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This article presents an analogy to illustrate the effect of surface roughness on surface wettability. I used a water-filled balloon to represent water droplet, a toothpick to represent surface roughness and Styrofoam as the surface. The analogies presented in this article will help visualize how roughness affects the wettability of the surface and therefore can be used to introduce surface wettability to high school students.  相似文献   
Activation-induced cell death is a general mechanism of immune homeostasis through negative regulation of clonal expansion of activated immune cells. This mechanism is involved in the maintenance of self- and transplant tolerance through polarization of the immune responses. The Fas/Fas-ligand interaction is a major common executioner of apoptosis in lymphocytes, with a dual role in regulatory T cell (Treg) function: Treg cell homeostasis and Treg cell-mediated suppression. Sensitivity to apoptosis and the patterns of Treg-cell death are of outmost importance in immune homeostasis that affects the equilibrium between cytolytic and suppressor forces in activation and termination of immune activity. Naive innate (naturally occurring) Treg cells present variable sensitivities to apoptosis, related to their turnover rates in tissue under steady state conditions. Following activation, Treg cells are less sensitive to apoptosis than cytotoxic effector subsets. Their susceptibility to apoptosis is influenced by cytokines within the inflammatory environment (primarily interleukin-2), the mode of antigenic stimulation and the proliferation rates. Here, we attempt to resolve some controversies surrounding the sensitivity of Treg cells to apoptosis under various experimental conditions, to delineate the function of cell death in regulation of immunity.  相似文献   
Paraoxonase‐1 (PON1) is an organophosphate hydrolyzer and antiatherogenic enzyme. Due to the PON1's crucial functions, inhibitors and activators of PON1 must be known for pharmacological applications. In this study, we investigated the in vitro effects of some sulfonamides compounds on human serum PON1 (hPON1). For this aim, we purified the hPON1 from human serum with high specific activity by using simple chromatographic methods, and after the purification processes, we investigated in vitro interactions between the enzyme and some sulfonamides (2‐amino‐5‐methyl‐1,3‐benzenedisulfonamide, 2‐chloro‐4‐sülfamoilaniline, 4‐amino‐3‐methylbenzenesulfanilamide, sulfisoxazole, sulfisomidine, and 5‐amino‐2‐methylbenzenesulfonamide). IC50, Ki values, and inhibition types were calculated for each sulfonamide. 2‐amino‐5‐methyl‐1,3‐benzenedisulfonamide and 2‐chloro‐4‐sülfamoilaniline exhibited noncompetitive inhibition effect, whereas 4‐amino‐3‐methylbenzenesulfanilamide, sulfisoxazole, and sulfisomidine exhibited mixed type inhibition. On the other hand, 5‐amino‐2‐methylbenzenesulfonamide showed competitive inhibition and so molecular docking studies were performed for this compound in order to assess the probable binding mechanism into the active site of hPON1.  相似文献   
Aldose reductase (AR) inhibitors have vital importance in the treatment and prevention of diabetic complications. In this study, rat kidney AR was purified 19.34-fold with a yield of 3.49% and a specific activity of 0.88?U/mg using DE-52 Cellulose anion exchange chromatography, gel filtration chromatography and 2′5′ ADP Sepharose-4B affinity chromatography, respectively. After purification, the in vitro inhibition effects of some phenolic acids (tannic acid, chlorogenic acid, sinapic acid, protocatechuic acid, 4-hydroxybenzoic acid, p-coumaric acid, ferulic acid, vanillic acid, syringic acid, α-resorcylic acid, 3-hydroxybenzoic acid and gallic acid) were investigated on purified enzyme. We determined IC50, Ki values and inhibition types of these phenolic acids. As a result, tannic and chlorogenic acid had a strong inhibition effect. On the other hand, gallic acid had a weak inhibition effect. In this study, all phenolic acids except for chlorogenic acid and p-coumaric acid showed non-competitive inhibition effects on rat kidney AR.  相似文献   
Cationic polymers with hydrophobic side chains have gained great interest as DNA carriers since they form a compact complex with negatively charged DNA phosphate groups and interact with the cell membrane. Amphiphilic polyoxanorbornenes with different quaternary alkyl pyridinium side chains with ethyl‐p(OPy2) and hexyl units‐p(OPy6) bearing 10 kDa MWT were synthesized by living Ring‐Opening Metathesis Polymerization method. The physicochemical characteristics: critical micellar concentration, size distribution, surface charge, and condensation of polymer/DNA complex were investigated. Morphology of complexes was monitored by Atomic force microscopy. Cytotoxicity and interaction of these complexes with model lipid vesicles mimicking the cell membrane were examined. These polymers were enabled to form small sized complexes of DNA, which interact with model membrane vesicles. It was found that the nature of hydrophobicity of the homopolymers significantly impacts rates of DNA complexation and the surface charge of the resulting complexes. These results highlight the prospect of the further examinations of these polymers as gene carriers.  相似文献   
