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Bui QT  Zimmerman JE  Liu H  Bonini NM 《Genetics》2000,155(2):709-720
The eyes absent (eya) gene is critical to eye formation in Drosophila; upon loss of eya function, eye progenitor cells die by programmed cell death. Moreover, ectopic eya expression directs eye formation, and eya functionally synergizes in vivo and physically interacts in vitro with two other genes of eye development, sine oculis and dachshund. The Eya protein sequence, while highly conserved to vertebrates, is novel. To define amino acids critical to the function of the Eya protein, we have sequenced eya alleles. These mutations have revealed that loss of the entire Eya Domain is null for eya activity, but that alleles with truncations within the Eya Domain display partial function. We then extended the molecular genetic analysis to interactions within the Eya Domain. This analysis has revealed regions of special importance to interaction with Sine Oculis or Dachshund. Select eya missense mutations within the Eya Domain diminished the interactions with Sine Oculis or Dachshund. Taken together, these data suggest that the conserved Eya Domain is critical for eya activity and may have functional subregions within it.  相似文献   
Tubulin dimer dissociation and proteolytic accessibility   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The alpha and beta subunits of the tubulin dimer each possess a distal C-terminal subtilisin cleavage site which, when cleaved, releases an acidic, small peptide. In addition, each possesses an internal site, cleaved by trypsin in alpha and chymotrypsin in beta, which connects the amino and carboxyl structural domains. A model of the dimer is presented which suggests that the beta C-terminal subtilisin site may be more accessible in the monomer than in the dimer. Kinetics of cleavage at this site on the dimer yield straight-line plots of log (undigested fraction) versus time, from which pseudo-first-order rate constants are obtained. Temperature effects on the rate constant are due to changes in the activity of subtilisin, not to temperature-induced unfolding around this site. The rate constant is proportional to the subtilisin/tubulin ratio, whether this is varied by changing the concentration of subtilisin or of tubulin. However, if the rate constant increases due to decreasing tubulin concentration, the extrapolated zero time intercept decreases. The decrease in zero time intercept is interpreted as being due to the appearance of a rapidly digested fraction upon dilution of tubulin. The increase observed in this fast fraction with dilution of tubulin is fully reversible upon reconcentration. It is suggested that this fast fraction represents monomeric beta-tubulin and the concentration dependence of this fast fraction indicates a dissociation constant of about 1.5 X 10(-7) M.  相似文献   

Stable and water soluble amino acid phosphomonoester amidates of AZT were synthesized and shown to have potent anti-HIV-1 activity. Intracellular and cell extract metabolism studies revealed that these compounds are likely to be enzymatically converted to the corresponding monophosphates. In addition, we have shown that the half life and tissue distribution of a phosphoramidate of AZT is 5 and 10-fold greater, respectively, than AZT.  相似文献   
Objectives: Reactive oxygen species (ROS), including superoxide (O2??), play an important role in the biological effects of ionizing radiation. The human body has developed different antioxidant systems to defend against excessive levels of ROS. The aim of the present study is to investigate the redox status changes in the blood of radiologic technologists and compare these changes to control individuals.

Methods: We enrolled 60 medical workers: 20 occupationally exposed to ionizing radiation (all radiologic technologists), divided in three subgroups: conventional radiography (CR), computerized tomography (CT), and interventional radiography (IR) and 40 age- and gender-matched unexposed controls. Levels of O2?? and malondialdehyde (MDA) in blood were measured as an index of redox status, as were the activities of antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase. Redox status was also assessed by measuring levels of reduced and oxidized glutathione (GSH, GSSG, respectively).

Results: Levels of O2?? and MDA, and SOD activity in the blood of IR and CT-exposed subjects were significantly higher than both the CR-exposed subjects and control individuals. However, there were no statistically significant differences in the levels of catalase, GSH and ratio of GSH/GSSG between exposed workers and control individuals.

