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Fimbrial production by Porphyromonas gingivalis was inactivated by insertion-duplication mutagenesis, using the cloned gene for the P. gingivalis major fimbrial subunit protein, fimA. by several criteria, this insertion mutation rendered P. gingivalis unable to produce fimbrilin or an intact fimbrial structure. A nonfimbriated mutant, DPG3, hemagglutinated sheep erythrocytes normally and was unimpaired in the ability to coaggregate with Streptococcus gordonii G9B. The cell surface hydrophobicity of DPG3 was also unaffected by the loss of fimbriae. However, DPG3 was significantly less able to bind to saliva-coated hydroxyapatite than wild-type P. gingivalis 381. This suggested that P. gingivalis fimbriae are important for adherence of the organism to saliva-coated oral surfaces. Further, DPG3 was significantly less able to cause periodontal bone loss in a gnotobiotic rat model of periodontal disease. These observations are consistent with other data suggesting that P. gingivalis fimbriae play an important role in the pathogenesis of human periodontal disease.  相似文献   
The hydrophobin SC3p of Schizophyllum commune self-assembles into a 10-nm-thick amphipathic membrane at hydrophilic-hydrophobic interfaces. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of the hydrophobic membrane side of SC3p, assembled in vitro, showed an atomic composition similar to the calculated composition of SC3p when glycosylation was taken into account. The atomic composition measured at the hydrophilic membrane side deviated from that at the hydrophobic side and indicated the presence of a lower number of peptide bonds. High levels of S and N were detected only on mycelia carrying hydrophobic aerial hyphae, as expected with assembled SC3p present at the surface of these hyphae.  相似文献   
Seven GATC sites that are nonmethylated in logarithmic growth phase cells using glycerol as a carbon source were isolated from the Escherichia coli chromosome. Three of these GATC sites are located upstream of the operons gut, mtl, and ppiA, whereas DNA sequences adjacent to three other nonmethylated GATC sites are not homologous to previously identified genes. The seventh nonmethylated GATC site is located downstream of uspA. The protection of this site from DNA methylation requires leucine-responsive regulatory protein and is leucine responsive. The carbon source and the growth phase influenced the protection of the GATC site 5' of the ppiA gene. The other five sites were protected under all the environmental conditions examined.  相似文献   
The amount of IIAGlc, one of the proteins of the phosphoenolpyruvate:glucose phosphotransferase system (PTS), was modulated over a broad range with the help of inducible expression plasmids in Salmonella typhimurium. The in vivo effects of different levels of IIAGlc on glycerol and maltose metabolism were studied. The inhibition of glycerol uptake, by the addition of a PTS sugar, was sigmoidally related to the amount of IIAGlc. For complete inhibition of glycerol uptake, a minimal ratio of about 3.6 mol of IIAGlc to 1 mol of glycerol kinase (tetramer) was required. Varying the level of IIAGlc (from 0 to 1,000% of the wild-type level) did not affect the growth rate on glycerol, the rate of glycerol uptake, or the synthesis of glycerol kinase. In contrast, the growth rate on maltose, the rate of maltose uptake, and the synthesis of the maltose-binding protein increased two- to fivefold with increasing levels of IIAGlc. In the presence of cyclic AMP, the maximal levels were obtained at all IIAGlc concentrations. The synthesis of the MalK protein, the target of IIAGlc, was not affected by varying the levels of IIAGlc. The inhibition of maltose uptake was sigmoidally related to the amount of IIAGlc. For complete inhibition of maltose uptake by a PTS sugar, a ratio of about 18 mol of IIAGlc to 1 mol of MalK protein (taken as a dimer) was required.  相似文献   
The occ and noc regions of pTiAch5 (octopine) and pTiC58 (nopaline) Ti plasmids are responsible for the catabolic utilization of octopine and nopaline in Agrobacterium spp. The first enzymatic step is the oxidative cleavage into L-arginine and pyruvate or 2-ketoglutarate, respectively, by membrane-bound opine oxidases requiring two polypeptides (subunits B and A) for function. The DNA sequences showed that the subunits of pTiAch5 and pTiC58 are related, but none of the proteins revealed significant similarities to the biosynthetic enzymes expressed in transformed plant cells. The four proteins had no extensive overall similarity to other proteins, but the 35 N-terminal amino acids contained motifs found in many enzymes utilizing flavin adenine dinucleotide, flavin mononucleotide, or NAD(P)+ as cofactors. However, the activities were completely independent of added cofactors, and the nature of the electron acceptor remained unclear. Membrane solubilization led to complete loss of enzyme activity. The nopaline oxidase accepted nopaline and octopine (Vmax ratio, 5:1) with similar Km values (1.1 mM). The octopine oxidase had high activity with octopine (Km = 1 mM) and barely detectable activity with nopaline. The subunits from the occ and the noc regions were exchangeable. The combinations ooxB-noxA and noxB-ooxA both produced active enzymes which oxidized octopine and nopaline at similar rates, suggesting that both subunits contributed to the substrate specificity. These experiments also showed that the formation of functional enzyme required close proximity of the subunit genes on the same plasmid and that even a reversal of the gene order (A-B instead of B-A) led to reduced activity.  相似文献   
