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The erythrocyte glutathione S-transferase (e-GST) is a member of a superfamily of inducible enzymes involved in cell detoxification that shows an increased expression in chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients. We propose a new automated analysis procedure for e-GST activity that has been validated in 72 CKD patients and 62 maintenance hemodialysis patients (MHD). Regression analysis was carried out to assess association between e-GST activity data, main clinical variables, and plasma homocysteine (Hcy), a modified sulfur amino acid known as potential risk factor for cardiovascular disease that is increased above normal levels in more than 90% of the uremic patients. An increased e-GST activity was confirmed in MHD patients (N=62; 10.2±0.4 U/gHb) compared with healthy subjects (N=80; 5.8±0.4 U/gHb), and as an original finding, a significant increase of e-GST activity was observed in pre-dialysis CKD patients with a positive correlation with disease severity weighted according to the four stages of "Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative" classification (7.4±0.5, 8±1, 9.5±0.6, 12±1 U/gHb, respectively). No correlation was found between e-GST activity and hemoglobin, transferrin, blood iron and the markers of systemic inflammation and renal function such as alpha-1 acid glycoprotein and high-sensitive C-Reactive Protein, beta-2 microglobulin and the index of malnutrition-inflammation PINI, while a significant correlation was observed for the first time between plasma Hcy and e-GST activity (r2=0.64, P<0.0001) in MHD patients. Hcy, however, was not identified as an inhibitor of e-GST enzyme. The results in this study suggest the potential for automated e-GST analysis as a valuable tool to further explore phase II-related uremic toxicity in CKD and MHD patients.  相似文献   
This study reports the metabolic and morphological characteristics of bovine intermuscular adipose tissue (AT) throughout foetal growth. Our hypothesis was that the histological and molecular features of intermuscular AT would be different from those previously reported for foetal perirenal AT, based on its anatomical location near the muscle and the recent identification of two distinct adipocyte precursors in mouse AT depending on their locations. To address this question, intermuscular AT was sampled from Charolais and Blond d'Aquitaine foetuses at 180, 210 and 260 days post conception (dpc). The two bovine breeds were chosen because of the higher adiposity of Charolais than Blond d'Aquitaine cattle during the postnatal life. Regardless of the breed, adipocyte volume increased slightly (+38%, P < 0.01) with increasing foetal age. This was concomitant with a decrease (P < 0.05) in the activity of enzymes involved in de novo fatty acid (FA) synthesis (FA synthase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase) and FA esterification (glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase) when expressed per million adipocytes, and with an increase (P ⩽ 0.01) in mRNA abundances for uncoupling protein 1, adiponectin and leptin (LEP) between 180 and 260 dpc. No difference was observed in the adipocyte volume between breeds, which was consistent with the lack of major between-breed differences in mRNA abundances or activities of enzymes involved in lipid metabolism. The mRNA abundance of lipoprotein lipase was maintained across ages, suggesting a storage of circulating FA rather than of FA synthesized de novo. Plasma LEP increased with foetal age, but only in the Charolais breed (+71%, P ⩽ 0.01), and was two- to threefold higher in Charolais than Blond d'Aquitaine foetuses. Regardless of the breed, bovine intermuscular AT contained predominantly unilocular adipocytes believed to be white adipocytes that were larger at 260 dpc than at 180 dpc. These data thus challenge current concepts of the largely brown nature of bovine foetal AT (based on histological and metabolic features of perirenal AT as previously reported a few days before or after birth).  相似文献   
Autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) is an unresolving inflammation of the liver of unknown cause. Diagnosis requires the exclusion of other conditions and the presence of characteristic features such as specific autoantibodies. Presently, these autoantibodies have relatively low sensitivity and specificity and are identified via immunostaining of cells or tissues; therefore, there is a diagnostic need for better and easy-to-assess markers. To identify new AIH-specific autoantigens, we developed a protein microarray comprising 1626 human recombinant proteins, selected in silico for being secreted or membrane associated. We screened sera from AIH patients on this microarray and compared the reactivity with that of sera from healthy donors and patients with chronic viral hepatitis C. We identified six human proteins that are specifically recognized by AIH sera. Serum reactivity to a combination of four of these autoantigens allows identification of AIH patients with high sensitivity (82%) and specificity (92%). Of the six autoantigens, the interleukin-4 (IL4) receptor fibronectin type III domain of the IL4 receptor (CD124), which is expressed on the surface of both lymphocytes and hepatocytes, showed the highest individual sensitivity and specificity for AIH. Remarkably, patients'' sera inhibited STAT6 phosphorylation induced by IL4 binding to CD124, demonstrating that these autoantibodies are functional and suggesting that IL4 neutralization has a pathogenetic role in AIH.Autoantibodies specific for proteins or nonprotein antigens (dsDNA, snRNP, carbohydrates) are often the serological hallmark of autoimmune diseases. Autoantibodies can be simply an epiphenomenon secondary to a chronic inflammatory milieu (1), but they can also play a direct pathogenetic role, as antithyroglobulin antibodies do in Hashimoto''s thyroiditis (2).Autoimmune hepatitis (AIH)1 is a chronic necro-inflammatory disease of unknown etiology that affects predominantly women with an incidence of 1 to 2 per 100,000 per year and a prevalence of 10 to 20 out of 100,000 (3, 4). AIH is subdivided into two major types on the basis of autoantibody reactivity (5). Antibodies to nuclei and/or to smooth muscle characterize type 1 AIH, whereas antibodies to a liver-kidney microsomal constituent define patients with type 2 AIH. Because the detection of these autoantibodies is done by means of immunofluorescence on rodent multi-organ sections (liver, kidney, stomach), there are problems with the standardization and interpretation of the immunostaining patterns (6). To overcome these methodological problems, the International Autoimmune Hepatitis Group established an international committee to define guidelines and develop procedures and reference standards for more reliable testing (7, 8). Although ELISA and bead assays with purified or recombinant autoantigens are under development (9), they actually represent a complementary, rather than alternative, approach to traditional immunofluorescence. Moreover, serological overlap is frequently observed between AIH and other non-autoimmune liver diseases such as chronic viral hepatitis (10). Therefore, new, highly specific markers represent an unmet medical need for the more accurate diagnosis and classification of AIH.Besides the potential diagnostic application, the discovery of novel AIH autoantigens could provide insights into the disease pathogenicity mechanism. Although some AIH target-autoantigens have been identified and characterized, little is known about their pathogenetic role, and other autoantigens are probably still unknown. Autoantibodies, to be considered pathogenetic, must have at least two features: (i) the target-autoantigen should be either expressed on the plasma membrane of target cells or secreted by cells (i.e. should be exposed to autoantibodies), and (ii) binding of the autoantibodies to the target antigen should disturb a cellular function directly or indirectly. A possible pathogenetic role in AIH has been put forward for autoantibodies specific for cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6) or Asialoglycoprotein receptor 1 (AGPR-1), which are both present on the hepatocyte cell membrane (10).Protein microarrays are a powerful technology, as they allow the simultaneous screening of thousands of analytes (11). In the present study, to identify new autoantigens with potential diagnostic and/or pathogenetic roles in AIH, we printed a microarray with 1626 human proteins whose main feature was being either secreted or membrane associated (i.e. potentially exposed to autoantibody recognition). We used this microarray to screen panels of sera from patients with AIH and identified six new protein antigens that are recognized with high sensitivity and specificity. One of these six autoantigens is the interleukin-4 (IL4) receptor fibronectin type III (FNIII) domain of the IL4 receptor (CD124), and, interestingly, patients'' autoantibodies specific for CD124 neutralize IL4 signaling, suggesting a possible pathogenetic role for IL4 neutralization in AIH.  相似文献   