Discussion: This study suggests that healthcare workers in CT and IR occupationally exposed to radiation have an elevated circulating redox status as compared to unexposed individuals.  相似文献   
Protein kinases play key roles in oncogenic signaling and are a major focus in the development of targeted cancer therapies. Imatinib, a BCR-Abl tyrosine kinase inhibitor, is a successful front-line treatment for chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML). However, resistance to imatinib may be acquired by BCR-Abl mutations or hyperactivation of Src family kinases such as Lyn. We have used multiplexed kinase inhibitor beads (MIBs) and quantitative mass spectrometry (MS) to compare kinase expression and activity in an imatinib-resistant (MYL-R) and -sensitive (MYL) cell model of CML. Using MIB/MS, expression and activity changes of over 150 kinases were quantitatively measured from various protein kinase families. Statistical analysis of experimental replicates assigned significance to 35 of these kinases, referred to as the MYL-R kinome profile. MIB/MS and immunoblotting confirmed the over-expression and activation of Lyn in MYL-R cells and identified additional kinases with increased (MEK, ERK, IKKα, PKCβ, NEK9) or decreased (Abl, Kit, JNK, ATM, Yes) abundance or activity. Inhibiting Lyn with dasatinib or by shRNA-mediated knockdown reduced the phosphorylation of MEK and IKKα. Because MYL-R cells showed elevated NF-κB signaling relative to MYL cells, as demonstrated by increased IκBα and IL-6 mRNA expression, we tested the effects of an IKK inhibitor (BAY 65-1942). MIB/MS and immunoblotting revealed that BAY 65-1942 increased MEK/ERK signaling and that this increase was prevented by co-treatment with a MEK inhibitor (AZD6244). Furthermore, the combined inhibition of MEK and IKKα resulted in reduced IL-6 mRNA expression, synergistic loss of cell viability and increased apoptosis. Thus, MIB/MS analysis identified MEK and IKKα as important downstream targets of Lyn, suggesting that co-targeting these kinases may provide a unique strategy to inhibit Lyn-dependent imatinib-resistant CML. These results demonstrate the utility of MIB/MS as a tool to identify dysregulated kinases and to interrogate kinome dynamics as cells respond to targeted kinase inhibition.  相似文献   


Plasmodium vivax is the most prevalent human malaria parasite, causing serious public health problems in malaria-endemic countries. Until recently the Duffy-negative blood group phenotype was considered to confer resistance to vivax malaria for most African ethnicities. We and others have reported that P. vivax strains in African countries from Madagascar to Mauritania display capacity to cause clinical vivax malaria in Duffy-negative people. New insights must now explain Duffy-independent P. vivax invasion of human erythrocytes.

Methods/Principal Findings

Through recent whole genome sequencing we obtained ≥70× coverage of the P. vivax genome from five field-isolates, resulting in ≥93% of the Sal I reference sequenced at coverage greater than 20×. Combined with sequences from one additional Malagasy field isolate and from five monkey-adapted strains, we describe here identification of DNA sequence rearrangements in the P. vivax genome, including discovery of a duplication of the P. vivax Duffy binding protein (PvDBP) gene. A survey of Malagasy patients infected with P. vivax showed that the PvDBP duplication was present in numerous locations in Madagascar and found in over 50% of infected patients evaluated. Extended geographic surveys showed that the PvDBP duplication was detected frequently in vivax patients living in East Africa and in some residents of non-African P. vivax-endemic countries. Additionally, the PvDBP duplication was observed in travelers seeking treatment of vivax malaria upon returning home. PvDBP duplication prevalence was highest in west-central Madagascar sites where the highest frequencies of P. vivax-infected, Duffy-negative people were reported.


