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中国生态环境胁迫过程区划研究   总被引:30,自引:5,他引:30  
生态环境胁迫过程是指人类活动对自然资源和生态环境构成的压力,这种胁迫过程包括资源胁迫和环境胁迫,研究选了4个大类12项指标。运用数量分区分区的方法,制定了我国生态环境过程中区划方案,在三级分区基础上,共划分一级区2个,二级区10个,三级区29个,分别探讨了各区的特点。  相似文献   
岷山地区是大熊猫保护的关键地区。运用图论分析法研究了岷山地区大熊猫生境影响因子,及其相互作用关系。结果表明:在岷山地区,12个影响因子66对组合中,47.0%的影响因子间存在直接的联系,其中89.2%的影响具有增大效应,这说明人类活动对大熊猫生境的影响具有协同增大效应,并占主导地位。研究发现,在影响因子关系集中,存在强连通性的子集K={ (TD);(RB);(MI); (HPL);(AP);(AD);(SR);(TH);(FC)},这表明近期进行的旅游景点开发,公路建设,采矿,高压电线走廊建设,以及传统的农业开发, 畜牧业, 薪柴采集等影响因子之间存在着强烈相互作用关系,这些人类活动还会将其他人类活动对大熊猫生境的影响放大,加剧其对大熊猫生境的不利影响,是影响岷山地区大熊猫生境的主导因素。研究还表明如果不能对主导因子进行有效的控制,很难有效地保护岷山地区大熊猫生境。研究表明图论分析法是研究大熊猫生境影响因子的一个有效工具,有助于明确影响熊猫生境的主导和关键因子,为制定有效的大熊猫保护策略提供科学依据。  相似文献   
利用含有强启动子PAOX1和α-MF信号肽序列的巴斯德毕赤酵母载体质粒pPICZαA构建出含PST基因的重复组质粒pPICZαA-pST。通过电击将经SacI酶后线化的pPICZαA-pST质粒转化到巴斯德毕赤酵母X-33菌中,并筛选Mut^ 表型的重型的生组菌。表达产物的SDS-PAGE和Western blot结果表明,分泌于胞外的PST蛋白分子量比天然PST分子量稍大,而胞内的PST蛋白分子量与天然PST大小相同,将经SacI酶切后线性化的pPICZαA-pST再次转化重组酵母细胞X-33/pPICZαA-pST(Mut^ ),所得表达产物的SDS-PAGE和Western blot结果显示,PST基因的表达水平明显提高,且表达产生的蛋白均可发生正确的抗原-抗体结合反应,表达量达956mg/L。将发酵液上清进行N-糖基化分析,显示rPST无N-糖基化加工修饰。  相似文献   
本文在国内首次报道普通小麦(Triticumaestivum,2n=6x=42)和鸭茅状摩擦禾(Tripsacumdactyloides,2n=4x=72)杂交成功。用33个春小麦品种(系)为母本,与鸭茅状摩擦禾杂交,授粉6636朵花,获得3083个颖果。颖果分为有胚和无胚两类。有胚颖果806个,占总颖果数的26.14%。33个母本中30个都能和鸭茅状摩擦禾杂交,14个母本的杂交亲和性(胚数/授粉花数×100)超过10%。4个最高的分别达到59.00%,39.00%,29.50%和22.66%与小麦和玉米(Zeamays,2n=2x=20)的杂交相比,鸭茅状摩擦禾同样对小麦Kr基因的作用不敏感,且与小麦的杂交亲和性要比与玉米杂交时高。加之鸭茅状摩擦禾为野生型,具有多年生、多分枝、花期长等特点,可以克服小麦和玉米杂交时花期不遇的困难。讨论了用它作为花粉给体的优越性及在小麦改良和产生小麦单倍体上的前景。  相似文献   
Carbon Balance in an Alpine Steppe in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Carbon fluxes were measured using a static chamber technique in an alpine steppe in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau from July 2000 to July 200t. It was shown that carbon emissions decreased in autumn and increased in spring of the next year, with higher values in growth seasons than in winters. An exponential correlation (Ecarbon = 0.22(exp(0.09T) + In(0.31P + 1)), R2 = 0.77, P < 0.001) was shown between carbon emissions and environmental factors such as temperature (T) and precipitation (P). Using the daily temperature (T) and total precipitation (R), annual carbon emission from soil to the atmosphere was estimated to be 79.6 g C/m2, 46% of which was emitted by microbial respiration. Considering an average net primary production of 92.5 g C/m2 per year within the 2 year experiment, alpine steppes can take up 55.9 g CO2-C/m2 per year. This indicates that alpine steppes are a distinct carbon sink, although this carbon reservoir was quite small.  相似文献   
The precise architecture of hair bundles, the arrays of mechanosensitive microvilli-like stereocilia crowning the auditory hair cells, is essential to hearing. Myosin IIIa, defective in the late-onset deafness form DFNB30, has been proposed to transport espin-1 to the tips of stereocilia, thereby promoting their elongation. We show that Myo3a−/−Myo3b−/− mice lacking myosin IIIa and myosin IIIb are profoundly deaf, whereas Myo3a-cKO Myo3b−/− mice lacking myosin IIIb and losing myosin IIIa postnatally have normal hearing. Myo3a−/−Myo3b−/− cochlear hair bundles display robust mechanoelectrical transduction currents with normal kinetics but show severe embryonic abnormalities whose features rapidly change. These include abnormally tall and numerous microvilli or stereocilia, ungraded stereocilia bundles, and bundle rounding and closure. Surprisingly, espin-1 is properly targeted to Myo3a−/−Myo3b−/− stereocilia tips. Our results uncover the critical role that class III myosins play redundantly in hair-bundle morphogenesis; they unexpectedly limit the elongation of stereocilia and of subsequently regressing microvilli, thus contributing to the early hair bundle shaping.  相似文献   
Undaria pinnatifida gametophytes were grown in 2.5 l bubble column and airlift reactor at 25 °C and light intensity of 40 mol m–2 s–1 for 6 days. With aeration at 1 l min–1, the airlift reactor yielded higher growth rate (0.12 mg DW ml–1 d–1) than a bubble column (0.08 mg DW ml–1 d–1). The advantages were related to the more homogeneous fluid dynamic characteristics of the airlift reactor.  相似文献   
Chen XR  Chen M  He HH  Zhu CL  Peng XS  He XP  Fu JR  Ouyang LJ 《应用生态学报》2011,22(5):1169-1174
通过水培法对协青早B∥协青早B/东乡野生稻BC1F9群体221个株系低磷耐性进行了鉴定,测定了株高、叶龄、黄叶数、地上部干物质量等形态指标及丙二醛(MDA)、可溶性糖和地上部磷含量等生理指标,计算了磷效率,并对各指标间相关性进行了分析.结果表明:221个株系的7个指标均显示出差异性,耐性株系在低磷胁迫下表现为相对叶龄、相对株高、相对地上部干物质量和相对可溶性糖含量较高,相对黄叶数和相对MDA含量较低,相对地上部磷含量差异不明显;磷效率与磷利用效率和磷吸收效率均呈正相关,其中磷利用效率与磷效率达到极显著水平(P<0.01),表明东乡野生稻回交重组自交系中耐性株系低磷耐性原因主要是具有高磷利用效率,即其单位吸磷量干物质合成力较高.  相似文献   


