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为了揭示牛科物种INHA基因的遗传特征,该文采用PCR产物直接测序法对水牛、大额牛和牦牛INHA基因外显子1及其侧翼序列进行多态性检测,并结合已发表的包括牛科物种在内的一些哺乳动物数据进行了比较分析。结果表明,在水牛INHA基因外显子1中存在c.73C>A替换,为同义替换,河流型和沼泽型水牛编码产物一致;在大额牛的INHA基因外显子1中发现c.62C>T、c.187G>A替换,分别引起INHA中氨基酸发生p.P21L、p.V63M改变,两者均为相同性质氨基酸的替换;在牦牛中发现c.62C>T、c.129A>G替换,前者也引起编码氨基酸发生p.P21L替换,后者为同义替换。在INHA基因5’侧翼区所测出的序列中,水牛、大额牛和牦牛等物种内均未发现SNP位点,但在种间发现存在c.-6T>G的替换,大额牛、牦牛和普通牛均为c.-6G,而水牛为c.-6T。在INHA基因内含子中,水牛的第31~36位核苷酸处发现有6个碱基的缺失,即c.262+31262+36delTCTGAC;该位点在河流型水牛中野生型(+/+)占主体,而在沼泽型水牛中则缺失型(-/-)占主体。在大额牛、牦牛和普通牛等其它牛科物种的内含子中均未发现该缺失,但与水牛相比,大额牛、牦牛和普通牛内含子中发现缺失c.262+78262+79delTG。序列比对显示,INHA基因外显子1序列中c.43A和c.67G为水牛中所特有,而c.173A和c.255G为大额牛、牦牛和普通牛所共有,c.24C、c.47G、c.174T和c.206T为山羊所特有。大额牛、牦牛和普通牛间INHA基因外显子1序列差异较小,而山羊和水牛与它们间的差异相对较大。  相似文献   
以狭果茶藨子果实为原料,多糖提取量为考察指标,通过单因素试验及响应面试验对多糖提取工艺进行优化,结果表明最佳多糖制备工艺条件为:提取温度40℃,时间30 min,料液比1∶30 g/mL,此时狭果茶藨子中多糖提取量达115.32 mg/g;流变学特性研究表明狭果茶藨子果实多糖溶液属于非牛顿流体,多糖溶液表现出剪切稀化的现象,当多糖质量浓度为1.0%时,其流变学特性与0.1%的羧甲基纤维素钠溶液相似,且过酸、过碱的环境均不会改变狭果茶藨子果实多糖溶液的流变学特性;抗氧化试验结果表明狭果茶藨子果实多糖具有潜在的抗氧化能力,对DPPH自由基的清除能力低于抗坏血酸,而对羟自由基的清除能力显著高于抗坏血酸。本研究结果可为狭果茶藨子果实多糖在食品领域的开发利用提供理论依据。  相似文献   
近年来,以枝条萎蔫、枝干干枯直至整株枯死为典型症状的番石榴枯萎病在广州南沙区严重发生。为明确该病害的病因,我们进行了病害调查、标本采集、病原菌分离和致病性测定;通过病原菌的显微形态比较和基于多基因系统发育分析,鉴定了病原菌种类;通过对寄主不同部位接种,测定了病原菌对寄主根、茎干和果的侵染能力。结果表明,引起广州南沙番石榴枯萎病的病原菌为番石榴纳氏霉Nalanthamala psidii,该菌不仅能从有伤的枝条侵染造成整株枯死,还能从根部侵染,使植株生长明显减缓,最终造成植株枯死,此外还可以侵染果实造成腐烂症状。本研究明确了广州南沙发生的番石榴枯萎病与中国台湾、马来西亚和南非报道的番石榴立枯病是一种病害,均是由番石榴纳氏霉侵染引起,为该病害的侵染特性及防控技术研究提供理论依据。  相似文献   
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small non-coding RNAs that regulate protein-coding gene expression primarily found in plants and animals. Fungi produce microRNA-like RNAs (milRNAs) that are structurally similar to miRNAs and functionally important in various biological processes. The fungus Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense (Foc) is the causal agent of Banana Fusarium vascular wilt that threatens global banana production. It remains uncharacterized about the biosynthesis and functions of milRNAs in Foc. In this study, we investigated the biological function of milRNAs contributing to Foc pathogenesis. Within 24 hours post infecting the host, the Argonaute coding gene FoQDE2, and two Dicer coding genes FoDCL1 and FoDCL2, all of which are involved in milRNA biosynthesis, were significantly induced. FoQDE2 deletion mutant exhibited decreased virulence, suggesting the involvement of milRNA biosynthesis in the Foc pathogenesis. By small RNA sequencing, we identified 364 small RNA-producing loci in the Foc genome, 25 of which were significantly down-regulated in the FoQDE2 deletion mutant, from which milR-87 was verified as a FoQDE2-depedent milRNA based on qRT-PCR and Northern blot analysis. Compared to the wild-type, the deletion mutant of milR-87 was significantly reduced in virulence, while overexpression of milR-87 enhanced disease severity, confirming that milR-87 is crucial for Foc virulence in the infection process. We furthermore identified FOIG_15013 (a glycosyl hydrolase-coding gene) as the direct target of milR-87 based on the expression of FOIG_15013-GFP fusion protein. The FOIG_15013 deletion mutant displayed similar phenotypes as the overexpression of milR-87, with a dramatic increase in the growth, conidiation and virulence. Transient expression of FOIG_15013 in Nicotiana benthamiana leaves activates the host defense responses. Collectively, this study documents the involvement of milRNAs in the manifestation of the devastating fungal disease in banana, and demonstrates the importance of milRNAs in the pathogenesis and other biological processes. Further analyses of the biosynthesis and expression regulation of fungal milRNAs may offer a novel strategy to combat devastating fungal diseases.  相似文献   
