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The foraging related capacities, energy requirements and the ability of individuals to withstand starvation are strongly dependent on body size and temperature. In this study, we estimated size-dependent foraging rates and critical resource density (CRD) in small Arctic char ( Salvelinus alpinus ) under winter conditions and compared these with previous observations under summer conditions. We investigated if starvation mortality is size-dependent in the laboratory, and we assessed the potential for winter growth and the occurrence and size dependency of winter mortality both in a large scale pond experiment and in natural lakes. The efficiency of foraging on macroinvertebrates increased with size but was lower at 4 than 12°C, still CRD was lower at 4 than 12°C as metabolic rates decreased faster than foraging efficiency with temperature. When starved, small char died before large and at rates which suggest that YOY char need to feed during winter to avoid starvation. Results from both our pond experiment and field study indicate that survival of YOY char over winter is high, despite severe winter conditions, because YOY char are able to feed and grow during winter. In seasonal environments with declining resources, the size scaling and temperature dependency of foraging and metabolic demands may provide conditions which can favour either small or large individuals. This size advantage dichotomy relates to that larger individual's by having a higher CRD are more likely to start starving, but once resource levels are below CRD for all size classes, small individuals starve to death at a higher rate. Negative size-dependent winter mortality from starvation is suggested to be more pronounced in species that are not adapted to feed at low temperatures and in species feeding on zooplankton, since zooplankton abundance, in contrast to macroinvertebrate abundance, is generally low during winter.  相似文献   
Mg2+- and Ca2+-uptake was measured in dark-grown oat seedlings ( Avena sativa L. cv. Brighton) cultivated at two levels of mineral nutrition. In addition the stimulation of the ATPase activity of the microsomal fraction of the roots by Mg2+ was measured. Ca2+-uptake by the roots was mainly passive. Mg2+-uptake mainly active; the passive component of Mg2+-uptake was accompanied by Ca2+-efflux up to 60% of the Ca2+ present in the roots.
In general Mg2+ -uptake of oat roots was biphasic. The affinity of the second phase correspond well with that of the Mg2+-stimulation of the ATPase activity, in low-salt roots as well as in high-salt roots and in roots of plants switched to the other nutritional condition. Linear relationships were observed when [phase 2] Mg2+-uptake was plotted against Mg2+-stimulation of the ATPase activity of the microsomal fraction of the roots. In 5 days old high-salt plants 1 ATP (hydrolysed in the presence of Mg2+ J corresponded with active uptake of a single Mg2+ ion, but in older high-salt roots and in low-salt roots more ATP was hydrolysed per net uptake of a Mg2+ ion. The results are discussed against the background of regulation of the Mg2+-level of the cytoplasm of root cells by transport of Mg2+ by a Mg2+-ATPase to the vacuole, to the xylem vessels, and possibly outwards.  相似文献   
Wind tunnels, in which birds fly against an artificially generated air flow, have since long been used to evaluate aerodynamic properties of steady bird flight. A new generation of wind tunnels has also allowed the many processes associated with migratory flights to be studied in captivity. We review how wind tunnel studies of aerodynamics and migratory performance together have helped advancing our understanding of bird migration. Current migration theory is based on the power‐speed relationship of flight as well as flight range equations, both of which can be evaluated using birds flying in wind tunnels. In addition, and depending on wind tunnel properties, performance during gliding and climbing flight, and effects of air pressure, humidity and turbulence on bird flight has been measured. Long‐distance migrant species have been flown repeatedly for up to 16 h non‐stop, allowing detailed studies of the energy expenditure, fuel composition, protein turnover, water balance, immunocompetence and stress associated with sustained migratory flights. In addition, wind tunnels allow the fuelling periods between migratory flights to be studied from new angles. We end our review by suggesting several important topics for future wind tunnel studies, ranging from on of the key questions remaining, the efficiency at which chemical power in converted to mechanical power, to new useful avenues, such as improving and calibrating the techniques used for tracking of individual birds in the wild.  相似文献   
Seedlings of Scots pine ( Pinus sylvestris L.) and Norway spruce [ Picea abies (L) Karst.] were subjected to low root temperatures, and 10 days later the roots were examined by NMR imaging. The amount of NMR detectable roots decreased with decreasing temperature, with the signal from the younger roots at the bottom of the container being the first to disappear. The origin of the loss of NMR signal is unclear but may be due to changes in the NMR properties of root water after cold damage. A recent method is discussed for obtaining unbiased estimates of root lengths from a series of total vertical projections; the method is particularly suited to evaluating NMR projection images. Since NMR imaging methods can apparently distinguish between control and cold damaged roots, it may be possible to design more routine applications using low resolution NMR methods.  相似文献   
Inducible promoter systems such as the ecdysone-inducible system or the tetracycline-regulated expression systems have proven to be powerful tools in studying gene function. In practice, such systems have met with the difficulty that either the vector expressing the transactivator gene or the vector carrying the response element are frequently silenced by flanking genomic sequences after stable integration. In order to identify those cells in a heterogeneous population in which a transgene is expressed from an ecdysone-inducible promoter, we have created the vector p2ER-EGFP/mcs that contains two ecdysone-inducible expression cassettes in tandem. Using two reporter genes, lacZ and green fluorescent protein (EGFP), we demonstrate that the expression of both genes can be co-induced from a very low baseline in CHO cells expressing the modified ecdysone receptor and the retinoid X receptor. The expression of EGFP and lacZ from vector p2ER-EGFP/lacZ follows the same Muristerone A concentration-dependence as that of EGFP from vector pER-EGFP, indicating that the juxtaposition of the two inducible promoters in vector p2ER-EGFP/mcs does not cause cross interference between them. We suggest that this modification of the ecdysone-inducible promoter system will allow for the visual control of the induced expression of other genes by Muristerone A.  相似文献   
