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Two new loci have been found to be clustered with five other genes for the nitrate assimilation pathway in the Chlamydomonas reinhardtii genome. One gene, located close to the 3′-end of the high-affinity nitrate transporter (HANT) gene Nrt2;2, corresponds to the nitrite reductase (NiR) structural gene Nii1. This is supported by a number of experimental findings: (i) NiR-deficient mutants have lost Nii1 gene expression; (ii) Nii1 mRNA accumulation is co-regulated with the expression of other structural genes of the nitrate assimilation pathway; (iii) nitrite (nitrate) utilization ability is recovered in the NiR mutants by functional complementation with a wild-type Nii1 gene; (iv) the elucidated NII1 amino acid sequence is highly similar to that of the cyanobacterial and higher-plant enzyme, and contains the predicted domains for plastidic ferredoxin-NiRs. Thus, the mutant phenotype and the mRNA sequence and expression of the Nii1 gene have been unequivocally related. Accumulation of mRNA for the second locus identified, Lde1 (light-dependent expression), was not regulated by nitrogen, but like nitrate-assimilation clustered genes, its expression was down-regulated in the dark. Received: 27 November 1997 / Accepted: 19 January 1998  相似文献   
The recognition of long-term patterns in the seasonal dynamics of Daphnia longispina, Leptodora kindtii and cyanobacteria is dependent upon their interactions, the water temperature and the hydrological conditions, which were all investigated between 1999 and 2008 in the lowland Sulejow Reservoir. The biomass of cyanobacteria, densities of D. longispina and L. kindtii, concentration of chlorophyll a and water temperature were assessed weekly from April to October at three sampling stations along the longitudinal reservoir axis. The retention time was calculated using data on the actual water inflow and reservoir volume. A self-organising map (SOM) was used due to high interannual variability in the studied parameters and their often non-linear relationships. Classification of the SOM output neurons into three clusters that grouped the sampling terms with similar biotic states allowed identification of the crucial abiotic factors responsible for the seasonal sequence of events: cluster CL-ExSp (extreme/spring) corresponded to hydrologically unstable cold periods (mostly spring) with extreme values and highly variable abiotic factors, which made abiotic control of the biota dominant; cluster CL-StSm (stable/summer) was associated with ordinary late spring and summer and was characterised by stable non-extreme abiotic conditions, which made biotic interactions more important; and the cluster CL-ExSm (extreme/summer), was associated with late spring/summer and characterised by thermal or hydrological extremes, which weakened the role of biotic factors. The significance of the differences between the SOM sub-clusters was verified by Kruskal-Wallis and post-hoc Dunn tests. The importance of the temperature and hydrological regimes as the key plankton-regulating factors in the dam reservoir, as shown by the SOM, was confirmed by the results of canonical correlation analyses (CCA) of each cluster. The demonstrated significance of hydrology in seasonal plankton dynamics complements the widely accepted pattern proposed by the plankton succession model for lakes, the PEG (Plankton Ecology Group), and may be useful for the formulation of management decisions in dam reservoirs.  相似文献   
Hairy root culture of Salvia sclarea L. was established following infection with Agrobacterium rhizogenes LBA 9402. The culture was grown in growth regulator-free half-strength B5 Gamborg medium with 30 g l−1 sucrose and was investigated with respect to its capability of producing diterpenoids and triterpenoids. Four diterpenoids (ferruginol, salvipisone, aethiopinone and 1-oxoaethiopinone) and two ursene-type triterpenoids (2α,3α-dihydroxy-urs-12-en-28-oic acid and 2α,3α,24-trihydroxy-urs-12-en-28-oic acid) were isolated from the hairy roots. The presence of three sterols (β-sitosterol, stigmasterol and campesterol), as well as oleanolic and ursolic acids was also shown by GC–MS analysis. The quantitative and qualitative differences in diterpenoid and triterpenoid production patterns between hairy roots grown in the light and in the dark were described.  相似文献   
Some sheep breeds are naturally prolific, and they are very informative for the studies of reproductive genetics and physiology. Major genes increasing litter size (LS) and ovulation rate (OR) were suspected in the French Grivette and the Polish Olkuska sheep populations, respectively. To identify genetic variants responsible for the highly prolific phenotype in these two breeds, genome-wide association studies (GWAS) followed by complementary genetic and functional analyses were performed. Highly prolific ewes (cases) and normal prolific ewes (controls) from each breed were genotyped using the Illumina OvineSNP50 Genotyping Beadchip. In both populations, an X chromosome region, close to the BMP15 gene, harbored clusters of markers with suggestive evidence of association at significance levels between 1E−05 and 1E−07. The BMP15 candidate gene was then sequenced, and two novel non-conservative mutations called FecXGr and FecXO were identified in the Grivette and Olkuska breeds, respectively. The two mutations were associated with the highly prolific phenotype (pFecXGr = 5.98E−06 and pFecXO = 2.55E−08). Homozygous ewes for the mutated allele showed a significantly increased prolificacy (FecXGr/FecXGr, LS = 2.50±0.65 versus FecX+/FecXGr, LS = 1.93±0.42, p<1E−03 and FecXO/FecXO, OR = 3.28±0.85 versus FecX+/FecXO, OR = 2.02±0.47, p<1E−03). Both mutations are located in very well conserved motifs of the protein and altered the BMP15 signaling activity in vitro using a BMP-responsive luciferase test in COV434 granulosa cells. Thus, we have identified two novel mutations in the BMP15 gene associated with increased LS and OR. Notably, homozygous FecXGr/FecXGr Grivette and homozygous FecXO/FecXO Olkuska ewes are hyperprolific in striking contrast with the sterility exhibited by all other known homozygous BMP15 mutations. Our results bring new insights into the key role played by the BMP15 protein in ovarian function and could contribute to a better understanding of the pathogenesis of women′s fertility disorders.  相似文献   
Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is a rare genetic disorder caused by the impaired functioning of ciliated cells. Its diagnosis is based on the analysis of the structure and functioning of cilia present in the respiratory epithelium (RE) of the patient. Abnormalities of cilia caused by hereditary mutations closely resemble and often overlap with defects induced by the environmental factors. As a result, proper diagnosis of PCD is difficult and may require repeated sampling of patients’ tissue, which is not always possible. The culturing of differentiated cells and tissues derived from the human RE seems to be the best way to diagnose PCD, to study genotype–phenotype relations of genes involved in ciliary dysfunction, as well as other aspects related to the functioning of the RE. In this review, different methods of culturing differentiated cells and tissues derived from the human RE, along with their potential and limitations, are summarized. Several considerations with respect to the factors influencing the process of in vitro differentiation (cell-to-cell interactions, medium composition, cell-support substrate) are also discussed.  相似文献   
We here characterize five globular endolysins, encoded by a set of Gram-negative infecting bacteriophages: BcepC6gp22 (Burkholderia cepacia phage BcepC6B), P2gp09 (Escherichia coli phage P2), PsP3gp10 (Salmonella enterica phage PsP3), K11gp3.5 and KP32gp15 (Klebsiella pneumoniae phages K11 and KP32, respectively). In silico, BcepC6gp22, P2gp10 and PsP3gp10 are predicted to possess lytic transglycosylase activity, whereas K11gp3.5 and KP32gp15 have putative amidase activity. All five endolysins show muralytic activity on the peptidoglycan of several Gram-negative bacterial species. In vitro, Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 is clearly sensitive for the antibacterial action of the five endolysins in the presence of the outer membrane permeabilizer EDTA: reductions are ranging from 1.89 to 3.08 log units dependent on the endolysin. The predicted transglycosylases BcepC6gp22, P2gp10 and PsP3gp10 have a substantially higher muralytic and in vitro antibacterial activity compared to the predicted amidases K11gp3.5 and KP32gp15, highlighting the impact of the catalytic specificity on endolysin activity. Furthermore, initial data exclude the synergistic lethal effect of a combination of the predicted transglycosylase PsP3gp10 and the predicted amidase K11gp3.5 on PAO1. As these globular endolysins show a lower enzymatic and antibacterial activity, in comparison to modular endolysins, we suggest that the latter should be favored for antibacterial applications.  相似文献   
In this paper, we present two mathematical models related to different aspects and scales of cancer growth. The first model is a stochastic spatiotemporal model of both a synthetic gene regulatory network (the example of a three-gene repressilator is given) and an actual gene regulatory network, the NF-\(\upkappa \)B pathway. The second model is a force-based individual-based model of the development of a solid avascular tumour with specific application to tumour cords, i.e. a mass of cancer cells growing around a central blood vessel. In each case, we compare our computational simulation results with experimental data. In the final discussion section, we outline how to take the work forward through the development of a multiscale model focussed at the cell level. This would incorporate key intracellular signalling pathways associated with cancer within each cell (e.g. p53–Mdm2, NF-\(\upkappa \)B) and through the use of high-performance computing be capable of simulating up to \(10^9\) cells, i.e. the tissue scale. In this way, mathematical models at multiple scales would be combined to formulate a multiscale computational model.  相似文献   
Obesity in humans is associated with cognitive decline and elevated risk of neurodegenerative diseases of old age. Variations of high-fat diet are often used to model these effects in animal studies. However, we previously reported improvements in markers of memory and learning, as well as larger hippocampi and higher metabolite concentrations in Wistar rats fed high-fat, high-carbohydrate diet (HFCD, 60 % energy from fat, 28 % from carbohydrates) for 1 year; this diet leads to mild ketonemia (Setkowicz et al. in PLoS One 10:e0139987, 2015). In the present study, we follow up on this cohort to assess glial morphology and expression of markers related to gliosis. Twenty-five male Wistar rats were kept on HFCD and twenty-five on normal chow. At 12 months of age, the animals were sacrificed and processed for immunohistochemical staining for astrocytic (glial fibrillary acidic protein), microglial (Iba1), and neuronal (neuronal nitric oxide synthetase, nNOS) markers in the hippocampus. We have found changes in immunopositive area fraction and cellular complexity, as studied by a simplified Sholl procedure. To our knowledge, this study is the first to apply this methodology to the study of glial cells in HFCD animals. GFAP and Iba1 immunoreactive area fraction in the hippocampi of HFCD-fed rats were decreased, while the mean number of intersections (an indirect measure of cell complexity) was decreased in GFAP-positive astrocytes, but not in Iba1-expressing microglia. At the same time, nNOS expression was lowered after HFCD in both the cortex and the hippocampus.  相似文献   
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