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An overview is presented of the steady- and transient state kinetics of growth and formation of metabolic byproducts in yeasts.Saccharomyces cerevisiae is strongly inclined to perform alcoholic fermentation. Even under fully aerobic conditions, ethanol is produced by this yeast when sugars are present in excess. This so-called Crabtree effect probably results from a multiplicity of factors, including the mode of sugar transport and the regulation of enzyme activities involved in respiration and alcoholic fermentation. The Crabtree effect inS. cerevisiae is not caused by an intrinsic inability to adjust its respiratory activity to high glycolytic fluxes. Under certain cultivation conditions, for example during growth in the presence of weak organic acids, very high respiration rates can be achieved by this yeast.S. cerevisiae is an exceptional yeast since, in contrast to most other species that are able to perform alcoholic fermentation, it can grow under strictly anaerobic conditions.Non-Saccharomyces yeasts require a growth-limiting supply of oxygen (i.e. oxygen-limited growth conditions) to trigger alcoholic fermentation. However, complete absence of oxygen results in cessation of growth and therefore, ultimately, of alcoholic fermentation. Since it is very difficult to reproducibly achieve the right oxygen dosage in large-scale fermentations, non-Saccharomyces yeasts are therefore not suitable for large-scale alcoholic fermentation of sugar-containing waste streams. In these yeasts, alcoholic fermentation is also dependent on the type of sugar. For example, the facultatively fermentative yeastCandida utilis does not ferment maltose, not even under oxygen-limited growth conditions, although this disaccharide supports rapid oxidative growth.  相似文献   
Gliocladium virens is a common saprophytic fungus that is mycoparasitic on a large number of fungi. Responses of G. virens toward its environment were examined by monitoring the presence of extracellular proteins in culture fluid during time course experiments. Culture fluid of G. virens grown on glucose, washed cell walls of Rhizoctonia solani (one of its hosts), olive oil, or chitin contained β-glucanase, N-acetylglucosaminidase, lipase, and proteinase activities. There were relatively minor amounts of other enzymatic activities tested. Levels of extracellular enzyme activity varied with the age of the culture and the substrate used as the carbon source. Substrate-associated differences in enzyme activities were detected as early as 8 h after transfer of mycelia from stationary-phase cultures to fresh media. When G. virens was grown on host cell wall material, β-glucanase had the greatest specific activity of any enzyme tested at 8 h. This result suggests that β-glucanase may be the first enzyme important in the G. virens-R. solani interaction. Analysis by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed that some of the polypeptides were present in the culture fluid at relatively constant amounts and others accumulated early, at intermediate times, or late in the 8-day incubation test period. Several of the polypeptides present in the culture fluid during the first 24 h disappeared completely by 48 h. Consequently, it appears that extracellular proteins in cultures of G. virens are regulated by a combination of gene regulation and protein degradation.  相似文献   
A novel technique, combining labelling and stereological methods, for the determination of spatial distribution of two microorganisms in a biofilm is presented. Cells of Nitrosomonas europaea (ATCC 19718) and Nitrobacter agilis (ATCC 14123) were homogeneously distributed in a κ-carrageenan gel during immobilization and allowed to grow out to colonies. The gel beads were sliced in thin cross sections after fixation and embedding. A two-step labelling method resulted in green fluorescent colonies of either N. europaea or N. agilis in the respective cross sections. The positions and surface areas of the colonies of each species were determined, and from that a biomass volume distribution for N. europaea and N. agilis in κ-carrageenan gel beads was estimated. This technique will be useful for the validation of biofilm models, which predict such biomass distributions.  相似文献   
Mobilization of a genetically engineered IncQ plasmid, pSKTG, was studied in vitro and in sterile and nonsterile soils. In biparental and triparental filter matings, the mobilization frequencies of pSKTG were identical, and the plasmid was mobilized only in the presence of self-transmissible plasmid RP4p. In sterile soil, mobilization was probably limited by reduced cell-to-cell contact, since the frequencies of mobilization were approximately 100-fold lower than the frequencies in the filter matings. The transfer frequency of pSKTG in sterile soil when RP4p was present in the same strain was about 100-fold higher than the transfer frequency when RP4p was present in a separate strain. In studies in natural soil, pSKTG was also found to be transferred to indigenous bacteria. However, natural mobilization by genetic elements present in the indigenous soil microflora could not be detected. In vitro studies of natural transfer suggested that such genetic elements occur in soil bacteria.  相似文献   
