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What is the relevance of Europeanist ethnography for anthropological theory generally? Considering a region usually regarded as the source rather than an object of anthropology and colonialism alike, seven anthropologists reflexively address, inter alia, the implications of studying spaces already deeply explored by other disciplines, the potential of economic history to defamiliarize Eurocentric models and of recent events to illuminate such concepts as state and market, the meaning of "West" as a specific locus of power and reification, the limits of the "local" as the focus of ethnography, and the tensions among politically and culturally disparate entities within emergent ideologies of cultural unity.  相似文献   
SUMMARY We studied the developmental basis of exaggerated eye span in two species of stalk-eyed flies ( Cyrtodiopsis dalmanni and Sphyracephala beccarri ). These flies have eyes laterally displaced at the end of eyestalks, and males have greatly exaggerated eye span, which they use as a sexual display. To investigate eye span development we have compared eye-antennal disc morphology and the expression of three key regulator genes of Drosophila head development, Distal-less ( Dll ) , engrailed ( en ), and wingless ( wg ), in the stalk-eyed flies and Drosophila . We found great similarity in the basic division of the disc into anterior-antennal and posterior-eye portions and in the general patterning of Dll, en , and wg . Unexpectedly, our results showed that although the eye and antenna are adjacent in adult stalk-eyed flies, their primordia are physically separated by the presence of an intervening region between the anterior and posterior portions of the disc. This region is absent from Drosophila eye-antennal discs. We chose two stalk-eyed fly species that differed in the degree of eyestalk exaggeration but surprisingly we found no corresponding difference in the size of the en-wg expression domains that mark the boundaries of the dorsal head capsule primordia. In summary, our expression data establish the regional identity of the eye-antennal disc and provide a framework from which to address the developmental genetics of hypercephaly.  相似文献   
Living in the city: can anyone become an ‘urban exploiter'?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Aim As urban landscapes expand, shifts in biodiversity are occurring. This is leading biogeographers and ecologists to consider human‐dominated landscapes in their current work. One question that arises is: what characterizes those species that are widespread in the most highly urban environments compared with those restricted to less urbanized areas in the city? Here, we aim to identify the traits that enable species to become urban exploiters, i.e. to dominate highly urbanized surroundings. Identifying these traits may help us better predict and possibly mitigate the biotic homogenization occurring in these areas. Location Israel in general, with special focus on the city of Jerusalem. Methods Combining literature and field‐based data for birds in Israel we compared phenotypic, behavioural and life‐history traits between urban exploiters and urban adapters. The latter occur in urban landscapes, but are characteristic of the less urbanized parts of the city. We then examined the trends along a finer field‐sampled gradient of increasing urbanization from sub‐natural to downtown areas within the city of Jerusalem. Results Urban exploiters and adapters differed primarily in social structure and migratory status: exploiters were significantly more social and sedentary than urban adapters. Clear trends were also seen for dietary preferences along a gradient of increasing urbanization in Jerusalem, such that, with increasing urbanization, the proportion of granivorous species increased whereas the proportion of species feeding on invertebrates declined. In contrast, neither relative brain size nor behavioural flexibility, as measured by feeding innovations, differed significantly among urban exploiters and adapters in Israel or along the urbanization gradient in Jerusalem specifically. Main conclusions The results of our study suggest that being successful in more vs. less urbanized environments in the city is not necessarily a factor of brain size nor of how flexible and behaviourally innovative the species is; rather, it depends on a combination of traits, including diet, degree of sociality, sedentariness and preferred nesting sites.  相似文献   
1. Gene flow in populations of stream insects is expected to depend on the distance between and the connectedness of sites in stream networks, and on dispersal ability (i.e. larval drift and adult flight).
2. Yoraperla brevis (Banks) is an abundant and characteristic stonefly of smaller streams in the northern Rocky Mountains. The present authors analysed genetic structure at 27 sites in sevenz streams flowing into the Bitterroot River in western Montana, USA. Cellulose acetate electrophoresis identified five variable loci with 16 alleles.
