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We have established the genomic cleavage map of Salmonella enteritidis strain SSU7998 using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. The chromosome of 4600kb was analysed by XbaI (16 fragments), I-CeuI (7 fragments) and BlnI (12 fragments); the genome also contains a plasmid of 60 kb. Cleavage sites of I-CeuI, in the large subunit ribosomal RNA gene, are conserved from Salmonella typhimurium and Escherichia coli K-12, and the XbaI and BinI sites in glt-tRNA are also conserved, but other sites are less conserved. Transposon Tn10, located at 60 different positions in the chromosome of S. typhimurium, was transduced by bacteriophage P22 into S. enteritidis and the insertion mapped using the XbaI and BlnI sites on Tn10. Gene order in S. enteritidis is identical to S. typhimurium LT2 and similar to E. coli K-12 except for an inversion of 815 kb, which covers the terminus region including T1 and T2. Endpoints are in the NDZs, or non-divisible zones, in which inversion endpoints were not detected in experiments in E. coli K-12 and S. typhimurium LT2. This inversion resembles the inversion between S. typhimurium and E. coli, but is longer at both ends.  相似文献   
Changes in holocentric chromosome number due to fission and fusion have direct and immediate effects on genome structure and recombination rates. These, in turn, may influence ecology and evolutionary trajectories profoundly. Sedges of the genus Carex (Cyperaceae) comprise ca. 2000 species with holocentric chromosomes. The genus exhibits a phenomenal range in the chromosome number (2n = 10 − 132) with almost not polyploidy. In this study, we integrated the most comprehensive cytogenetic and phylogenetic data for sedges with associated climatic and morphological data to investigate the hypothesis that high recombination rates are selected when evolutionary innovation is required, using chromosome number evolution as a proxy for recombination rate. We evaluated Ornstein–Uhlenbeck models to infer shifts in chromosome number equilibrium and selective regime. We also tested the relationship between chromosome number and diversification rates. Our analyses demonstrate significant correlations between morphology and climatic niche and chromosome number in Carex. Nevertheless, the amount of chromosomal variation that we are able to explain is very small. We recognized a large number of shifts in mean chromosome number, but a significantly lower number in climatic niche and morphology. We also detected a peak in diversification rates near intermediate recombination rates. In combination, these analyses point toward the importance of chromosome evolution to the evolutionary history of Carex. Our work suggests that the effect of chromosome evolution on recombination rates, not just on reproductive isolation, may be central to the evolutionary history of sedges.  相似文献   
Carex section Phacocystis (Cyperaceae) is one of the most diverse and taxonomically complex groups of sedges (between 116 and 147 species), with a worldwide distribution in a wide array of biomes. It has a very complicated taxonomic history, with numerous disagreements among different treatments. We studied the biogeography and niche evolution in a phylogenetic framework to unveil the relative contribution of geographical and ecological drivers to diversification of the group. We used a large species sampling of the section (82% of extant species) to build a phylogeny based on four DNA regions, constrained with a phylogenomic HybSeq tree and dated with six fossil calibrations. Our phylogenetic results recovered section Phacocystis s.s. (core Phacocystis) as sister to section Praelongae. Ancestral area reconstruction points toward the N Pacific as the cradle for the crown diversification of section Phacocystis during the Middle Miocene. Wide distributions were recurrently inferred across deep nodes. Large Northern Hemisphere lineages with geographical congruence were retrieved, pointing toward the importance of allopatric divergence at deep phylogenetic levels, whereas within-area speciation emerges as the predominant pattern at shallow phylogenetic level. The Southern Hemisphere (Neotropics, SW Pacific) was colonized several times from the Northern Hemisphere. The global expansion of Carex section Phacocystis did not entail major ecological changes along the inner branches of the phylogeny. Nevertheless, ecological differentiation seems to gain importance toward recent times.  相似文献   
Mosses (Bryophyta) are a key group occupying an important phylogenetic position in land plant (embryophyte) evolution. The class Bryopsida represents the most diversified lineage, containing more than 95% of modern mosses, whereas other classes are species‐poor. Two branches with large numbers of gene duplications were elucidated by phylogenomic analyses, one in the ancestry of all mosses and another before the separation of the Bryopsida, Polytrichopsida, and Tetraphidopsida. The analysis of the phylogenetic progression of duplicated paralogs retained on genomic syntenic regions in the Physcomitrella patens genome confirmed that the whole‐genome duplication events WGD1 and WGD2 were re‐recognized as the ψ event and the Funarioideae duplication event, respectively. The ψ polyploidy event was tightly associated with the early diversification of Bryopsida, in the ancestor of Bryidae, Dicranidae, Timmiidae, and Funariidae. Together, four branches with large numbers of gene duplications were unveiled in the evolutionary past of P. patens. Gene retention patterns following the four large‐scale duplications in different moss lineages were analyzed and discussed. Recurrent significant retention of stress‐related genes may have contributed to their adaption to distinct ecological environments and the evolutionary success of this early‐diverging land plant lineage.  相似文献   