This study was designed to investigate the regulation of fluid secretion by the Malpighian tubules of the worker ant Formica polyctena (Hymenoptera). Different solvent systems were used to make crude head extracts and to determine the solubility of the diuretic factors. Surprisingly, when distilled water, acid acetone, methanol and 15% trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) were used as solvents, two consecutive significant stimulations of fluid secretion were obtained: the first, when adding the extract to the tubule and the second, when washing it out. Extract obtained with a fifth solvent, Ringer solution, gave an almost complete but reversible inhibition of fluid secretion. Extracts were prepurified by means of a disposable C18 column by elution with 20, 40, 60 and 80% acetonitrile. When the fractions were kept apart the 40% acetonitrile fraction caused an inhibition of fluid secretion. The 20, 60 and 80% acetonitrile fractions on the other hand resulted in two consecutive stimulations as described above. The dose-response curve for 15% TFA extract was bell-shaped with a threshold concentration of 1 × 10−3 heads/μl Ringer. A maximum response (stimulation of fluid secretion by a factor of 3.3 ± 0.72, n = 10) was observed with a concentration of 5 × 10−2 heads/μl Ringer. Higher concentrations resulted in small increases of fluid secretion rates and in the appearance of the second stimulation when the extract was washed out. The activity present in the heads of Formica was not destroyed by boiling or by proteolytic enzymes (trypsin, chymotrypsin, pronase E and proteinase K). Only immobilized aminopeptidase M, which destroys the activity of peptides with a free N-terminus, had a significant effect on the activity of a 15% TFA head extract. Various biogenic amines were tested for their ability to mimic the effect of the head extracts. Only octopamine and dopamine evoked a small and transient increase in secretion rate. Thus biogenic amines probably do not contribute to a large extent to the response of Formica tubules to the crude head extract. The possibility that both diuretic and antidiuretic factors are present in the extract is discussed.  相似文献   
Fixed spherical swollen human red blood cells of blood type B adhering on a glass surface through antigen-antibody bonds to monoclonal mouse antihuman IgM, adsorbed or covalently linked on the surface, were detached by known hydrodynamic forces created in an impinging jet. The dynamic process of detachment of the specifically bound cells was recorded and analyzed. The fraction of adherent cells remaining on the surface decreased with increasing hydrodynamic force. For an IgM coverage of 0.26%, a tangential force on the order of 100 pN was able to detach almost all of the cells from the surface within 20 min. After a given time of exposure to hydrodynamic force, the fraction of adherent cells remaining increased with time, reflecting an increase in adhesion strength. The characteristic time for effective aging was approximately 4 h. Results from experiments in which the adsorbed antibody molecules were immobilized through covalent coupling and from evanescent wave light scattering of adherent cells, imply that deformation of red cells at the contact area was the principal cause for aging, rather than local clustering of the antibody through surface diffusion. Experiments with latex beads specifically bound to red blood cells suggest that, instead of breaking the antigen-antibody bonds, antigen molecules were extracted from the cell membrane during detachment.  相似文献   
The red alga Porphyra purpurea (Roth) C. Agardh has a life cycle that alternates between shell-boring, filamentous sporophytes and free-living, foliose gametophytes. The significant morphological differences between these two phases suggest that many genes should be developmentally regulated and expressed in a phase-specific manner. In this study, we prepared and screened subtracted complementary DNA (cDNA) libraries specific for the sporophyte and gametophyte of P. purpurea. This involved the construction of cDNA libraries from each phase, followed by the removal of common clones through subtractive hybridization. Sampling of the subtracted libraries indicated that 8–10% of the recombinant colonies in each library were specific for the appropriate phase. Of 20 putative phase-specific cDNAs selected from each subtracted library, eight unique clones were obtained for the sporophyte and seven for the gametophyte. After confirming their phase-specificities by hybridization to gametophyte and sporophyte messenger RNA, these 15 phase-specific cDNAs were sequenced, and the deduced amino acid sequences were used to search protein databanks. Two proteins encoded by the sporophyte-specific cDNAs and two by the gametophyte-specific cDNAs were identified by their similarity to databank entries.  相似文献   
Summary The cytoplasmic content and the distribution of intramembrane particles (IMPs) of the plasma membrane of isolated sperm cells of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) have been characterized using flow cytometry, transmission electron microscopy, confocal scanning laser microscopy and freeze-fracture studies. The isolated haploid sperm cells contain a variety of cell organelles with the exception of microtubules. Proplastids and plastids with starch were observed, although only rarely. Vacuoles containing remnants of organelles and stacked lamellae of endoplasmic reticulum with cytoplasmic inclusions were observed frequently, indicating that autophagy takes place. The number of mitochondria varies from 11 to 26 with an average of 17. Generally, the nucleus has a lobed shape and displays various interphasic stages of chromatin condensation. The analysis of the number of mitochondria and the nuclear state did not show evidence of sperm cell dimorphism. The cytological variability observed, could be explained by differences in developmental stages already present in vivo at the moment of isolation. No correlation between the number of mitochondria and the nuclear cross-sectioned area and/or the condensation state of the chromatin could be found. The density of intramembrane particles of the plasma membrane on the exoplasmic fracture face is more than twice that on the protoplasmic fracture face. That is the opposite of what was found for sporophytic cells of perennial ryegrass. These results are discussed in relation to the potential use of these cells for biotechnology and developmental studies.  相似文献   
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