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We tested the hypothesis that RhoA, a monomeric GTP-binding protein, induces association of inositol trisphosphate receptor (IP3R) with transient receptor potential channel (TRPC1), and thereby activates store depletion-induced Ca2+ entry in endothelial cells. We showed that RhoA upon activation with thrombin associated with both IP3R and TRPC1. Thrombin also induced translocation of a complex consisting of Rho, IP3R, and TRPC1 to the plasma membrane. IP3R and TRPC1 translocation and association required Rho activation because the response was not seen in C3 transferase (C3)-treated cells. Rho function inhibition using Rho dominant-negative mutant or C3 dampened Ca2+ entry regardless of whether Ca2+ stores were emptied by thrombin, thapsigargin, or inositol trisphosphate. Rho-induced association of IP3R with TRPC1 was dependent on actin filament polymerization because latrunculin (which inhibits actin polymerization) prevented both the association and Ca2+ entry. We also showed that thrombin produced a sustained Rho-dependent increase in cytosolic Ca2+ concentration [Ca2+]i in endothelial cells overexpressing TRPC1. We further showed that Rho-activated Ca2+ entry via TRPC1 is important in the mechanism of the thrombin-induced increase in endothelial permeability. In summary, Rho activation signals interaction of IP3R with TRPC1 at the plasma membrane of endothelial cells, and triggers Ca2+ entry following store depletion and the resultant increase in endothelial permeability.  相似文献   
Matrix vesicles are extracellular organelles involved in mineral formation that are regulated by 1alpha,25(OH)(2)D(3). Prior studies have shown that protein kinase C (PKC) activity is involved in mediating the effects of 1alpha,25(OH)(2)D(3) in both matrix vesicles and plasma membranes. Here, we examined the regulation of matrix vesicle PKC by 1alpha,25(OH)(2)D(3) during biogenesis and after deposition in the matrix. When growth zone costochondral chondrocytes were treated for 9 min with 1alpha,25(OH)(2)D(3), PKCzeta in matrix vesicles was inhibited, while PKCalpha in plasma membranes was increased. In contrast, after treatment for 12 or 24 h, PKCzeta in matrix vesicles was increased, while PKCalpha in plasma membranes was unchanged. The effect of 1alpha,25(OH)(2)D(3) was stereospecific and metabolite-specific. Monensin blocked the increase in matrix vesicle PKC after 24 h, suggesting the secosteroid-regulated packaging of PKC. In addition, the 1alpha,25(OH)(2)D(3) membrane vitamin D receptor (1,25-mVDR) was involved, since a specific antibody blocked the 1alpha,25(OH)(2)D(3)-dependent changes in PKC after both long and short treatment times. In contrast, antibodies to annexin II had no effect, and there was no evidence for the presence of the nuclear VDR on Western blots. To investigate the signaling pathways involved in regulating matrix vesicle PKC activity after biosynthesis, matrix vesicles were isolated and then treated for 9 min with 1alpha,25(OH)(2)D(3) in the presence and absence of specific inhibitors. Inhibition of phosphatidylinositol-phospholipase C, phospholipase D, or G(i)/G(s) had no effect. However, inhibition of G(q) blocked the effect of 1alpha,25(OH)(2)D(3). The rapid effect of 1alpha,25(OH)(2)D(3) also involved the 1,25-mVDR. Moreover, arachidonic acid was found to stimulate PKC when added directly to isolated matrix vesicles. These results indicate that matrix vesicle PKC is regulated by 1alpha,25(OH)(2)D(3) at three levels: 1) during matrix vesicle biogenesis; 2) through direct action on the membrane; and 3) through production of other factors such as arachidonic acid.  相似文献   
Stimulation of ciliary cells through muscarinic receptors leads to a strong biphasic enhancement of ciliary beat frequency (CBF). The main goal of this work is to delineate the chain of molecular events that lead to the enhancement of CBF induced by acetylcholine (ACh). Here we show that the Ca(2+), cGMP, and cAMP signaling pathways are intimately interconnected in the process of cholinergic ciliary stimulation. ACh induces profound time-dependent increase in cGMP and cAMP concentrations mediated by the calcium-calmodulin complex. The initial strong CBF enhancement in response to ACh is mainly governed by PKG and elevated calcium. The second phase of CBF enhancement induced by ACh, a stable moderately elevated CBF, is mainly regulated by PKA in a Ca(2+)-independent manner. Inhibition of either guanylate cyclase or of PKG partially attenuates the response to ACh of [Ca(2+)](i), but completely abolishes the response of CBF. Inhibition of PKA moderately attenuates and significantly shortens the responses to ACh of both [Ca(2+)](i) and CBF. In addition, PKA facilitates the elevation in [Ca(2+)](i) and cGMP levels induced by ACh, whereas an unimpeded PKG activity is essential for CBF enhancement mediated by either Ca(2+) or PKA.  相似文献   
