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A survey of distribution patterns of floodwater mosquito eggs related to environmental conditions such as moisture and plant associations was conducted by using soil samples from irrigated fields in Wroc?aw, Poland. Mosquito egg distribution was determined by repeatedly flooding the soil samples with aerated water at a temperature of 25° C. Under laboratory conditions, hatching in installments of Aedes caspius (Pallas) and Aedes vexans (Meigen) were commonly observed. The results show that ~75% of the larvae of Ae. caspius and Ae. vexans hatched after the first flooding under summer‐like conditions, whereas, following the second and third flooding, the numbers of hatched larvae were significantly lower. In our study, within one intermediate flooded field, a total of 66 plant species was identified and classified into six communities. All vegetation types were associated by varied egg densities and showed differences both in richness and Shannon‐Wiener diversity index as well as in ecological indices for moisture, soil reaction, and nutrient level. Small changes in elevation along the slope within the study area showed a large difference in the distribution of mosquito eggs. The highest average egg density was observed in zones with high occurrence of Phalaris arundinacea, usually prevalent in intermediate flooded and fertile areas. Knowledge of the indicators for the distribution of floodwater mosquito eggs in temporary breeding sites may be essential for organizing a successful, integrated mosquito control program with special regard to microbial control agents.  相似文献   
Two series of benzimidazole derivatives were sythesised. The first one was based on 5,6-dinitrobenzimidazole, the second one comprises 2-thioalkyl- and thioaryl-substituted modified benzimidazoles. Antibacterial and antiprotozoal activity of the newly obtained compounds was studied. Some thioalkyl derivatives showed remarkable activity against nosocomial strains of Stenotrophomonas malthophilia, and an activity comparable to that of metronidazole against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Of the tested compounds, 5,6-dichloro-2-(4-nitrobenzylthio)-benzimidazole showed the most distinct antiprotozoal activity.  相似文献   
Abstract We have previously identified a Brucella melitensis 28 kDa cytosoluble protein (CP28) which was highly immunogenic in infected sheep and which in addition made possible the serological differentiation between infected and B. melitensis Rev.l vaccinated sheep. Monoclonal antibodies against CP28 were used to screen a B. melitensis 16M genomic library and to clone the corresponding gene. DNA sequencing of the gene encoding CP28 of B. melitensis 16M revealed that it was nearly identical to that of the recently published bp26 gene of Brucella abortus vaccine strain S19 coding for a periplasmic protein. The differences between the B. melitensis 16M gene and that of B. abortus S19 consisted of single nucleotide substitutions, one or two codon deletions, one codon addition, and most importantly a 21-bp deletion. The corresponding region of B. abortus S19 contains two 10-bp direct repeats which could have been involved in the genesis of the deletion. Expression of the B. melitensis 16M bp26 gene in Escherichia coli studied by the use of the monoclonal antibodies showed the same characteristics as reported for the B. abortus S19 bp26 gene, i.e. the presence of a higher molecular mass preprotein and a lower molecular mass band which probably corresponds to the mature protein exported to the periplasm. Immunoblotting performed with sera from either naturally infected or B. melitensis H38 experimentally infected sheep confirmed the importance of the B. melitensis CP28/BP26 protein as diagnostic antigen.  相似文献   
This study examines the amplitude of sodium-calcium exchange current (I(NaCa)) in epicardial, midmyocardial, and endocardial canine ventricular myocytes. Whole cell currents were recorded at 37( degrees )C using standard or perforated-patch voltage-clamp techniques in the absence of potassium, calcium-activated chloride, and sodium-pump currents. I(NaCa) was triggered by release of calcium from the sarcoplasmic reticulum or by rapid removal of external sodium. I(NaCa) was large in midmyocardial myocytes and significantly smaller in endocardial myocytes, regardless of the method used to activate I(NaCa). I(NaCa) at -80 mV was -0.316 +/- 0. 013, -0.293 +/- 0.016, and -0.210 +/- 0.007 pC/pF, respectively, in midmyocardial, epicardial, and endocardial myocytes when activated by the calcium transient. When triggered by sodium removal, peak I(NaCa) was 0.74 +/- 0.04, 0.57 +/- 0.04, and 0.50 +/- 0.03 pA/pF, respectively, in midmyocardial, epicardial, and endocardial myocytes. Epicardial I(NaCa) was smaller than midmyocardial I(NaCa) when activated by removal of external sodium but was comparable to epicardial and midmyocardial I(NaCa) when activated by the normal calcium transient, implying possible transmural differences in excitation-contraction coupling. Our results suggest that I(NaCa) differences contribute to transmural electrical heterogeneity under normal and pathological states. A large midmyocardial I(NaCa) may contribute to the prolonged action potential of these cells as well as to the development of triggered activity under calcium-loading conditions.  相似文献   
