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Bai XJ  Ding W 《生理科学进展》2010,41(5):323-328
继基因组学之后,针对各种代谢物的组学研究蓬勃兴起,鸟枪脂组学(shotgun lipidom ics)作为脂类研究的重要新兴手段,在创立和初期发展的过程中便已经展示出惊人的潜力,随着相关技术的进一步完善和发展,必将成为系统生物学的组成部分,在生物医学的研究和应用中发挥难以替代的重要作用。鸟枪脂组学利用质谱技术对全部或单一脂类及其相关分子进行系统分析,研究其改变对生物体所产生的作用并探讨其作用机制。传统脂类分析中的瓶颈问题在以电喷射离子质谱为基础的脂组学方法出现后获得了突破,使脂类分析进入高通量、高精度和高效能的时代。脂类在生物体内分布广泛、种类众多,并且与人类疾病密切相关。将脂组学分析方法运用于疾病相关的特异脂类标志物的发现并揭示其在疾病发生发展等复杂过程中的作用,可能为疾病的诊断治疗提供新的思路和策略。  相似文献   
克鲁斯假丝酵母及其近似种的脉冲电泳核型分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
用钳位均匀电场脉冲电泳(CHEF)系统分析了克鲁斯假丝酵母(Candida krusei),郎比可假丝酵母(C. lambica)和粗状假丝酵母(C. valiad)的模式菌株的电泳核型,发现这三种表型相似的假丝酵母却具有互不相同的染色体DNA分子带型,为其分类学研究提供了可靠的鉴别依据。在常规分类学研究的基础上,测定了AS 2.75(原定种名为(C. incospicua),AS2.1182(原定种名为 C. lambica)和AS 2.1772(未定种)等三株假丝酵母的G+C含量和脉冲电泳核型。通过对已报道的C. inconspicu的G+C含量及上述三种假丝酵母模式菌株的脉冲电泳核型的比较分析证明,AS 2.75和AS 2.1772为粗状假丝酵母(C. valida),AS 2.1182为克鲁斯假丝酵母(C. krusei)。  相似文献   
根据柑橘黄龙病亚洲种23S/5S的DNA序列设计一对引物对不同地理来源的6个柑橘黄龙病样品DNA进行扩增,扩增片段大小均为1 654 bp包括一个假定细胞壁水解酶假基因(putative cell wall hydrolase pseudogene)和5S rRNA 基因.序列同源性分析结果表明;6个柑橘黄龙病病原菌样品与柑橘黄龙病病原菌亚洲种Sihui样品的同源性为99%,然而与土壤杆菌,布鲁氏菌,根瘤菌,中华根瘤菌,巴通体菌和中慢生根瘤菌的同源性只有89%~95%,说明在23S/5S rDNA序列上黄龙病病原菌亚洲种与α变形菌纲根瘤菌目的其他病原菌相差较大.对黄龙病病原菌亚洲种种内的23S/5S rDNA序列进行比较分析,结果发现黄龙病病原菌亚洲种种内之间putative cell wall hydrolase pseudogene和5S rRNA的基因序列非常保守,但不同地理来源的柑橘黄龙病样品碱基序列间确实存在差异,差异的大小与地理的远近无关.利用简约法对黄龙病病原菌亚洲种及α变形菌纲其它病原菌的23S/5S rDNA序列构建的系统发育树显示黄龙病病原菌亚洲种单独聚为一类,其他细菌聚为另一类,该结果与基于rplJ基因及16S rRNA基因的DNA序列构建的分子系统进化树结果一致.  相似文献   
Vascular endothelial cells have a finite cell lifespan and eventually enter an irreversible growth arrest, cellular senescence. The functional changes associated with cellular senescence are thought to contribute to human aging and age-related cardiovascular disorders, e.g. atherosclerosis. In this study, induction of Angiotensin II (Ang II) promoted a growth arrest with phenotypic characteristics of cell senescence, such as enlarged cell shapes, increased senescence-associated beta-galactosidase (SA-beta-gal) positive staining cell, and depressed cell proliferation. Apoptotic changes were increased in senescent cells, with a small subset of the senescent cells showing aberrant morphology such as pronounced nuclear fragmentation or multiple micronuclei. The results suggest cell apoptosis is possibly an important factor in the process of pathologic and physiologic senescence of endothelial cells as well as vascular aging.  相似文献   
Aims: The aims of this study are to obtain the draft genome sequence of Streptomyces coelicoflavus ZG0656, which produces novel acarviostatin family α‐amylase inhibitors, and then to reveal the putative acarviostatin‐related gene cluster and the biosynthetic pathway. Methods and Results: The draft genome sequence of S. coelicoflavus ZG0656 was generated using a shotgun approach employing a combination of 454 and Solexa sequencing technologies. Genome analysis revealed a putative gene cluster for acarviostatin biosynthesis, termed sct‐cluster. The cluster contains 13 acarviostatin synthetic genes, six transporter genes, four starch degrading or transglycosylation enzyme genes and two regulator genes. On the basis of bioinformatic analysis, we proposed a putative biosynthetic pathway of acarviostatins. The intracellular steps produce a structural core, acarviostatin I00‐7‐P, and the extracellular assemblies lead to diverse acarviostatin end products. Conclusions: The draft genome sequence of S. coelicoflavus ZG0656 revealed the putative biosynthetic gene cluster of acarviostatins and a putative pathway of acarviostatin production. Significance and Impact of the Study: To our knowledge, S. coelicoflavus ZG0656 is the first strain in this species for which a genome sequence has been reported. The analysis of sct‐cluster provided important insights into the biosynthesis of acarviostatins. This work will be a platform for producing novel variants and yield improvement.  相似文献   