DNA sequences of the mitochondrial control region of 180 North Atlantic right whales ( Euhalaena glacialis ) and 16 South Atlantic right whales ( E. australis ) have been determined using a combination of direct DNA sequencing and single stranded conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis. Five haplotypes were found in E. glacialis , and 10 in E. australis , but none were shared, supporting the reproductive isolation and separate species status of the North and South Atlantic right whales. One haplotype in E, glacialis was found in only three males born before 1982 and this matriline will likely be lost soon. The nucleotide diversity estimates for the five North Atlantic right whale haplotypes was 0.6% and 2.0% for the 10 haplotypes found in the South Atlantic right whales. The average haplotypic diversity was 0.87 in E. glacialis and 0.96 in E. australis , which is consistent with other studies showing a lower level of genetic variation in the North Atlantic right whale. Phylogenetic analysis identified two major assemblages of haplotypes in E. australis from the samples collected from Peninsula Valdes, suggesting a mixing of two historically divergent populations. Using genetic distance measurements with a divergence rate of 0.5%–1.0%/myr, we estimate E. glacialis diverged from E. australis 3–12.5 mya.  相似文献   
The present study deals with the isolation of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) from rice (variety NIAB IRRI-9) and the beneficial effects of these inoculants on two Basmati rice varieties. Nitrogen-fixing activity (acetylene-reduction activity) was detected in the roots and submerged shoots of field-grown rice variety NIAB IRRI-9. Estimation of the population size of diazotrophic bacteria by ARA-based MPN (acetylene reduction assay-based most probable number) in roots and shoots indicated about 10(5)-10(6) counts/g dry weight at panicle initiation and grain filling stages. Four bacterial isolates from rice roots and shoots were obtained in pure culture which produced phytohormone indoleacetic acid (IAA) in the growth medium. Among these, three isolates S1, S4, and R3 reduced acetylene to ethylene in nitrogen-free semi-solid medium. Morphological and physiological characteristics of the isolates indicated that three nitrogen-fixing isolates S1, S4, and R3 belonged to the genus Enterobacter, while the non-fixing isolate R8 belonged to the genus Aeromonas. 16S rRNA sequence of one isolate from root (R8) and one isolate from shoot (S1) was obtained which confirmed identification of the isolates as Aeromonas veronii and Enterobacter cloacae, respectively. The 1517-nucleotide-long sequence of the isolate R8 showed 99% similarity with Aeromonas veronii (accession No. AF099023) while partial 16S rRNA sequence (two stretches of total 1271 nucleotide length) of S1 showed 97% similarity with the sequence of Enterobacter cloacae (accession No. AJ251469). The seedlings of two rice varieties Basmati 385 and Super Basmati were inoculated with the four bacterial isolates from rice and one Azospirillum brasilense strain Wb3, which was isolated from wheat. In the rice variety Basmati 385, maximum increase in root area and plant biomass was obtained in plants inoculated with Enterobacter S1 and Azospirillum Wb3, whereas in the rice variety Super Basmati, inoculation with Enterobacter R3 resulted in maximum increase of root area and plant biomass. Nitrogen fixation was quantified by using 15N isotopic dilution method. Maximum fixation was observed in Basmati 385 with the inoculants Azospirillum Wb3 and Enterobacter S1 where nearly 46% and 41% of the nitrogen was derived from atmosphere (%Ndfa), respectively. In general, higher nitrogen fixation was observed in variety Basmati 385 than in Super Basmati, and different bacterial strains were found more effective as inoculants for the rice varieties Basmati 385 and Super Basmati.  相似文献   
Summary TheDrosophila X-linked mutantrutabaga (Duerr and Quinn 1982) fails to perform normally in olfactory conditioning paradigms, in spite of being able to sense odorants and shock (Figs. 1–3).rut is capable of forming an association between shock and odorant, but memory decays rapidly; the memory of the mutant following intensive training resembles that of normal flies following very brief training (Fig. 4).rut flies also display in vitro a defective adenylate cyclase activity (Fig. 6). The enzyme in the mutant is responsive to stimulation by a putative neurotransmitter and by a guanyl nucleotide (Fig. 8) but the activity is lower than normal even in the presence of forskolin (Fig. 8) and MnATP (Fig. 9), suggesting that the lesion is closely associated with the function of the catalytic subunit.rut/ + heterozygotes are semi-recessive with regard to both the behavioral defect and the biochemical defect (Figs. 5, 7). The behavioral and the biochemical lesions detected inrut flies are discussed in light of current molecular models of learning.  相似文献   
The interactive effect of low P supply (0, 10, 20 and 40 M) and plant age on nodule number, mass and functioning (ureide analysis technique), vegetative growth and pod production were investigated in glasshouse-grown nodulated cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.cv. Kausband) in sand culture. Compared with 40 M P, P stress (0 M P) or very low (10 M P) supply markedly impaired nodulation, allantoin and amino-N concentrations and weight of N solutes in xylem exudates. Consequently, P stress reduced top growth and pod yields by 48 and 90%, respectively. N solutes in xylem exudates and total plant N assayed by Kjeldahl technique (as estimates of N2 fixation) responded similarly to P supply. However, the relative ureide index [(ureide-N/ureide N+amino-N)×100] remained constant (99%), irrespective of P supply, indicating the plants' complete dependency on symbiosis for growth, without implying that growth was markedly increased by N2 fixation. Although P concentrations in plant tops, roots and nodules increased with P supply, N concentrations in these plant tissues were unaffected by P supply. The concentrations of N and P in the nodules were 2–2 1/2 times higher than in plant tops. P application interacted strongly with plant age, with the largest P effect evidently achieved at the early podding stage. The significance and implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   
