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Keratocytes derived from the epidermis of aquatic vertebrates are now widely used for investigation of the mechanism of cell locomotion. One of the main topics under discussion is the question of driving force development and concomitantly subcellular force distribution. Do cells move by actin polymerization-driven extension of the lamella, or is the lamella edge extended at regions of weakness by a flow of cytoplasm generated by hydrostatic pressure? Thus, elasticity changes were followed and the stiffness of the leading front of the lamella was manipulated by local application of phalloidin and cytochalasin D (CD). In scanning acoustic microscopy (SAM), elasticity is revealed from the propagation velocity of longitudinal sound waves (1 GHz). The lateral resolution of SAM is in the micrometer range. Using this method, subcellular tension fields with different stiffnesses (elasticity) can be determined. A typical pattern of subcellular stiffness distribution is related to the direction of migration. Cells forced to change their direction of movement by exposure to DC electric fields of varying polarity alter their pattern of subcellular stiffness in relationship to the new direction. The cells spread into the direction of low stiffness and retract at zones of high stiffness. The pattern of subcellular stiffness distribution reveals force distribution in migrating cells; i.e., if a cell moves exactly in a direction perpendicular to its long axis, then the contractile forces are largest along the long axis and decrease toward the short axis. Locomotion in any angle oblique to this axis requires an asymmetric stiffness distribution. Inhibition of actomyosin contractions by La3+ (2 mM), which inhibits Ca2+ influx, reduces cytoplasmic stiffness accompanied by an immediate cessation of locomotion and a change of cell shape. Local release of CD in front of a progressing lamella activates a cell to follow the CD gradient: The lamella thickens locally and is extended toward the tip of the microcapillary. Release of phalloidin stops extension of the lamella, and the cell turns away from the releasing microcapillary. The response to CD is assumed to be the result of local weakening of the cytoplasm due to severing of the actin fibrils. Phalloidin is supposed to stabilize the leading front by inhibition of F-actin depolymerization. These observations are in favor of the assumption that migration is due to an extension of the cell into the direction of minimum stiffness, and they are consistent with the hypothesis that local release of hydrostatic pressure provides the driving force for the flux of cytoplasm.  相似文献   
A recombinant fusion protein consisting of native Escherichia coli heat-stable enterotoxin (STa) and a dimer of a synthetic IgG-binding fragment (ZZ), derived from Staphylococcus aureus protein A was produced in E. coli. The fusion protein (ZZSTa) was secreted in large quantities into the growth medium and recovered by affinity chromatography on IgG-Sepharose. Rabbits immunized with the fusion protein responded by producing high serum levels of anti-STa antibodies that also effectively neutralized STa toxicity in infant mice. The fusion peptide ZZSTa had a substantially decreased toxicity as compared with native STa. A polymeric form of ZZSTa separated by size fractionation was about 100 times less toxic than the monomeric fusion protein, yet both forms had the same capacity to induce neutralizing antibodies. This suggests that modified non-toxic forms of ZZSTa with retained immunogenicity may be produced and tested for their usefulness as functional components in a vaccine against diarrhoea caused by enterotoxigenic E. coli.  相似文献   
Aims were to explore if darbepoietin-α in mouse can induce angiogenesis and if moderate doses after myocardial infarction stimulates periinfarct capillary and arteriolar densities, cell proliferation, and apoptosis. Myocardial infarction was induced by ligation of LAD. Mouse aortic rings (0.8 mm) were cultured in matrigel and the angiogenic sprouting was studied after addition of darbepoietin-α with and without VEGF-165. After 12 days the hemoglobin concentration was 25% higher in the darbepoietin-α treated mice than in the control group. No difference in capillary densities in the periinfarct or noninfarcted areas was seen with darbepoietin-α. Cell proliferation was about 10 times higher in the periinfarct area than in the noninfarcted wall. Darbepoietin-α treatment led to a decrease of cell proliferation (BrdU, (p < 0.02)) and apoptosis (TUNEL, p < 0.005) with about 30% in the periinfarct area. Darbepoietin-α and VEGF-165 both independently induced sprouting from aortic rings. The results suggest that darbepoietin-α can induce angiogenesis but that moderate doses after myocardial infarction are not angiogenic but antiapoptotic.  相似文献   
Costs of immunity are widely believed to play an important role in life history evolution, but most studies of ecological immunology have considered only single aspects of immune function. It is unclear whether we should expect correlated responses in other aspects of immune function not measured, because individual branches of immune defence may differ in their running costs and thus may compete unequally for limiting resources, resulting in negatively correlated evolution. In theory such selection pressure may be most intense where species are hosts to more virulent parasites, thus facing a higher potential cost of parasitism. These issues are relatively unstudied, but could influence the efficacy of attempting to estimate the scale and cost of host investment in immune defence. Here, in a comparative study of birds we found that species that scavenge at carcasses, that were hypothesised to be hosts to virulent parasites, had larger spleens for their body size and higher blood total leukocyte concentrations (general measures of immune function) than non-scavengers. These results support the hypothesis that scavengers are subject to strong parasite-mediated selection on immune defences. However, measures of specific branches of immune function revealed that scavengers had a relatively lower proportion of lymphocytes than phagocytic types of leukocytes, suggesting robust front line immune defences that could potentially reduce the need for mounting relatively energetically costly lymphocyte-dependent immune responses. Following experimental inoculation, scavengers produced significantly larger humoral immune responses, but not cell-mediated immune responses, than non-scavengers. However, the sizes of cell-mediated and humoral immune responses were not correlated across species. These results suggest that single measures of immune defence may not characterise the overall immune strategy, or reveal the likely costs involved.  相似文献   