To demonstrate that an enhanced sediment microbial fuel cell (SMFC) system can accelerate the degradation of cellulose in fresh water sediments as the accumulation of cellulose in lake sediments may aggravate the lake marsh, increase organic matter content and result in rapid deterioration of water quality and damage the ecosystem.


After 330 days the highest cellulose removal efficiency (72.7 ± 2.1 %) was achieved in the presence of a SMFC with a carbon nanotube decorated cathode, followed by a SMFC without the cathode decoration (64.4 ± 2.8 %). The lowest cellulose removal efficiency (47.9 ± 2.1 %) was in the absence of SMFC. The sediment characterization analysis confirmed that the carbon nanotube decorated cathode enhances the electron transfer rate in the SMFC and improves the dissolved organic matter oxidation rate.


This study offers a relatively simple and promising new method for cellulose degradation in sediment.
Faroe islanders consume marine foods contaminated with methylmercury (MeHg), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and other toxicants associated with chronic disease risks. Differential DNA methylation at specific CpG sites in cord blood may serve as a surrogate biomarker of health impacts from chemical exposures. We aimed to identify key environmental chemicals in cord blood associated with DNA methylation changes in a population with elevated exposure to chemical mixtures. We studied 72 participants of a Faroese birth cohort recruited between 1986 and 1987 and followed until adulthood. The cord blood DNA methylome was profiled using Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChips. We determined the associations of CpG site changes with concentrations of MeHg, major PCBs, other organochlorine compounds [hexachlorobenzene (HCB), p,p’-dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (p,p’-DDE) and p,p’-dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane], and perfluoroalkyl substances. In a combined sex analysis, among the 16 chemicals studied, PCB congener 105 (CB-105) exposure was associated with the majority of differentially methylated CpG sites (214 out of a total of 250). In female-only analysis, only 73 CB-105 associated CpG sites were detected, 44 of which were mapped to genes in the ELAV1-associated cancer network. In males-only, methylation changes were seen for perfluorooctane sulfonate, HCB, and p,p’-DDE in 10,598, 1,238, and 1,473 CpG sites, respectively, 15% of which were enriched in cytobands of the X-chromosome associated with neurological disorders. In this multiple-pollutant and genome-wide study, we identified key epigenetic toxicants. The significant enrichment of specific X-chromosome sites in males implies potential sex-specific epigenome responses to prenatal chemical exposures.  相似文献   
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