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Zusammenfassung Es wird über histopathologische Untersuchungen des chronologischen Verlaufs an der durchSelyes Ventrikel-Ligatur hervorgerufenen Herzspitzennekrose bei Ratten berichtet. In dem der Nekrose verfallenen Myokard setzt alsbald Organisation ein; dann wandelt sich allmählich das Granulationsgewebe in eine zellarme und faserreiche Narbe um. In den subendokardialen Schichten des Narbengewebes entstehen erst Knorpel-, später Knochenherde. Der Prozeß der Knorpelbildung wird nicht von Verkalkung eingeleitet; vielmehr werden zuerst die Fibroblasten zu Knorpelzellen, um die sich dann sekundär Kalziumsalze ablagern; danach spielt sich eine typische endochondrale Ossifikation ab. Schließlich erscheint Knochenmarkgewebe zwischen den Knochenbalken.Triamcinolon hemmt geringgradig die Bindegewebsproliferation, Thyroxin steigert die Knorpel- und Knochenbildung, während Östradiol diese Vorgänge nicht beeinflußt.
The effect of hormones on the heteroplastic cartilage and bone formation in the cardiac muscle of the rat
Summary A chronologic study was made of the histopathologic changes which occur in the cardiac apex of the rat following the application of Selye's ventricular ligature. Organisation in the necrotic cardiac muscle begins soon after ligature. Later, the granulationtissue is gradually replaced by scar tissue which is poor in cells but rich in fibers. In the subendocardial fibrous tissue, cartilage and bone develop. It is emphasized that cartilage formation is not initiated by calcification. Instead, the fibroblasts are converted to cartilage cells and, later, calcium salts are deposited in the matrix. This is followed by endochondral bone formation. Finally, bone marrow appears in the intertrabecular spaces.Triamcinolone mildly hindered connective-tissue proliferation, thyroxine increased cartilage and bone formation, while estradiol did not influence these processes.

Die Versuche, die diesem Bericht zugrunde liegen, wurden durch das Ministère de la Santé, Québec, die Quebec Heart Foundation, Montreal, das Medical Research Couneil of Canada (Block Term Grant MT-1829) und das USPHS, Child Welfare (Grant HDO 2612-02) unterstützt. Die Autoren danken an dieser Stelle der Firma Lederle Laboratories Div., Pearl River, N.Y., USA für das bei diesen Versuchen verwendete Triamcinolon (Aristocort®) und der Firma Schering Corporation Ltd., Pointe Ciaire, Quebec, für die Bereitstellung von Estradiol.  相似文献   
Summary In monogenic, recessive chloroplast mutants of maize which contain chlorophylls, and lycopene or -carotene but no normal carotenoids, great variability in the size of plastids was associated with a number of ultrastructural abnormalities. In the mutant accumulating lycopene some plastids contain dense bundles of lamellae, whereas the chloroplasts of the -carotene mutant show poor thylakoid development. Neither of the mutants was able to form normal grana.A comparison of chlorophyll/carotenoid ratios in different chloroplast fractions of normal and mutant leaves showed that plastids of small size and delicate structure contain relatively less chlorophyll than fully differentiated chloroplasts.  相似文献   
The genes involved in the 2,3-butanediol pathway coding for alpha-acetolactate decarboxylase, alpha-acetolactate synthase (alpha-ALS), and acetoin (diacetyl) reductase were isolated from Klebsiella terrigena and shown to be located in one operon. This operon was also shown to exist in Enterobacter aerogenes. The budA gene, coding for alpha-acetolactate decarboxylase, gives in both organisms a protein of 259 amino acids. The amino acid similarity between these proteins is 87%. The K. terrigena genes budB and budC, coding for alpha-ALS and acetoin reductase, respectively, were sequenced. The 559-amino-acid-long alpha-ALS enzyme shows similarities to the large subunits of the Escherichia coli anabolic alpha-ALS enzymes encoded by the genes ilvB, ilvG, and ilvI. The K. terrigena alpha-ALS is also shown to complement an anabolic alpha-ALS-deficient E. coli strain for valine synthesis. The 243-amino-acid-long acetoin reductase has the consensus amino acid sequence for the insect-type alcohol dehydrogenase/ribitol dehydrogenase family and has extensive similarities with the N-terminal and internal regions of three known dehydrogenases and one oxidoreductase.  相似文献   
Conservation of highly repetitive DNA in cetaceans   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