1. Community concordance measures the level of association between the compositional patterns shown by two groups of organisms. If strong community concordance occurs, one group could be used as a surrogate for another in conservation planning and biodiversity monitoring. In this study, we evaluated the variability in the strength of community concordance, the likely mechanisms underlying community concordance and the degree to which one community can predict another in a set of Neotropical floodplain lakes (Upper Paraná River floodplain, Brazil). 2. We used a data set including six aquatic communities: fish, macrophytes, benthic macroinvertebrates, zooplankton, phytoplankton and periphyton. We used Mantel and PROTEST approaches to evaluate the levels of community concordance in up to four sampling periods. Also, we used partial Mantel test and information about biotic interactions to investigate reasons for observed patterns of concordance. Finally, we used co‐correspondence analysis to evaluate the performance of one taxonomic group in predicting the structures of other communities. 3. The levels of community concordance varied over time for almost all cross‐taxa comparisons. Concordance between phytoplankton and periphyton probably resulted from similar responses to environmental gradients, whereas other patterns of concordance were likely generated by interactions among groups. However, the levels of predictability were low, and no particular taxonomic group significantly predicted all other groups. 4. The low and temporally variable levels of community concordance cast doubts on the use of surrogate groups for biodiversity management in Neotropical floodplains.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Pockmarks (depressions in the seabed) have been discovered throughout the world's oceans and are often related to hydrocarbon seepage. Although high concentrations of pockmarks are present in the seabed overlaying the Troll oil and gas reservoir in the northern North Sea, geological surveys have not detected hydrocarbon seepage in this area at the present time. In this study we have used metagenomics to characterize the prokaryotic communities inhabiting the surface sediments in the Troll area in relation to geochemical parameters, particularly related to hydrocarbon presence. We also investigated the possibility of increased potential for methane oxidation related to the pockmarks. Five metagenomes from pockmarks and plain seabed sediments were sequenced by pyrosequencing (Roche/454) technology. In addition, two metagenomes from seabed sediments geologically unlikely to be influenced by hydrocarbon seepage (the Oslofjord) were included. The taxonomic distribution and metabolic potential of the metagenomes were analyzed by multivariate analysis and statistical comparisons to reveal variation within and between the two sampling areas. RESULTS: The main difference identified between the two sampling areas was an overabundance of predominantly autotrophic nitrifiers, especially Nitrosopumilus, and oligotrophic marine Gammaproteobacteria in the Troll metagenomes compared to the Oslofjord. Increased