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Summary After the application of parachlorophenylalanine (pCPA), an amino acid analogue, paracrystalline inclusions are observed in the exocrine pancreas of the rat. The formation of the paracrystalline structures varies according to the dose and the time of examination. Although the first alterations can be seen in the Golgi apparatus and the condensing vacuoles, the main localization of these structures is within the cisternae of the RER. At the same time as degenerative changes occur in the cells, involving autophagic and heterophagic processes, regneration also takes place. With the freeze-fracturing method, the paracrystalline inclusions are interpreted as lamellae or plates of probably altered secretory proteins in extremely extended RER-cisternae. The fracture surfaces of the paracrystals show a periodicity of about 80 Å running diagonally to the main axis of the paracrystalline structures, which are mainly oriented from the basal parts of the exocrine pancreatic cells to the cell apices.The mechanism of paracrystalline formation is discussed on the basis of the morphologic results. It could be shown that after pCPA administration the amylase content is decreased concomittantly with degranulation. pCPA seems not to be incorporated into secretory proteins; high intracellular concentrations, however, are required to induce the formation of the paracrystalline structures. This morphological study is the basis for other studies dealing with secretion and intracellular transport in the pancreatic acinar cell under experimental conditions.We are very grateful to Mrs. B. Brühl, Mrs. I. Stenull and cand. med. P. Zahn for technical assistence. We also gratefully acknowledge Prof. Dr. R. Taugner for the help with freeze-fracturing  相似文献   
The structure of the capsular polysaccharide from Klebsiella type 59 has been investigated by methylation analysis, a modified Smith-degradation procedure, and uronic acid degradation followed by oxidation and elimination of the substituents of the oxidized residue. The oligomeric fragments produced by these degradative procedures were isolated and characterized. O-Acetyl groups were identified and their position determined. The polysaccharide consists of the following pentasaccharide repeating-unit (dotted lines indicate that only some of the residues carry the O-acetyl substituent). See article.  相似文献   
Starting from the histone mixture obtained from calf thymus, the arginine rich fraction ARE+) was coupled to organomercurial agarose via a mercaptide bond to one of its cysteines. ARE-agarose proved to be useful for a large scale affinity chromatographic separation of whole histone. In 1M NaCl, pH 4.5, highly pure histone fractions could be eluted with an urea gradient revealing increasing affinity towards ARE in the order: KAP < KAS < LAK < (ARE)n(GRK)n < GRK < ARE.  相似文献   
Streptomyces michiganensis strain Tü 1074, was isolated from a Tunesian soil sample and produces in liquid medium an antibiotic active pigment complex. Besides mitomycin A the separation of this complex yielded a nonactive phenoxazone, which hitherto has not been described in the literature. In contrary to all known phenoxazones from microorganisms the new compound lacks a 2-amino-function. The production of this phenoxazone could be enhanced by optimizing the conditions of fermentation.  相似文献   
Summary The incidence of Edwards' syndrome was found to be 1 per 4857 newborn children of 34000 consecutively newborn children in two Danish counties. Six of the 7 cases were born during the months of February through April.The incidence was high compared with the expected incidence of Edwards' syndrome of approximately 1 per 10000. This might be due to clustering in the area studied during the period 1967 to 1973.The finding of variations in incidence of children with Edwards' syndrome in different parts of the world, as well as the finding of seasonal variation in birth of such children, indicates that some of the etiological factors of nondisjunction of chromosome 18 are of an environmental nature.  相似文献   
Summary The preparation of a mannan-iron complex is described. The mannan-iron complex can be used for electron microscopic demonstration of membrane bound Concanavalin A or Lens culinaris lectin because the high reactivity of these lectins toward the mannan.  相似文献   
The pestivirus bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) was shown to bind to the bovine CD46 molecule, which subsequently promotes entry of the virus. To assess the receptor usage of BVDV type 1 (BVDV-1) and BVDV-2, 30 BVDV isolates including clinical samples were assayed for their sensitivity to anti-CD46 antibodies. With a single exception the infectivity of all tested strains of BVDV-1 and BVDV-2 was inhibited by anti-CD46 antibodies, which indicates the general usage of CD46 as a BVDV receptor. Molecular analysis of the interaction between CD46 and the BVD virion was performed by mapping the virus binding site on the CD46 molecule. Single complement control protein modules (CCPs) within the bovine CD46 were either deleted or replaced by analogous CCPs of porcine CD46, which does not bind BVDV. While the epitopes recognized by anti-CD46 monoclonal antibodies which block BVDV infection were attributed to CCP1 and CCP2, in functional assays only CCP1 turned out to be essential for BVDV binding and infection. Within CCP1 two short peptides on antiparallel beta strands were identified as crucial for the binding of BVDV. Exchanges of these two peptide sequences were sufficient for a loss of function in bovine CD46 as well as a gain of function in porcine CD46. Determination of the size constraints of CD46 revealed that a minimum length of four CCPs is essential for receptor function. An increase of the distance between the virus binding domain and the plasma membrane by insertion of one to six CCPs of bovine C4 binding protein exhibited only a minor influence on susceptibility to BVDV.  相似文献   
Growth patterns of two common circumpolar bivalves, the Greenland cockle (Serripes groenlandicus), and the hairy cockle (Clinocardium ciliatum) have been used in previous studies to reconstruct environmental conditions in the arctic. To date, there has been no direct determination that growth lines in either species are deposited periodically, and there has been no examination of factors affecting growth. We placed calcein-marked individuals of both species on oceanographic moorings in two fjords (Rijpfjord and Kongsfjord) in the Svalbard archipelago for one and two (Kongsfjord only) years. Growth patterns were compared with concurrent in situ temperature and fluorescence data in order to assess environmental controls on growth. Dark growth lines are evident on the outer shell surface and internally in shell cross section in both S. groenlandicus and C. ciliatum, and both species deposited only one line per year, unequivocally confirming that internal lines are deposited annually. Growth line deposition in both species began in late summer to early fall, before the seasonal decline in temperature. There was no difference in growth of S. groenlandicus between the two fjords despite differences in water temperature (3°C), fluorescence (nearly threefold) and the onset and duration of the winter season. C. ciliatum, however, grew approximately 2.8 times faster in the warmer, more food-rich Kongsfjord than in Rijpfjord. Subannual lines were counted in two individuals of each species from each fjord, but deposition of these lines was not clearly related to number of growing days estimated by temperature and fluorescence.  相似文献   
Monitoring living cells in real‐time is important in order to unravel complex dynamic processes in life sciences. In particular the dynamics of initiation and progression of degenerative diseases is intensely studied. In atherosclerosis the thickening of arterial walls is related to high lipid levels in the blood stream, which trigger the lipid uptake and formation of droplets as neutral lipid reservoirs in macrophages in the arterial wall. Unregulated lipid uptake finally results in foam cell formation, which is a hallmark of atherosclerosis. In previous studies, the uptake and storage of different fatty acids was monitored by measuring fixed cells. Commonly employed fluorescence staining protocols are often error prone because of cytotoxicity and unspecific fluorescence backgrounds. By following living cells with Raman spectroscopic imaging, lipid uptake of macrophages was studied with real‐time data acquisition. Isotopic labeling using deuterated palmitic acid has been combined with spontaneous and stimulated Raman imaging to investigate the dynamic process of fatty acid storage in human macrophages for incubation times from 45 min to 37 h. Striking heterogeneity in the uptake rate and the total concentration of deuterated palmitic acid covering two orders of magnitude is detected in single as well as ensembles of cultured human macrophages.

SRS signal of deuterated palmitic acid measured at the CD vibration band after incorporation into living macrophages.  相似文献   

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