, spielen aber eine große Rolle, analog dem Triumphgeschrei der Gänse und Tadorninen, beim Zusammenhalt der bereits verpaarten Tiere.  相似文献   
697 children with concomitant strabism, all patients who were seen in the Ophthalmalogical university hospital and outpatient service of the Charité, Berlin, during a certain period, have been examined together with their parents and siblings. In a second series, 3398 12-years old school children (born 1953) from three urban districts of Berlin were examined at the occasion of a vaccination term, and 179 children with strabism were ascertained. Probands as well as their parents and siblings were examined thoroughly according to the criteria of strabism diagnostics. Incidence of squinting among siblings was increased markedly when compared with the population frequency, but did not reach the expectations under rthe assumption of a single, monomeric mode of inheritance. Admixture of phenocopies or new mutants could be excluded. Twin investigations (12 monocygotic and 27 dicygotic pairs) showed a manifestation rate of 94,1% in monocygotic pairs, corresponding to a 3 1/2 times higher concordance in monocygotic as compared with dicygotic twins. From the results discussed, a multifactorial genetic system in combination with a threshold effect seems to be the most likely genetic interpretation. An analysis of pedigrees shows that slight sensoric as well as motoric anomalies might combine in different and continuously varying quantities, contributing to the syndrom of concomitant strabism.  相似文献   
It is frequently impossible to meet the assumptions underlying the statistical approach to classification of food products by a sensory panel. To find an alternative, we have investigated the applicability of the fuzzy set theory. Within a fuzzy set framework it is acceptable that a product belongs to several classes simultaneously and no assumptions regarding the distribution of sensory properties for a product class are made. Fuzzy classification models can be constructed from a set of training objects by linking the soft class labels to the sensory attributes applying an inference procedure based on fuzzy logic. A number of fuzzy inference procedures has been evaluated using a number of attribute sets. A satisfactory classification has been found using a very simple implication rule and a set of three attributes.  相似文献   
A large conserved linkage group exists on mouse chromosome 8 and human chromosome 16q, including the loci for chymotrypsinogen B (Ctrb), haptoglobin (Hp), lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase (Lcat), metallothionein-1,-2 (Mt-1,-2), tyrosine aminotransferase (Tat), and uvomorulin (Um). Using cloned gene probes, these six loci were mapped in M. m. domesticus X M. spretus interspecific crosses relative to a number of chromosome 8 anchor loci resulting in the gene order Es-1,Es-9-Mt-1,-2-Got-2-Es-2,Es-7,Lcat,Um-Hp,Tat,Ctrb-e. These results complement earlier studies and redefine the conserved segment on mouse chromosome 8, previously defined by the Hp-Tat interval, by the 24-cM interval between Mt-1,-2 and the conserved locus for adenine phosphoribosyltransferase, Aprt, mapped at 25 cM from Es-1 by T. B. Nesterova, P. M. Borodin, S. M. Zakian, and O. L. Serov (1987, Biochem. Genet. 25: 563-568). Within this segment, the gene order appears the same in man and mouse. While map distances between HP-TAT,HP-CTRB, and TAT-CTRB of respectively 7, 11, and 9 cM have previously been measured in man, no crossovers between Hp, Tat, and Ctrb were observed in over 100 meioses in the mouse.  相似文献   
The ability of the gastrointestinal tract of chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha , to absorb polypeptides in vivo was investigated by reference to the appearance of orally administered adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) within the blood of fish previously treated with dexamethasone (3μg g−l body weight) in order to suppress endogenous ACTH secretion. Further, since cortisol presence within plasma is dependent upon the availability of ACTH, dexamethasone blockade of endogenous ACTH secretion, in conjunction with subsequent measurements of plasma cortisol levels, provides a means by which biological patency of absorbed exogenous ACTH may be demonstrated. Levels of ACTH and cortisol in plasma of dexamethasone-treated salmon were therefore measured for a period of 360 min immediately following oral intubation of ACTH (15μg g−1 body weight). Peak plasma presence of ACTH-like immunoreactivity (676.6 ± 33.6 pg ml−1 plasma) and cortisol (227.1 ± 29.0 ng ml−1 plasma) were recorded 120 min after ACTH administration. Results from the experimental groups were compared to those of 15 control treatments. Since administration of ACTH to chinook salmon elicited a consistent and significant elevation in not only plasma ACTH but also cortisol presence, it is contended that the salmonid gut expresses an ability to absorb polypeptides of dietary origin. The significance of these findings with respect to the oral administration of biologically active peptides and proteins to fish of importance to aquaculture is discussed.  相似文献   
FcRIII is not present on peripheral blood monocytes, but becomes expressed upon culturing and can be demonstrated on tissue macrophages. We studied the expression of FcRIII of cultured monocytes in detail and compared its structure with FcRIII of neutrophils and NK cells. The cell density of FcRIII reached a plateau within 3 days of culturing. During that time, the expression of FcRI and FcRIIa, also present on monocytes, did not change significantly. FcRIII on cultured monocytes lacked, as did NK cell FcRIII, the NA1-allotypic variant of the NA system present on the neutrophil FcRIII. Studies with glycosyl-phosphatidyl-inositol-specific phospholipase C and analysis of cells of patients with paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria revealed that FcRIII on cultured monocytes is not anchored by phosphatidyl-inositol-glycan in the cell membrane. Similarly, FcRIII on NK cells was resistant to glycosyl-phosphatidyl-inositol-specific phospholipase C treatment, suggesting that NK cell FcRIII is also not anchored by a phosphatidyl-inositol-glycan moiety, in contrast to neutrophil FcRIII. Analysis by SDS-PAGE showed that the FcRIII of cultured monocytes had a similar mobility as the FcRIII on NK cells, but was clearly distinct from neutrophil FcRIII. Treatment with N-glycanase showed that the protein backbone of deglycosylated FcRIII of cultured monocytes was similar to that of FcRIII of NK cells, but deglycosylated neutrophil FcRIII was different. Specific blocking of FcRIII of cultured monocytes with an anti-FcRIII mAb did not reduced the lytic action of the cultured monocytes towards sensitized erythrocytes. However, FcRIII was modulated from the cell surface by incubation with sensitized E, whereas non-FcR Ag were not. These findings indicate that FcRIII is involved in binding of immune complexes, but does not act as a trigger molecule for extracellular lysis of sensitized E.  相似文献   
Twenty-five (25) electrophoretic bands with esterase activity were distinguished in supernatants of cauda epididymidis of DBA/2J mice. Twenty (20) of these were assigned to 10 genetically defined esterases (ES-1, ES-2, ES-3, ES-6, ES-7, ES-11, ES-14, ES-17, ES-19, ES-22) which were already known from investigations of other mouse tissues. Furthermore, ES-10 was identified in cauda supernatants after isoelectric focussing. A hitherto genetically undefined esterase was assigned to locus Es-28 which was expressed solely in the epididymis. Three phenotypes were distinguished: ES-28A was present in the majority of the inbred strains examined. ES-28B was observed in AKR/Han mice and ES-28C was found in SEG/1 mice.  相似文献   
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