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The member of the kinesin-14 subfamily, KIFC1, is a carboxyl-terminal motor protein that plays an important role in the elongation of nucleus and acrosome biogenesis during the spermiogenesis of mammals. Here, we had cloned and sequenced the cDNA of a mammalian KIFC1 homologue (termed ec-KIFC1) from the total RNA of the testis of the reptile Eumeces chinensis. The full-length sequence was 2,339 bp that contained a 216 bp 5′-untranslated region (5′UTR), a 194 bp 3′-untranslated region (3′UTR) and a 1,929 bp open reading frame that encoded a special protein of 643 amino acids (aa). The calculated molecular weight of the putative ec-KIFC1 was 71 kDa and its estimated isoelectric point was 9.47. The putative ec-KIFC1 protein owns a tail domain from 1 to 116 aa, a stalk domain from 117 to 291 aa and a conserved carboxyl motor domain from 292 to 642 aa. Protein alignment demonstrated that ec-KIFC1 had 45.6, 42.8, 44.6, 36.9, 43.7, 46.4, 45.1, 55.6 and 49.8 % identity with its homologues in Mus musculus, Salmo salar, Danio rerio, Eriocheir sinensis, Rattus norvegicus, Homo sapiens, Bos taurus, Gallus gallus and Xenopus laevis, respectively. Tissue expression analysis showed the presence of ovary, heart, liver, intestine, oviduct, testis and muscle. The phylogenetic tree revealed that ec-KIFC1 was more closely related to vertebrate KIFC1 than to invertebrate KIFC1. In situ hybridization showed that the ec-KIFC1 mRNA was localized in the periphery of the nuclear membrane and the center of the nucleus in early spermatids. In mid spermatids, the ec-KIFC1 had abundant expression in the center of nucleus, and was expressed in the tail and the anterior part of spermatids. In the late spermatid, the nucleus gradually became elongated, and the ec-KIFC1 mRNA signal was still centralized in the nucleus. In mature spermatids, the signal of the ec-KIFC1 gradually became weak, and was mainly located at the tail of spermatids. Therefore, the ec-KIFC1 probably plays a critical role in the spermatogenesis of E. chinensis.  相似文献   
为了研究Ⅱ型糖尿病(NIDDM)患者红细胞膜血型糖蛋白A(GPA)的基因表达,采用不连续聚蔗糖(Percol)密度梯度法分离15名正常人和25例NIDDM患者外周血的网织红细胞,提取其总RNA,继以Northern斑点杂交观测此两组的红细胞膜GPA基因的表达水平.采用碱性磷酸酶酶联免疫检测完成红细胞膜GP的Western印迹.结果表明,NIDDM患者组红细胞膜GPA的mRNA含量较正常人组显著增加(分别为11.92±10.5和10.18±1.08积分光密度,P<0.01).免疫印迹图谱显示,有6例NIDDM患者的区带3a、3b界限模糊,3例的区带3a、3b和4明显浅染.推测NIDDM患者红细胞膜GPA减少可能引起其基因表达呈代偿性增强,而障碍或许出现在翻译环节上,这些与NIDDM患者红细胞变形能力(RCD)的明显降低甚为相符.  相似文献   
