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Some properties of a hydrogenase from the recently isolated phototrophic sulfur bacterium Lamprobacter modestohalophilus strain Syvash and its resistance to a number of inactivating factors have been investigated. The enzyme consists of two subunits, 64 and 30 kD; pI = 4.5. The optimal pH was 8.5-9.5 for hydrogen uptake and 4.0 for H2 evolution. Hydrogenase preparations were resistant to the effects of O2, CO, and temperature, revealing high stability under storage. A considerable inactivation of the enzyme was observed at temperatures above 80 degrees C; the temperature optimum of methyl viologen reduction by H2 was 85 degrees C. Inhibitory effects of Ni2+, Cd2+, and Mg2+ on the hydrogenase activity were shown to be reversible and competitive with respect to methyl viologen in the hydrogen oxidation reaction.  相似文献   
Microbial communities growing in the bed of the alkaline, sulfide hot spring Bol'sherechenskii (the Baikal rift area) were studied over many years (1986-2001). The effluent water temperature ranged from 72 to 74 degrees C, pH was from 9.25 to 9.8, and sulfide content was from 12 to 13.4 mg/ml. Simultaneous effects of several extreme factors restrict the spread of phototrophic microorganisms. Visible microbial fouling appears with a decrease in the temperature to 62 degrees C and in the sulfide content to 5.9 mg/l. Cyanobacteria predominated in all biological zones of the microbial mat. The filamentous cyanobacteria of the genus Phormidium are the major mat-forming organisms, whereas unicellular cyanobacteria and the filamentous green bacterium Chloroflexus aurantiacus are minor components of the phototrophic communities. No cyanobacteria of the species Mastigocladus laminosus, typical of neutral and subacid springs, were identified. Seventeen species of both anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria and cyanobacteria were isolated from the microbial mats, most of which exhibited optimum growth at 20 to 45 degrees C. The anoxygenic phototrophs were neutrophiles with pH optimum at about 7. The cyanobacteria were the most adapted to the alkaline conditions in the spring. Their optimum growth was observed at pH 8.5-9.0. As determined by the in situ radioisotope method, the optimal growth and decomposition rates were observed at 40-32 degrees C, which is 10 to 15 degrees C lower than the same parameter in the sulfide-deficient Octopus Spring (Yellowstone, United States). The maximum chlorophyll a concentration was 555 mg/m2 at 40 degrees C. Total rate of photosynthesis in the mats reached 1.3 g C/m2 per day. The maximum rate of dark fixation of carbon dioxide in the microbial mats was 0.806 g C/m2 per day. The maximum rate of sulfate reduction comprised 0.367 g S/m2 per day at 40 degrees C. The rate of methanogenesis did not exceed 1.188 micrograms C/m2 per day. The role of methanogenesis in the terminal decomposition of the organic matter was insignificant. Methane formation consumed 100 times less organic matter than sulfate reduction.  相似文献   
A new nonmotile purple sulfur bacterium (strain M9) was isolated from the steppe soda lake Lake Dzun Uldziin Nur (pH 9.4; mineralization, 3.3%) situated in southeastern Mongolia. Individual cells appear as vibrios 0.3–0.5 × 0.7–1 m in size. The dividing cells often do not separate from each other, forming an almost closed ring. The internal photosynthetic membranes are represented by concentric lamellae lining the cell wall. Photosynthetic pigments are bacteriochlorophyll a and carotenoids of the spirilloxanthin series. The main carotenoid (>96%) is spirilloxanthin. Two typical light-harvesting complexes (LH1 and LH2) are present in the membranes in a 1 : 1 ratio. The bacterium is an anaerobe and facultative photoorganoheterotroph. Photolithoautotrophic growth on sulfide is scarce. Thiosulfate is utilized as an electron donor only in the presence of organic matter. Globules of elemental sulfur are formed as an intermediary product of sulfide and thiosulfate oxidation and are deposited outside the cells. The end product of oxidation is sulfate. In the presence of sulfide and carbonates, acetate, lactate, malate, pyruvate, propionate, succinate, and fumarate are used as additional sources of carbon in anoxygenic photosynthesis. Vitamins are not required. The bacterium is an alkaliphile, the pH optimum is at 8.3–9.1, the pH range is 7.6–10.1. The optimum NaCl concentration in the medium is 1 to 7%; the range is 0.5 to 0.9%. The optimum carbonate content in the medium is 2%; the range is 1 to 10%. The best growth occurs at 30–35°C. The DNA G+C content is 57.5 mol %. According to the results of analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequences, the new isolate M9 belongs to the phylogenetic cluster containing representatives of the family Ectothiorhodospiraceae within the class Gammaproteobacteria. In this class, the new isolate forms a new branch, which occupies an intermediate position between the representatives of the genera Ectothiorhodospira and Thiorhodospira. Based on the phenotypic and genetic characteristics, the new purple sulfur bacterium was assigned to a new species of a new genus of the family Ectothiorhodospiraceae, Ectothiorhodosinus mongolicum gen. nov., sp. nov.  相似文献   
