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Variation in the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (nucleotide and amino acid sequences) is evaluated for 9 genera and 15 species of American opossums in the family Didelphidae, using the American caenolestid rat opossumLestoros and the New Guinean peroryctid bandicootEchimypera as outgroups. Phylogenetic analyses (parsimony and distance) strongly support the monophyly of the Didelphidae and delineate two major clades; (1)Didelphis andPhilander are strongly aligned sister taxa, withMetachirus weakly but consistently associated with them, and (2)Marmosa plusMicoureus, withMonodelphis falling outside that pair. The generaMarmosops, Caluromys, andGlironia exhibit varied relationships, depending upon the method of analysis and data (DNA or amino acid sequences) used, but generally are placed individually or in combinations near or at the base of the didelphid radiation. Some aspects of these relationships are consistent with current taxonomic views, but others are in marked contrast. Specifically, a clade comprised of the mouse opossumsMarmosa, Micoureus, andMarmosops is strongly rejected by log-likelihood analysis, contrary to expectations from some current classifications. Also, the woolly opossumsCaluromys andGlironia also do not form a sister-taxon relationship, as suggested by their placement in a subfamily separate from the remaining didelphids examined. However, such a relationship cannot be rejected from log-likelihood analyses. The relationships suggested fromcyt-b sequences are strongly concordant with those based on DNA-DNA hybridization analyses. In addition to systematic and phylogenetic properties, molecular evolution of the didelphid cytochrome b gene sequence is characterized according to nucleotide bias and rate differentials at each codon position and across the entire sequence.To whom correspondence should be addressed.  相似文献   
Chromosomal pairing of one triploid and three tetraploid plants of rye, Secale cereale, was analyzed by electron microscopy in surface-spread prophase I nuclei and compared with light microscopic observations of metaphase I cells. Prophase I is characterized by: (i) the weak alignment showed by the three or four unsynapsed or partially homologous synapsed axes; (ii) the low number ber of pairing partner switches (PPSs) displayed by both trivalents and quadrivalents; and (iii) the existence of complex multivalents in which up to 13 chromosomes in the triploid and 22 chromosomes in the tetraploids were involved. However, only few heterologous chromosomal associations were maintained at metaphase I. The results obtained are discussed under the assumptions of the random end pairing model with some modifications.  相似文献   
The modulation of cisPlatin cytotoxicity by interleukin-1 (IL-1α) was studied in cultures of SCC-7 tumor cells with and without tumor macrophages to examine potential mechanisms for the synergistic antitumor activity of cisPlatin and IL-1α in SCC-7 solid tumors. Neither IL-1α nor tumor macrophages affected the survival of clonogenic tumor cells and IL-1α had no direct effect on tumor cell growthin vitro. Macrophages had no direct effect on cisPlatin sensitivity (IC90=6.0 μM), but, the addition of IL-1α (500–2000U/ml) to co-cultures of cisPlatin pretreated tumor cells and resident tumor macrophages increased cell killing (IC90=3.1 μM). Similar responses were seen in primary cultures treated with cisPlatin before IL-1α. The modulation of cisPlatin cytotoxicity by IL-1α exhibited a biphasic dose response that paralleled the IL-1α dose dependent release of H2O2by resident tumor macrophages. Further, IL-1α modification of cisPlatin cytotoxicity was prompt and inhibited by catalase. CisPlatin and exogenous H2O2 (50 μM) produced more than additive SCC-7 clonogenic cell kill and hydroxyl radicals played an important role in the response. Interleukin-1 modulation of cisPlatin cytotoxicity was schedule dependent. IL-1α treatment for 24 hrs, before cisPlatin, produced drug resistance (IC90=11.1 μM). Our study shows that IL-1α can stimulate tumor macrophages to release pro-oxidants that modify cellular chemosensitivity in a schedule and dose dependent fashion. Our findings may also provide a mechanistic explanation for the synergistic antitumor activity of cisPlatin and IL-1αin vivo.  相似文献   
Larvae of red-spotted grouper, Epinephelus coioides, were reared inoutdoor tanks with nauplii of copepods (mainly Pseudodiaptomus annandaleiand Acartia tsuensis) and/or rotifers, Brachionus rotundiformis. Grouperlarvae successfully started feeding on early stage nauplii even though theirabundance was as low as approximately 100 individuals l–1 andshowed better survival and growth thereafter compared to those fed withrotifers only. Incidence of feeding reached 100% on day 4 whennauplii were available and only on day 9 when rotifers were given alone.Larvae seemed to be poor feeders at the onset of feeding, attempting tocapture any food organisms in the tank water. Selective feeding ability oflarvae started from day 4 and the larvae then preferred to feed on medium-and large-size nauplii rather than on rotifers as they grew. Larvae appearedto have a better chance at surviving in the presence of early stage nauplii,which were probably caught more easily than rotifers.  相似文献   
