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A growing body of evidence now supports the isolation of microorganisms from ancient materials. However, questions about the stringency of extraction methods and the genetic relatedness of isolated organisms to their closest living relatives continue to challenge the authenticity of these ancient life forms. Previous studies have successfully isolated a number of spore-forming bacteria from organic and inorganic deposits of considerable age whose survival is explained by their ability to enter suspended animation for extended periods of time. However, despite a number of putative reports, the isolation of non-spore-forming bacteria and an explanation for their survival have remained enigmatic. Here we describe the isolation of non-spore-forming cocci from a 120-million-year-old block of amber, which by genetic, morphological, and biochemical analyses are identified as belonging to the bacterial species Micrococcus luteus. Although comparison of 16S rRNA sequences from the ancient isolates with their modern counterparts is unable to confirm the precise age of these bacteria, we demonstrate, using complementary molecular and cell biological techniques, evidence supporting the view that these (and related modern members of the genus) have numerous adaptations for survival in extreme, nutrient-poor environments, traits that will assist in this bacterias persistence and dispersal in the environment. The bacterias ability to utilize succinic acid and process terpine-related compounds, both major components of natural amber, support its survival in this oligotrophic environment.  相似文献   
A two-step enrichment procedure led to the isolation of a strain of Rhodococcus ruber (C208) that utilized polyethylene films as sole carbon source. In liquid culture, C208 formed a biofilm on the polyethylene surface and degraded up to 8% (gravimetrically) of the polyolefin within 30 days of incubation. The bacterial adhesion to hydrocarbon assay and the salt aggregation test both showed that the cell-surface hydrophobicity of C208 was higher than that of three other isolates which were obtained from the same consortium but were less efficient than C208 in the degradation of polyethylene. Mineral oil, but not nonionic surfactants, enhanced the colonization of polyethylene and increased biodegradation by about 50%. Fluorescein diacetate (FDA) hydrolysis and protein content analysis were used to test the viability and biomass density of the C208 biofilm on the polyethylene, respectively. Both FDA activity and protein content of the biofilm in a medium containing mineral oil peaked 48–72 h after inoculation and then decreased sharply. This finding apparently reflected rapid utilization of the mineral oil adhering to the polyethylene. The remaining biofilm population continued to proliferate moderately and presumably played a major role in biodegradation of the polyethylene. Fourier transform infrared spectra of UV-photooxidized polyethylene incubated with C208 indicated that biodegradation was initiated by utilization of the carbonyl residues formed in the photooxidized polyethylene  相似文献   
Intrauterine infection is considered as one of the major maternal insults during pregnancy. Intrauterine infection during pregnancy could lead to brain damage of the developmental fetus and offspring. Effects on the fetal, newborn, and adult central nervous system (CNS) may include signs of neurological problems, developmental abnormalities and delays, and intellectual deficits. However, the mechanisms or pathophysiology that leads to permanent brain damage during development are complex and not fully understood. This damage may affect morphogenic and behavioral phenotypes of the developed offspring, and that mice brain damage could be mediated through a final common pathway, which includes over-stimulation of excitatory amino acid receptor, over-production of vascularization/angiogenesis, pro-inflammatory cytokines, neurotrophic factors and apoptotic-inducing factors.  相似文献   
Meiotic recombination in yeast is initiated at DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs), processed into 3′ single-strand overhangs that are active in homology search, repair and formation of recombinant molecules. Are 3′ overhangs recombination intermediaries in mouse germ cells too? To answer this question we developed a novel approach based on the properties of the Klenow enzyme. We carried out two different, successive in situ Klenow enzyme-based reactions on sectioned preparations of testicular tubules. Signals showing 3′ overhangs were observed during wild-type mouse spermatogenesis, but not in Spo11 ?/? males, which lack meiotic DSBs. In Atm ?/? mice, abundant positively stained spermatocytes were present, indicating an accumulation of non-repaired DSBs, suggesting the involvement of ATM in repair of meiotic DSBs. Thus the processing of DSBs into 3′ overhangs is common to meiotic cells in mammals and yeast, and probably in all eukaryotes.  相似文献   
