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Burkholderia cepacia and Pseudomonas aeruginosa often co-exist as mixed biofilms in the lungs of patients suffering from cystic fibrosis (CF). Here, we report the isolation of 13 random mini-Tn5 insertion mutants of B. cepacia H111 that are defective in biofilm formation on a polystyrene surface. We show that the screening procedure used in this study is biased towards mutants defective in the late stages of biofilm development. A detailed quantitative analysis of the biofilm structures formed by wild-type and mutant strains revealed that the isolated mutants are impaired in their abilities to develop a typical three-dimensional biofilm structure. Molecular investigations showed that the genes required for biofilm maturation fall into several classes: (i). genes encoding for surface proteins; (ii). genes involved in the biogenesis and maintenance of an integral outer membrane; and (iii). genes encoding regulatory factors. It is shown that three of the regulatory mutants produce greatly reduced amounts of N-octanoylhomoserine lactone (C8-HSL). This compound serves as the major signal molecule of the cep quorum-sensing system. As this density-dependent regulatory system is involved in the regulation of biofilm maturation, we investigated the interplay between the three regulatory genes and the quorum-sensing cascade. The results of these investigations show that the identified genes encode for regulatory elements that are positioned upstream of the cep system, indicating that the quorum-sensing system of B. cepacia is a major checkpoint for biofilm formation.  相似文献   
A recently released National Research Council (NRC) report, Learning and Understanding: Improving Advanced Study of Mathematics and Science in U.S. High Schools, evaluated and recommended changes in the Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), and other advanced secondary school science programs. As part of this study, discipline-specific panels were formed to evaluate advanced programs in biology, chemistry, physics, and mathematics. Among the conclusions of the Content Panel for Biology were that AP courses in particular suffer from inadequate quality control as well as excessive pressure to fulfill their advanced placement function, which encourages teachers to attempt coverage of all areas of biology and emphasize memorization of facts rather than in-depth understanding. In this essay, the Panel's principal findings are discussed, with an emphasis on its recommendation that colleges and universities should be strongly discouraged from using performance on either the AP examination or the IB examination as the sole basis for automatic placement out of required introductory courses for biology majors and distribution requirements for nonmajors.  相似文献   
This study was undertaken to determine the extent to which the reported likelihood of attending future bowel screening following negative genetic testing results for familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) varies between the type of health professional providing care and the country of testing. The study subjects were 103 unaffected adults at risk for FAP who received negative results following predictive DNA testing. Our study indicates that the reported likelihood of attending bowel screening was higher in those given results by nongenetics physicians, rather than by genetics professionals; the reported likelihood of attending bowel screening under these circumstances was also higher in the UK than in Australia. Both of these results were affected by the perceived chances of developing FAP, and, in the case of the country of testing, by the perceived accuracy of the genetic test result and the perceived seriousness of the disease. How and what health professionals communicate with patients about genetic testing may explain the differences between type of health professional and country of testing and attitudes toward bowel screening. If this is the case, training in communication may change patients' perceptions and, in turn, their behavioral intentions and actions following a negative test result.  相似文献   
Mitogen-activated protein kinase cascades in plants: a new nomenclature   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascades are universal signal transduction modules in eukaryotes, including yeasts, animals and plants. These protein phosphorylation cascades link extracellular stimuli to a wide range of cellular responses. In plants, MAPK cascades are involved in responses to various biotic and abiotic stresses, hormones, cell division and developmental processes. Completion of the Arabidopsis genome-sequencing project has revealed the existence of 20 MAPKs, 10 MAPK kinases and 60 MAPK kinase kinases. Here, we propose a simplified nomenclature for Arabidopsis MAPKs and MAPK kinases that might also serve as a basis for standard annotation of these gene families in all plants.  相似文献   
A study group of paediatric endocrinologists was established in Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovenia and Slovakia in order to investigate various aspects in children with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH). Five hundred and ninety-eight patients with CAH who were diagnosed between 1969 and 1998 were included in order to analyze the following questions. Epidemiological data: There were significantly fewer males (43%) than females (57%), and the percentage of males did not increase during the observation period. Salt wasters (SW) totalled 64.7%, whereas 35.3% had simple virilizing (SV) CAH. Diagnosis was established significantly later in boys than in girls (median of 26 vs. 13 days for SW, p < 0.0001; 1,817 vs. 1,010 days for SV, p < 0.03). Mortality in the general population was significantly lower than in CAH siblings (1.8% vs. 7.0%, p < 0.0001) or in SW children (2.2% vs. 11.3%, p < 0.0001). According to our calculation with the present clinical diagnostic criteria in Central Europe, from 40 expected CAH patients/year, 2-2.5 SW, and one female and four male SV patients will not be diagnosed. Auxological data: Growth data from 341 patients were analyzed retrospectively. Percentiles were constructed in a longitudinal/cross-sectional study and pubertal growth was described in a longitudinal analysis. Growth