potential for degradation of hydrocarbons, especially aromatic hydrocarbons, was detected in two of the Troll samples: one pockmark sample and one from the plain seabed. Although presence of methanotrophic organisms was indicated in all samples, no overabundance in pockmark samples compared to the Oslofjord samples supports no, or only low level, methane seepage in the Troll pockmarks at the present time. CONCLUSIONS: Given the relatively low content of total organic carbon and great depths of hydrocarbon containing sediments in the Troll area, it is possible that at least part of the carbon source available for the predominantly autotrophic nitrifiers thriving in this area originates from sequential prokaryotic degradation and oxidation of hydrocarbons to CO2. By turning CO2 back into organic carbon this subcommunity could play an important environmental role in these dark oligotrophic sediments. The oxidation of ammonia to nitrite and nitrate in this process could further increase the supply of terminal electron acceptors for hydrocarbon degradation.  相似文献   
目的:构建同时携带低氧诱导因子-1α(HIF-1α)和角质细胞生长因子(KGF)N腺病毒载体(pAdxsi-GFP-HIF-KGF),观察其在防治肺损伤潜在的应用前景。方法:低氧处理A549细胞后提取总RNA并逆转录为eDNA作为模板,依据GeneBank公布的HIF-1α cDNA设计引物,并分别引入KpnI和BamHI酶切位点,PCR扩增后将目的基因HIF-1α连接到载体pShuttle-CMV-EGFP上,构建重组质粒pShuttle-GFP—HIF。然后以质粒plRES2-EGFP-KGF为模板,用引入NheI和PmeI酶切位点的引物PCR扩增KGF基因并克隆到重组质粒pShuttle-GFP-HIF上,获得穿梭质粒重组质粒pShuttle—GFP-HIF—KGF。采用细菌内重组方法将目的序列重组到pAdxsi病毒骨架栽体上构建携带HIF.10t和KGF双基因的重组腺病毒载体pAdxsi-GFP-HIF-KGF。检测重组腺病毒滴度后,转染人肺泡上皮细胞A549,检测目的基因的转染表达。结果:通过对构建质粒克隆进行测序及酶切,证实携带HIF—lot和KGF双基因的重组腺病毒载体pAdxsi-GFP-HIF-KGF构建成功,且构建的重组腺病毒纯度好、滴度高。用pAdxsi-GFP-HIF-KGF以100MOI转染A549细胞后24h后在荧光显微镜下可观察到细胞有较强的绿色荧光表达,48h时荧光更强;转染48hELISA法检测培养上清中HIF-1蛋白表达水平为(56.36±4.53)ng/mL,KGF蛋白表达水平为(60.20±2.92)ng/mL。结论:成功构建了腺病毒栽体pAdxsi-GFP-HIF-KGF,其转染效率及目的基因的蛋白表达水平较高,具有潜在的进一步在肺损伤局部应用的前景,为后期制备可以同时发挥KGF、HIF-1作用的基因治疗药物打下基础,同时为高海拔地区应激性急性肺损伤的有效防治提供实验基础。  相似文献   
Fusarium wilt disease of banana is one of the most harmful fungal diseases affecting banana production worldwide. We hypothetically proposed that the loss of indigenous endophytes in tissue culture propagation of banana might be related to increased disease severity on banana plants. In the present study, a mixture of uncultivated endophytes, which was originally derived from native healthy banana plant in plantation, was used to artificially inoculate banana tissue culture plantlets. A broad spectrum of bacterial communities was detected in the roots of artificially inoculated plantlets by 16S ribosomal RNA gene analysis, and γ-Proteobacteria was identified as the dominant group. Banana wilt pathogen Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense race 4 was inoculated to the plantlets after potting to investigate disease progress. With early diagnosis of fungal pathogen infection, 54% reduction was detected in artificially inoculated plantlets compared to endophyte-free control plantlets. The re-introduction of naturally-occurring endophytes into tissue culture banana plantlets led to a 67% suppression rate of wilt disease at the fifth month after pathogen infection on plantlets in the greenhouse. In addition to disease suppression, growth of host plantlets was also promoted with the inoculation of endophytes. The artificial inoculation method provided a foundational understanding of ecological enrichment to control banana wilt disease in future.  相似文献   
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