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12-Oxo-trans-10-dodecenoic acid (trans-10-ODA) is an oxidation product of polyunsaturated fatty acids in plant tissues. The structural similarity of trans-10-ODA and traumatic acid, a compound considered to be a wound hormone, suggested that trans-10-ODA might be a precursor of traumatic acid. Both trans-10-ODA and traumatic acid were active in the Wehnelt bean assay. The results were more consistent with trans-10-ODA than with traumatic acid. Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. var. National Pickling) hypocotyls also showed a growth increase following treatment with trans-10-ODA, which suggested that trans-10-ODA has a more general influence on plant development than previously ascribed to traumatic acid.  相似文献   
In two fully-crossed, three-way, two-by-three-by-three, factorially arranged experiments, female weanling rats were fed a basal diet supplemented with iron at 15 and 45 μg/g, nickel at 0, 5, and 50 μg/g, and copper at either 0, 0.5, and 5 μ/g (Expt. 1) or 0, 0.25, and 12 μg/g (Expt. 2) A gram of basal diet contained in Expt. 1 approximately 16 ng of nickel, 2.3 μg of iron, and 0.47 μg of copper; and in Expt. 2, 20 ng of nickel, 1.3 μg of iron, and 0.39 μg of copper. Expt. 1 was terminated at 11 weeks, and Expt. 2 at 8 weeks because, at those times, some rats fed no supplemental copper and the high level of nickel began to lose weight, or die from heart rupture. The findings demonstrated that relationships are complex among nickel, copper, and iron. Nickel interacted with copper and this interaction was influenced by dietary iron. Signs of copper deficiency were more severe when nickel was supplemented to the diet provided that copper deprivation was neither very severe nor mild. Iron deprivation apparently enhanced the antagonism by exacerbating copper deficiency. Signs of copper deficiency that were made more severe by nickel supplementation were depressed weight gain (Expt. 2), hematocrit (Expt. 1), hemoglobin, and plasma alkaline phosphatase activity; and elevated ratios of heart wt/body wt, kidney wt/body wt, and liver wt/body wt. Because nickel and copper have similar physical and chemical properties, the interactions between those two elements were probably the result, of isomorphous replacement of copper by nickel at various functional sites that interfered with some biological processes.  相似文献   
A E Zimmerman  J Kraicer 《Life sciences》1978,22(16):1451-1461
Acid extracts of a) acutely dispersed rat pars intermedia (PI) cells, b) media after incubation of PI cells, c) whole nervosa-intermedia, and d) whole pars distalis, were chromatographed on Sephadex G-50 Fine in 1% acetic acid. Three peaks of ACTH biological activity were resolved in all four extracts. Peak I eluted in the void volume of the column, peak III co-eluted with synthetic ACTH1–39, and peak II eluted in an intermediate position. The predominant ACTH activity derived from the PI tissue was peak I, amounting to over 70% of the total ACTH activity present in that lobe. The positions of PI peaks I and II remained unaltered after rechromatography as well as after treatment with and chromatography in 8 M urea. However, peak I of PI ACTH was further resolved into two separate peaks by chromatography on Sephadex G-100 SF. Thus pars intermedia ACTH activity appears to be composed of four separate entities, with the predominant forms being larger than ACTH1–39.  相似文献   
Summary Nodal segments from in vitro culturedPetunia hybrida were grown under varying cultural conditions. The origin of nodal explants influenced vitrification. Basal segments formed a higher percentage of vitreous shoots than did the upper nodes. A method was developed for including polyethylene glycol with Gelrite to obtain gelled media of varying water potentials. Media water potential from −0.31 to −1.2 MPa had no effect on controlling the level of vitrification. Gelrite promoted vitrification but GIBCO agar, alone or in combination with Gelrite, reduced its occurrence. Lowering media NH4 content reduced vitrification, whereas sealing culture vessels with parafilm increased it. As it is now possible to control normal and vitreous plant development inPetunia, this can be used as a model system for studying the physiology and biochemistry of this developmental abnormality.  相似文献   
Heat shock and thermotolerance in plant and animal embryogenesis.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Although the strategies of early embryogenesis differ greatly among multicellular eukaryotes, there are certain parallels in structure, form, and function that cross even kingdom lines: the extreme heat sensitivity of zygotes and very early embryos, followed by the acquisition of thermotolerance during subsequent development, is one such parallel. The heat sensitivity may be so extreme that even moderate increases in temperature result in lethality (generally associated with the earliest phases of embryogenesis), or the effects may be less severe, resulting in defects in development but not in lethality. Mechanistically, and molecularly, these two forms of thermosensitivity appear to have different origins. On the one hand, outright lethality appears to result from an inability to induce heat shock genes and proteins; on the other hand, heat-induced developmental defects appear to result from an alteration in expression of non-heat shock genes and from a delay in the overall developmental program that generally accompanies the cell's response to heat shock. This review is focused on the developmental regulation of the heat shock response during early embryogenesis and on the impact of this regulation on the development of both animal and plant embryos. The two basic issues that we address here are (i) the expression of heat shock genes in the absence of heat shock during embryogenesis and (ii) the expression (or lack of expression) of heat shock genes after deliberate exposure of the embryos to heat shock and the consequences of this expression on its subsequent survival and development.  相似文献   