The effect of albumin binding to cultured bovine pulmonary artery endothelial cell (BPAEC) monolayers on the transendothelial flux of 125I-labelled bovine serum albumin (BSA) was examined to determine its possible role on albumin transcytosis. The transport of 125I-BSA tracer across BPAEC grown on gelatin- and fibronectin-coated filters (0.8 microns pore diam.) was affected by the presence of unlabelled BSA in the medium in that transendothelial 125I-BSA permeability decreased, reaching a 40% reduction at BSA concentrations equal to or greater than 5 mg/ml. BSA binding to BPAEC monolayers was saturated at concentration of 10 mg/ml with an apparent binding affinity of 6 x 10(-7) M. In contrast, gelatin added to the medium altered neither 125I-BSA binding nor transport. Several lectins were tested for their ability to inhibit 125I-BSA binding and transport. One lectin, Ricinus communis (RCA), reduced 125I-BSA binding by 70% and transport by 40%. Other lectins, Ulex europaeus, Triticum vulgare, and Glycine max decreased neither 125I-BSA binding nor transport. The reduction of 125I-BSA transport by RCA was not observed in the presence of saturating levels of BSA, indicating that RCA influenced only the albumin-dependent component of transport. RCA, but not other lectins, precipitated a 60 kDa plasmalemmal glycoprotein from cell lysates of surface radioiodinated BPAEC monolayers. This 60 kDa glycoprotein appears to be the equivalent of gp60 identified previously as an albumin binding glycoprotein in rat microvascular endothelium. In summary, approximately 40% of albumin transport across BPAEC monolayers is dependent on albumin binding. This component of albumin transport is inhibited by 80% by the binding of RCA to gp60. These results suggest that binding of albumin to gp60 on pulmonary artery endothelial cell membrane is a critical determinant of transendothelial albumin flux involving mechanisms such as plasmalemmal vesicular transcytosis.  相似文献   
Inositol lipid signaling relies on an InsP3-induced Ca2+ release from intracellular stores and on extracellular Ca2+ entry, which takes place when the Ca2+ stores become depleted of Ca2+. This interplay between Ca2+ release and Ca2+ entry has been termed capacitative Ca2+ entry and the inward current calcium release activated current (CRAC) to indicate gating of Ca2+ entry by Ca2+-store depletion. The signaling pathway and the gating mechanism of capacitative Ca2+ entry, however, are largely unknown and the molecular participants in this process have not been identified. In this article we review genetic, molecular, and functional studies of wild-type and mutantDrosophila photoreceptors, suggesting that thetransient receptor potential mutant (trp) is the first putative capacitative Ca2+ entry mutant. Furthermore, several lines of evidence suggest that thetrp gene product TRP is a candidate subunit of the plasma membrane channel that is activated by Ca2+ store depletion.  相似文献   
The in vivo contributions of CD18 integrin-dependent and -independent mechanisms in mediating the increases in lung neutrophil (polymorphonuclear leukocyte; PMN) sequestration and microvascular permeability are not well understood. We determined the time course of these responses to Gram-negative sepsis in the mouse lung and addressed the specific contributions of CD18 integrins and ICAM-1. PMN sequestration in the lung was assessed by morphometric analysis, and transalveolar PMN migration was assessed by bronchoalveolar lavage. Lung tissue PMN number increased by 6-fold within 1 h after i.p. Escherichia coli challenge; this value peaked at 3 h (7-fold above control) and decreased at 12 h (3.5-fold above control). PMN migration into the airspace was delayed; the value peaked at 6 h and remained elevated up to 12 h. Saturating concentrations of anti-CD18 and anti-ICAM-1 mAbs reduced lung tissue PMN sequestration and migration; however, peak responses at 3 and 6 h were inhibited by 40%, indicating that only a small component of PMN sequestration and migration was CD18 dependent at these times. In contrast to the time-dependent decreased role of CD18 integrins in mediating PMN sequestration and migration, CD18 and ICAM-1 blockade prevented the increase in lung microvascular permeability and edema formation at all times after E. coli challenge. Thus, Gram-negative sepsis engages CD18/ICAM-1-independent mechanisms capable of the time-dependent amplification of lung PMN sequestration and migration. The increased pulmonary microvascular permeability induced by E. coli is solely the result of engagement of CD18 integrins even when PMN accumulation and migration responses are significantly CD18 independent.  相似文献   
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