3. Genotype frequencies conformed to Hardy–Weinberg expectations. Within-stream differentiation was low and among-stream variation ( F st) was an order of magnitude higher.
4. UPGMA grouped sites within streams and also grouped adjacent streams. The tree produced by the Neighbour Joining Method was similar although not quite so clear cut.
5. This orderly pattern (i.e. Hardy–Weinberg proportions, homogeneity within streams and geographical structure) contrasts strongly with patterns observed in invertebrates from subtropical streams in Australia. Yoraperla brevis maintains large populations in predictable environments, has a long life-cycle with a likelihood of cohort mixing, emerges synchronously in large breeding populations and occupies streams separated by areas of high relief; the Australian situation is the opposite in most respects.
6. Further analysis of a range of species is required to determine whether the different genetic structure in Y. brevis compared to the Australian species occurs more generally in North American stream insects.  相似文献   
Deforestation and bird extinctions in the Atlantic forest   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
5-[76Br]Bromo-3-[[2(S)-azetidinyl]methoxy]pyridine ([76Br]BAP), a novel nicotinic acetylcholine receptor ligand, was synthesized using [76Br]bromide in an oxidative bromodestannylation of the corresponding trimethylstannyl compound. The radiochemical yield was 25%, and the specific radioactivity was on the order of 1 Ci/micromol. The binding properties of [76Br]BAP were characterized in vitro and in vivo in rat brain, and positron emission tomography (PET) experiments were performed in two rhesus monkeys. In association experiments on membranes of the cortex and thalamus, >90% of maximal specific [76Br]BAP binding was obtained after 60 min. The dissociation half-life of [76Br]BAP was 51 +/- 6 min in cortical membranes and 56 +/- 3 min in thalamic membranes. Saturation experiments with [76Br]BAP revealed one population of binding sites with dissociation constant (K(D)) values of 36 +/- 9 and 30 +/- 9 pM in membranes of cortex and thalamus, respectively. The maximal binding site density (Bmax) values were 90 +/- 17 and 207 +/- 33 fmol/mg in membranes of cortex and thalamus, respectively. Scatchard plots were nonlinear, and the Hill coefficients were <1, suggesting the presence of a lower-affinity binding site. In vitro autoradiography studies showed that binding of [76Br]BAP was high in the thalamus and presubiculum, moderate in the cortex and striatum, and low in the cerebellum and hippocampus. A similar pattern of [76Br]BAP accumulation was observed by ex vivo autoradiography. In vivo, binding of [76Br]BAP in whole rat brain was blocked by preinjection of (S)(-)-nicotine (0.3 mg/kg) by 27, 52, 68, and 91% at survival times of 10, 25, 40, 120, and 300 min, respectively. In a preliminary PET study in rhesus monkeys, the highest [76Br]BAP uptake was found in the thalamus, and radioactivity was displaceable by approximately 60% with cytisine and by 50% with (S)(-)-nicotine. The data of this study indicate that [76Br]BAP is a promising radioligand for the characterization of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in vivo.  相似文献   
A phylogeny for 21 species of spatangoid sea urchins is constructed using data from three genes and results compared with morphology-based phylogenies derived for the same taxa and for a much larger sample of 88 Recent and fossil taxa. Different data sets and methods of analysis generate different phylogenetic hypotheses, although congruence tests show that all molecular approaches produce trees that are congruent with each other. By contrast, the trees generated from morphological data differ significantly according to taxon sampling density and only those with dense sampling (after a posteriori weighting) are congruent with molecular estimates. With limited taxon sampling, secondary reversals in deep-water taxa are interpreted as plesiomorphies, pulling them to a basal position. The addition of fossil taxa with their unique character combinations reveals hidden homoplasy and generates a phylogeny that is compatible with molecular estimates. As homoplasy levels were found to be broadly similar across different anatomical structures in the echinoid test, no one suite of morphological characters can be considered to provide more reliable phylogenetic information. Some traditional groupings are supported, including the grouping of Loveniidae, Brissidae and Spatangidae within the Micrasterina, but the Asterostomatidae is shown to be polyphyletic with members scattered amongst at least five different clades. As these are mostly deep-sea taxa, this finding implies multiple independent invasions into the deep sea.  相似文献   
Abstract.  1. Nutrient resource availability and host-plant foliar pubescence both influence arthropod food webs, but multifactor studies are needed to understand their interdependence and relative importance. Arthropods were sampled by clipping foliage from Metrosideros polymorpha (Myrtaceae) trees of pubescent, glabrous, and intermediate leaf forms on fertilised and unfertilised plots.