Synapsis in grasshopper bivalents heterozygous for centric shifts.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A L Cerro  J L Santos 《Génome》1995,38(3):616-622
Analysis of surface-spread synaptonemal complexes of zygotene and pachytene spermatocytes was carried out on centric-shift heterozygotes of grasshoppers. These rearrangements affected the M7 chromosome in Chorthippus vagans and the M6 and S8 chromosomes in Chorthippus apricarius. The shifts in the latter two chromosomes were also associated with C-heterochromatin variations between homologous chromosomes. Rearranged chromosomes proceeded directly to heterosynapsis without an apparent intervening homosynaptic phase in M7 bivalents of Ch. vagans and M6 bivalents of Ch. apricarius. In the latter case, axial equalization of the heterochromatin polymorphism was also achieved. On the other hand, asynapsis of the intercentromeric regions throughout pachytene was the rule in the centric shift involving the S8 chromosome of Ch. apricarius. In the three cases analysed, the production of unbalanced gametes in the heterozygotes is precluded either by the lack of chiasma formation in heterosynapsed rearranged segments or by the lack of pairing between such segments. Chiasmata were limited to the homologous regions of the heteromorphic bivalents.  相似文献   
Summary The main features of the behavioural ecology of rocky intertidal species are compared both within families — though concentrated on blennies — and between habitats. It is suggested that, at the behavioural level, the reduction of vertical and swimming elements in the male sexual and agonistic displays of Blennioidei may constitute an adaptation to typical intertidal conditions, especially in those species that inhabit areas exposed to strong wave action. The other aspect which is discussed is the prevalence of parental care in rocky intertidal fishes. In these fishes parental care is much more frequent than for marine fishes as a whole. Taken alone, this could also suggest that guarding evolved as an adaptation during the process of colonization of these habitats. The hypothesis proposed in this paper is that guarding was already present in the ancestors of the resident species, at least in the majority of cases. Many differences in interhabitat studies may express the action of the environment, not as an agent of natural selection, but as a filter, which prevented some groups from invading a given habitat and, at the same time, made colonization easier for other groups. When a number of taxa that colonized a given habitat display clear similarities in their behaviour and their biology, adaptation is not necessarily demonstrated. There is evidence in the literature to support the hypothesis that those traits were already present in the ancestors of the rocky intertidal resident fishes, thus being best viewed as exaptations.  相似文献   
Bone marrow transplantation offers two potential therapeutic advantages over more conventional therapy of leukemia. It allows more intensive treatment to be given without regard to marrow toxicity and allows in the case of allogeneic marrow an additional immunotherapeutic effect through graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). Initially, allogeneic transplants in HLA matched sibling donors were only employed in end-stage patients. Although there were encouraging results in terms of long-term therapeutic effects, the overall mortality was prohibitive. Subsequently, patients were transplanted in remission with a marked improvement in overall survival in both acute lymphocytic leukemia and acute non-lymphocytic leukemia. The major obstacles to further improvement in the therapeutic effects of this procedure have been identified (i.e., GVHD, viral infection, and relapse in ALL) and are subject to intensive investigations that already show encouraging results. Syngeneic marrow transplantation is limited for obvious reasons, but early results have shown significant therapeutic effects, in particular, in chronic myelogenous leukemia. These results have encouraged others to use autologous bone marrow. Marrow contamination with unseen tumor cells is being approached by pharmacologic and immunologic techniques designed to "purge" marrow of tumor cells. Animal and initial clinical studies have been encouraging.  相似文献   
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