随着分子生物学及基因工程技术的迅猛发展 ,基因治疗已经成为治疗人类疾病的重要方法之一 ,同时也是维护人类健康最有发展前景的手段之一。诸如遗传病、肿瘤、和传染病与心血管病的基因治疗。遗传免疫方面 ,病毒性疾病和肿瘤的基因治疗 ,如将病毒抗原基因 (HBsAg)及一些肿瘤抗原基因 (CEA)直接注入人体内而产生抗体 ;人类亚健康状态 ,如肥胖、秃顶、疲劳、衰老等的基因治疗。然而基因治疗目前仍面临着许多困扰 ,如基因治疗的有效性、安全性、及社会伦理等诸多问题 ,因此在临床实际应用中要慎之又慎。只有对基因治疗合理规范和正确引导并遵循伦理原则 ,才能最终推动现代医学的发展。  相似文献   
中籼杂交水稻亲本多态性的AFLP分析   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
唐梅  何光华  裴炎 《遗传》2002,24(4):439-441
对15个籼型杂交水稻亲本进行AFLP分析,结果表明:亲本间遗传距离小,在0.0589-0.3305之间,平均为0.2033。15个亲本按类平均法可聚为两类,Ⅰ类为不育系,Ⅱ类为恢复系。其中Ⅱ类又分为两个亚类,Ⅱ-1不含明恢63血缘、Ⅱ-2全部含明恢63血缘。Ⅰ/Ⅱ-1与Ⅰ/Ⅱ-2间的遗传距离无明显差异,揭示恢复系的遗传基础较一致,这可能是当前的品种不能超过籼优63的重要原因之一。要提高水稻的杂种优势,需丰富亲本的遗传基础,扩大其遗传差异。  相似文献   
诱导型一氧化氮合酶(iNOS)基因表达的调控   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
一氧化氮(NO)自由基有多方面的生物学功能。随着研究的深入,发现NO能与超氧阴离子(O-2·)反应生成激发态亚硝酸(ONOOH*),它与靶分子能产生羟自由基(·OH)和二氧化氮(NO2)样反应,在体内原先认为的一些NO效应,现在知道主要是由于ONOO...  相似文献   
AiiA蛋白的可溶性表达及其抗菌活性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
AHLs是革兰氏阴性细菌在增殖过程中产生的一类信号分子,与其致病性密切相关。AiiA蛋白作为一种胞内解酯酶.能水解致病菌产生的AHb分子,使内酯环开环后不能再激活某些胞外酶的表达.从而极大地减弱了细菌的致病性。本研究从苏云金芽孢杆菌LLB15中分离编码aiiA基因的质粒DNA。用PCR方法克隆面讲基因,并利用pET载体构建6-His融合表达质粒pET29a-aiiA,转化E.coli BL21(DE3)菌株,并筛选得到E.coli BL21(DE3)-pET29a-aiiA工程菌。在20℃的低温和0.8mmol/LIPTG条件下。经25h的诱导表达,获得了54.4ug/mL可溶性AiiA蛋白。通过镍柱亲和层析,在国内外首次纯化了带6-His标记的AiiA蛋白。水解活性和抗病性检测表明,该蛋白能水解AHLs分子.对胡萝卜欧文氏软腐病菌具有较强的抗病作用。  相似文献   
Squalene epoxidase (SE) catalyzes the conversion of squalene to (3S)-2,3-oxidosqualene. Photolabeling and site-directed mutagenesis were performed on recombinant rat SE (rrSE) in order to identify the location of the substrate-binding site and the roles of key residues in catalysis. Truncated 50-kDa rrSE was purified and photoaffinity labeled by competitive SE inhibitor (Ki=18.4 microM), [(3)H]TNSA-Dza. An 8-kDa CNBr/BNPS-skatole peptide was purified and the first 24 amino acids were sequenced by Edman degradation. The sequence PASFLPPSSVNKRGVLLLGDAYNL corresponded to residues 388-411 of the full-length rat SE. Three nucleophilic residues (Lys-399, Arg-400, and Asp-407) were labeled by [(3)H]TNSA-Dza. Triple mutants were prepared in which bulky groups were used to replace the labeled charged residues. Purified mutant enzymes showed lower enzymatic activity and reduced photoaffinity labeling by [(3)H]TNSA-Dza. This constitutes the first evidence as to the identity of the substrate-binding site of SE.  相似文献   
目的:研究铅对水稻植物激素含量的影响.方法:以湘早籼24和八两优100为材料,通过盆栽试验,采用高效液相色谱法测定不同浓度铅处理下水稻根和叶中植物激素的含量.结果:在低浓度铅胁迫下,湘早籼24叶中GA1和CTK含量以及与ABA比值、八两优100叶中GA1和IAA含量以及与ABA比值均增加,两个品种根中GA1和IAA含量以及与ABA比值增加、而ABA含量均有降低趋势.在高浓度铅胁迫下,两个品种的叶和根中GA1、IAA和CTK含量以及与ABA比值均降低;根中ABA含量增加.两个品种叶中ABA含量均随铅处理浓度的增加而增加.结论:低浓度铅能促进水稻的生长发育,而在高浓度铅胁迫下,水稻的生长发育受到抑制,这些作用与其差异调节水稻体内多种植物激素含量和激素间比值有关.  相似文献   
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