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The apparent molecular mass of human prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP) was estimated over a wide range of enzyme concentrations using equilibrium centrifugation in the Airfuge tabletop ultra-centrifuge. We show that the average mass of all active PAP species steeply increases at enzyme concentrations around 100 nM. The data indicate that at lower concentrations, active monomer prevail, whereas at concentrations above 100 nM, PAP active dimers are formed. These findings were confirmed by measurements of fluorescence emission intensity as a function of enzyme concentration. A shift of the normalized PAP fluorescence intensity around 100 nM independently indicates that a major structural change of the PAP protein occurs in that range of concentrations. From these findings, we conclude that in dilute solutions, several active PAP species exist, which are involved in concentration-dependent dissociation/association equilibria.  相似文献   
Kinetic measurements of denaturation and renaturation of two mutants of cAMP receptor protein (CRP) at position 128, namely Ser→Ala and Ser→Pro, were performed in order to assess changes introduced by the mutation in the quaternary structure and protein stability. No significant changes were found in the unfolding/refolding reactions. However, small perturbations in the dissociation of CRP dimer can be seen, which indicate that subunit interactions are influenced by the mutation. Studies of intrinsic fluorescence quenching of these two mutants are also reported, showing changes compared with wild-type protein. Near-UV circular dichroism measurements indicate, however, that Trp residues remain in the same environment as in the wild-type CRP. It is proposed that Ser at position 128 is involved in maintaining the proper domain alignment within CRP subunits.  相似文献   
The human alpha 1-proteinase inhibitor (alpha 1-PI) and its reactive site modified form (alpha 1-PI*) have been examined using the fluorescence quenching resolved spectra method. The red-edge excitation measurements were applied for the study of structural differences between these forms. The crystallographic data of alpha 1-PI* structure have shown that its polypeptide chain includes only two tryptophan residues. The fluorescence quenching data have indicated that the conversion of the intact inhibitor molecule into its nicked form is accompanied by changes in the tryptophan environments. The red-edge excitation measurements have proved that the dipolar relaxation process around the Trp-194 residue is much bigger in alpha 1-PI* form than in the nicked one.  相似文献   
A frequency-domain fluorescence study of calcium-binding metalloproteinase from Staphylococcus aureus has shown that this two-tryptophan-containing protein exhibits a double-exponential fluorescence decay. At 10 degrees C in 0.05 M Tris-HCl buffer (pH 9.0) containing 10 mM CaCl2, fluorescence lifetimes of 1.2 and 5.1 ns are observed. Steady-state and frequency-domain solute-quenching studies are consistent with the assignment of the two lifetimes to the two tryptophan residues. The tryptophan residue characterized by a shorter lifetime has a maximum of fluorescence emission at about 317 nm and the second one exhibits a maximum of its emission at 350 nm. These two residues contribute almost equally to the protein's fluorescence. These results, as well as fluorescence-quenching studies using KI and acrylamide as a quencher, indicate that in calcium-loaded metalloproteinase, the tryptophan residue characterized by the shorter lifetime is extensively buried within the protein. The second residue is exposed on the surface of the protein. The tryptophan residues of metalloproteinase have acrylamide dynamic-quenching rate constants, kq values, of 2.3 and 0.26 X 10(9) M-1 X s-1 for the exposed and buried residue, respectively. A study of the temperature dependence of the fluorescence lifetime for the two tryptophan components gives activation energies, Ea values, for thermal quenching of 1.8 and 2.2 kcal/mol for the buried and the exposed residue, respectively. Dissociation of Ca2+ from the protein causes a change in the protein's structure, as can be judged from dramatic changes which occur in the fluorescence properties of the buried tryptophan residue. These changes include an approx. 13 nm red-shift in the maximum of the fluorescence emission and an increase in the acrylamide-quenching rate constant, and they indicate that the removal of Ca2+ results in an increase in the exposure and the polarity of the microenvironment of this 'blue' residue.  相似文献   
Time-resolved, steady-state fluorescence and fluorescence-detected circular dichroism (FDCD) have been used to resolve the fluorescence contributions of the two tryptophan residues, Trp-13 and Trp-85, in the cyclic AMP receptor protein (CRP). The iodide and acrylamide quenching data show that in CRP one tryptophan residue, Trp-85, is buried within the protein matrix and the other, Trp-13, is moderately exposed on the surface of the protein. Fluorescence-quenching-resolved spectra show that Trp-13 has emission at about 350 nm and contributes 76–83% to the total fluorescence emission. The Trp-85, unquenchable by iodide and acrylamide, has the fluorescence emission at about 337 nm. The time-resolved fluorescence measurements show that Trp-13 has a longer fluorescence decay time. The Trp-85 exhibits a shorter fluorescence decay time. In the CRP-cAMP complex the Trp-85, previously buried in the apoprotein becomes totally exposed to the iodide and acrylamide quenchers. The FDCD spectra indicate that in the CRP-cAMP complex Trp-85 remains in the same environment as in the protein alone. It has been proposed that the binding of cAMP to CRP is accompanied by a hinge reorientation of two protein domains. This allows for penetration of the quencher molecules into the Trp-85 residue previously buried in the protein matrix.Abbreviations CRP cyclic AMP receptor protein - NATA N-acetyltryptophanamide - FQRS fluorescence-quenching-resolved spectra - FDCD fluorescence-detected circular dichroism - EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - FPLC fast protein liquid chromatography  相似文献   
