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Differences in availability of food resources are often manifested in the differentiation of feeding habits of closely related mammal species. Therefore, we assumed that the diet composition and trophic niche of house (i.e., highly dependent on human households), feral (i.e. independent on human households) domestic cats (Felis silvestris catus) and wildcats (Felis s. silvestris) differs. Based on the literature data from Europe (53 study sites), we compared the diet of these three felids analyzed with use of indirect methods (stomach and scat analyses). In the case of the house cat, we additionally compared consumption data obtained directly from prey brought home. Data were expressed as the relative frequency of occurrence to compare dietary patterns. The main prey of the three cat types were small mammals in different ratios. According to the stomach and scat samples, the diet composition of the cat types showed differences in the consumption of rodents, insectivores, wild ungulates, and household food, supporting the “dietary differences originate from varying resources” hypothesis. More opportunistic house cats had a broader trophic niche than feeding specialist wildcats, while feral cats had an intermediate position. The trophic niche breadth of all three cat types increased along a latitudinal gradient from northern to southern areas of Europe. The predation of the house cat which was examined from prey brought home differed from the data obtained by indirect diet analysis; however, it yielded similar results to the diet of the feral cat and the wildcat. Due to their high numbers and similarity of its diet to the wildcat, house cats are a threat to wild animals; therefore, their predation pressure needs to be further investigated.  相似文献   
To further proceed with our previous work, novel steroid-based histamine H3 receptor antagonists were identified and characterized. Using an ‘amine-to-amide’ modification strategy at position 17, in vitro and in vivo potent monoamino steroid derivatives were found during the lead optimization. Usage of the non-basic amide moiety resulted in beneficial effects both in activity and selectivity. The 15α-carboxamido derivative 10 was not only highly active at human and rat H3 receptors, but also showed negligible activity at rat muscarinic receptors. Furthermore, it proved to be considerably stable in human and rat microsomes and showed significant in vivo potency in the pharmacodynamic rat dipsogenia test and in the water-labyrinth cognitive model. Based on all of these considerations, compound 10 was appointed to be a preclinical candidate.  相似文献   
The Caribbean region is one of the five leading biodiversity hotspots in the world. Analysis of the spatial structure of critical habitats and how it affects endemic species in this region is essential baseline information for biodiversity monitoring and management. We quantified and evaluated the spatial structure and connectivity of depression forests on Mona Island and their potential impact on Mona Island rock iguana habitat, as a framework to assess spatial distribution, connectivity, and the issue of scale in small and widely dispersed habitats. Using IKONOS imagery, we mapped and delineated depression forests at four different scales (minimum mapping units: <100, 100, 500, and 1,000 m), and calculated landscape metrics describing their spatial structure, and connectivity, for each map resolution. Our approach resulted in a more detailed map than previously described maps, providing better information on habitat connectivity for iguanas. The comparison of the island landscape mapped at different scales provided evidence on how changing scales affect the output of spatial metrics and may have a significant impact when planning decisions and assigning conservation priorities. It also highlighted the importance of adequate ecological scales when addressing landscape management and conservation priorities. The analysis of landscapes at multiple scales provided a mechanism to evaluate the role of patch detection and its effect on the interpretation of connectivity and spatial structure of suitable areas for species with small and widely dispersed habitats. These methodologies can be applied other species, in different environments, with similar limitations related to connectivity and habitat availability.  相似文献   
We coordinated biogeographical comparisons of the impacts of an exotic invasive tree in its native and non-native ranges with a congeneric comparison in the non-native range. Prosopis juliflora is taxonomically complicated and with P. pallida forms the P. juliflora complex. Thus we sampled P. juliflora in its native Venezuela, and also located two field sites in Peru, the native range of Prosopis pallida. Canopies of Prosopis juliflora, a native of the New World but an invader in many other regions, had facilitative effects on the diversity of other species in its native Venezuela, and P. pallida had both negative and positive effects depending on the year, (overall neutral effects) in its native Peru. However, in India and Hawaii, USA, where P. juliflora is an aggressive invader, canopy effects were consistently and strongly negative on species richness. Prosopis cineraria, a native to India, had much weaker effects on species richness in India than P. juliflora. We carried out multiple congeneric comparisons between P. juliflora and P. cineraria, and found that soil from the rhizosphere of P. juliflora had higher extractable phosphorus, soluble salts and total phenolics than P. cineraria rhizosphere soils. Experimentally applied P. juliflora litter caused far greater mortality of native Indian species than litter from P. cineraria. Prosopis juliflora leaf leachate had neutral to negative effects on root growth of three common crop species of north-west India whereas P. cineraria leaf leachate had positive effects. Prosopis juliflora leaf leachate also had higher concentrations of total phenolics and L-tryptophan than P. cineraria, suggesting a potential allelopathic mechanism for the congeneric differences. Our results also suggest the possibility of regional evolutionary trajectories among competitors and that recent mixing of species from different trajectories has the potential to disrupt evolved interactions among native species.  相似文献   