Metallic surfaces can have unusual effects on fluorophores such as increasing or decreasing the rates of radiative decay and the rates of resonance energy transfer (RET). In the present article we describe the effects of metallic silver island films on the emission spectra, lifetimes, and energy transfer for several fluorophores. The fluorophores are not covalently coupled to the silver islands so that there are a range of fluorophore-to-metal distances. We show that proximity of fluorophores to the silver islands results in increased fluorescence intensity, with the largest enhancement for the lowest-quantum-yield fluorophores. Importantly, the metal-induced increases in intensity are accompanied by decreased lifetimes and increased photostability. These effects demonstrate that the silver islands have increased the radiative decay rates of the fluorophore. For solvent-sensitive fluorophores the emission spectra shifted to shorted wavelengths in the presence of the silver islands, which is consistent with a decrease of the apparent lifetime for fluorophores near the metal islands. We also observed an increased intensity and blue spectral shift for the protein human glyoxalase, which displays a low quantum yield for its intrinsic tryptophan emission. In this case the blue shift is thought to be due to increased emission from a buried low-quantum-yield tryptophan residue. Increased intensities were also observed for the intrinsic emission of the nucleic acid bases adenine and thymine and for single-stranded 15-mers poly(T) and poly(C). And finally, we observed increased RET for donors and acceptors in solution and when bound to double-helical DNA. These results demonstrate that metallic particles can be used to modify the emission from intrinsic and extrinsic fluorophores in biochemical systems.  相似文献   
Crystal structures of the PDZ2 domain of the scaffolding protein syntenin, both unbound and in complexes with peptides derived from C termini of IL5 receptor (alpha chain) and syndecan, reveal the molecular roots of syntenin's degenerate specificity. Three distinct binding sites (S(0), S(-1), and S(-2)), with affinities for hydrophobic side chains, function in a combinatorial way: S(-1) and S(-2) act together to bind syndecan, while S(0) and S(-1) are involved in the binding of IL5Ralpha. Neither mode of interaction is consistent with the prior classification scheme, which defined the IL5Ralpha interaction as class I (-S/T-X-phi) and the syndecan interaction as class II (-phi-X-phi). These results, in conjunction with other emerging structural data on PDZ domains, call for a revision of their classification and of the existing model of their mechanism.  相似文献   
A series of novel iodinated benzimidazoles have been prepared by iodination of respective benzimidazole with iodine and periodic acid in sulfuric acid solution. Additionally several 2-substituted- and N-1-carboxymethyl-substituted derivatives of 4,5,6,7-tetraiodobenzimidazole (TIBI) were obtained. For sake of comparison, some new 4,5,6,7-tetrabromobenzimidazoles were also synthesized. The ability of the new compounds to inhibit protein kinase CK2 has been evaluated. The results show that 4,5,6,7-tetraiodobenzimidazoles are more powerful inhibitors of CK2 than their tetrabrominated analogs. Molecular modeling supports the experimental data showing that tetraiodobenzimidazole moiety fills better the binding pocket than respective tetrabromo and tetrachlorocompounds. To note that 4,5,6,7-tetraiodobenzimidazole (TIBI) is one of the most efficient CK2 inhibitors (Ki = 23 nM) described to date.  相似文献   
Time-resolved, steady-state fluorescence and fluorescence-detected circular dichroism (FDCD) have been used to resolve the fluorescence contributions of the two tryptophan residues, Trp-13 and Trp-85, in the cyclic AMP receptor protein (CRP). The iodide and acrylamide quenching data show that in CRP one tryptophan residue, Trp-85, is buried within the protein matrix and the other, Trp-13, is moderately exposed on the surface of the protein. Fluorescence-quenching-resolved spectra show that Trp-13 has emission at about 350 nm and contributes 76–83% to the total fluorescence emission. The Trp-85, unquenchable by iodide and acrylamide, has the fluorescence emission at about 337 nm. The time-resolved fluorescence measurements show that Trp-13 has a longer fluorescence decay time. The Trp-85 exhibits a shorter fluorescence decay time. In the CRP-cAMP complex the Trp-85, previously buried in the apoprotein becomes totally exposed to the iodide and acrylamide quenchers. The FDCD spectra indicate that in the CRP-cAMP complex Trp-85 remains in the same environment as in the protein alone. It has been proposed that the binding of cAMP to CRP is accompanied by a hinge reorientation of two protein domains. This allows for penetration of the quencher molecules into the Trp-85 residue previously buried in the protein matrix.  相似文献   
AMP-deaminase (EC is an enzyme of nucleotide breakdown involved in regulation of adenine nucleotide pool in mammalian cells. Reaction catalysed by AMP-deaminase constitutes a rate-limiting step in adenine nucleotide catabolism in liver. In this study kinetic and regulatory properties of AMP-deaminase purified from normal and cirrhotic human liver were investigated. In comparison to AMP-deaminase extracted from the normal human liver, AMP-deaminase extracted from the cirrhotic liver was less sensitive towards substrate analogues, and only a very limited response towards pH and adenylate energy charge changes tested for enzyme isolated from this tissue source had been observed. At physiological pH 7.0, in the absence and in the presence of important allosteric effectors (ATP, ADP, GTP and orthophosphate), AMP-deaminases from the two sources studied manifested different regulatory profiles, with half-saturation constant (S0.5) values being distinctly higher for the enzyme extracted from the pathological organ. In contrast to AMP-deaminase isolated from the normal, healthy liver, where presence of relatively large (68 kDa) protein fragment was also detected, only smaller protein fragments were identified, while SDS-PAG electrophoresis of AMP-deaminase isolated from the cirrhotic liver was performed. The obtained results indicate clearly that advanced proteolytic processes occurring in the cirrhotic liver may affect structural integrity of AMP-deaminase studied, making enzyme less active and less sensitive to regulatory action of important allosteric effectors.  相似文献   
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