Capsule: Numbers of breeding Red-crested Pochard Netta rufina in the Czech Republic were positively correlated with reproductive success in the previous year, yet annual productivity, declined with increasing numbers of females at the beginning of the breeding season, suggesting local limiting factors on this population.
Aims: To test the hypothesis that long-term increases in numbers of a breeding population of Red-crested Pochard Netta rufina can be explained by the productivity (numbers of ducklings fledged) in the previous year. We also test for the potential adverse effect of population size on population productivity in the current year.
Methods: Data from 2004 to 2016 from South Bohemia, Czech Republic, were analysed using TRends and Indices for Monitoring Data software to investigate changes in numbers of adults, numbers of females at the start of the breeding season and number of broods produced.
Results: There was a significant increase in the numbers of adults and females at the beginning of each breeding season. Numbers of adults in May positively correlated with productivity (numbers of ducklings fledged) in the previous breeding season, but relative productivity (broods per adult female) in the current year was negatively correlated with females abundance at the beginning of the breeding season.
Conclusions: The study identifies density-dependent regulation as a factor in the population productivity of Red-crested Pochards using intensively managed fishponds as a breeding ground. 相似文献
The γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor (GABA(A)R) is a target for general anesthetics of diverse chemical structures, which act as positive allosteric modulators at clinical doses. Previously, in a heterogeneous mixture of GABA(A)Rs purified from bovine brain, [3H]azietomidate photolabeling of αMet-236 and βMet-286 in the αM1 and βM3 transmembrane helices identified an etomidate binding site in the GABA(A)R transmembrane domain at the interface between the β and α subunits [Li, G. D., (2006) J. Neurosci. 26, 11599-11605]. To further define GABA(A)R etomidate binding sites, we now use [3H]TDBzl-etomidate, an aryl diazirine with broader amino acid side chain reactivity than azietomidate, to photolabel purified human FLAG-α1β3 GABA(A)Rs and more extensively identify photolabeled GABA(A)R amino acids. [3H]TDBzl-etomidate photolabeled in an etomidate-inhibitable manner β3Val-290, in the β3M3 transmembrane helix, as well as α1Met-236 in α1M1, a residue photolabeled by [3H]azietomidate, while no photolabeling of amino acids in the αM2 and βM2 helices that also border the etomidate binding site was detected. The location of these photolabeled amino acids in GABA(A)R homology models derived from the recently determined structures of prokaryote (GLIC) or invertebrate (GluCl) homologues and the results of computational docking studies predict the orientation of [3H]TDBzl-etomidate bound in that site and the other amino acids contributing to this GABA(A)R intersubunit etomidate binding site. Etomidate-inhibitable photolabeling of β3Met-227 in βM1 by [3H]TDBzl-etomidate and [3H]azietomidate also provides evidence of a homologous etomidate binding site at the β3-β3 subunit interface in the α1β3 GABA(A)R. 相似文献
Understanding factors determining the distribution of species is a key requirement for protecting diversity in a specific area. The aim of this study was to explore the factors affecting diversity and distribution of species of birds on different forested hills in central Nepal. The area is rich in species of birds. Because the area is characterized by steep gradients, we were also interested in the importance of altitude in determining the diversity and species composition of the bird communities. We assessed bird diversity and species composition based on point observations along a gradient of increasing altitude in two valleys (Kathmandu and Palung) in central Nepal. Data on environmental variables were also collected in order to identify the main determinants of bird diversity and species composition of the bird communities. We recorded 6522 individual birds belonging to 146 species, 77 genera and 23 families. Resident birds made up 80% (117 species) of the total dataset. The study supported the original expectation that altitude is a major determinant of species richness and composition of bird communities in the area. More diverse bird communities were found also in areas with steeper slopes. This together with the positive effect of greater heterogeneity suggests that forests on steep slopes intermixed with patches of open habitats on shallow soil at large spatial scales are more important for diverse bird communities than more disturbed habitats on shallow slopes. In addition, we demonstrated that while different habitat characteristics such as presence of forests edges and shrubs play an important role in driving species composition, but they do not affect species richness. This indicates that while habitat conditions are important determinants of the distribution of specific species, the number of niches is determined by large scale characteristics, such as landscape level habitat heterogeneity and altitude. Thus, to protect bird diversity in the mid-hills of central Nepal, we should maintain diverse local habitats (viz. forest, shrubs, open land, etc.) but also make sure the natural habitats on steeper slopes with large scale heterogeneity are maintained. 相似文献
This paper deals with apical dominance using a dicotylar model obtained after decapitation of pea seedlings with two shoots
— one dominant and the other inhibited. When the dominant shoot was decapitated the inhibited one is released from inhibition
and after 24 to 72 h begins to grow. However, the levels of trans-zeatin and production of ethylene increase within 4 and
6 hours respectively after release from inhibition, and within an interval of 72 h the levels of both phytohormones begin
gradually to decrease. This indicates that also in this model, the release from apical dominance is associated with an increase
