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Titin is a giant filamentous protein of the muscle sarcomere in which stretch induces the unfolding of its globular domains. However, the mechanisms of how domains are progressively selected for unfolding and which domains eventually unfold have for long been elusive. Based on force-clamp optical tweezers experiments we report here that, in a paradoxical violation of mechanically driven activation kinetics, neither the global domain unfolding rate, nor the folded-state lifetime distributions of full-length titin are sensitive to force. This paradox is reconciled by a gradient of mechanical stability so that domains are gradually selected for unfolding as the magnitude of the force field increases. Atomic force microscopic screening of extended titin molecules revealed that the unfolded domains are distributed homogenously along the entire length of titin, and this homogeneity is maintained with increasing overstretch. Although the unfolding of domains with progressively increasing mechanical stability makes titin a variable viscosity damper, the spatially randomized variation of domain stability ensures that the induced structural changes are not localized but are distributed along the molecule''s length. Titin may thereby provide complex safety mechanims for protecting the sarcomere against structural disintegration under excessive mechanical conditions.  相似文献   
Wheat diseases present a constant and evolving threat to food security. We have little understanding as to how increased atmospheric carbon dioxide levels will affect wheat diseases and thus the security of grain supply. Atmospheric CO2 exceeded the 400 ppmv benchmark in 2013 and is predicted to double or even treble by the end of the century. This study investigated the impact of both pathogen and wheat acclimation to elevated CO2 on the development of Fusarium head blight (FHB) and Septoria tritici blotch (STB) disease of wheat. Here, plants and pathogens were cultivated under either 390 or 780 ppmv CO2 for a period (two wheat generations, multiple pathogen subcultures) prior to standard disease trials. Acclimation of pathogens and the wheat cultivar Remus to elevated CO2 increased the severity of both STB and FHB diseases, relative to ambient conditions. The effect of CO2 on disease development was greater for FHB than for STB. The highest FHB disease levels and associated yield losses were recorded for elevated CO2‐acclimated pathogen on elevated CO2‐acclimated wheat. When similar FHB experiments were conducted using the disease‐resistant cultivar CM82036, pathogen acclimation significantly enhanced disease levels and yield loss under elevated CO2 conditions, thereby indicating a reduction in the effectiveness of the defence pathways innate to this wheat cultivar. We conclude that acclimation to elevated CO2 over the coming decades will have a significant influence on the outcome of plant–pathogen interactions and the durability of disease resistance.  相似文献   
Centromeres provide a region of chromatin upon which kinetochores are assembled in mitosis. Centromeric protein C (CENP-C) is a core component of this centromeric chromatin that, when depleted, prevents the proper formation of both centromeres and kinetochores. CENP-C localizes to centromeres throughout the cell cycle via its C-terminal part, whereas its N-terminal part appears necessary for recruitment of some but not all components of the Mis12 complex of the kinetochore. We now find that all kinetochore proteins belonging to the KMN (KNL1/Spc105, the Mis12 complex, and the Ndc80 complex) network bind to the N-terminal part of Drosophila CENP-C. Moreover, we show that the Mis12 complex component Nnf1 interacts directly with CENP-C in vitro. To test whether CENP-C's N-terminal part was sufficient to recruit KMN proteins, we targeted it to the centrosome by fusing it to a domain of Plk4 kinase. The Mis12 and Ndc80 complexes and Spc105 protein were then all recruited to centrosomes at the expense of centromeres, leading to mitotic abnormalities typical of cells with defective kinetochores. Thus, the N-terminal part of Drosophila CENP-C is sufficient to recruit core kinetochore components and acts as the principal linkage between centromere and kinetochore during mitosis.  相似文献   