The genus Elaeocarpus contains approximately 360 species and occurs in mesic forest communities from India, through to China, Southeast Asia, New Guinea, Australia, and New Caledonia. Elaeocarpus fossils are best known from the Eocene to the Miocene of Australia and the late Pliocene–early Pleistocene of India, but have not been documented from East Asia before. Here we describe six new species of Elaeocarpus, E. nanningensis sp. nov. from the late Oligocene Yongning Formation of the Nanning Basin, E. presikkimensis sp. nov. from the Miocene Erzitang Formation of the Guiping Basin, E. prerugosus sp. nov., E. prelacunosus sp. nov., E. preserratus sp. nov., and E. preprunifolioides sp. nov. from the late Miocene Foluo Formation of the Nankang Basin in Guangxi, South China. This is the first reliable report for the genus occurring in East Asia, and the fossils indicate that Elaeocarpus had colonized this region by the late Oligocene and represented by a morphologically diverse group of species by the late Miocene. This sheds new insights into the timing and migration patterns of the genus in East Asia. Elaeocarpus is typically a rainforest genus occurring in mesic forests. Based on the habitat of their morphologically similar modern relatives we propose that these three sedimentary basins were warm and wet adjacent to mountainous regions with the evergreen or rain forests during the late Oligocene to Miocene.  相似文献   
Molecular dynamics simulation techniques, together with semiempirical PM3 calculations, have been used to investigate the effect of photoisomerization of the 4-hydroxy-cinnamic acid chromophore on the structural properties of the photoactive yellow protein (PYP) from Ectothiorodospira halophila. In this bacteria, exposure to blue light leads to a negative photoactic response. The calculations suggest that the isomerization does not directly destabilize the protein. However, because of the isomerization, a proton transfer from a glutamic acid residue (Glu46) to the phenolate oxygen atom of the chromophore becomes energetically favorable. The proton transfer initiates conformational changes within the protein, which are in turn believed to lead to signaling.  相似文献   
Calcium transients accompany ooplasmic segregation in zebrafish embryos   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Through the injection of f -aequorin (a calcium-specific luminescent reporter), and the use of an imaging photon detector, transient localized elevations of free cytosolic calcium in the forming blastodisc (BD) and animal hemisphere cortex were visualized that correlated with ooplasmic segregation. The introduction of an appropriate concentration of the weak (KD= 1.5 μmol/L) calcium buffer 5,5'-dibromo-BAPTA results in the dissipation of these calcium domains, and inhibits cytoplasmic streaming and the subsequent formation of a BD at the animal pole. These inhibitory actions are dependent on the final cytosolic concentration of buffer within the egg: ≥ 1.3 mmol/L blocks ooplasmic streaming; < 1.3 mmol/L eggs segregate normally. Injection of 5,5'-dimethyl-BAPTA (KD= 0.15 μmol/L) to a final concentration of 1.5 mmol/L as a control has no effect on ooplasmic streaming. These results suggest that localized domains of elevated free cytosolic calcium are essential for ooplasmic segregation in zebrafish. Furthermore, a hypothetical model is presented linking these calcium transients to the contraction of a cortically located actin microfilament network as a possible mechanism providing the driving force for segregation.  相似文献   
We report the functional characterization of BipA, a GTPase that undergoes tyrosine phosphorylation in an enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) strain. BipA mutants adhere to cultured epithelial cells but fail to trigger the characteristic cytoskeletal rearrangements found in cells infected with wild-type EPEC. In contrast, increased expression of BipA enhances actin remodelling and results in the hyperformation of pseudopods. BipA appears to be the first example of a new class of virulence regulator, as it also controls flagella-mediated cell motility and resistance to the antibacterial effects of a human host defence protein. Its striking sequence similarity to ribosome-binding elongation factors suggests that it uses a novel mechanism to modulate gene expression.  相似文献   
A protocol was devised which permitted the extraction of DNA from deep marine sediments up to 503 m below the sea floor. These sediments have been laid down over the last 3 million years. 16S rRNA gene sequences were amplified from the DNA by the polymerase chain reaction. The details of the successful extraction and polymerase chain reaction methodology varied between samples from different depths. This emphasizes the attention to detail required to allow the diversity of bacteria in these deep sediments to be studied.  相似文献   
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