in the level of cytokinin zeatin and, thereafter, also with an increased production of ethylene. If indolyl-3-acetic acid
(IAA) is applied on the decapitated main stem after decapitation of the dominant shoot, the growth of the initially inhibited
one is very strongly retarded; if, however, IAA is applied on the decapitated dominant shoot, this inhibition is significantly
weaker. This means that the inhibiting effect of IAA on the inhibited shoot originates to a greater degree from the main stem
rather than from the dominant shoot. The effect of benzyladenine (BA) is transferred equally from the decapitated main stem
and from the decapitated dominant shoot because the initially inhibited shoot begins to grow as well as also other shoots
from serial cotyledonary buds. 相似文献
Five weeks after the in vivo inoculation of potatoes ( Solanum tuberosum L.) with Agrobacterium. tumefaciens strain B6S3, bacteria were found in the non-differentiated cells of tumors (formed from xylem parenchyma or other living cells), in xylem cells at the site of inoculation, as well as in xylem cells of the adjacent stem. Bacteria were attached by fibrillar aggregates to the tumor cell walls. They were also attached to a fibrillar mass which arose from agrobacteria connected to this mass in the tumor. Agrobacteria, singly or in pairs, were attached to an electron dense formation (possibly bacterial extracellular polysaccharides) found both inside the xylem cells of the stem adjacent to the tumor and at the site of inoculation. Some A. tumefaciens cells were attached by means of a pedestal-like structure at the inoculation site. A possible function of the different means of attachment of A. tumefaciens in both nontransformed plant cells and tumors is discussed. 相似文献
Understanding species'' ability to colonize new habitats is a key knowledge allowing us to predict species'' survival in the changing landscapes. However, most studies exploring this topic observe distribution of species in landscapes which are under strong human influence being fragmented only recently and ignore the fact that the species distribution in these landscapes is far from equilibrium. Oceanic islands seem more appropriate systems for studying the relationship between species traits and its distribution as they are fragmented without human contribution and as they remained unchanged for a long evolutionary time. In our study we compared the values of dispersal as well as persistence traits among 18 species pairs from the Canary Islands differing in their distribution within the archipelago. The data were analyzed both with and without phylogenetic correction. The results demonstrate that no dispersal trait alone can explain the distribution of the species in the system. They, however, also suggest that species with better dispersal compared to their close relatives are better colonizers. Similarly, abundance of species in the archipelago seems to be an important predictor of species colonization ability only when comparing closely related species. This implies that analyses including phylogenetic correction may provide different insights than analyses without such a correction and both types of analyses should be combined to understand the importance of various plant traits for species colonization ability. 相似文献
During the last decade, the application of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) as bioenhancers has increased significantly.
However, until now, it has been difficult to verify the inoculation success in terms of fungal symbiont establishment in roots
of inoculated plants because specific fungal strains could not be detected within colonized roots. Using mitochondrial large
subunit ribosomal DNA, we show that Rhizophagus irregularis (formerly known as Glomus intraradices) isolate BEG140 consists of two different haplotypes. We developed nested PCR assays to specifically trace each of the two
haplotypes in the roots of Phalaris arundinacea from a field experiment in a spoil bank of a former coal mine, where BEG140 was used as inoculant. We revealed that despite
the relatively high diversity of native R. irregularis strains, R. irregularis BEG140 survived and proliferated successfully in the field experiment and was found significantly more often in the inoculated
than control plots. This work is the first one to show tracing of an inoculated AMF isolate in the roots of target plants
and to verify its survival and propagation in the field. These results will have implications for basic research on the ecology
of AMF at the intraspecific level as well as for commercial users of mycorrhizal inoculation. 相似文献
Bioagriculture and healthy lifestyle are trends of the twenty-first century. Bioagriculture involves the breeding of crops without using modern synthetic substances. Kamut brand wheat is one of the popular biocereals grown mainly in the USA and Europe. This cereal has the status of ancient wheat, not only because it has been grown since the era of the ancient Egyptian civilization, but also for its properties favorable for modern breeding programs and modern food marketing. In spite of Kamut’s® interesting history and stable place in the market, it is not a common subject of genetic studies. It is also interesting that it has not been successfully taxonomically classified yet. There are a few studies which classify this tetraploid wheat as Triticum polonicum L., T. turanicum Jakubz., T. turgidum L. and T. durum Desf. These studies are based on cytological and comparative methods. We chose molecular (transposable element resistance gene analog polymorphism, diversity arrays technology, sequencing of genes SBEIIa, and ψLpx-A1_like) and statistical methods to classify Kamut® wheat. According to our experiments we suggest that Kamut brand wheat originated as a natural hybrid between Triticum dicoccon conv. dicoccon and T. polonicum and is not original ancient Egyptian wheat. We suggest that Etruscan wheat has the same parents as Kamut®. 相似文献