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The enzymatic transamination reactions between aspartic and α-ketoglutaric acid and between aspartic and pyruvic acid were studied in fresh dialysed extracts of young wheat plants cultivated under various trophical conditions, in mineral solution (Knop), in the solution of an soil organic substance (potassium humate) and without nutrients (H2O). Simultaneously, the level of endogenic aspartic acid, glutamic acid and the growth values were determined. The enzymatic reactions were characterized by determining the optimum pH, the time course, and the effect of coenzyme and of inhibitors. The activity of the aspartate-glutamate transaminase from the root system of plants was considerably higher than the activity of the overground organs. The enzymatic activity from both parts of the plant was inversely proportional to the growth rate: intensive growth of the plants from the Knop variant was connected with their low enzymatic activity; the level of endogenic glutamic acid was high. The slow growth of the plants without nutrients was connected with a higher enzymatic activity; the level of endogenic glutamic acid was low. The plants from the potassium humate variant had an intermediate position between these two variants from the point of view of growth as well as from that of enzymatic activity. The plants with insufficient nutrition (slow growth, low level of endogenic glutamic acid) apparently have a low capacity for supplementing the glutamic acid deficit, which is essential for the metabolic processes, by increasing the activity of the reactions leading to glutamic acid synthesis (Asp-Glu) and, on the other hand, by decreasing the reactions utilizing it (Glu-Ala). For wheat plants the active aspartate-glutamate reaction is obviously physiologically more important than the direct reaction glutamate-aspartate and the reaction aspartate-alanine which in all cases had a very low activity.  相似文献   
Ethionine at concentrations of 10−3M, 5×10−3M and 10−2M inhibits growth, both of β-galactosidase inducible ML-30 and constitutive ML-308Escherichia coli strains. The protein synthesis (measured by the incorporation of l-leucine-14C and l-aspartic-14C acid into proteins) of these strains is inhibited to the same extent as their growth. The synthesis of inducible and constitutive β-galactosidase produced by the strains ML-30 and ML-308, respectively, is considerably inhibited by ethionine.  相似文献   
A?koliv na zá kladě mnoha pokus? se p? edpokládalo, ?e tzv. bÍlkovinná v?etena v buňkách tzn. buně?né inkluse X-viru kaktus? (Ca XV), jsou slo?ena z ?etních prodlou?ených ?ásti Ca XV, p?esto to dosud nebylo proká zá no. Proto jsme se pokusili pomocÍ fluoreskujÍcÍch protilátek doká ?at, ?e bilkovinná v?etena jsou skute?ně agregáty virových ?ástic. V těto práci jsme pouzili tzv. nep?Ímé metody. Nejprve jsme p? sobili na buňky obsahujÍci tato v?etena homologiokým antisé rem proti Ca XV, zÍskanym imunizacÍ králÍk? a teprve potom jsme buňky vlo?ili do roztoku fluoreskujicÍch protilátek proti králicimu γglobulinu. BÍlkovinná v?etena svitila potom ve fluorescen?nÍm mikroskopu silně ?lutozeleně (bylopou?ito fluoresceinisothiocyaná tu). Tato fluorescence ná m uká zala, ?e nastala pozitivnÍ reakce a ?e bÍlkovianá v?etena jsou slo?ena z virových ?ástic. ?etné kontrolnÍ pokusy potvrdily ná? základnÍ pokus.  相似文献   
Byl sledován vliv 6-benzylaminopurinu na dýchání pupen? jabloně odr?dy Boskooaké v pr?běhu 5 dn? po pod7#x00E1;ní kininu. Bylo zji?těno, ?e spot?eba kyslíku stanovovaná p?ímou metodou Warburgovou je vy??í ji? prvního dne po podání 6-benzylaminopurmu a stoupá stále výrazněji a? do pátého dne, kdy je spot?eba kyslíku u pupen? stimulovaných o 75% vy??í, ne? u pupen? kontrolních.  相似文献   
Была высказана гипотеза, что биосинтез гризеофульвине, цитромицетина, фульвиновой кислоты, фусаeубине, руброфусарина и родствеооых им вешеств протекаеР не путем конденсации линейнон цепочки, а из двух более коротких цепочек, которые возникают конденсацией 4 и 3 ацетатных единп. реакции, осушествляющиеся на уровне этих цапочек (илн прнмежувочных структур) метиляция, редукция, и, возможно, последующая дегидратация или только эноэизация— определяют направление дальнeйшeй кондeнсации в такой стeпeни, что конeчныe продуктыотдичаются своeй структурой.  相似文献   
Root exudates of plants   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
V. Vančura 《Plant and Soil》1964,21(2):231-248
Summary The composition of the root exudates of barley and wheat in the initial growth phases was investigated; amino acids, organic acids, sugars and certain aromatic compounds could be identified. A knowledge of the composition of root exudates is important from the standpoint of the interaction between the plants and the micro-organisms in the rhizosphere. Some aspects of the rhizosphere effect connected with the present work are discussed.  相似文献   
Summary A study of enzymatic equipment of enterochromaffine cells (e.c.) in jenual biopsies obtained with a Crosby capsule in normal humans and patients with nontropical sprue was undertaken. The following enzymes were demonstrated: alkaline phosphatase and adenosine triphosphatase (cell membrane), acid phosphatase (corpuscular), non-specific esterase (diffuse and corpuscular, predominantly eserine resistant, in corpuscular localization E 600 resistant), DPN- and TPN-diaphorases and dehydrogenases of lactic acid, malic acid, isocitric acid, glucoso-6-phosphoric acid, succinic acid, -hydroxybutyric acid and -glycerophosphoric acid. Enzyme activities were not equal in all cells suggesting some type of secretory cycle. In most patients with untreated nontropical sprue or with the disease in relapse e.c. were more numerous and hypertrophic with elevated activities of non-specific esterase and acid phosphatase. Implications of these results are briefly discussed.With 8 Figures in the Text, of which 2 in Colour  相似文献   
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