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Mitochondrial DNA synthesis is necessary for the normal function of the organelle and for the eukaryotic organism as a whole. Here we demonstrate, using two-dimensional agarose gel electrophoresis to analyse replication intermediates, that unidirectional, strand-coupled DNA synthesis is the prevalent mode of mtDNA replication in Drosophila melanogaster. Commencing within the single, extended non-coding region (NCR), replication proceeds around the circular genome, manifesting an irregular rate of elongation, and pausing frequently in specific regions. Evidence for a limited contribution of strand-asynchronous DNA synthesis was found in a subset of mtDNA molecules, but confined to the ribosomal RNA gene region, just downstream of the NCR. Our findings imply that strand-coupled replication is widespread amongst metazoans, and should inform future research on mtDNA metabolism in D. melanogaster.  相似文献   
In the search for the most variable non-human vertebrate on Earth, intraspecific variation of ten variable traits was compared among ten highly variable species. Mammals, birds and many reptiles, amphibians and fishes were excluded because most of the variation is among, and not within species. The focus was on northern fishes, where high intraspecific variation is well documented. The ten selected species were European whitefish Coregonus lavaretus, chinook salmon Oncorhyncus tshawytscha, sockeye salmon O. nerka, rainbow trout O. mykiss, atlantic salmon Salmo salar, brown trout S. trutta, arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus, brook charr S. fontinalis, dolly varden charr S. malma and threespine stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus. Variation included not only size and phenotype, but also ecology, behaviour and life history. The traits were geographic range, migration, habitat, adult size, colour, body form, polymorphism, diet, reproduction and genetics. Arctic charr came on top in the final ranking, followed by dolly varden charr and rainbow trout. The two least variable were chinook salmon and threespine stickleback. It is proposed that arctic charr, which is also the northernmost fish on Earth, has evolved its unique variability in range, size, phenotype, ecology and life history by adapting to the extreme and highly unpredictable ecological conditions of arctic and other northern lakes for many glacial periods.  相似文献   
Do Arctic waders use adaptive wind drift?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We analysed five data sets of flight directions of migrating arctic waders in relation to winds, recorded by tracking radar and optical range finder, in order to find out if these birds compensate for wind drift, or allow themselves to be drifted by winds. Our purpose was to investigate whether arctic waders use adaptive wind drift strategies or not. The data sets were collected in Siberia (two sets) and Canada during post-breeding (autumn) migration, and in Mauritania and South Sweden during pre-breeding (spring) migration. Both significant drift and compensation effects were found in three of the data sets, Canada, Mauritania and South Sweden. Almost no compensation was found in birds departing in easterly directions from the Siberian tundra (complete drift), while no drift effect was found in birds departing in westerly directions (complete compensation). There were indications that at least some populations of waders may use an adaptive drift strategy consisting of drift at high altitude and/or in high wind speed combined with compensation at low altitude and/or in lower wind speeds, but support for this idea was rather weak and not consistent. Our results were instead more in accordance with the adaptive drift theory that predicts initial drift during the migratory journey, followed by compensation during later stages as the birds are approaching their destinations. Such a strategy implies that arctic waders, at least adult birds, have the capacity of true navigation. A comparison with earlier studies of migrating arctic waders from different parts of the world show that all results so far may be interpreted in accordance with this general adaptive drift strategy. An element of non-adaptive drift can, however, not be completely ruled out.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to investigate the preference of a leaf beetle to different Salix clones, and to relate this preference to plant chemistry. The preference of Gonioctena linnaeana Schrank (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) was tested in cafeteria experiments using its host Salix triandra L. (Salicaeae) from three Swedish isolated populations and one Russian population from the main distribution range of the host. The leaves from the different host clones were used to analyse the content of phenolic glucosides and the amount of condensed tannins. The larvae did not show any feeding preferences for host clones from the population they originated from, but all Swedish host populations were preferred over the Russian host population. This suggests a preference for regional hosts. We analyzed whether leaf chemistry parameters may explain host plant preferences. Chemical analysis of the leaves showed that the quantities, but not the quality, of the phenolic compounds differed between populations. A Principal Component Analysis of the chemical data also highlighted a difference between the Swedish and Russian host plant populations. The two most important compounds separating Russian from Swedish clones were gallocatechin and salidroside. However, the difference in preference could also be a result of, for example, nutritional quality, water content, or leaf texture. The relative importance of these different factors should be evaluated in future experiments.  相似文献   