The results of studying the horizontal transfer of mercury resistance determinants in environmental bacterial populations are reviewed. Identical or highly homologous mercury resistance (mer) operons and transposons were found in bacteria of different taxonomic groups from geographically distant regions. Recombinant mer operons and transposons were revealed. The data suggest high frequencies of horizontal transfer and of recombination for mercury resistance determinants. The mechanisms of horizontal gene transfer were elucidated in Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. New transposons were found and analyzed.  相似文献   
Microbiological analysis showed that the cultural layers of soils in excavated medieval Russian settlements differ from the surrounding soils in that the cultural layers have more fungal spores, their morphology is more diverse, the species diversity of microscopic fungi is higher, and the Penicillium species that are able to grow at an elevated temperature (37 degrees C) are more frequent.  相似文献   
The EcoRI and HindII restriction endonucleases and pBR325 vector plasmid were used to obtain a set of hybrid plasmids containing ColIb-P9 fragments carrying the characters for colicin Ib synthesis and immunity and the ability to inhibit T5 phage growth. The genes responsible for colicin synthesis and immunity are closely linked and localized in the EcoRI fragment with a molecular weight of 1.85 MD (pIV41) or in the HindII fragment of 2.4 MD (pIV1). The clones containing these plasmids show an increased level of both spontaneous and mitomycin C-induced colicin synthesis and an increased level of immunity due to a larger dosage of the genes. The genes controlling T5 growth inhibition are localized in other restriction fragments of ColIb DNA: the EcoRI fragment of 1.45 MD (pIV7) and the HindII fragment of 4.3 MD (pIV5). We have demonstrated by means of hybrid plasmids that T5 growth inhibition is not connected with the colicin Ib synthesized in infected cells and is controlled by other specific product(s) of the ColIb plasmid genes. T5 phage growth was as efficient in clones containing plasmids with cloned colicin Ib genes as in a strain without plasmids. An investigation of the expression of the genes inhibiting T5 phage growth in an in vitro protein synthesis system has revealed a protein with a molecular weight of 36 000 which seems to take part in the process.  相似文献   
Summary An opr24 mutation decreasing the degradation of RNA polymerase subunits was found among the Ts+ revertants of Ts strain carring an rpoC1 mutation which stimulates overproduction of these polypeptides. The opr24 mutation is allele-non-specific, for it decreases the degradation of the mutant and subunits, the amberfragment of the subunit and the non-mutant subunit. Moreover, opr24 reduces the proteolysis of abnormal proteins containing canavanine.The opr24 mutation maps between 17 and 21 min on the E. coli genetic map.The results demonstrate that a slow proteolysis rate in the bacterial cell can supress conditional lethal mutations.In addition, the slower degradation and the ensuing accumulation of subunits does not effect the rate of the subunit synthesis.  相似文献   
The 6645-bp mercury resistance transposon of the chemolithotrophic bacterium Thiobacillus ferrooxidans was cloned and sequenced. This transposon, named Tn5037, belongs to the Tn21 branch of the Tn21 subgroup, many members of which have been isolated from clinical sources. Having the minimum set of the genes (merRTPA), the mercury resistance operon of Tn5037 is organized similarly to most of the Gram-negative bacteria mer operons and is closest to that of Thiobacillus 3.2. The operator-promoter region of the mer operon of Tn5037 also has the common (Tn21/Tn501-like) structure. However, its inverted, presumably MerR protein binding repeats in the operator/promoter element are two base pairs shorter than in Tn21/Tn501. In the merA region, this transposon shares 77.4, 79.1, 83.2 and 87.8% identical bases with Tn21, Tn501, T. ferrooxidance E-15, and Thiobacillus 3.2, respectively. No inducibility of the Tn5037 mer operon was detected in the in vivo experiments. The transposition system (terminal repeats plus gene tnpA) of Tn5037 was inactive in Escherichia coli K12, in contrast to its resolution system (res site plus gene tnpR). However, transposition of Tn5037 in this host was provided by the tnpA gene of Tn5036, a member of the Tn21 subgroup. Sequence analysis of the Tn5037 res site suggested its recombinant nature.  相似文献   
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