The highly conserved nature of the sequence involved in the PvDBP duplication suggests that it has occurred in a recent evolutionary time frame. These data suggest that PvDBP, a merozoite surface protein involved in red cell adhesion is rapidly evolving, possibly in response to constraints imposed by erythrocyte Duffy negativity in some human populations.  相似文献   
We investigate how a unique dietary specialist, the Gila monster (Heloderma suspectum), uses behavioral thermoregulation to elevate body temperature (Tb) after feeding. Lizards in a laboratory thermal gradient were fed rodent meals of three different sizes (5, 10, or 20% of body mass), or sham fed (meal of 0% body mass), and Tbs were recorded for three days before feeding and seven days after feeding. Gila monsters selected a mean Tb of 25.2 °C while fasting (set-point range 23.6–27.1), and increased Tbs after feeding. The magnitude and duration of post-prandial Tb increases are positively related to meal size, and Gila monsters selected mean Tbs up to 3.0 °C higher and maintain elevated Tbs for 3–6 days after feeding. Selection of Tb does not appear to differ between day and night time periods, and because the lizards are both diurnal and nocturnal (at different times of year), photoperiod may not be an important influence on Tb selection.  相似文献   
Mitotic catastrophe is an oncosuppressive mechanism that senses mitotic failure leading to cell death or senescence. As such, it protects against aneuploidy and genetic instability, and its induction in cancer cells by exogenous agents is currently seen as a promising therapeutic end point. Apoptin, a small protein from Chicken Anemia Virus (CAV), is known for its ability to selectively induce cell death in human tumor cells. Here, we show that apoptin triggers p53-independent abnormal spindle formation in osteosarcoma cells. Approximately 50% of apoptin-positive cells displayed non-bipolar spindles, a 10-fold increase as compared to control cells. Besides, tumor cells expressing apoptin are greatly limited in their progress through anaphase and telophase, and a significant drop in mitotic cells past the meta-to-anaphase transition is observed. Time-lapse microscopy showed that mitotic osteosarcoma cells expressing apoptin displayed aberrant mitotic figures and/or had a prolonged cycling time during mitosis. Importantly, all dividing cells expressing apoptin eventually underwent cell death either during mitosis or during the following interphase. We infer that apoptin can efficiently trigger cell death in dividing human tumor cells through induction of mitotic catastrophe. However, the killing activity of apoptin is not only confined to dividing cells, as the CAV-derived protein is also able to trigger caspase-3 activation and apoptosis in non-mitotic cancer cells.  相似文献   
Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a central organelle in eukaryotic cells that regulates protein synthesis and maturation. Perturbation of ER functions leads to ER stress, which has been previously associated with a broad variety of diseases. ER stress is generally regarded as compensatory, but prolonged ER stress has been involved in apoptosis induced by several cytotoxic agents. Choline kinase α (ChoKα), the first enzyme in the Kennedy pathway, is responsible for the generation of phosphorylcholine (PCho) that ultimately renders phosphatidylcholine. ChoKα overexpression and high PCho levels have been detected in several cancer types. Inhibition of ChoKα has demonstrated antiproliferative and antitumor properties; however, the mechanisms underlying these activities remain poorly understood. Here, we demonstrate that ChoKα inhibitors (ChoKIs), MN58b and RSM932A, induce cell death in cancer cells (T47D, MCF7, MDA-MB231, SW620 and H460), through the prolonged activation of ER stress response. Evidence of ChoKIs-induced ER stress includes enhanced production of glucose-regulated protein, 78 kDa (GRP78), protein disulfide isomerase, IRE1α, CHOP, CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein beta (C/EBPβ) and TRB3. Although partial reduction of ChoKα levels by small interfering RNA was not sufficient to increase the production of ER stress proteins, silencing of ChoKα levels also show a decrease in CHOP overproduction induced by ChoKIs, which suggests that ER stress induction is due to a change in ChoKα protein folding after binding to ChoKIs. Silencing of CHOP expression leads to a reduction in C/EBPβ, ATF3 and GRP78 protein levels and abrogates apoptosis in tumor cells after treatment with ChoKIs, suggesting that CHOP maintains ER stress responses and triggers the pro-apoptotic signal. Consistent with the differential effect of ChoKIs in cancer and primary cells previously described, ChoKIs only promoted a transient and moderated ER stress response in the non-tumorogenic cells MCF10A. In conclusion, pharmacological inhibition of ChoKα induces cancer cell death through a mechanism that involves the activation of exaggerated and persistent ER stress supported by CHOP overproduction.  相似文献   
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