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The aim of this study was to evaluate the correlation between frequency and phospholipase activity of Candida species and denture stomatitis according to Newton’s classification. Seventy-five complete denture wearers were evaluated for the presence of yeasts on the palatal mucosa by culture method. In addition, the number of yeast isolates producing phospholipase and amount of this enzyme were determined using egg yolk agar plate method. According to Newton’s classification, 25 denture wearers were with healthy palatal mucosa while 50 were with any types of denture stomatitis. The frequency of yeasts was linked to whether subjects had Type II or Type III, but not Type I denture stomatitis. Candida albicans was the most frequently isolated species in denture wearers with and without clinical signs of denture stomatitis and it was the only species produced phospholipase. Although the amount of phospholipase produced by the C. albicans isolates from denture wearers in control and Type II and III DS groups was not significantly different, there was statistically significant difference in the number of C. albicans isolates producing phospholipase between patients with and without clinical signs of DS.  相似文献   
Iron-uptake is well studied in a plethora of pro- and eukaryotic organisms with the exception of Archaea, which thrive mainly in extreme environments. In this study, the mechanism of iron transport in the extremely halophilic Euryarchaeon Halobacterium salinarum strain JW 5 was analyzed. Under low-iron growth conditions no siderophores were detectable in culture supernatants. However, various xenosiderophores support growth of H. salinarum. In [55Fe]–[14C] double-label experiments, H. salinarum displays uptake of iron but not of the chelator citrate. Uptake of iron was inhibited by cyanide and at higher concentrations by Ga. Furthermore, a KM for iron uptake in cells of 2.36 μM and a Vmax of approximately 67 pmol Fe/min/mg protein was determined. [55Fe]-uptake kinetics were measured in the absence and presence of Ga. Uptake of iron was inhibited merely at very high Ga concentrations. The results indicate an energy dependent iron uptake process in H. salinarum and suggest reduction of the metal at the membrane level.  相似文献   
Two new species of teleost blood fluke belonging to the sanguinicolid genus Paradeontacylix are described from the greater amberjack, Seriola dumerili, i.e. Paradeontacylix ibericus n. sp. from the Iberian Peninsula and Paradeontacylix balearicus n. sp. from the Balearic Islands. P. ibericus n. sp. and P. balearicus n. sp. show morphological similarities with Paradeontacylix kampachi and Paradeontacylix grandispinus respectively, which occur in mixed infection in S. dumerili from Japan. Multivariate analysis of morphometrical data provided statistical evidence for the separation of four species. However, component by component analysis did not show statistically significant differences between P. balearicus and P. grandispinus. Molecular data based on rITS2 and mCO1 gene sequences also supported the separation into four species. Morphological and molecular data were used to examine phylogenetic relationships between Paradeontacylix species from S. dumerili and other species in the genus. The results coincided in revealing two main branches with P. kampachi+P. ibericus and (((P. grandispinus+P. balearicus) Paradeontacylix sanguinicoloides) Paradeontacylix godfreyi). Paradeontacylix odhneri, for which little data are available, was located basal in a separate branch. This is the only species of Paradeontacylix which parasitizes a non-carangid host which might probably explain the separation from the other species. Paired similarities between the Japanese and the Mediterranean species, despite the large geographic distance, could be explained by the speciation of parasite geminate lines before host separation by tectonic events. Consequently, geographic and historical isolation support the morphological and genetic differences leading to the evolution of the new species described here.  相似文献   
This paper examines the impact of facial cues on leadership emergence. Using evolutionary social psychology, we expand upon implicit and contingent theories of leadership and propose that different types of intergroup relations elicit different implicit cognitive leadership prototypes. It is argued that a biologically based hormonal connection between behavior and corresponding facial characteristics interacts with evolutionarily consistent social dynamics to influence leadership emergence. We predict that masculine-looking leaders are selected during intergroup conflict (war) and feminine-looking leaders during intergroup cooperation (peace). Across two experiments we show that a general categorization of leader versus nonleader is an initial implicit requirement for emergence, and at a context-specific level facial cues of masculinity and femininity contingently affect war versus peace leadership emergence in the predicted direction. In addition, we replicate our findings in Experiment 1 across culture using Western and East Asian samples. In Experiment 2, we also show that masculine-feminine facial cues are better predictors of leadership than male-female cues. Collectively, our results indicate a multi-level classification of context-specific leadership based on visual cues imbedded in the human face and challenge traditional distinctions of male and female leadership.  相似文献   
