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Freshwater ecosystems are threatened by multiple anthropogenic stressors acting over different spatial and temporal scales, resulting in toxic algal blooms, reduced water quality and hypoxia. However, while catchment characteristics act as a ‘filter’ modifying lake response to disturbance, little is known of the relative importance of different drivers and possible differentiation in the response of upland remote lakes in comparison to lowland, impacted lakes. Moreover, many studies have focussed on single lakes rather than looking at responses across a set of individual, yet connected lake basins. Here we used sedimentary algal pigments as an index of changes in primary producer assemblages over the last ~200 years in a northern temperate watershed consisting of 11 upland and lowland lakes within the Lake District, United Kingdom, to test our hypotheses about landscape drivers. Specifically, we expected that the magnitude of change in phototrophic assemblages would be greatest in lowland rather than upland lakes due to more intensive human activities in the watersheds of the former (agriculture, urbanization). Regional parameters, such as climate dynamics, would be the predominant factors regulating lake primary producers in remote upland lakes and thus, synchronize the dynamic of primary producer assemblages in these basins. We found broad support for the hypotheses pertaining to lowland sites as wastewater treatment was the main predictor of changes to primary producer assemblages in lowland lakes. In contrast, upland headwaters responded weakly to variation in atmospheric temperature, and dynamics in primary producers across upland lakes were asynchronous. Collectively, these findings show that nutrient inputs from point sources overwhelm climatic controls of algae and nuisance cyanobacteria, but highlights that large‐scale stressors do not always initiate coherent regional lake response. Furthermore, a lake's position in its landscape, its connectivity and proximity to point nutrients are important determinants of changes in production and composition of phototrophic assemblages.  相似文献   
Flowers of Calendula officinalis were incubated with mevalonic acid doubly labelled with 14C in position 2 and 3H in positions 2R, 2S, 4R or 5R,S and the [3H/14C] ratios determined in squalene and pentacylic mono- and dihydroxy-triterpene alcohols and also in some derivatives prepared from the triterpene alcohols. 3H atoms were located in positions 3, 12, 16, 21, 29, 30 of the ursane skeleton, positions 3, 12, 29, 30 of the lupane skeleton and positions 3, 11, 12, 18 of the oleanane skeleton. Stabilization of α- and β-Amyrins, ω-taraxasterol and lupeol occurs with the elimination of a proton from positions 12, 21 and 29 (or 30) respectively. In addition, during hydroxylation of triterpene monols to the corresponding diols a proton is substituted by the hydroxyl group.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to estimate virulence potential of Salmonella enterica strains colonizing the gut of free-living sand lizards (Lacerta agilis L.). The strains belonged to three Salmonella serovars: Abony, Schleissheim, and Telhashomer. Adhesion and invasion abilities of the strains were determined in quantitative assays using the gentamicin protection method. Induction of apoptosis was assessed using HeLa cell monolayers. PCR assays were used for detection of 26 virulence genes localised within mobile elements: pathogenicity islands, virulence plasmids, and prophage sequences. In vitro studies revealed that all strains had adhesion and invasion abilities to human epithelial cells. The isolates were cytotoxic and induced apoptosis of the cells. The serovars differed in the number of virulence-associated genes: up to 18 genes were present in Salmonella Schleissheim, 17 in Salmonella Abony, whereas as few as six genes were found in Salmonella Telhashomer. Generally, Salmonella Abony and Salmonella Schleissheim did not differ much in gene content connected with the presence SPI-1 to -5. All of the strains lacked genes localised within bacteriophages and plasmids. The presence of virulence-associated genes and in vitro pathogenicity assays suggest that Salmonella sp. strains originating from autochthonous, free-living lizards can potentially infect and cause disease in humans.  相似文献   
This study evaluates the severity of the poorly known and mostly underestimated foraminiferal extinction during the Frasnian–Famennian biotic crisis and its evolutionary aftermath. During this global event, worldwide, truly plurilocular planispiral (Nanicellidae) and uniseriate, palmate (Semitextulariidae) foraminifera associated with metazoan reefs died out entirely. Highly advanced test morphology such as that of nanicellids did not reappear in the earth's history until the Late Triassic. Moreover, morphotype comparable to that of the Devonian bilaterally flattened and palmate semitextularids appeared again until the Middle Jurassic (Frondicularia, Lagenida). In terms of the degree of test septation and chamber arrangement as well as general test shape, these foraminifera were ‘very far ahead of their time’. In consequence, foraminifera suffered a significant collapse during the F‐F biodiversity crisis, leading to an amazingly long evolutionary time lag in the case of plurilocular foraminifera lasting at least 150 million years.  相似文献   