This study investigates the effect of water depth on stable isotope composition and density-band formation in the skeletal material of the zooxanthellate coral Porites lutea. In February 1991, several colonies were stained with Alizarin red-S and then transferred from 6 to 40 m. Ten years later, in February 2001, one colony was retrieved and analyzed. This provided us with the unique opportunity to maintain the corals genetic integrity and hence to isolate environmental factors affecting skeletal isotopic composition and density patterns. Despite extreme environmental changes experienced by the corals, the downward transplants showed no mortality after 10 years. Acclimatization of the coral to the deep-water environment involved changes in mean annual extension rates and colony morphology. The growth rate at 6 m was 5.66±0.47 mm/year, almost twice the growth rate following transplantation to 40 m, which was 3.00±0.37 mm/year. A significant difference in mean annual 18O between the shallow and deep growth phases (–3.10±0.10 and –2.80±0.14il" align="MIDDLE" BORDER="0">, respectively) and amplitude (1.14±0.15 and 1.49±0.20il" align="MIDDLE" BORDER="0">, respectively) was detected. Mean annual 13C in the shallow growth phase was –1.58±0.12il" align="MIDDLE" BORDER="0">, significantly heavier than that of the deep growth phase which was –1.92±0.14il" align="MIDDLE" BORDER="0">. The phase relation between 18O and 13C was also depth dependent. These results suggest that the role of the kinetic effect in determining skeletal isotopic composition of deep-water hermatypic corals in the study site is greater than in that of shallow-water colonies. The timing of density-band formation was found to be depth independent. At both depths, low-density skeleton is produced during summer, and high-density skeleton is produced during winter, implying that it is intrinsically controlled rather than environmentally governed. The implications of these results on paleoclimate and sea level reconstruction are discussed.  相似文献   
The paper is devoted to the problem of multipoint gene ordering with a particular focus on "dominance" complication that acts differently in conditions of coupling-phase and repulsion-phase markers. To solve the problem we split the dataset into two complementary subsets each containing shared codominant markers and dominant markers in the coupling-phase only. Multilocus ordering in the proposed algorithm is based on pairwise recombination frequencies and using the well-known travelling salesman problem (TSP) formalization. To obtain accurate results, we developed a multiphase algorithm that includes synchronized-marker ordering of two subsets assisted by re-sampling-based map verification, combining the resulting maps into an integrated map followed by verification of the integrated map. A new synchronized Evolution-Strategy discrete optimization algorithm was developed here for the proposed multilocus ordering approach in which common codominant markers facilitate stabilization of the marker order of the two complementary maps. High performance of the employed algorithm allows systematic treatment for the problem of verification of the obtained multilocus orders, based on computing-intensive bootstrap and jackknife technologies for detection and removing unreliable marker scores. The efficiency of the proposed algorithm was demonstrated on simulated and real data.Communicated by J.W. Snape  相似文献   
A strategy for the structure analysis of intercalated layer silicates based on a combination of modeling (i.e. force field calculations) and experiment is presented. Modeling in conjunction with experiment enables us to analyze the disordered intercalated structures of layer silicates where conventional diffraction analysis fails. Experiment plays a key role in the modeling strategy and in corroboration of the modeling results. X-ray powder diffraction and IR spectroscopy were found to be very useful complementary experiments to molecular modeling. Molecular mechanics and molecular dynamics simulations were carried out in the Cerius2 and Materials Studio modeling environments. An overview is given of the structures of layer silicates, especially smectites intercalated with various inorganic and organic guest species. Special attention is paid to the ordering of guests in the interlayer space, as it is important for the practical applications of these intercalates, where the interlayer porosity, photofunctions, etc. must be controlled. Figure Structure of montmorillonite intercalated with octadecylamine via ion-dipole interaction with the maximum concentration of guests corresponding to the monolayer arrangement of guests with basal spacing 33.3 A. The Na cations remaining in the interlayer are visualized as pink balls  相似文献   
In the present study, a soil microfungal community was examined over a one-year period (1999–2000) at the western shore of the Dead Sea. A total of 78 species from 40 genera were isolated. The most prominent features of mycobiota of the territory studied were: (i) the prevailing number of melanin-containing micromycetes (46 species, 65.5 % of the total isolate number); (ii) a large share of teleomorphic Ascomyceta (26 species, 18.5 % of isolates); (iii) combination of true soil and plant surface inhabiting species; (iv) spatial and temporal variation of the mycobiota composition; (v) very low fungal density (nearly 500-fold lower than in the Judean Desert soil). These features are formed under the extremely stressful xeric and oligotrophic conditions in which the Dead Sea coastal micromycete community exists. Nine species (Alternaria alternata, A. raphani, Aspergillus niger, Aureobasidium pullulans, Chaetomium globosum, Ch. murorum, Cladosporium cladosporioides, Penicillium aurantiogriseum, and Stachybotrys chartarum) were considered a characteristic micromycete complex for the Dead Sea coastal habitat based on the spatial and temporal occurrence of these species. Many of the micromycetes isolated, including almost all the species listed above, are known to be distributed worldwide occurring in different soil types. This confirms the conclusion of many mycologists working in areas with saline and arid soils that there is no halo-and thermophilous mycobiota characteristic for those soils.  相似文献   
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