Cambrian bivalves from the Middle East are reported here for the first time. They come from early “Middle Cambrian” and latest “Early Cambrian” limestones of the lower Çal Tepe Formation at the type locality (near Seydi?ehir, western Taurides). The majority of the new findings consists of Pojetaia runnegari Jell, 1980, but a few specimens of Fordilla sp. represent the first report of this genus from “Middle Cambrian” strata. Based on a compilation of the hitherto reported, but mostly revised Cambrian bivalves, the today widely accepted taxa are discussed. The genera Pojetaia Jell, 1980 and Fordilla Barrande, 1881 are critically evaluated, and three valid species are included in Pojetaia: P. runnegari Jell, 1980, P. sarhroensis Geyer and Streng, 1998, and—with limitations—P. ostseensis Hinz-Schallreuter, 1995. Fordilla also includes three species: F. troyensis Barrande, 1881, F. sibirica Krasilova, 1977, and F. germanica Elicki, 1994. The Cambrian genera Tuarangia MacKinnon, 1982, Camya Hinz-Schallreuter, 1995, and Arhouriella Geyer and Streng, 1998 most probably belong to the class Bivalvia. Palaeoecologically, the Cambrian bivalves of the Western Perigondwanan shelf seem to occur in a relatively small window of low-energy, subtidal, open-marine, warm-water conditions on a muddy carbonate ramp or platform with reduced sedimentation rate. The frequently interpreted infaunal mode of life of Pojetaia and Fordilla is questioned by observations of similarly organized modern bivalves. The palaeogeographical distribution of Pojetaia and Fordilla is discussed with respect to their early ontogeny and to differences in the recent state of knowledge on shelly fossils from Cambrian carbonate successions of Perigondwana.  相似文献   
EMG monitoring in functional electrostimulation]   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
When using functional electrical stimulation (FES), correct adjustment of stimulation parameters, and monitoring of the stimulated muscle is mandatory if tissue damage is to be avoided. Although several FES systems are already in regular use, a method for direct muscle monitoring is still lacking. This paper investigates the suitability of the electromyogram (EMG) for such a purpose. In six sheep, the right latissimus dorsi muscle (LDM) and the associated thoracodorsal nerve were exposed. Stimulation was effected via electrodes placed on the nerve. Three electrodes were placed in the LDM for EMG recording, and the tendon was connected to a force transducer for isometric force measurement. Stimulation was applied for one second (burst), followed by a three-second pause. The stimulation current was increased in 0.2 mA steps, starting at 0 mA and ending at 4 mA. Throughout the investigation, the EMG signal was monitored with an oscilloscope. In addition, the EMG signal and the force transducer signal were recorded for subsequent analysis. An analysis of the data of all six sheep revealed an almost linear relationship between muscle force and m-wave amplitude (magnitude of r = 0.95, p < 0.001). M-wave monitoring during EMG recording with three intramuscular electrodes is a reliable method of monitoring FES-induced muscle activity, but the absolute force cannot be measured.  相似文献   
This paper summarizes the processing of small enchytraeid species for cinematographic documentation and covers the main details of a film on their locomotion, food uptake, anatomy and reproductive biology. This includes copulation, shedding of the cocoon and hatching of the young, characteristic reproductive patterns for all clitellate worms.  相似文献   
Summary Fermentation media consist of a large number of chemicals whose composition undergoes alteration during the course of fermentation. As a result of this, conventional methods and correlations for oxygen solubility measurement and prediction do not apply in these systems. Using a physical method, oxygen solubilities were measured in simulated chemical systems and in fermentation broths. Sugars, salts, and fermentation products were identified as major factors influencing oxygen solubility. Salt effect was correlated with electrical conductivity of the medium, which was easy to measure during fermentation. For mixtures and for fermentation medium, individual influences were found to be log-additive in accordance with Danckwerts (1970).  相似文献   
Summary 1. The amygdaloid complex is a key structure in mechanisms of fear and anxiety. Expression of the immediate-early gene c-fos has been reported in the central nucleus of the amygdala following various stressors, but the functional role of this phenomenon has remained unknown.2. c-fos expression was observed in the central nucleus when rats were subjected to a pharmacologically validated animal model of anxiety, the Vogel conflict test, but not after mere exposure to the test apparatus. Bilateral amygdala injection of a 15-mer phosphorothioate c-fos antisense oligodeoxynucleotide prior to testing blocked conflict-induced c-fos expression and had behavioral effects similar to those of established antianxiety drugs.3. Separate experiments determined that antisense treatment did not affect conflict behavior by acting on shock thresholds or drinking motivation.4. These findings provide evidence that neuronal activation and c-fos induction in the amygdala may be of importance for mechanisms of fear and anxiety.  相似文献   
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