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Investigations on the susceptibility and resistance of head lettuce (Lactuca sativa) to downy mildew (Bremia lactucae) II. Light and electron microscopic examinations of the host-parasite interface Infected leaves of lettuce varieties susceptible and incompletely resistant to Bremia lactucae were observed by light and electron microscopy. Primary infection structures in the epidermal cells as well as intercellular hyphae with the adjacent haustoria could be seen by differential interference contrast microscopy. The haustoria in host cells of susceptible varieties collapsed before degeneration of the invaded host cell. On the contrary, host cells of incompletely resistant varieties died before the haustoria in these cells showed any sign of degeneration. Electron microscopic investigations confirmed the observations with light microscopy. In incompletely resistant varieties, an electron transparent sheath enveloped the haustorium. In the sheath fragments of membranes are localized. These membrane particles as seen by using the goniometer in electron microscopic work were flat faced. The sheath material consists of transformed host cell wall material and involves fragments of the host plasmalemma as well as fragments of the unit membrane separating the sheath from extrahaustorial matrix. The sheath has an important role as a special filter to prevent the passage of nutrients from the host cell into the haustorium. Thus the incomplete resistance is based not only on an impeded penetration of the parasite into the epidermal cells and their hypersensitive reactions in case of a successful penetration but also on hypersensitivity of mesophyll cells which does not necessarily lead to death of the parasite but does impede the absorption of nutrients.  相似文献   
Cytotoxic thymus-derived lymphocytes from mice infected with vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) are H-2 restricted and virus specific for the Indiana and New Jersey strains of VSV. VSV-Indiana-immune T cells can lyse target cells infected with the temperature sensitive (ts) mutant ts 045 about 30 times better when target cell infection occurs at the permissive rather than the non-permissive temperature. Since this mutant fails to express the glycoprotein at the cell surface when grown at the nonpermissive temperature, our results support the view that the viral glycoprotein is involved in defining the major target antigen for VSV-specific T cells. However, the tl 17 mutant that expresses a mutant glycoprotein at the cell surface was lysed, suggesting that the expressed mutated glycoprotein can cross-react with Indiana wild-type glycoprotein. Targets infected at the nonpermissive temperature with VSV ts G31 (mutant in the matrix protein) are still susceptible to T cell-mediated lysis but at a lower level of sensitivity. These results are compatible with the interpretation that for VSV-specific T cell lysis of infected target cells, the viral glycoprotein is a major target antigen and must be expressed, and that the matrix protein plays a lesser role, probably by indirectly influencing glycoprotein configuration at the cell surface.  相似文献   
Reciprocal radiation bone-marrow chimeras were produced between the standard C57BL/6 (=B6) and the mutant B6.C-H-2 ba (=Hz1) strain. When infected with vaccinia virus, these chimeras, as well as an (Hz1 × B6)= Hz1 chimera, produced cytotoxic cells that killed vaccinia-infected H-2KkH-2Db target cells but failed to kill virus-infected H-2KbH-2Dd cells. Virus-infected (Hz1 × B6)F1 B6 chimeras, however, killed both types of target. These experiments demonstrate strict T-cell specificity capable of differentiating between two molecules that apparently differ by a single amino acid substitution.  相似文献   
Bone marrow transplantation (BMT) is commonly used in the treatment of leukemia, however its therapeutic application is partly limited by the high incidence of associated opportunistic infections. We modeled this clinical situation by infecting mice that underwent BMT with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) and investigated the potential of immunotherapeutic strategies to counter such infections. All mice that received BMT survived LCMV infection and developed a virus carrier status. Immunotherapy by adoptive transfer of naive splenocytes protected against low (200 PFU), but not high (2 x 10(6) PFU), doses of LCMV. Attempts to control infection of high viral titers using strongly elevated frequencies of activated LCMV-specific T cells failed to control virus and resulted in immunopathology and death. In contrast, virus neutralizing Abs combined with naive splenocytes were able to efficiently control high-dose LCMV infection without associated side effects. Thus, cell transfer combined with neutralizing Abs represented the most effective means of controlling BMT-associated opportunistic viral infection in our in vivo model. These data underscore the in vivo efficacy and immunopathological "safety" of neutralizing antibodies.  相似文献   


Cellular infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) both in vitro and in vivo requires a member of the chemokine receptor family to act as a co-receptor for viral entry. However, it is presently unclear to what extent the interaction of HIV proteins with chemokine receptors generates intracellular signals that are important for productive infection.


In this study we have used a recently described family of chemokine inhibitors, termed BSCIs, which specifically block chemokine-induced chemotaxis without affecting chemokine ligands binding to their receptors. The BSCI termed Peptide 3 strongly inhibited CCR5 mediated HIV infection of THP-1 cells (83 ± 7% inhibition assayed by immunofluoresence staining), but had no effect on gp120 binding to CCR5. Peptide 3 did not affect CXCR4-dependent infection of Jurkat T cells.


