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全球气候治理新进展——区域碳排放权分配研究综述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
碳排放权作为稀缺的公共资源,其实质是一种新型发展权。科学合理分配有限的碳排放权对实现《巴黎协定》温控目标至关重要。从原则、方法、尺度与方案等维度对碳排放权分配的文献成果进行了系统梳理与归纳。研究表明,国内外学者大多基于公平性和效率性原则探索碳排放权分配;分配方法分为指标法、博弈论法、数据包络分析法和综合法等,各有利弊和适用条件;分配尺度大多涉及国际和区际两个层面,前者由于各国不同的利益诉求较难形成共识性方案,后者主要关注省际分配,更小尺度的研究相对较少。未来碳排放权分配研究趋向于多原则兼顾、多方法联用,涵盖国际、省际、市际及行业、企业等不同尺度。本研究可为制定科学合理的碳排放权分配方案提供理论依据,为我国更为积极有效地参与全球气候治理提供决策参考。  相似文献   
Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus (CCHFV) is a causative agent of serious hemorrhagic diseases in humans with high mortality rates. CCHFV glycoprotein Gc plays critical roles in mediating virus-host membrane fusion and has been studied extensively as an immunogen. However, the molecular mechanisms involved in membrane fusion and Gc-specific antibody-antigen interactions remain unresolved largely because structural information of this glycoprotein is missing. We designed a trimeric protein including most of the ectodomain region of Gc from the prototype CCHFV strain, IbAr10200, which enabled the cryo-electron microscopy structure to be solved at a resolution of 2.8 ?. The structure confirms that CCHFV Gc is a class II fusion protein. Unexpectedly, structural comparisons with other solved Gc trimers in the postfusion conformation revealed that CCHFV Gc adopted hybrid architectural features of the fusion loops from hantaviruses and domain III from phenuiviruses, suggesting a complex evolutionary pathway among these bunyaviruses. Antigenic sites on CCHFV Gc that protective neutralizing antibodies target were mapped onto the CCHFV Gc structure, providing valuable information that improved our understanding of potential neutralization mechanisms of various antibodies.  相似文献   
结合当今该领域的最新研究进展,综述了漆酶来源、结构、作用机制、介体系统及其在水相和非水相中的应用,以期为漆酶催化性能的进一步研究提供一定的借鉴和参考.  相似文献   
为了研究藻蓝蛋白α亚基的生物合成途径,通过构建相容的3种重组质粒pETDuet-cpcA、pCOLADuet-cpcE-cpcF和pACYCDuet-ho1-pcyA,将裂合酶基因cpcE和cpcF、血红素氧化酶基因ho1、藻蓝胆素合成酶基因pcyA和脱辅基藻蓝蛋白α亚基基因cpcA共同转入大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)。通过色素蛋白锌电泳和光谱检测表明产生了生物活性的CpcA-PCB。成功实现了大肠杆菌内藻蓝蛋白α亚基84位半胱氨酸残基与PCB的连接。而在裂合酶基因cpcE和cpcF不转入大肠杆菌的情况下,大肠杆菌内只有0.2%的CpcA-PCB产生。以上研究为进一步在大肠杆菌内合成天然的藻蓝蛋白奠定了基础。  相似文献   
Accumulating evidences showed metformin and berberine, well‐known glucose‐lowering agents, were able to inhibit mitochondrial electron transport chain at complex I. In this study, we aimed to explore the antihyperglycaemic effect of complex I inhibition. Rotenone, amobarbital and gene silence of NDUFA13 were used to inhibit complex I. Intraperitoneal glucose tolerance test and insulin tolerance test were performed in db/db mice. Lactate release and glucose consumption were measured to investigate glucose metabolism in HepG2 hepatocytes and C2C12 myotubes. Glucose output was measured in primary hepatocytes. Compound C and adenoviruses expressing dominant negative AMP‐activated protein kinase (AMPK) α1/2 were exploited to inactivate AMPK pathway. Cellular NAD+/NADH ratio was assayed to evaluate energy transforming and redox state. Rotenone ameliorated hyperglycaemia and insulin resistance in db/db mice. It induced glucose consumption and glycolysis and reduced hepatic glucose output. Rotenone also activated AMPK. Furthermore, it remained effective with AMPK inactivation. The enhanced glycolysis and repressed gluconeogenesis correlated with a reduction in cellular NAD+/NADH ratio, which resulted from complex I suppression. Amobarbital, another representative complex I inhibitor, stimulated glucose consumption and decreased hepatic glucose output in vitro, too. Similar changes were observed while expression of NDUFA13, a subunit of complex I, was knocked down with gene silencing. These findings reveal mitochondrial complex I emerges as a key drug target for diabetes treatment. Inhibition of complex I improves glucose homoeostasis via non‐AMPK pathway, which may relate to the suppression of the cellular NAD+/NADH ratio.  相似文献   
中国顶丝藻科新记录6种。密集旋体藻Audouinelledensa,亮管旋体藻A.hyalosiphoniae,小旋体藻A.parvula,羽状旋体藻A.plumosa,顶生旋体藻A.terminalis,图氏旋体藻A.thuretii。  相似文献   
从中国发病鸡中分离的鸡减蛋综合征病毒(EggDropSyndromVirus,EDSV)弱毒株(AA-2),其基因组全长约为33kb。用限制性内切酶HindⅢ水解EDSV全基因组,构建了以pBluescriptⅡ(KS+)为载体的右末端片段的克隆(约4.2kb),对其进行了序列测定和结构分析。该片段全长4183个碱基对(bp),位于基因组右末端87.3m.u.-100m.u.。结果显示,该片段与哺乳动物腺病毒右末端E4区结构不同,与禽Ⅰ型腺病毒代表株CELO右末端片段亦无同源性。本文为深入了解EDSV基因组结构特点,EDSV与其他腺病毒基因结构与功能的进化关系和EDSV载体的构建奠定了分子生物学基础  相似文献   
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