2. Fertilisation decreased leaf mass per area (LMA) but did not change the relative mass of pubescence within leaf morphological classes.
3. Fertilisation increased densities of individuals in four taxonomic orders, densities of individuals and species of all trophic levels, and the biomass of Collembola and Homoptera. Herbivore relative diversity (Shannon H ') also increased with fertilisation, but detritivore diversity declined due to increasing dominance of Salina celebensis (Schaeffer) (Collembola).
4. Detritivore density, driven again by S. celebensis , increased with decreasing leaf pubescence, but Heteroptera and Acari were most abundant on the intermediate pubescence class, and Psocoptera density and biomass increased with increasing pubescence. Trophic-level species density did not change with leaf morphological class, but relative diversity of all arthropods and of detritivores increased with increasing pubescence.
5. Both resource availability and leaf pubescence affected Metrosideros arthropod communities. However, the pervasive positive influence of fertilisation did not translate to compositional shifts, and there were no interactions with leaf morphological class. In contrast, the effects of leaf pubescence on arthropod density, biomass, and diversity were more restricted taxonomically, and non-parametric manova and redundancy analyses demonstrated significant differentiation in community composition on the pubescent morphology.  相似文献   
Semi‐field‐scale arrays of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) (Brassicaceae) plants were used to observe the development of distributions of pollen beetles (Meligethes aeneus Fabricius) (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) in a simulated trap crop system where inflorescence growth stage alone was used to manipulate the pest. Over two successive years, pairs of 1 m spaced square arrays of 100 glasshouse‐grown plants were placed 40 m apart in the field in May, and were subject to natural infestation by pollen beetles. The test plot of each pair had a simulated trap crop, with an outer row of plants at early flowering stage intended to protect more susceptible inner plants at late bud stage, and the control plot had all plants at the late‐bud stage, simulating a standard crop situation. Pollen beetles were counted daily on each plant for 10–13 days. The spatio‐temporal development of plot infestation was analysed in relation to the distribution of racemes in bud and raceme in flowers using Spatial Analysis by Distance IndicEs (SADIE), and tests of edge and centre distribution. Inflorescence growth stage characteristics were shown to be important in determining the spatial distributions of pollen beetles. In control plots, the numbers of racemes in bud and in flower were never edge or centre distributed. In test plots, racemes in flower were always edge distributed, and racemes in bud began edge distributed and became centre distributed. Pollen beetle numbers were usually spatially associated with the abundance of racemes in bud and/or in flower. In control plots, pollen beetles were neither edge nor centre distributed, but in test plots they maintained a significant edge distribution for 7–10 days. At the end of the experiments, females were more centre distributed in the test plots than males, and were more closely associated with racemes with buds, whereas males were more associated with racemes with flowers. In early flowering stage plants, the number of racemes in flowers were a good indicator of the abundance of racemes in buds, but this relationship was lost as flowering progressed. Although flowering racemes provide strong cues for immigrating pollen beetles, the abundance of buds may be a more important determinant of residence time, particularly for females, and is therefore a critical determinant of trap crop effectiveness.  相似文献   
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