Lactoperoxidase (LPO) plays a key role in immune response against pathogens. In this study, we examined the effects of some phenolic acids on LPO. For this purpose, bovine milk LPO was purified 380.85‐fold with a specific activity of 26.66 EU/mg and overall yield of 73.33% by using Amberlite CG‐50 H+ resin and CNBr‐activated Sepharose‐4B‐l ‐tyrosine‐sulfanilamide affinity chromatography. After purification, the in vitro effects of phenolic acids (tannic acid, 3,4‐dihydroxybenzoic acid, 3,5‐ dihydroxybenzoic acid, chlorogenic acid, sinapic acid, 4‐hydroxybenzoic acid, vanillic acid, salicylic acid, and 3‐hydroxybenzoic acid) were investigated on LPO. These phenolic acids showed potent inhibitory effect on LPO. Ki values for these phenolic acids were found as 0.0129 nM, 0.132 μM, 0.225 μM, 0.286 μM, 0.333 μM, 2.33 μM, 10.82 μM, 0.076 mM, and 0.405 mM, respectively. Sinapic acid and 4‐hydroxybenzoic acid exhibited noncompetitive inhibition; 3,4‐dihydroxybenzoic acid showed uncompetitive inhibition, and other phenolic acids showed competitive inhibition.  相似文献   
Tumors convert conventional CD4+ T cells into induced CD4+CD25+FoxP3+ T regulatory (iTreg) cells that serve as an effective means of immune evasion. Therefore, the blockade of conventional CD4+ T cell conversion into iTreg cells represents an attractive target for improving the efficacy of various immunotherapeutic approaches. Using a novel form of 4-1BBL molecule, SA-4-1BBL, we previously demonstrated that costimulation via 4-1BB receptor renders both CD4+and CD8+ T effector (Teff) cells refractory to inhibition by Treg cells and increased intratumoral Teff/Treg cell ratio that correlated with therapeutic efficacy in various preclinical tumor models. Building on these studies, we herein show for the first time, to our knowledge, that signaling through 4-1BB inhibits antigen- and TGF-β-driven conversion of naïve CD4+FoxP3 T cells into iTreg cells via stimulation of IFN-γ production by CD4+FoxP3 T cells. Importantly, treatment with SA-4-1BBL blocked the conversion of CD4+FoxP3 T cells into Treg cells by EG.7 tumors. Taken together with our previous studies, these results show that 4-1BB signaling negatively modulate Treg cells by two distinct mechanisms: i) inhibiting the conversion of CD4+FoxP3 T cells into iTreg cells and ii) endowing Teff cells refractory to inhibition by Treg cells. Given the dominant role of Treg cells in tumor immune evasion mechanisms, 4-1BB signaling represents an attractive target for favorably tipping the Teff:Treg balance toward Teff cells with important implications for cancer immunotherapy.  相似文献   
In this study, the effects of the two Schiff base derivatives and their metal complexes were tested for MDA concentration, which is an indicator of lipid peroxidation, antioxidant vitamin A, vitamin E, and vitamin C levels in cell culture. A comparison was performed among the groups and it was observed that MDA, vitamin A, vitamin E, and vitamin C concentrations were statistically changed. According to the results, all compounds caused a significant oxidative stress without Zn complexes. Moreover, Mn(II), Cu(II), Zn(II), and Ni(II) complexes of Schiff bases derived from a condensation of 1,2‐bis (p‐aminophenoxy) ethane with naphthaldehydes and 4‐methoxy benzaldehyde were examined in terms of antitumor activity against MCF‐7 human breast cancer and L1210 murine leukemia cells. Furthermore, the derivatives were tested for antioxidative and prooxidative effects on MCF‐7 breast cancer cells. The compounds which were tested revealed that there was an antitumor activity for MCF‐7 and L 1210 cancer cells. Also, some of the compounds induced oxidative harmful.  相似文献   
This study presents the results from investigation of ash deposition characteristics of a high ash and sulfur content lignite co-fired with three types of biomass (olive residue, 49 wt%; hazelnut shell, 42 wt%; and cotton residue, 41 wt%) in 0.3 MW(t) Middle East Technical University (METU) Atmospheric Bubbling Fluidized Bed Combustion (ABFBC) Test Rig. Deposit samples were collected on an air-cooled probe at a temperature of 500 degrees C. Samples were analyzed by SEM/EDX and XRD methods. The results reveal that co-firing lignite with olive residue, hazelnut shell and cotton residue show low deposition rates. High concentrations of silicon, calcium, sulfur, iron, and aluminum were found in deposit samples. No chlorine was detected in deposits. Calcium sulfate and potassium sulfate were detected as major and minor components of the deposits, respectively. High sulfur and alumina-silicate content of lignite resulted in formation of alkali sulfates instead of alkali chlorides. Therefore, fuel blends under consideration can be denoted to have low-fouling propensity.  相似文献   
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