The presence of β‐amyloid plaques in brain is a hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and serves as a biomarker for confirmation of diagnosis postmortem. Positron emission tomography (PET) radioligands such as Pittsburgh compound B ([11C]‐2‐(3‐fluoro‐4‐methylamino‐phenyl)‐benzothiazol‐6‐ol) (PIB) binds selectively to β‐amyloid and are promising new tools supporting the clinical diagnoses of AD. In addition, such methodology may be useful for evaluation of new drugs aiming at reduction of amyloid plaque load. The objective of this study is to develop a new amyloid selective PET radioligand with higher signal‐to‐background ratio when compared with existing amyloid PET ligands. The lead compound, AZD2184, (2‐[6‐(methylamino)pyridin‐3‐yl]‐1,3‐benzothiazol‐6‐ol) was found to have high affinity for amyloid fibrils in vitro (Kd: 8.4 ± 1.0 nM). Two minutes after i.v. administration in rats, about 1% of the dose was in brain. In vitro autoradiography on cortical brain sections from amyloid‐beta precursor protein/presenilin 1 (APP/PS1) mice and AD patients showed that while [3H]AZD2184 and [3H]PIB are mutually displaceable, [3H]AZD2184 displays a higher signal‐to‐background ratio primarily by virtue of lower background binding levels. The ratio of binding ability in prefrontal cortex (high plaque load) to subcortical white matter (background) was 4.5 for [3H]AZD2184 and 0.8 for [3H]PIB at 1 nM. In adjacent cortical sections from APP/PS1 mouse as well as from AD cortical tissue, [3H]AZD2184 and antibodies to human β‐amyloid labeled identical structures. In vivo administration of [3H]AZD2184 to APP/PS1 mice further showed that [3H]AZD2184 labels amyloid deposits with low non‐specific background binding. Taken together, the pre‐clinical profile of AZD2184 in relation to the reference ligand PIB, suggests that 11C‐labeled AZD2184 is a potential radioligand for PET‐visualization of β‐amyloid deposits in the living human brain.  相似文献   
Flight feather moult in small passerines is realized in several ways. Some species moult once after breeding or once on their wintering grounds; others even moult twice. The adaptive significance of this diversity is still largely unknown. We compared the resistance to mechanical fatigue of flight feathers from the chiffchaff Phylloscopus collybita, a migratory species moulting once on its breeding grounds, with feathers from the willow warbler Phylloscopus trochilus, a migratory species moulting in both its breeding and wintering grounds. We found that flight feathers of willow warblers, which have a shaft with a comparatively large diameter, become fatigued much faster than feathers of chiffchaffs under an artificial cyclic bending regime. We propose that willow warblers may strengthen their flight feathers by increasing the diameter of the shaft, which may lead to a more rapid accumulation of damage in willow warblers than in chiffchaffs.  相似文献   
Coastal marine Vibrio cholerae populations usually exhibit high genetic diversity. To assess the genetic diversity of abundant V. cholerae non‐O1/non‐O139 populations in the Central European lake Neusiedler See, we performed a phylogenetic analysis based on recA, toxR, gyrB and pyrH loci sequenced for 472 strains. The strains were isolated from three ecologically different habitats in a lake that is a hot‐spot of migrating birds and an important bathing water. We also analyzed 76 environmental and human V. cholerae non‐O1/non‐O139 isolates from Austria and other European countries and added sequences of seven genome‐sequenced strains. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the lake supports a unique endemic diversity of V. cholerae that is particularly rich in the reed stand. Phylogenetic trees revealed that many V. cholerae isolates from European countries were genetically related to the strains present in the lake belonging to statistically supported monophyletic clades. We hypothesize that the observed phenomena can be explained by the high degree of genetic recombination that is particularly intensive in the reed stand, acting along with the long distance transfer of strains most probably via birds and/or humans. Thus, the Neusiedler See may serve as a bioreactor for the appearance of new strains with new (pathogenic) properties.  相似文献   
Upper montane forest (UMF) within Doi Inthanon National Park, Northern Thailand, was investigated by means of fifty, 40 × 40 m stratified random plots situated between 2080 and 2565 m altitude. The aim was to address a number of community ecological questions concerning woody species composition and structural heterogeneity of the forest. A total of 7474 individuals of trees and woody climbers ≥ 15 cm gbh (girth at breast height) were included in the study and these were identified to 47 species, 39 genera and 26 families. The average density was 934 individuals/ha and the average stem basal area was 71.8 m2/ha. The most important species were: Quercus eumorpha, Sjzygium angkae, Litsea martabanica, Helicia nilagirica, Lindera caudata, Schima wallichii, Osmanthus fiagrans, Eurya acuminata, Myrsine semiserrata and Ilex umbellulata and the most important families were Fagaceae, Lauraceae, Theaceae and Myrtaceae. Altitude was the most important environmental variable explaining species composition and vegetation structure. Most of the calculated vegetation variables showed significant correlation with altitude: species richness, family richness, diversity, density and crown cover declined with altitude, average tree height was uncorrelated with altitude and basal area increased with altitude. An analysis of size class distributions indicated good forest conditions and reverse-J-shaped age class distribution of most species.  相似文献   
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