It is controversial whether odontocetes (toothed whales) and mysticetes (whalebone whales) have a common ancestry. Cetacean karyological uniformity, which is unique among mammalian orders, suggests a monophyletic origin; however, several anatomical authorities have maintained that odontocetes and mysticetes are diphyletic. We investigated the issue using Southern blot hybridization. Two labelled restriction fragment probes from the DNA of the sei whale (a mysticete) were hybridized to restricted DNA of cetacean species representing all extant families except the Eschrichtiidae, the gray whales. The probes hybridized to specific restriction fragments in all odontocete and mysticete materials. Hybridizations showed preservation of hybridization homologies and a striking conservation of the length of highly repeated DNA sequences. The results are compatible with a common ancestry of odontocetes and mysticetes.  相似文献   
In the course of cold stratification ofAcer pseudoplatanus L. fruits a statistically significant alternation occurs in their seeds of a rise and fall in the level of endogenous growth regulators. In the initial weeks the inhibitory effect slightly declines, or, on the contrary, the stimulatory effect slightly increases; in the middle phase of stratification a marked increase in inhibitions and reduction of stimulations appears, and towards the end of stratification the stimulatory effect of isolated substances in the individual biotests rises again, or their inhibition effect is decreased. No direct dependence was found between the decrease of the degree of dormancy and the drop of inhibitor, or increase of promotor levels. However, a certain analogy was observed between the time course of fluctuations in the level of growth regulators and the germination energy of the seeds investigated. An enhancement of the growth activity of the substances isolated (e.g. those of a gibberellin-like nature) in the last weeks of stratification can already be considered as the result of the release of fruits from dormancy.  相似文献   
In inside-out human red cell membrane vesicles /IOV/, in the absence of Mg2+, the only calcium-induced labelling by γ32P-ATP occurs in a 140–150 000 molecular weight protein fraction, representing the hydroxylamine-sensitive phosphorylated intermediate /EP/ of the calcium pump. In the presence of Mg2+ calcium-induced phosphorylation is accelerated but several other membrane proteins are also phosphorylated through protein kinase action forming hydroxylamine-insensitive bonds. Addition of calmodulin accelerates EP formation both in the absence and presence of Mg2+.Treatment of the membrane with SH-group reagents significantly reduces EP formation. Mild trypsin digestion of IOVs, stimulating active calcium transport, eliminates calmodulin action and decreases the steady-state level of EP. In trypsin-digested IOVs the molecular weight of the 32P-labelled EP is shifted to lower values /110–120 000/ We suggest that trypsin digestion cleaves off a 20–40 000 molecular weight calmodulin-binding regulatory subunit of the calcium pump molecule.  相似文献   
Cytokinins in addition to nitrate induce nitrate reductase activity (NRA) in some plants. Effects of cytokinins onNRA was investigated in stem pith parenchyma of kale, intact wheat and barley seedlings and isolated cucumber cotyledons. The most profound effect onNRA was found in barley and wheat seedlings.NRA in seedlings sprayed with 100 μM 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) for three subsequent days was increased in leaves and decreased in roots. These changes were further enhanced in seedlings grown in nutrient solution lacking nitrate:NRA in wheat and barley leaves was increased by 57% and 202%, respectively, in plants supplied with nitrate theNRA increase was not significant: in wheat and barley leaves by 22% and 9%, respectively. Similar effect of BAP and kinetin was found in kale stem parenchyma and cucumber cotyledons. The cytokinin kinetin or BAP alone increasedNRA about twice in kale and three times in cucumber. Addition of nitrate to the medium enhanced the effect of kinetin in kale discs, but the two effects were not additive. Additive effect of nitrate and BAP onNRA was found in cucumber cotyledons in light. In general NRA was more affected by cytokinins in intact seedlings of wheat and barley as compared to explanted tissue of kale and cucumber, and lack of nitrogen made their effect more expressive.  相似文献   
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