Wheat thousand kernel weight (TKW) is a complex trait, and is largely controlled by several kernel traits, including kernel length (KL) and kernel width (KW). In order to reveal the genetic relationship between TKW and these kernel traits (KW and KL) as accurate as possible, we applied both unconditional and conditional mapping analyses to three distinct genetic populations, one DH population and two RIL populations. This report describes the identifications of 36 unconditional and conditional additive QTLs and 30 pairs of unconditional and conditional epistatic QTLs, all of which are closely associated with TKW. While the conditional additive locus Qtkw1B, detected in the RIL2 population, exhibited the largest contribution, explaining 14.12 % of TKW variance, the unconditional epistatic QTLs Qtkw3A-2/Qtkw5B.1, detected in the DH population, accounted for 11.95 % of phenotypic variance. This study also showed that, compared with unconditional mapping, conditional mapping resulted in very different numbers and different extent of effects of additive and epistatic QTLs that were associated with TKW when TKW was conditioned on kernel traits (KW and KL). These data strongly suggest that KW and KL indeed play a significant role in determining TKW. Furthermore, we demonstrated that the effects of the 25 additive QTLs for TKW were either entirely or largely determined by KW, while the effects of the other 25 additive QTLs for TKW were either entirely or largely affected by KL. We conclude that the conditional mapping can be useful for a better understanding of the interrelationship between the yield contributing traits at the QTL level.  相似文献   
Quantitative evidence of sudden shifts in ecological structure and function in large shallow lakes is rare, even though they provide essential benefits to society. Such ‘regime shifts’ can be driven by human activities which degrade ecological stability including water level control (WLC) and nutrient loading. Interactions between WLC and nutrient loading on the long‐term dynamics of shallow lake ecosystems are, however, often overlooked and largely underestimated, which has hampered the effectiveness of lake management. Here, we focus on a large shallow lake (Lake Chaohu) located in one of the most densely populated areas in China, the lower Yangtze River floodplain, which has undergone both WLC and increasing nutrient loading over the last several decades. We applied a novel methodology that combines consistent evidence from both paleolimnological records and ecosystem modeling to overcome the hurdle of data insufficiency and to unravel the drivers and underlying mechanisms in ecosystem dynamics. We identified the occurrence of two regime shifts: one in 1963, characterized by the abrupt disappearance of submerged vegetation, and another around 1980, with strong algal blooms being observed thereafter. Using model scenarios, we further disentangled the roles of WLC and nutrient loading, showing that the 1963 shift was predominantly triggered by WLC, whereas the shift ca. 1980 was attributed to aggravated nutrient loading. Our analysis also shows interactions between these two stressors. Compared to the dynamics driven by nutrient loading alone, WLC reduced the critical P loading and resulted in earlier disappearance of submerged vegetation and emergence of algal blooms by approximately 26 and 10 years, respectively. Overall, our study reveals the significant role of hydrological regulation in driving shallow lake ecosystem dynamics, and it highlights the urgency of using multi‐objective management criteria that includes ecological sustainability perspectives when implementing hydrological regulation for aquatic ecosystems around the globe.  相似文献   
人骨髓间充质干细胞在成年大鼠脑内的迁移及分化   总被引:27,自引:2,他引:27  
Hou LL  Zheng M  Wang DM  Yuan HF  Li HM  Chen L  Bai CX  Zhang Y  Pei XT 《生理学报》2003,55(2):153-159
骨髓间充质干细胞 (mesenchymalstemcells,MSCs)是目前备受关注的一类具有多向分化潜能的组织干细胞 ,体外可以分化为骨、软骨、脂肪等多种细胞。因此 ,MSCs是细胞治疗和基因治疗的种子细胞之一。为了探索MSCs的迁移和分化趋势 ,为帕金森病 (Parkinsondisease,PD)的干细胞治疗提供理论和实验依据 ,本实验将体外扩增并转染增强型绿色荧光蛋白 (enhancedgreenfluorescentprotein ,EGFP)的人骨髓MSCs注入PD大鼠脑内纹状体 ,观察了人骨髓MSCs在大鼠脑内的存活、迁移、分化以及注射MSCs前后大鼠的行为变化。结果表明 ,人骨髓MSCs在大鼠脑内可存活较长时间 ( 10周以上 ) ;随着时间的延长 ,MSCs迁移范围扩大 ,分布于纹状体、胼胝体、皮质以及脑内血管壁 ;免疫组化法检测证实MSCs在大鼠脑内表达人神经丝蛋白 (neurofilament,NF)、神经元特异性烯醇化酶 (neuron specificeno lase,NSE)以及胶质原纤维酸性蛋白 ( glialfibrillaryacidprotein ,GFAP) ;PD大鼠的异常行为有所缓解 ,转圈数由 8 86±2 0 9r/min下降到 4 87± 2 0 6r/min ,统计学分析P <0 0 5为差异显著。以上观察结果表明 ,骨髓MSCs有望成为治疗PD的种子细胞  相似文献   
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