Reactive oxygen species do not activate isolated neutrophils, yet in vivo, such oxidants promote their adhesion to, and subsequent migration through, the vascular wall. We show human endothelial cells exposed to t-butylhydroperoxide shed large, sealed membrane vesicles that contained potent neutrophil agonists. This activity migrated on TLC like platelet-activating factor (PAF). Since neutrophils have a receptor for this phospholipid, which recognizes its unique characteristics including the short sn-2 acetyl residue, we examined the effect of PAF receptor antagonists and PAF acetylhydrolase on this activity. Structurally unrelated PAF receptor antagonists blocked neutrophil stimulation by vesicular phospholipids, and digestion with PAF acetylhydrolase, which is specific for short sn-2 residues, destroyed this activity. However, metabolic labeling, inhibition of synthesis, phospholipase A1 digestion, and high performance liquid chromatographic studies demonstrated that the vesicles did not contain PAF. Instead, the bioactivity migrated on high performance liquid chromatography like the phospholipids generated by oxidative fragmentation of synthetic arachidonoyl phosphatidylcholine that we have shown previously (Smiley, P. L., Stremler, K. E., Prescott, S. M., Zimmerman, G. A., and McIntyre, T. M. (1991) J. Biol. Chem. 266, 11104-11110) to stimulate neutrophils through their receptor for PAF. Thus, peroxide treatment of endothelial cells fragments cellular phosphatidylcholines, forming novel PAF-like phospholipids, and induces the shedding of membrane vesicles that contain these bioactive phospholipids.  相似文献   
Carbovir (9-[4 alpha-(hydroxymethyl)cyclopent-2-ene-1 alpha-yl]guanine) (CBV) is a carbocyclic analogue of 2',3'-dideoxyguanosine that exhibits potent and selective in vitro activity against human immunodeficiency virus. Antiviral activity is associated with only the (-)-enantiomer. The transport characteristics of both (-)-CBV and (+)-CBV were investigated in human erythrocytes at 37 degrees C using a papaverine-stop assay. The influx of both enantiomers appeared saturable and was inhibited greater than 90% by a combination of adenine (a low Km permeant of the nucleobase carrier) and dilazep (a potent inhibitor of nucleoside transport). The influx of (-)-CBV and (+)-CBV proceeded primarily via the nucleobase carrier with Vmax (picomoles/second/5 microliters of cells)/Km (millimolar) values of 17/0.12 and 140/1.9, respectively. To a lesser extent, the influx of (-)-CBV and (+)-CBV also occurred via the nucleoside transporter. Although both compounds exhibited a similar low affinity for this latter carrier (Km approximately 2 mM), the Vmax for (-)-CBV influx was approximately 4-fold higher than the Vmax for (+)-CBV influx. We conclude that both CBV enantiomers enter human erythrocytes by two transporters that are enantiomerically selective.  相似文献   
We have used the technique of phosphate: water oxygen exchange to measure the rate of ATP and Pi release and Pi binding to myosin subfragment 1 and actomyosin subfragment 1 from rabbit skeletal muscle. The oxygen exchange distributions for ATP and Pi release fit a simple kinetic model with a single set of rate constants for each step. For actomyosin subfragment 1 (20 degrees C, pH 7.0, I = 50 mM), the rate constant governing ATP release is approximately 8 s-1, Pi release is at approximately 60 s-1 and Pi rebinds to an ADP state at greater than 120 M-1 s-1. These rate constants are similar to those that may occur for undistorted cross-bridges within glycerinated rabbit psoas fibers (Bowater, R., Webb, M. R., and Ferenczi, M. A. (1989) J. Biol. Chem. 264, 7193-7201.  相似文献   
A procedure for the quantitation of reactions between specific members of a set of DNA restriction fragments is presented. Quantitation of the cohesive fragments in NruI nuclease digests of lambda DNA is used as an example. Restriction fragments are resolved on agarose gels and their amounts are estimated from densitometer scans of photographic negatives of ethidium bromide-stained gels. A linear relationship is found between the peak height of given fragment on the scan and the logarithm of the molecular weight of the fragment, arising in part from the stoichiometry of the digest; this relationship allows simple interpolation between the peak heights of the nonreacting fragments in each gel lane to determine the theoretical maximal amount of each reactive fragment in that gel lane. Similar procedures should be applicable to enzymatic ligation or to site-specific cleavage of specific restriction fragments or to autoradiographic detection of the fragments. Since each lane of the gel is analyzed independently, the method is largely self-correcting for variations in amounts applied to the gel.  相似文献   
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