Most newly synthesized peroxisomal proteins are imported in a receptor-mediated fashion, depending on the interaction of a peroxisomal targeting signal (PTS) with its cognate targeting receptor Pex5 or Pex7 located in the cytoplasm. Apart from this classic mechanism, heterologous protein complexes that have been proposed more than a decade ago are also to be imported into peroxisomes. However, it remains still unclear if this so-called piggyback import is of physiological relevance in mammals. Here, we show that Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1), an enzyme without an endogenous PTS, is targeted to peroxisomes using its physiological interaction partner 'copper chaperone of SOD1' (CCS) as a shuttle. Both proteins have been identified as peroxisomal constituents by 2D-liquid chromatography mass spectrometry of isolated rat liver peroxisomes. Yet, while a major fraction of CCS was imported into peroxisomes in a PTS1-dependent fashion in CHO cells, overexpressed SOD1 remained in the cytoplasm. However, increasing the concentrations of both CCS and SOD1 led to an enrichment of SOD1 in peroxisomes. In contrast, CCS-mediated SOD1 import into peroxisomes was abolished by deletion of the SOD domain of CCS, which is required for heterodimer formation. SOD1/CCS co-import is the first demonstration of a physiologically relevant piggyback import into mammalian peroxisomes.  相似文献   
Availability of assimilates in apple trees ( Malus domestica cv. Jonagored) was affected by removing young fruits to obtain 3 ranges of fruit/leaf ratios with average values of 130, 268 and 381 fruits per kg leaf dry matter. Fruit analyses were carried out at fruit harvest and 4 times during a 3-week ripening period. The analyses included detection of volatile aroma components from the juice by headspace gas chromatography. At a low fruit/leaf ratio, higher concentrations of total dry matter, soluble solid and titrateable acids were found. The flesh was also firmer, and ethylene development proceeded at a lower rate and reached a lower maximum value. Aroma compounds consisted of ca 20% esters, 73% alcohols and 6% C-6 aldehydes. The production of butylacetate and hexylacetate, which were the dominating esters, peaked during the ripening period and was most pronounced at the lowest fruit/leaf ratios. At the last sampling date this was also the case for butanol, which was the dominating alcohol. Other esters and alcohols behaved similarly, while C-6 aldehydes showed no significant differences in the fruit/leaf ratio. We suggest that the greater availability of assimilates when internal competition is relieved at a low fruit/leaf ratio causes increased accumulation of fatty acid aroma precursors and aroma compounds as well as of sugars, acids and other compounds in the fruits.  相似文献   
In the Rana temporaria tadpole, the part of the infundibular floor that eventually becomes the eminentia mediana is very thin throughout premetamorphosis; the supply of aminergic and neurosecretory nerves is poor, and the area is covered by a few fenestrated capillaries. The organ begins to thicken around mid-prometamorphosis owing to a marked invasion of nerves. At this stage it is also penetrated by capillaries and perivascular space extensions, which together form the neurovascular link structures. These become more pronounced during metamorphic climax, when the eminentia mediana attains the adult appearance. Development of the organ is arrested at the premetamorphic stage after thyroidectomy in the young premetamorphic tadpole. Removal of the adenohypophysial primordium from the embryo of the tailbud stage prevents the vascular—but not the neural—component of the eminentia from developing beyond the premetamorphic stage. By contrast, in the American Rana -species investigated the neural component also fails to develop after hypophysectomy.  相似文献   
The patterns of repositioning by wind and water following their initial dispersal from the parent plant, of winged and unwinged seeds of the heteromorphic halophyte Spergularia salina were Investigated experimentally in both dense vegetation and bare ground under field conditions in a sea shore meadow in eastern Sweden Seeds were placed in situ in the field, and after four days with wind as the sole dispersing agency, 19% of the seeds were repositioned After another 11 days, during which both wind and water acted as dispersing agencies, all seeds of both types had either become repositioned and were still visible (1/3 of the seeds), had penetrated into the ground at the point of release or after dispersal (1/3), or were not recovered (1/3) The probability to become lifted secondarily by water was similar in both seed types Of those seeds repositioned and recovered on the ground, more of the winged type had been transported any distance horizontally than the unwinged type The seed dispersal curve was strongly skewed to the left, and the winged seed type was transported slightly further than the unwinged type, both during primary and secondary dispersal All seeds were transported further when placed on bare soil than when placed in dense vegetation Vertical transportation was quicker in dense vegetation, and unwinged seeds disappeared more quickly into the ground In dense vegetation, unwinged seeds were more frequently encountered in the seed bank than winged seeds, whereas in the absence of vegetation cover, seeds of both types recovered in the soil were found in equal shares  相似文献   
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