Fixed spherical human red blood cells suspended in 17% sucrose were allowed to adhere on either clean glass surfaces or glass surfaces preincubated with antibodies specific to a certain blood group antigen. The adhesion experiments were performed in an impinging jet apparatus, in which the cells are subjected to stagnation point flow. The objective of this study was to compare the efficiencies of nonspecific and specific (antigen-antibody mediated) adhesion of red blood cells on glass surfaces. The efficiency was defined as the ratio of the experimental adhesion rate to that calculated based on numerical solutions of the mass transfer equation, taking into account hydrodynamic interactions as well as colloidal forces. The efficiency for nonspecific adhesion was nearly unity at flow rates lower than 85 microliter/s (corresponding to a wall shear rate, Gw, of 30 s-1 at a radial distance of 110 microns from the stagnation point). The values of efficiency dropped at higher flow rates, due to an increase in the tangential force. The critical deposition concentration is found to occur at 120-150 mM NaCl, which is consistent with the theoretically predicted values. At low salt concentrations, the experimental values are higher than the theoretical ones. Similar discrepancies have been found in many colloidal systems. Introducing steric repulsion by adsorbing a layer of albumin molecules on the glass completely prevents nonspecific adhesion at flow rates below 60 microliter/s (Gw congruent to 15 s-1). The efficiency of specific adhesion depends both on the concentration of antibody molecules on the surface and the flow rate. Normal red cells adhere more readily through antigen-antibody bonds than fixed cells. Fixed spherical cells have a higher adhesion efficiency than fixed biconcave ones.  相似文献   
The possibility of continuously measuring the heat produced by microorganisms in an ordinary laboratory fermentor was studies. An inventory of the heat flows influencing the temperature of the culture was made. The magnitude and standard deviation in these heat flows were studied from theoretical and practical viewpoints. Calibration procedures were tested, and a model describing the heat flows in steady state and during dynamic conditions was made. Microbial heat production could be calculated accurately with the help of this model, appropriate temperature measurements, and equipment properties measured during the calibration procedures. It was found that the measurement of heat production could be done with an accuracy similar to that in the O(2) uptake measurement. (c) 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
Conventional gravimetry and a combination of gravimetry and respirometry were compared for their precision in measuring respiration and metabolic efficiency of growth of final stadiumPieris brassicae L. (Pieridae, Lepidoptera) caterpillars. This was done both for caterpillars feeding on an artificial diet and for caterpillars feeding on excised leaf material of a host plant,Brassica oleracea L. Gravimetry produced significantly greater variation in the total amount of matter respired and the metabolic efficiency than indirect calorimetry for caterpillars feeding on plant material, while the two methods gave similar results for the caterpillars reared on a meridic artificial diet. Respirometry (indirect calorimetry) revealed that caterpillars feeding on the artificial diet were growing with a higher metabolic efficiency than caterpillars feeding on the host plant. This difference was not revealed by conventional gravimetry. It is argued that metabolic efficiencies as derived from gravimetric budget calculations are subject to a number of random errors that distort precise determination of metabolic efficiencies in studies involving plant food.  相似文献   
Successful control of greenhouse whitefly may be achieved by complementary activity of the parasitoidEncarsia formosa and the fungusAschersonia aleyrodis. One way to obtain an additive mortality effect of both entomopathogen and parasitoid would be achieved by the selection of healthy hosts by the parasitoid and rejection of fungus-infected hosts. Third and fourth instar larvae ofTrialeurodes vaporariorum which had been treated with a spore suspension ofA. aleyrodis 0, 4, 7, 10 or 14 days beforehand, were presented to female parasitoids. The parasitoids adopted the oviposition posture on untreated hosts as well as on treated hosts, irrespective of the different stages of infection in the hosts. However, significantly more hosts were parasitized byE. formosa in the control treatment than in the fungal treatment. The parasitoids offered treated hosts, showed rejection behaviour after probing on hosts showing detectable signs of infection (containing hyphal bodies or mycelium in the haemolymph). For instance, when hosts were offered seven days after spore treatment, the parasitoids showed an oviposition posture on a total of 83 (95.4%) out of 87 infected larvae, but laid only 4 eggs (4.6%). In contrast, on 48 (94.1%) out of 51 noninfected (or showing no detectable signs of infection) hosts an oviposition posture was adopted and 40 eggs (78.4%) were found after dissection. When infected hosts were encountered the oviposition posture lasted less than 1′40″ while rejection of non-infected hosts occurred after more than 1′40″. Other experiments were carried out offering treated hosts for 24 h to the parasitoids. The hosts were dissected afterwards. Again, significantly more eggs were laid in the non-infected hosts. When hosts were parasitized shortly after fungal spore treatment they were colonized by the fungus and the parasitoids did not develop. Transmission of the entomopathogen after probing infected hosts was observed to a limited extent. In conclusion,A. aleyrodis andE. formosa can be used together in a glasshouse situation. The parasitoid will be most effective when introduced more than seven days after application ofA. aleyrodis, because from that time onwards it is able to detect and reject fungus-infected hosts.  相似文献   
The mechanisms of chain selection and assembly of type IX collagen, a heterotrimer 1(IX)2(IX)3(IX), must differ from that of fibrillar collagens since it lacks the characteristic C-propeptide of these latter molecules. We have tested the hypothesis that the information required for this process is contained within the C-terminal triple helical disulfide-bonded region (LMW). The reassociations of the purified LMW fragments of pepsinized bovine type IX collagen were followed by the formation of disulfide-bonded multimers. Our data demonstrate that only three triple helical assemblies form readily, (1)3, (2)3, and 123. The information required for chain selection and assembly is thus, at least in part, contained in the studied fragments. Molecular stoichiometries different from the classical heterotrimer may thus also form under certain conditions.  相似文献   
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