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A three-dimensional structure of the NAD site of Escerichia coli transhydrogenase has been predicted. The model is based on analysis of conserved residues among the transhydrogenases from five different sources, homologies with enzymes using NAD as cofactors or substrates, hydrophilicity profiles, and secondary structure predictions. The present model supports the hypothesis that there is one binding site, located relatively close to the N-terminus of the α-subunit. The proposed structure spans residues α145 to α287, and it includes five β-strands and five α-helices oriented in a typical open twisted α/β conformation. The amino acid sequence following the GXGXXG dinucleotide binding consensus sequence (residues α172 to α177) correlates exactly to a typical fingerprint region for ADP binding βαβ folds in dinucleotide binding enzymes. In the model, aspartic acid α195 forms hydrogen bonds to one or both hydroxyl groups on the adenosine ribose sugar moiety. Threonine α196 and alanine α256, located at the end of βB and βD, respectively, create a hydrophobic sandwich with the adenine part of NAD buried inside. The nicotinamide part is located in a hydrophobic cleft between αA and βE. Mutagenesis work has been carried out in order to test the predicted model and to determine whether residues within this domain are important for proton pumping directly. All data support the predicted structure, and no residue crucial for proton pumping Was detected. Since no three-dimensional structure of transhydrogenase has been solved, a well based tertiary structure prediction is of great value for further experimental design in trying to elucidate the mechanism of the energy-linked proton pump. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Type IV pre-pilin leader peptidase was demonstrated to be required for protein secretion, in addition to its involvement in biogenesis of type IV pili. The type IV pre-pilin leader peptidase gene of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris was located on a 3 kb Acc l fragment on account of its hybridization with the DNA fragment containing the type IV pre-pilin leader-peptidase gene pilD/xcpA of Pseudomonas aeruginosa . Sequencing of the cloned fragment revealed an open reading frame (ORF) (designated xpsO ) of 287 amino acid residues. A protein with an apparent molecular mass of approximately 32.5 kDa was synthesized in vitro from a DNA fragment containing the xpsO gene. The amino acid sequence shares 50% identity with that of PilD throughout the entire sequence. Among other type IV pre-pilin leader peptidases, XpsO is unique in not having the two conserved -CXXC- motifs in a cytoplasmic domain. Instead, new motifs were noted when the protein was compared with XpsE, which is another member of the extracellular protein-secretion machinery. When the xpsO gene was introduced into the pilD mutant of P. aeruginosa , both the sensitivity against infection with the pilus-specific phage PO4 and the ability to secrete extracellular protein were recovered. Furthermore, immunoblot analysis indicated that the P. aeruginosa pilin was apparently processed in vivo by the xpsO gene product.  相似文献   
新疆10种沙生植物旱生结构的解剖学研究   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
新疆10种沙生植物的形态解剖研究表明,它们为适应沙生环境形态结构发生变化。叶器官的形态呈三种类型:叶片退化成膜质或鳞片状,而由同化枝执行光合功能;叶片上下都具栅栏组织,表皮角质膜厚,表皮毛发达,气孔下陷,输导组织和机械组织都发达;叶片肉质化,叶肉组织不分化,贮水组织发达而输导组织不发达。轴器官中厚壁组织发达,围绕维管组织,维管组织内部也有发达的厚壁组织。根中普遍具有周皮,一些植物存在异常的维管组织,部分植物还具有粘液细胞或结晶。沙生植物形成各种旱生结构,以不同的方式适应沙生环境。  相似文献   
茶尺蠖人工饲料的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本报道饲养茶尺蠖(Ectropis obliqua hypulina Wehrli)的5种人工饲料及其饲养方法.5种人工饲料均可用于大规模饲养一代幼虫.其中62号配方可用于续代饲养,在实验室内饲养5代的结果表明。效果良好.在饲料成分的加工.配制及饲养方法等方面.较前人有相当大的改进,因而叶因子用量减少,幼虫历期缩短.用人工饲料饲养的幼虫历期为13-20天。基本接近以茶叶饲养的对照(11—18天).实验结果还表明饲料含水量.饲养方法.饲养密度和添加饲料的次数不同,对茶尺蠖的生长发育有明显的影响.初龄幼虫用平面培养基倒置饲养和高龄幼虫用片状饲料正置饲养为最佳方法.  相似文献   
Staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) is a member of a family of gram-positive bacterial exotoxins which act as superantigens in both mouse and man. The administration of this toxin has been shown to inhibit antibody responses in vivo. We have previously shown that SEB is a potent inducer in vitro of multiple T suppressor cell populations. The present studies show that administration of microgram quantities of this toxin result in a reduced capacity to manifest a delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) response. In addition, we find that the failure to generate a normal DTH response appears to be due to the generation of a T suppressor cell population following SEB administration. Adoptive transfer studies show that the suppressor cells bear the CD5+ I-J+ CD4- CD8- Thy 1+ surface phenotype. The relationship of these cells to suppressor T cell populations generated following in vitro activation by SEB is discussed.  相似文献   
In immature rodent brain, the glutamate receptor agonist N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) is a potent neurotoxin. In postnatal day (PND)-7 rats, intrastriatal injection of 25 nmol of NMDA results in extensive ipsilateral forebrain injury. In this study, we examined alterations in high-affinity [3H]glutamate uptake (HAGU) in NMDA-lesioned striatum. HAGU was assayed in synaptosomes, prepared from lesioned striatum, the corresponding contralateral striatum, or unlesioned controls. Twenty-four hours after NMDA injection (25 nmol), HAGU declined 44 +/- 8% in lesioned tissue, compared with the contralateral striatum (mean +/- SEM, n = 6 assays, p less than 0.006, paired t test). Doses of 5-25 nmol of NMDA resulted in increasing suppression of HAGU (5 nmol, n = 3; 12.5 nmol, n = 3; and 25 nmol, n = 5 assays; p less than 0.01, regression analysis). The temporal evolution of HAGU suppression was biphasic. There was an early transient suppression of HAGU (-28 +/- 4% at 1 h; p less than 0.03, analysis of variance, comparing changes at 0.5, 1, 2, and 3 h after lesioning); 1 or 5 days postinjury there was sustained loss of HAGU (at 5 days, -56 +/- 11%, n = 3, p less than 0.03, paired t test, lesioned versus contralateral striata).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Corticostatic peptides.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In the last four years corticostatic (anti-ACTH) peptides have been isolated from human, rabbit, guinea pig and rat tissues. These peptides do not act via the cAMP cell signalling system but rather via the inhibition of the binding of ACTH to its receptor most probably through direct competition with the 14-18 sequence of ACTH for receptor binding. ACTH has specific high affinity receptors on adrenal cells but rabbit corticostatin I (CSI) has high capacity, low affinity receptors which are competed for by unlabelled excess CSI but not by excess ACTH. This indicates the presence of specific CSI adrenal cell receptors. The rabbit pituitary, hypothalamus, thalamus, adrenals, lungs and placenta contain sizeable amounts of immunoassayable CSI. Immunochemical localization of CSI indicates that it is present in the large macrophages and in neutrophils in rabbit lung, in macrophages and "supporting" endothelial cells in the spleen and in the adrenals in the cells of the zona reticularis. We have also isolated and identified new peptides which contain 12 cysteines from immune cells of humans, rats and a teleost, the carp. The functions of these peptides are now being determined. This large family of peptides may have many other, yet unidentified functions but at present we can only describe a small number of these.  相似文献   
倭竹族花序演化的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡成华  汤敬杉   《广西植物》1991,11(2):141-145
倭竹族隶于禾本科之竹亚科。本族计有10属约150余种。分布于东南亚季风带的印度、越南、中国及日本等国,我国产8属约120种,占该族全部属种的80%。其中唐竹属、短穗竹属、筇竹属、八月竹属等均为我国所特产,唐竹属1种早期引入日本栽培,倭竹属、大节竹属、方竹属、刚竹属等也主要分布于我国,只有少数种分布于其它国家,业平竹属和阴阳竹属为日本特产。 刚竹属计有70种之多,我国产50种以上,是本族中种类最多的属,其中有许多种类分布广、适应能力强,用途多、产量大。是重要的植物资源.尤其是毛竹,是我国亚热带地区的主要栽培竹种。 倭竹族花序演化的研究对于进一步认识和鉴别竹类植物.了解竹类植物的演化关系。使竹类植物的系统安排更加合理都是有益的。倭竹族的花序属于假花序.与真花序相比较属于原始类型。本族中花序轴反复分枝.具有极多小穗的短穗竹属,业平竹属等是比较原始的,大节竹属、唐竹属的花序简化、花序轴不分枝或仅有少数分枝,含小穗数很少是进化类型。  相似文献   
北京猿人遗址第四层裂变径迹法年代测定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
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