These observations suggest that, in some cases, intracellular signals generated by the chemokine coreceptor may be required for a productive HIV infection.  相似文献   
The role of innate, alpha/beta interferon (IFN-alpha/beta)-dependent protection versus specific antibody-mediated protection against vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) was evaluated in IFN-alpha/beta receptor-deficient mice (IFN-alpha/beta R0/0 mice). VSV is a close relative to rabies virus that causes neurological disease in mice. In contrast to normal mice, IFN-alpha/beta R0/0 mice were highly susceptible to infection with VSV because of ubiquitous high viral replication. Adoptive transfer experiments showed that neutralizing antibodies against the glycoprotein of VSV (VSV-G) protected these mice efficiently against systemic infection and against peripheral subcutaneous infection but protected only to a limited degree against intranasal infection with VSV. In contrast, VSV-specific T cells or antibodies specific for the nucleoprotein of VSV (VSV-N) were unable to protect IFN-alpha/beta R0/0 mice against VSV. These results demonstrate that mice are extremely sensitive to VSV if IFN-alpha/beta is not functional and that under these conditions, neutralizing antibody responses mediate efficient protection, but apparently only against extraneuronal infection.  相似文献   
The serological relationship between the two vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) strains Indiana (VSV-Ind) and New Jersey (VSV-NJ) were analyzed by using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Immunoglobulin G responses, defined by their resistance to treatment with 2-mercaptoethanol, were assessed by ELISA by using sucrose gradient-purified VSV or purified VSV glycoproteins (G) as antigens. When low doses (10(6) PFU) of live VSV or 10(8) PFU of UV-inactivated virus were given intraperitoneally (i.p.), only non-cross-reactive antibody responses were observed in a primary immune response. However, when 10(6) PFU of live VSV were injected intravenously (i.v.), cross-reactive antibodies were generated; anti-VSV-NJ antibodies cross-reacted more against VSV-Ind than did anti-VSV-Ind antibodies against VSV-NJ. When 10(8) PFU of live VSV or UV-inactivated VSV mixed with complete Freund adjuvant was given i.p., high levels of cross-reactive antibodies detectable by ELISA were induced in primary and secondary responses. When purified G protein was used instead of purified whole virus in the ELISA, the cross-reactivity was found to be asymmetrical after immunization with live VSV given i.v. but not after i.p. inoculation; anti-VSV-NJ sera bound almost equally well to VSV-Ind G protein, whereas anti-VSV-Ind sera bound virtually exclusively to the G protein of the homologous serotype. The data suggest that immunization with VSV given i.p. results in a more specific, i.e., less cross-reactive, response than that either after i.v. infection or after the virus antigen is made available in great amounts or if it persists for prolonged periods when given i.p. together with complete Freund adjuvant. The unique determinants were immunodominant because they induced antibodies preferentially, whereas partially shared determinants induced antibody responses asymmetrically, more slowly, and with lower titers. Interestingly, the asymmetric cross-reactivity of anti-VSV antibodies, as measured by ELISA, against purified VSV G was opposite that observed for cytotoxic T cells.  相似文献   
Investigations on the susceptibility of head lettuce (Lactuca sativa) to downy mildew (Bremia lactucae) III. Activities of peroxidase, catalase and polyphenoloxidase Host cell walls in contact with intercellular hyphae of Bremia lactucae stain electron positively in susceptible and incompletely resistant varieties of lettuce after appropriate electron microscopy preparation for peroxidase activity. The outer membranes of the mitochondria of the parasite also stained darkly in susceptible varieties whereas in incompletely resistant plants Bremia innermost mitochondrial membranes and host cell mitochondria were darkly stained. This latter observation suggests increased respiration and could be explained as a resistance reaction. Catalase activity was observed in the microbodies of susceptible, in incompletely resistant and healthy varieties. There were no differences in stain intensity in the three kinds of varieties suggesting that catalase activity is not involved in resistance reactions. Polyphenoloxidase activity was infrequently observed on the host cell wall in susceptible and healthy plants, whereas strong activity in incompletely resistant varieties was observed in vesicles in the haustorial sheath. These vesicles were not surrounded by unit membranes and therefore could not have originated from the unit membranes of the extrahaustorial matrix or from the host plasmalemma. They may have been derived from the host protoplast and involved in inactivation of parasite produced toxins thereby contributing to resistance.  相似文献   
Prion infections can present without clinical manifestations. B-cell deficiency may be a model for subclinical transmissible spongiform encephalopathy, since it protects mice from disease upon intraperitoneal administration of scrapie prions; however, a proportion of B-cell-deficient mice accumulate protease-resistant prion protein in their brains. Here, we have characterized this subclinical disease. In addition, we have studied the possibility that a neurotoxic factor secreted by B cells may contribute to pathogenesis.  相似文献   
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