Antifouling enzymes and the biochemistry of marine settlement   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Antifouling coatings are used extensively on marine vessels and constructions, but unfortunately they are found to pose a threat to the marine environment, notably due to content of metal-based biocides. Enzymes have repeatedly been proposed as an alternative to traditional antifouling compounds. In this review, the enzymes claimed to hold antifouling activity are classified according to catalytic functions. The enzyme functions are juxtaposed with the current knowledge about the chemistry of settlement and adhesion of fouling organisms. Specific focus will be on bacteria, microalgae, invertebrate larvae and macroalgae zoospores. Two main concepts in enzyme-based antifouling are identified: breakdown of adhesive components and catalytic production of repellent compounds in-situ. The validity of the various modes of action is evaluated and the groups of enzymes with the highest potential are highlighted.  相似文献   
Antioxidants, showy males and sperm quality   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The fertility of males sometimes correlates with their ornamental display, but we do not have a mechanistic explanation to universally link these traits. We suggest that both sperm quality (fertility; integrity of DNA), and the substrates responsible for male ornamentation, may be vulnerable to free radical attack, which can be mitigated by antioxidants. Support for these ideas is at present weak, and requires validation in ecological contexts. We hypothesize that a link between ornamentation and sperm quality could arise if antioxidants are in limited supply, and the showiest males may be preferred because they are most likely to be fertile, or to provide sperm with undamaged genotypes that could give rise to fit offspring.  相似文献   
To conceptualize strategies for regional environmental management in the Trier region, extensive urban meteorological measurements were undertaken. Weather stations from the German Weather Service and the state Pollution Monitoring Network were used as well as a number of our automatic meteorological stations and a mobile platform (instrumented van). The bioclimatic conditions in the city of Trier are affected by the valley of the Moselle River. Both the wind field and the thermal stratification in the urban boundary layer showed local characteristics especially marked in the diurnal variation and monthly mean concentrations of the air pollutants nitrogen and sulfurdioxide (NO(x), SO(2)), ozone (O(3)) and particle matter (PM10). Catabatic flows from the side valleys partially reduce the urban heat island and increase the ozone concentration in the city in the evening during calm weather conditions. The impact-based air-quality index is mostly determined by a high PM10 concentration. Strategies to reduce air pollutions in the Trier region are discussed.  相似文献   
  • 1 We measured the abundance and biomass of filter‐feeding microcrustacean zooplankton and calculated their grazing impact on phytoplankton biomass during summer in five shallow, mesotrophic to eutrophic lakes. For three of the lakes data exist both from years with dense submerged vegetation and low turbidity (the clearwater state), as well as from years characterised by sparse vegetation and high turbidity (the turbid state). In the other two lakes data are available only for clearwater conditions.
  • 2 In all lakes conditions of dense vegetation and clear water coincided with a low abundance of crustacean plankton during summer. In the three lakes that shifted, the calculated biovolume ingested by crustacean plankton (filtering rate) was 3–11 times lower during clearwater conditions compared with turbid conditions. Because phytoplankton biomass was lower during clearwater conditions, however, daily grazing pressure from microcrustacea (expressed as percentage of phytoplankton biomass) did not differ between states. In three of the five lakes, grazers were estimated to take less than 10% of the phytoplankton biomass per day, indicating filtration by zooplankton was not the most important mechanism to maintain clearwater conditions.
  • 3 High densities of Cladocera were found in three of the lakes within dense stands of Charophyta. However, these samples were dominated by plant‐associated taxa that even during the night were rarely found outside the vegetation. This indicates that plant‐associated zooplankton has no major influence on the maintenance of water clarity outside the vegetation.
  • 4 Spring peak abundance of Cladocera was observed in three of the lakes. In two of these, where seasonal development was studied in both the clearwater and the turbid state, spring peaks were lower during the clearwater state.
  • 5 Predation, low food availability or a combination of both may explain the low zooplankton densities. Phytoplankton may be limited by low phosphorus availability in the lakes dominated by Charophyta. Our results indicate that the importance of zooplankton grazing may have minor importance for the maintenance of the clearwater state in lakes with dense, well‐established submerged vegetation.
Capsule Nest predation in Linnets in Denmark was caused mainly by Hooded Crows Corvus corone cornix and Magpies Pica pica with no experimental evidence of antipredator aggression.

Aims To investigate the influence of nest clumping on the risk of nest predation in Linnets, a species that often breeds semi-colonially.

Methods The predation rates on clumped and randomly distributed nests were compared by the use of artificial nest experiments. Additionally, the behaviour of Linnets towards a potential nest predator was studied by presenting a mounted Magpie near the nest of breeding Linnets.

Results The artificial nest experiments showed that semi-colonial breeding was not likely to increase the risk of nest predation, and an experiment with the mounted Magpie showed that Linnets did not exhibit anti-predator aggression.

Conclusion Semi-colonial breeding, resulting in increased local nest density, did not appear to influence the risk of nest predation in Linnets. We suggest that semi-colonial breeding in Linnets is a means of pooling information on food sources.  相似文献   
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