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滇金丝猴(Rhinopithecusbieti)现状及其保护对策研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
滇金丝猴(Rhinopithecusbieti)是我国特有的珍稀濒危动物,生活在海拔3800~4300m的原始冷杉林中,但有时也会在4300~4700m的低矮灌丛、草甸和流石滩上活动达数小时之久,甚至能跨越近千米的无林高海拔地带,因而它们是海拔分布最高的非人灵长类。松萝是它们的主要食物,取食松萝的时间占总取食时间的91%。猴群活动范围可达近百平方公里。笔者在历时8年的野外考察中,已查明这一物种的全部现存自然种群只有13个,分布在云南的德钦、兰坪、潍西、丽江和西藏的芒康这五县境内,其现存种群数量为1000~1500只;所有现存自然种群几乎均处在相互隔离的状态,群间已不可能进行基因交流,充分表明它们已到达灭绝边缘。然而其栖息地内的商业伐木规模仍在继续扩大,周围的人口压力正在不断增加,各猴群均面临不同程度的偷猎压力。这一现状委实令人担忧。如何拯救这一“国宝”应引起我国保护学家和各级政府有关职能部门的重视  相似文献   
福建万木林天然马尾松林分特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
福建万木林天然马尾松林为以马尾松占绝对优势的松阀混交林,物种多样性与四周的天然阔叶林相近,林分蓄积量高达984.2m3hm-2,是罕见的、典型的天然马尾松丰产林,为珍贵的自然资源。  相似文献   
逆境相关植物锌指蛋白的研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
锌是植物必需的营养元素,锌指蛋白因其具有指状结构特征且能结合Zn2 而得名,植物锌指蛋白包含特有的QALGGH保守结构,可能涉及调控植物特有的生物学功能。人们已经从拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)、矮牵牛(Petunia hybrida Vilm)、水稻(Oryza sativa)、大豆(Glycine max)、棉花(Gossypium hirsutum)等植物中克隆了许多编码锌指蛋白的基因,并对其结构及功能进行了研究。利用转基因技术,将一些与逆境胁迫相关的锌指蛋白基因在目标植物中过量表达后,能对植物起到增强抗逆性的作用,说明锌指蛋白在增强植物逆境抗性方面有着广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   
The as-quenched (AQ) microstructure of the Ag-containing alloys was found to be essentially a mixture of austenite (γ) and Ag phases. The Ag phase precipitates had a face-centered-cubic structure and lattice parameter a = 4.09 Å. When the alloy contained Ag ≥0.2 wt%, the mechanical properties were slightly enhanced because of the precipitate strengthening by the Ag phase precipitates. Moreover, the Ag-containing alloys exhibited ductile fracture after tensile testing. The results of an antibacterial test revealed that the Ag phase precipitates play a key role in the antibacterial mechanism of Ag-containing alloys: Ag+ ions released from the Ag phase precipitates can kill bacteria. It is suggested that as AISI 316L alloy has an Ag content ≥0.2 wt%, it will have excellent antibacterial properties against both Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli, with an antibacterial rate of nearly 100%.  相似文献   
Complementary DNAs encoding homologs of the tumor suppressor gene, p53, were characterized from two lepidopteran insects, Bombyx mori (Bm) and Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf). They encoded predicted proteins of 368 (41.2 kDa) (Bm) and 374 (42.5 kDa) (Sf) amino acids. The sequences shared 44% amino acid and 60% nucleotide sequence identity with each other, but exhibited less than 20% amino acid and 46% nucleotide sequence identity to Drosophila melanogaster p53. Despite the sequence diversity, conserved amino acids involved in DNA and zinc binding were present in the lepidopteran sequences. Expression of Sfp53-induced apoptosis in S. frugiperda cells, and antiserum made against recombinant Sfp53 recognized a protein whose abundance increased after treatment with DNA damaging agents.  相似文献   
广西南宁、柳州、桂林城市园林植物的调查与分析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
温远光  黄志辉   《广西植物》1992,12(3):279-287