Viscosity, gel filtration and spin-labelling methods have been used to study the influence of alkylpyridinium bromides on the conformation of bovine serum albumin and other proteins. Cationic detergents cause partial unfolding of the native protein molecules. The magnitude of these changes increases with increasing length of the detergent hydrocarbon chain. When cationic detergents are added to reduced and carboxymethylated bovine serum albumin the observed changes are opposite to those found in native protein.  相似文献   
Alpha(1)-Microglobulin, a 26 kDa lipocalin present in plasma and tissues, carries a set of unknown chromophores, bound to C34, K92, K118 and K130, which cause its charge and size heterogeneity. In man, the protein is found in two forms, full length and lacking the C-terminal tetrapeptide LIPR (t-alpha(1)-microglobulin), both which are heme-binding and the latter with heme-degrading properties. We report cloning and overexpression of full length alpha(1)-microglobulin (wt protein), t-alpha(1)-microglobulin (wtdeltaLIPR) and the mutants C34S, K(92,118,130)T and C34S/K(92,118,130)T, the latter subsequently abbreviated as K(3)T and C34S/K(3)T, in Escherichia coli. After purification and refolding from inclusion bodies, all proteins were correctly folded as determined by far-UV circular dichroism and radioimmunoassay. As revealed by gel filtration, recombinant alpha(1)-microglobulins had lower tendencies to form dimers than human plasma or urine analogues. All alpha(1)-microglobulin forms displayed higher amounts of the chromophore than bovine serum albumin but significantly lower than the human urine or plasma counterparts. Differences in the absorbance and fluorescence profiles are consistent with a model where the chromophore is formed by a series of reactions with heme or other chromophore precursors and where C34 is essential for binding of the ligand, K92, K118 and K130 are involved in transformation into the chromophore and LIPR inhibits the latter reaction.  相似文献   
Steady-state fluorescence quenching and time-resolved measurements have been performed to resolve the fluorescence contributions of the two tryptophan residues, W43 and W75, in the subunit of the homodimer of the Tet repressor fromEscherichia coli. The W43 residue is localized within the helix-turn-helix structural domain, which is responsible for sequence-specific binding of the Tet repressor to thetet operator. The W75 residue is in the protein matrix near the tetracycline-binding site. The assignment of the two residues has been confirmed by use of single-tryptophan mutants carrying either W43 or W75. The FQRS (fluorescence-quenching-resolved-spectra) method has been used to decompose the total emission spectrum of the wild-type protein into spectral components. The resolved spectra have maxima of fluorescence at 349 and 324 nm for the W43 and W75 residues, respectively. The maxima of the resolved spectra are in excellent agreement with those found using single-tryptophan-containing mutants. The fluorescence decay properties of the wild type as well as of both mutants of Tet repressor have been characterized by carrying out a multitemperature study. The decays of the wild-type Tet repressor and W43-containing mutant can be described as being of double-exponential type. The W75 mutant decay can be described by a Gaussian continuous distribution centered at 5.0 nsec with a bandwidth equal to 1.34 nsec. The quenching experiments have shown the presence of two classes of W43 emission. One of the components, exposed to solvent, has a maximum of fluorescence emission at 355 nm, with the second one at about 334 nm. The red-emitting component can be characterized by bimolecular-quenching rate constant,kq equal to 2.6×109, 2.8×109, and 2.0×109 M–1 sec–1 for acrylamide, iodide, and succinimide, respectively. The bluer component is unquenchable by any of the quenchers used. The W75 residue of the Tet repressor has quenching rate constant equal to 0.85×109 and 0.28 × 109 M–1 sec–1 for acrylamide and succinimide, respectively. These values indicate that the W75 is not deeply buried within the protein matrix. Our results indicate that the Tet repressor can exist in its ground state in two distinct conformational states which differ in the microenvironment of the W43 residue.Abbreviations FQRS fluorescence-quenching-resolved spectra - HTH helix-turn-helix motif - TetR tetracycline repressor fromE. coli - WT wild-type TetR - W43 single point mutant with phenyloalanine substituted for tryptophan at position 75 in both subunits - W75 single point mutant with phenyloalanine substituted for tryptophan at position 43 in both subunits  相似文献   
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