Recent work on animal personalities has demonstrated that individuals may show consistent behaviour across situations and contexts. These studies were often carried out in one location and/or during short time intervals. Many animals, however, migrate and spend their life in several geographically distinct locations, and they may either adopt behaviours specific to the local environment or keep consistent behaviours over ecologically distinct locations. Long-distance migratory species offer excellent opportunities to test whether the animals maintain their personalities over large geographical scale, although the practical difficulties associated with these studies have hampered such tests. Here, we demonstrate for the first time consistency in disturbance tolerance behaviour in a long-distance migratory bird, using the common crane Grus grus as an ecological model species. Cranes that hatched in undisturbed habitats in Finland choose undisturbed migratory stop-over sites in Hungary, 1300-2000 km away from their breeding ground. This is remarkable, because these sites are not only separated by large distances, they also differ ecologically: the breeding sites are wooded bogs and subarctic tundra, whereas the migratory stop-over sites are temperate zone alkaline grasslands. The significance of our study goes beyond evolutionary biology and behavioural ecology: local effects on behaviour may carry over large distances, and this hitherto hidden implication of habitat selection needs to be incorporated into conservation planning.  相似文献   
PKR-dependent autophagic degradation of herpes simplex virus type 1   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The lysosomal pathway of autophagy is the major catabolic mechanism for degrading long-lived cellular proteins and cytoplasmic organelles. Recent studies have also shown that autophagy (xenophagy) may be used to degrade bacterial pathogens that invade intracellularly. However, it is not yet known whether xenophagy is a mechanism for degrading viruses. Previously, we showed that autophagy induction requires the antiviral eIF2alpha kinase signaling pathway (including PKR and eIF2alpha) and that this function of eIF2alpha kinase signaling is antagonized by the herpes simplex virus (HSV-1) neurovirulence gene product, ICP34.5. Here, we show quantitative morphologic evidence of PKR-dependent xenophagic degradation of herpes simplex virions and biochemical evidence of PKR and eIF2alpha-dependent degradation of HSV-1 proteins, both of which are blocked by ICP34.5. Together, these findings indicate that xenophagy degrades HSV-1 and that this cellular function is antagonized by the HSV-1 neurovirulence gene product, ICP34.5. Thus, autophagy-related pathways are involved in degrading not only cellular constituents and intracellular bacteria, but also viruses.  相似文献   
In this study, we have established a non-neuronal cell line stably and inducibly expressing recombinant NMDA receptors (NRs) composed of rat NR1a/NR2A subunits. EcR-293 cells were transfected with rat NR1a and NR2A cDNAs using the inducible mammalian expression vector pIND. Cell colonies resistant for the selecting agents were picked and tested for NR2A mRNA as well as protein expression using quantitative RT-PCR and flow cytometry based immunocytochemistry. Clonal cells expressing functional NMDA receptors were identified by measuring NMDA-evoked ion currents, and NMDA-induced increase in cytosolic free calcium concentration in whole-cell patch-clamp and fluorimetric calcium measurements, respectively. One clone named D5/H3, which exhibited the highest response to NMDA, was chosen to examine inducibility of the expression and for pharmacological profiling of recombinant NR1a/NR2A NMDA receptors. To check inducibility, NR2A subunit expression in D5/H3 cells treated with the inducing agent muristerone A (MuA) was compared with that in non-induced cells. Both NR2A mRNA and protein expression was several folds higher in cells treated with the inducing agent. As part of the pharmacological characterization, we examined the activation of the expressed NR1a/NR2A receptors as a function of increasing concentration of NMDA. NMDA-evoked concentration-dependent increases in cytosolic [Ca2+] with an EC50 value of 41 +/- 1 microM. In addition, whereas the NMDA response was concentration-dependently inhibited by the channel blocker MK-801 (IC50 = 58 +/- 6 nM), NR2B subunit selective NMDA receptor antagonists were ineffective. Thus, this cell line, which stably and inducibly expresses recombinant NR1a/NR2A NMDA receptors, can be a useful tool for testing NMDA receptor antagonists and studying their subunit selectivity.  相似文献   
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