于1988年春,对广西南宁、柳州、桂林市区的园林植物作了全面调查。结果如下:1)三市区园林植物较丰富,其中南宁市351种隶属245属108科;柳州76科152属198种;桂林76科144属172种。2)园林植物的性状组成中,乔木占50—60%;灌木占20—30%,草本和藤本分别占15%和5%。3)园林植物的主要科是桑科、大戟科、棕榈科、木兰科、桃金娘科、苏木科、蔷薇科、樟科等;优势种是扁桃、人面子、柠檬桉、羊蹄甲、芒果、阴香、樟树、榕树、桂花、银桦、大红花、夹竹桃、九里香、正木等。4)园林植物的区系成分以热带—亚热带为主。5)园林植物的分布以公园最为丰富,其种数占总种数的67—87%,街道和阳台分别为43%和30%。6)不同市区园林植物的优势科、优势种、区系成分、生态外貌有明显差异,反映出各自的特点。与当地自然景观相一致。最后,在调查分析的基础上,对城市园林绿化的发展问题讨论。  相似文献   
含铬重组液激活部分缺失金属原子簇的钼铁蛋白的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
棕色固氮菌(Azotobacter vinelandii)固氮酶钼铁蛋白经邻菲口罗啉和O2 处理后,变为部分缺失FeMoco 和P-cluster的失活蛋白。与由K2CrO4、高柠檬酸铁、Na2S和二硫苏糖醇组成的重组液保温后,处理蛋白对乙炔和质子还原的活性都得以显著恢复;然而,它的吸收光谱和圆二色谱虽有明显恢复,但仍与还原钼铁蛋白有所不同。这表明,激活蛋白中也许存在功能与钼铁蛋白相似,而结构则有所差异的含铬(CrFe)蛋白  相似文献   
一种定量检测人血清高敏C反应蛋白的化学发光免疫方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
旨在建立一种可定量检测人血清高敏CRP的化学发光检测方法 (High-sensitivity C-reactive protein quantifiable chemiluminescent immunoassay,hs-CRP CLIA)。首先利用亲和层析和离子交换层析技术从肝硬化病人腹水中纯化出高纯度的天然CRP作为免疫原制备了22株CRP单克隆抗体 (单抗),其中13株单抗在磷酸胆碱配体捕获ELISA中呈阳性,然后利用方正滴定法筛选出单抗10C5和10C11建立了hs-CRP CLIA。试剂盒评估结果显示:该方法对血清中干扰物质IgG、血红蛋白、甘油三酯等无非特异性反应;该方法检测灵敏度高,在0.04~20.38 mg/L范围内定量检测人血清CRP标准品呈良好线性关系 (R2>0.993);该方法准确性高、可重复性好,平均回收率为99%,批内差为4.2%~5.8%,批间差为9.0%~11.5%;该方法与进口商品化高敏CRP ELISA试剂盒平行比较检测90份血清标本,结果显示两者有良好的可比性 (r=0.968)。综上,建立的hs-CRP CLIA是一种准确、可靠、可定量的高灵敏C反应蛋白检测方法,该方法的临床应用,有利于改善我国心脏病风险评估及肠炎性疾病预后判断。  相似文献   
In this protocol, the authors report a time-resolved fluorescence biosensor based on home-made europium complexes for highly sensitive detection of small molecules using adenosine as a model analyte. The fluorophore that used is europium complexes. Its signal can be measured in a time-resolved manner that eliminates most of the unspecific fluorescent background. The amino modified aptamer probe, which is designed to specifically recognize adenosine, is combined to the aldehyde-group modified glass slide by covalent bond. Europium complex-labeled a short ssDNA, designed to segment hybridize with aptamer probe is immobilized on the glass slide by hybridization reaction. In the presence of adenosine, the aptamer part is more inclined to bounds with adenosine and triggers structure-switching of the aptamer from aptamer/ssDNA duplex to aptamer/target complex. As a result, europium complexes-labeled ssDNA is forced to dissociate from the sensor interface, resulting in time-resolved fluorescence intensity decrease. The decrement intensity is proportional to the amount of adenosine. Under optimized assay conditions, a linear range (1.0×10(-8)M to 1.0×10(-7)M) is got with low detection limit of 5.61nM. The biosensor exhibits excellent selectivity and can provide a promising potential for aptamer-based adenosine detection.  相似文献   
云南药用野生稻BIBAC文库混合克隆池制备及筛选   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在已构建完成的云南药用野生稻BIBAC( binary bacterial artificial chomosome)文库的基础上,将文库制备成一、二、三级混合克隆池,各级混合池的数量分别为3 360、140和14个.根据Xa21抗病基因序列设计1对特异引物,利用4步PCR法对文库混合克隆池进行逐级筛选,初步确定了3个抗病基因阳性克隆.为今后以PCR法高效利用云南药用野生稻BIBAC文库挖掘其优异基因奠定了良好的基础.  相似文献   
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