Synchrotron radiation based-Fourier transform infrared microspectroscopy was used for preliminary investigation of the chemical composition and morphologies of the human substantia nigra of brain between normal and Parkinson's diseased tissues. The studies were carried out for thin tissue sections, focusing more particularly on nerve cell bodies, that are affected in Parkinson's disease (PD). The major spectral differences between normal (control) and PD tissues were identified at the following vibrational frequencies: 2930, 2850, 1655, 1380, 1236, 1173 and 1086 cm(-1). The infrared imaging of these biochemical markers show that for control cases the protein and nucleic acids functional groups (bands at: approximately 3300, approximately 3100, approximately 1655, approximately 1545, approximately 1240, approximately 1080 cm(-1)) are located mainly in the cell body. The spatial distribution of the band at 1740 cm(-1) (ester carbonyl stretching band) is quite dissimilar to the others, while it exhibits a minimal concentration in the cell body area. Contrarily, in PD samples, no clear evidence of variation of any of the vibrational fingerprint between cell body and the surrounding was noticed. Moreover, decrease of protein to lipid ratio as well as increase of amide I/amide II ratio were observed for PD case. The preliminary results strengthen the hypothesis that PD is a multietiological disorder. Moreover, the reported results clearly indicate that, in addition to a distinct visual observation, the diseased nerve cells exhibits change of their biochemical composition. It suggests that disturbances of normal functioning of SN neurons appear before their morphological atrophy.  相似文献   
Rye is a crop with relatively high resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses. However, the resistance to brown rust (Puccinia recondita f. sp. secalis) and pre-harvest sprouting are still not satisfactory. High α-amylase activity is also among the main disadvantages of this species. Therefore, effective tools, e.g. molecular markers, allowing precise and environmentally independent selection of favourable alleles are desirable. In the present study, two kinds of association mapping—genome-wide association mapping (GWAM) based on sequences of DArTSeq markers and candidate gene association mapping (CGAM) based on sequences of ScBx genes—were chosen for development of molecular markers fulfilling these criteria. The analysed population consisted of 149 diverse inbred lines (DILs). Altogether, 67 and 11 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) identified in, respectively, GWAM and CGAM, were significantly associated with the investigated traits: 2 SNPs with resistance to brown rust, 71 SNPs with resistance to pre-harvest sprouting and 5 SNPs with α-amylase activity in the grain. Fifteen SNPs were stable across all environments. The highest number (13) of environmentally stable SNPs was associated with pre-harvest sprouting resistance. The test employing the Kompetitive Allele Specific PCR method proved the versatility of four markers identified in both GWAM and CGAM.  相似文献   
The iron(II) compound of formula [Fe(NCS)2(dena)2]n (dena = N,N′-diethylnicotinamide) has been prepared by the reaction between iron(III) thiocyanate and dena in ethanol solution. The complex was characterized by elemental analysis, spectral and magnetic measurements. Single-crystal X-ray diffraction methods show that the complex, crystallizing in the triclinic space group, undergoes a phase transition between 220 K and 230 K, connected with the doubling of cell volume. Crystal structures at 230 K (1a; HT phase) and 150 K (1b; LT phase) are described and a transition mechanism is discussed. In both phases the compound has an extended chain structure, in which the neutral molecule of N,N′-diethylnicotinamide acts as a bridging ligand binding through pyridine N atom to one centre and through amide O atom to the neighbouring Fe centre. The Fe2+ ion has a slightly distorted trans-octahedral environment with FeO2N4 chromophore, and all Fe-O and Fe-N bonds in the typical for high-spin iron(II) compounds range. Variable-temperature magnetic susceptibility data in the temperature range 1.8-300 K show that iron(II) is high-spin S = 2(5T2g) and as a result effects due to zero-field splitting are anticipated at low temperatures. The IR spectrum suggested the coordination of N,N′-diethylnicotinamide to the central atom of iron(II) as a bridging ligand and NCS group as a monodentate ligand.  相似文献   
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