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中国优质水果资源的分布与适宜生态环境   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据农业部在80年代两次组织评选出的全国189个优质水果产地的生态环境资料,用微型电子计算机系统建立数据库,统计分析柑桔、苹果和梨优质产品的构成比例、产区分布地域及其适宜的环境指标和主栽品种的生态适应性,为果树良种区域化栽培与选育提供依据。  相似文献   
沙地云杉苗期生长与干物质生产关系的研究   总被引:21,自引:4,他引:17  
本文用不同_的模型定量地研究了沙地云杉苗期的生长规律、季节动态及不同生长时期干物质在各器官之间的分配规律。1)1年生幼苗一直保持较高的生长速度,根生长尤为迅速。5年生幼苗在接近生长上限时,增长越来越慢。2)根、茎、叶干物质的生产符合理查德模型;根、茎、叶干重与全株干重之百分比表现出不同的变化趋势,反映了于物质在各器官中的分配规律。3)不同年度各器官的干重变化反映了由于自疏造成的叶的脱落和部分枝的脱落情况。4)各模型的相关系数几乎都达到了极显著的水平。  相似文献   
长年饲养在高温(28—30℃)环境中雌性中华大蟾蜍,它们的卵母细胞可以长足,但经激素处理时,生发泡不破裂,仅显示成熟过程早期阶段的变化。值得注意的是,在孕酮刺激后的高温卵卵质中,出观了一种能诱发低温卵恢复减数分裂的物质,称作为“依赖冬眠因子的促成熟物质”(HF-MPS)。HF-MPS 与MPF 有不少相似之处,如孕酮处理后,它们在卵质中出现的时间相仿,它们的形成均不依赖于转录水平,而是依赖于翻译水平的蛋白质合成活动;但亦存在不同之处,如MPF 诱发低温卵GVBD 时程不受温度影响,而HF-MPS 在10℃环境中,诱发低温卵GVBD 的时间明显延缓;MPF 不仅能诱发低温卵GVBD,而且同样能诱发高温卵GVBD,然而,HF-MPS 只能诱发低温卵GVBD。由此表明,MPF 和HF-MPS 似乎是截然不同的两类活性蛋白质。高温卵缺少低温诱发产生的“冬眠因子”,所以不能恢复cdc 2基因的转录活动,不能实现MPF 自身催化扩增作用,不能保证孕酮处理后的卵母细胞完成正常成熟的全过程变化。足见,低温是中华大蟾蜍卵母细胞恢复减数分裂过程中的必要条件,是导致中华大蟾蜍现有区域分布的内在原因之一。  相似文献   
This work firstly reported a new polycaprolactone based material functionalized with guanidinium ionic liquid (PCL-GIL) as the stationary phase with high resolution performance for capillary gas chromatography (GC). It is composed of polycaprolactone (PCL) and guanidinium ionic liquid (GIL) with amphiphilic conformation. The PCL-GIL capillary column coated by static method exhibited high column efficiency of 3942 plates/m and moderate polarity. As a result, the PCL-GIL column exhibited high-resolution capability. For a mixture of 27 analytes with a wide ranging polarity and outperformed the PCL-2OH and HP-35 columns, showing its advantageous separation capability for analytes of diverse types. Moreover, the PCL-GIL column showed high resolving capability for various positional isomers and cis-/trans-isomers, including alkylbenzenes, chlorobenzenes, naphthalenes, bromonitrobenzenes, chloronitrobenzenes, benzaldehydes, phenols, alcohols, respectively. In a word, PCL derivatized by GIL units as a new type of stationary phase has a promising future in GC separations.  相似文献   
以质粒pRK404为载体亚克隆含大豆根瘤菌吸氢酶结构基因(hup)的片段,构建成嵌合质粒pHR11、pHR4和pHR10。通过三亲本杂交将这些嵌合质粒导入无吸氢活性的Rhodobactersphaeroides241菌株(Hup-),均获得Hup+的接合子。利用启动子检测质粒pMP220证明,在hup对结构基因上游1.2kb内存在hup启动基因片段。以pRK2013为助质粒可将pHR11导入Enterobactercloacae和Klebsiellaoxytoca等土壤固氮菌株。本文以接合子E.cloacaeEH1113为例,通过对基因组DNASouthern杂交分析证明,嵌合质粒pHR11在EH1113中稳定贮存和复制。H2诱导接合子EH1113吸氢酶活性高表达,吸氢活性与放氢活性比值约为对照的两倍。当以延胡索酸为电子受体时,吸氢酶的吸氢作用支持菌株固氮酶活性的提高。  相似文献   
IntheareatobefloodedinthesecondengineeringstagefortheDanjiangreservoir,wediscovered16vertebratefossillocalitiesand52Paleolithicsitesin1994,andcollected603artifactsandmanyfossils.Ofthel6new1yfoundvertebratefossillocalities,threearereptilesitesrepresentedbydinosaureggsandlimbbones,andl3producemamma1s,including4Pale0gene,2Ne0geneand7Quaternarysites'ThemammalianlocalitiesareofPale0cene,Eocene,EarlyMiocene,andPli0ceneorEarlyPleistocene,MiddleandIntePleistocene,respectively.Theyfillinsomestrat…  相似文献   
A mutant of Rhodobacter capsulatus was identified in which an operon encoding a binding-protein-dependent transporter was interrupted by Tn5 transposition. Cloning and sequence analysis of the wild-type operon revealed a four-gene cluster with similarities to genes encoding periplasmic binding proteins (BztA), integral membrane proteins (BztB and BztC), and ATP-binding proteins (BztD). To assess the function of this putative binding-protein-dependent transport system, a mutant was constructed in which most of the bztABCD operon was deleted and replaced by an antibiotic-resistance marker. The deletion mutant grew more slowly than the wild type in NH-free medium supplemented by glutamate, glutamine, aspartate or asparagine; it was resistant to toxic analogues of Glu, Asp, and Asn at concentrations that inhibited growth of the wild type; and it was defective in the uptake of Glu, Gin, and Asp. A complementing plasmid containing the wild-type copy of bztABCD was able to rescue all the mutant phenotypes. Taken together, these results indicate that the proteins encoded by bztABCD are active in the uptake of Glu, Gin, Asp, and Asn. In addition, competition experiments, in which the ability of each of the four amino acids to compete for the transport of one another was examined, demonstrated that all four substrates share at least one component of this transport system.  相似文献   
Background. Helicobacter pylori infection persists in the presence of potent serum and gastric mucosal anti-body responses against bacterial antigens. The aim of this article is to report on a study determine whether there is antibody deposition on H. pylori in vivo in the stomach of infected patients and whether gastric and cultured forms of H. pylori differ in their antibody reactivity.
Materials and Methods. Serum, gastric biopsies, and antral brushings were obtained from 10 patients having endoscopy. H. pylori was cultured from gastric biopsies. Bacterial samples were stained directly for immunoglobulin deposition and indirectly using rabbit antiurease serum or patient serum. Samples were examined by immunofluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry.
Results. Although spiral bacteria could be identified easily by acridine orange staining and antiurease staining of gastric brushings from H. pylori infected patients, gastric bacteria did not have detectable IgG or IgA present, and only one of five samples could be stained for IgG and IgA indirectly using patient serum. In contrast, cultured bacteria could be stained readily with homologous serum for IgG and IgA in the majority of cases. Low pH inhibited immunoglobulin reactivity with cultured H. pylori.
Conclusions. Gastric H. pylori may evade humoral defense owing to poor deposition of immunoglobulin in the gastric environment or failure to express surface antigens that are present on cultured forms of H. pylori.  相似文献   
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