of SW patients was impaired in early childhood (0-3 years), but followed a normal course until puberty. In contrast, SV children had a normal growth pattern during early childhood, but were above the standard thereafter. The pubertal growth spurt was of normal magnitude in boys and girls, but started too early. Final height was reduced compared with both standard and target heights. There was no correlation between final height and age of starting treatment or the year of birth. Bone age was accelerated in both CAH types, but more so in SV patients. Molecular genetics: Three hundred and fifty-six patients were investigated for 11-14 of the most frequent mutations by direct allele-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and/or PCR followed by sequence-specific oligonucleotide, single strand chain polymorphism and restriction fragment length polymorphism. In the group as a whole, we most frequently found the Intron 2 splice mutation (30.8%) or a deletion/conversion (28.5%). The Intron 2 mutation was most frequent in the Hungarian population, whereas deletions/conversions were found more frequently in Slovenians. The other mutations had a similar distribution to those seen in other populations. Genotype-phenotype correlation confirms previous reports.  相似文献   
Mutations in the coding region of the methyl-CpG-binding protein 2 ( MECP2) gene cause Rett syndrome and have also been reported in a number of X-linked mental retardation syndromes. Furthermore, such mutations have recently been described in a few autistic patients. In this study, a large sample of individuals with autism was screened in order to elucidate systematically whether specific mutations in MECP2 play a role in autism. The mutation analysis of the coding sequence of the gene was performed by denaturing high-pressure liquid chromatography and direct sequencing. Taken together, 14 sequence variants were identified in 152 autistic patients from 134 German families and 50 unrelated patients from the International Molecular Genetic Study of Autism Consortium affected relative-pair sample. Eleven of these variants were excluded for having an aetiological role as they were either silent mutations, did not cosegregate with autism in the pedigrees of the patients or represented known polymorphisms. The relevance of the three remaining mutations towards the aetiology of autism could not be ruled out, although they were not localised within functional domains of MeCP2 and may be rare polymorphisms. Taking into account the large size of our sample, we conclude that mutations in the coding region of MECP2 do not play a major role in autism susceptibility. Therefore, infantile autism and Rett syndrome probably represent two distinct entities at the molecular genetic level.  相似文献   
Gilles de la Tourette syndrome (GTS) is a sporadic or inherited complex neuropsychiatric disorder characterized by involuntary motor and vocal tics. There is comorbidity with disorders like obsessive compulsive disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Until now linkage analysis has pointed to a number of chromosomal locations, but has failed to identify a clear candidate gene(s). We have investigated a GTS family with a complex chromosomal insertion/translocation involving chromosomes 2 and 7. The affected father [46,XY,inv(2) (p23q22),ins(7;2) (q35-q36;p21p23)] and two affected children [46,XX,der(7)ins(7;2)(q35-q36;p21p23) and 46,XY,der(7)ins(7;2)(q35-q36;p213p23)] share a chromosome 2p21-p23 insertion on chromosome 7q35-q36, thereby interrupting the contactin-associated protein 2 gene (CNTNAP2). This gene encodes a membrane protein located in a specific compartment at the nodes of Ranvier of axons. We hypothesize that disruption or decreased expression of CNTNAP2 could lead to a disturbed distribution of the K(+) channels in the nervous system, thereby influencing conduction and/or repolarization of action potentials, causing unwanted actions or movements in GTS.  相似文献   
Lysinuric protein intolerance (LPI:MIM 222700) is an autosomal recessive disease characterized by defective transport of the dibasic amino acids. We recently reported a local cluster of LPI in the northern part of Japan (Koizumi et al., 2000). Mutational analysis of the LPI patients in this local cluster revealed they were exclusively homozygous for the R410X mutation. The effectiveness of early intervention with citrulline therapy (200 mg/kg per day) and protein restriction (1.5 g/kg per day) was confirmed in these patients. Mass screening was conducted in 4,568 newborn babies between 1999 and 2002, which was estimated to cover 100% of almost all newborns delivered in the screened area. Forty heterozygous newborns were found (0.88%), leading to an estimated incidence of LPI of 1:51,984. The number of people that required screening to detect one case was 51,984, and the cost for mass screening was 30 cents/person (a total of dollars 15,600). This is comparable to, or even less than, the cost of currently screened diseases in Japan. Therefore, we conclude that a mass screening program for LPI can be introduced effectively and economically into an area where an LPI cluster is located as the result of a founder mutation.  相似文献   
The Framingham Heart Study offspring cohort, a complex data set with irregularly spaced longitudinal phenotype data, was made available as part of Genetic Analysis Workshop 13. To allow an analysis of all of the data simultaneously, a mixed-model- based random-regression (RR) approach was used. The RR accounted for the variation in genetic effects (including marker-specific quantitative trait locus (QTL) effects) across time by fitting polynomials of age. The use of a mixed model allowed both fixed (such as sex) and random (such as familial environment) effects to be accounted for appropriately. Using this method we performed a QTL analysis of all of the available adult phenotype data (26,106 phenotypic records). In addition to RR, conventional univariate variance component techniques were applied. The traits of interest were BMI, HDLC, total cholesterol, and height. The longitudinal method allowed the characterization of the change in QTL effects with aging. A QTL affecting BMI was shown to act mainly at early ages.  相似文献   
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