Multilocular,mitochondria-rich adipocytes appear in white adipose tissue (WAT) ofrats treated with the 3-adrenoceptor agonist, CL-316243 (CL).Objectives were to determine whether these multilocular adipocytesderived from cells that already existed in the WAT or fromproliferation of precursor cells and whether new mitochondria containedin them were typical brown adipocyte mitochondria. Use of5-bromodeoxyuridine to identify cells that had undergone mitosis duringthe CL treatment showed that most multilocular cells derived from cellsalready present in the WAT. Morphological techniques showed that atleast a subpopulation of unilocular adipocytes underwent conversion tomultilocular mitochondria-rich adipocytes. A small proportion ofmultilocular adipocytes (~8%) was positive for UCP1 byimmunohistochemistry. Biochemical techniques showed that mitochondrialprotein recovered from WAT increased 10-fold and protein isolated frombrown adipose tissue (BAT) doubled in CL-treated rats. Stained gelsshowed a different protein composition of new mitochondria isolatedfrom WAT from that of mitochondria isolated from BAT. Western blotting showed new mitochondria in WAT to contain both UCP1, but at a muchlower concentration than in BAT mitochondria, and UCP3, at a higherconcentration than that in BAT mitochondria. We hypothesize thatmultilocular adipocytes present at 7 days of CL treatment have twoorigins. First, most come from convertible unilocular adipocytes thatbecome multilocular and make many mitochondria that contain UCP3.Second, some come from a cell that gives rise to more typical brownadipocytes that express UCP1.

The Authors refer the results of a study concerning the mammary gland of lactating rats subjected to suctional stimuli of different intensities. We made used of Wistar rats subdivided in 3 groups: Group A: each lactating 8 pups; Group B: 8 days before the birth we provided to hide the nipples of a half of the breasts with sutures like tobacco-pouch. The animals were anesthetized with ether. Each rat lactates 4 pups. Group C: They do not lactate. In the 6th day of suckling we took away the newborn from theirs mothers for 8 Hours and then we put them to lactate for other 4 hours. After this period we removed the mammary glands. We prepared this material as the routine methods for optical microscopy and after wards we stained with Hematoxylin-Eosin. Direct relationship is demonstrated between the intensity of suctional stimulus and morphologically evaluated synthetic activity.  相似文献   
A large number of studies have established the mitochondrial uncoupling protein UCP1 as a specific marker of brown adipocytes, where it controls energy dissipation of fatty acid oxidation as heat in response to physiological requirements. Following the recent report of the detection of UCP1 in thymocytes of rats and mice, we reinvestigated its presence in thymus. Light microscopy and immunohistochemical analysis demonstrated that the UCP1 signal in thymus is entirely explained by the presence of typical brown adipocytes around the gland. Staining for UCP1 was not observed in thymocytes. Similarly, UCP1 failed to be observed in rat spleen, skeletal muscle, stomach, intestine, or uterus, even after exposure of animals to the cold. These data confirm the specificity of UCP1 expression in the thermogenic brown adipocytes and argue against a direct role for this mitochondrial transporter in immune cells. Whether brown adipocytes adjacent to thymic lobes play a role in thymus physiology remains to be investigated.  相似文献   
Adipose tissue expansion involves the enlargement of existing adipocytes, the formation of new cells from committed preadipocytes, and the coordinated development of the tissue vascular network. Here we find that murine endothelial cells (ECs) of classic white and brown fat depots share ultrastructural characteristics with pericytes, which are pluripotent and can potentially give rise to preadipocytes. Lineage tracing experiments using the VE-cadherin promoter reveal localization of reporter genes in ECs and also in preadipocytes and adipocytes of white and brown fat depots. Furthermore, capillary sprouts from human adipose tissue, which have predominantly EC characteristics, are found to express Zfp423, a recently identified marker of preadipocyte determination. In response to PPARγ activation, endothelial characteristics of sprouting cells are progressively lost, and cells form structurally and biochemically defined adipocytes. Together these data support an endothelial origin of murine and human adipocytes, suggesting a model for how adipogenesis and angiogenesis are coordinated during adipose tissue expansion.  相似文献   
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