An annotated distributional checklist of thefreshwater fish recorded historically andrecently in Baja California Sur, México, isprovided. This checklist is supported with4,857 specimens collected at freshwaterlocalities during the period of May 1991 toApril 2002, and complemented with a review ofspecimens in museums and in the literature. Thenative ichthyofauna is represented by 19species belonging to 16 genera and 12 families,with only two cases of endemism (Funduluslima and Gobiesox juniperoserrai). Thefirst occurrence of Centropomus viridisin freshwater environments of Baja Californiapeninsula is reported here. The familiesEleotridae and Mugilidae are the most diversewith 3 species each. Zoogeographically, most ofthe species are of tropical affinity(panamanian 63%, tropical amphiamerican 16%and circumtropical 5%) and of marineecological derivation (sporadic 53%,complementary 26%, vicarious 16% anddiadromous 5%). Six species are exotic in thisregion, of which Cyprinus carpio, Xiphophorus helleri and Tilapia cf. zilli are of recent introduction. The currentstatus of the endemic killifish (Funduluslima) is determined as endangered due tocompetition with Tilapia cf. zilliand other exotic fish.  相似文献   
As an approach to evaluate the contribution of bacteria to lignin degradation in wood, we have chosen to study these microorganisms in the natural wood decay ecosystem known as Palo Podrido. Initially, the characterization of bacteria able to metabolize lignin-related compounds present in samples of Palo Podrido was undertaken. For their isolation, minimal salt media containing lignin dimers of either the arylglycerol--aryl ether (-O-4) or 1,2-diarylpropane (-1) types as the only source of carbon and energy were inoculated with various wood samples exhibiting different degrees of decay. The -1 dimers used failed to support bacterial growth. However, three bacterial consortia able to consume quantitatively the -O-4 model 1-[3,4-dimethoxyphenyl]-2-[2-methoxyphenoxy]-3-hydroxypropanone (compound 1) were isolated. One of these was further characterized. It is composed of eight strains belonging to the families of Streptomycetaceae, Dermatophilaceae and Actinoplanaceae. HPLC and GC-MS analyses revealed that the consortium utilizes two pathways to degrade -O-4 dimers, both involving direct cleavage of the ether linkage. The formation of a novel C6–C3 degradation intermediate is described. Some metabolic properties of each strain, as well as those of the intact consortium, are also reported.  相似文献   
The preference‐performance hypothesis predicts that insect preference should correspond to host suitability for offspring development. We studied the pattern of within‐plant preference in the aphid Sipha flava and its consequences for offspring performance on the host‐plant Sorghum halepense, regarding the role of induced responses of plants to aphid feeding. The consequences of within‐plant preference on aphid population growth and host‐plant traits were also evaluated. Our results showed that winged and wingless aphids preferred to settle on mature rather than young leaves. In contrast, aphid individual growth rate was higher on young leaves when compared with mature leaves, suggesting that the outcome of this test rejected the preference‐performance hypothesis. However, the inclusion of the factor ‘previous aphid infestation’ changed the outcome from a maladaptive choice to a neutral one. Thus, individual growth rates of S. flava increased when aphids developed on leaves that had been previously infested. Interestingly, aphid growth rate on previously infested leaves did not differ between young and mature leaves. On the other hand, aphid population reproductive rate was higher and the percentage of winged aphids lower when infestation occurred on mature rather than young leaves. Aphid infestation reduced plant and shoot biomass, and increased leaf mortality. These negative effects on plant traits related to plant fitness were greater when aphid infestation occurred on young leaves. Likewise, whereas infestation on mature leaves did not cause a significant reduction in the number of flowering plants compared with control plants, aphid infestation on young leaves did reduce the number of plants at the flowering stage. Consequently, if both the reproductive rate of aphids in the mid‐term, and host‐plant fitness are taken into account, the results indicate that aphid preference for mature leaves may be an adaptive choice, thus supporting the preference‐performance hypothesis.  相似文献   
1 Colonies of the aphid Rhopalosiphum maidis on Johnsongrass, Sorghum halepense, usually occur inside the whorl. The present work assessed the role of two biotic factors, plant quality and parasitism by Lysiphlebus testaceipes, in determining within‐plant distribution and performance of R. maidis. The mean relative growth rate of aphids inside the whorl and on a mature leaf was compared, and the concentration of hydroxamic acids in those tissues determined as an indicator of plant quality. Parasitism effectiveness and parasitoid behaviour were evaluated using three treatments: aphid colonies placed (1) wholly inside the whorl, (2) on the inner and outer surfaces of the whorl, and (3) on a mature leaf. 2 The mean relative growth rate of aphids was lower on the whorl than on the mature leaf, and hydroxamic acid concentration in the whorl was higher than in the mature leaf. 3 The number of parasitized dead aphids (mummies) inside the whorl was considerably lower than in the other two treatments. Mummies were present in 80% of the replicates in the whorl, whereas mummies were present in all replicates of the other treatments. 4 Host location time of the parasitoid was increased on the mature leaf compared with the other treatments. No significant differences in the residence time of the parasitoid in the aphid colony occurred between treatments. 5 Host location time showed a negative correlation, and residence time of the parasitoid a positive correlation with the number of aphids on the outer surface of the whorl.  相似文献   
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