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本研究以木薯品种新选048为试验材料,观察和测定木薯花分化各时期的形态结构、内源激素及碳氮化合物含量,并开展木薯雌雄花分化的外源激素调控研究,揭示木薯花分化规律,初步探究木薯花分化的生理机制.试验结果表明:木薯从花芽分化开始到完成开花的全过程需要30 d,分化出的花序主要有全雄花序和雌少雄多花序两种类型,木薯性别分化前...  相似文献   
为了探讨雌激素作用于神经系统的机理,采用硫酸镍铵增强显色的免疫组化SP法研究了新的雌激素受体(ER-β)在成年雌雄大鼠脑内的分布。研究证实ER-β免疫阳性物质主要位于神经元的细胞核内,但在个别脑区也可在胞浆甚至突起内检测到。最强的ER-β免疫阳性信号见于前嗅核、大脑皮质、小脑浦肯野细胞、斜角带垂直部、蓝斑和三叉神经运动核等部位;中等强度的染色见于隔内侧核、杏仁外侧核、黑质、中央灰质等部位;较弱的阳性反应见于下丘脑与杏仁复合体的部分核团。在一些部位还存在表达水平甚至细胞内定位模式的性别差异,如前庭上核内的表达只见于雌性;雄性大鼠三叉神经运动核内ER-β蛋白主要表达于胞浆内,细胞核为阴性;而在雌性大鼠该部位ER-β蛋白主要位于细胞核等。以上结果表明ER-β蛋白在大鼠脑内分布广泛并具有一定的性别差异,在与学习记忆有关的脑区如大脑皮质和基底前脑内有很高的表达,提示在脑组织内雌激素可能通过ER-β这一新的信号途径发挥多种重要的调控作用,如学习记忆等。  相似文献   
Interaction of the gonococcal porin P.IB with G- and F-actin   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The invasion of epithelial cells by N. gonorrheae is accompanied by formation of a halo of actin filaments around the enveloped bacterium. The transfer of the bacterial major outer membrane protein, porin, to the host cell membrane during invasion makes it a candidate for a facilitator for the formation of this halo. Western analysis shows here that gonococcal porin P.IB associates with the actin cytoskeleton in infected cells. Using the pyrene-labeled Mg forms of yeast and muscle actins, we demonstrate that under low ionic strength conditions, P.IB causes formation of filamentous actin assemblies, although they, unlike F-actin, cannot be internally cross-linked with N,N'-4-phenylenedimaleimide (PDM). In F-buffer, low porin concentrations appear to accelerate actin polymerization. Higher P.IB concentrations lead to the formation of highly decorated fragmented F-actin-like filaments in which the actin can be cross-linked by PDM. Co-assembly of P.IB with a pyrene-labeled mutant actin, S(265)C, prevents formation of a pyrene excimer present with labeled S(265)C F-actin alone. Addition of low concentrations of porin to preformed F-actin results in sparsely decorated F-actin. Higher P.IB concentrations extensively decorate the filaments, thereby altering their morphology to a state like that observed when the components are copolymerized. With preformed labeled S(265)C F-actin, P.IB quenches the pyrene excimer. This decrease is prevented by the F-actin stabilizers phalloidin and to a lesser extent beryllium fluoride. P.IB's association with the actin cytoskeleton and its ability to interact with and remodel actin filaments support a direct role for porin in altering the host cell cytoskeleton during invasion.  相似文献   
神经系统与内分泌系统的相互影响与协同作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在人体内,神经系统和内分泌系统紧密联系,协调配合,相互作用。它们的基本功能都是信息传递,在此功能之上,两大系统几乎调控着机体全部的代谢活动。将以综述的形式,介绍神经内分泌系统的结构基础,神经系统与内分泌系统的相互作用,以及两大系统共同发挥作用的主要领域。  相似文献   
β-地中海贫血基因检测膜条制备及其临床评价   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
根据GenBank报道的人β-珠蛋白序列及中国人β-地中海贫血基因特点,设计并合成30条探针用于检测在中国人中发现的17个β-地中海贫血基因突变位点,然后将探针点至醋酸纤维膜上,制成反向杂交膜条,通过检测950份标本,对其临床检测效果进行评价.共制备了含30条寡核苷酸探针的反向杂交膜条,临床验证结果表明,以对照膜条为标准,制备膜条阳性符合率为99.76%(421/422),特异性为99.05%(523/528),总符合率为99.37%.对6份检测结果不符的标本进行测序验证,结果为TATAbox-28/Int双重杂合子(1份)、TATAbox--32杂合子(1份)、IVS-1-5杂合子(3份)、-30杂合子(1份),均为少见突变位点,与制备膜条检测结果一致;采用等位基因特异性PCR法检测5个常见β-地中海贫血基因位点(CD41/42,IVS-2-654,CD17,TATAbox--28,CD71/72),检测结果与制备膜条完全相符.结果表明,研制的β-地中海贫血基因检测反向杂交膜条敏感度高,特异性好,不仅能准确检测中国人常见的β-地中海贫血基因类型,而且还能检测少见基因突变类型.  相似文献   
Alterations in cell membrane properties caused by perfluorinated compounds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The recent detection of perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) in wildlife from even remote locations has spurred interest in the environmental occurrence and effects of these chemicals. While the global distribution of PFCs is increasingly understood, there is still little information available on their effects on wildlife. The amphiphillic nature of PFCs suggests that their effects could be primarily on cell membranes. In this study we measured the effects of PFCs on membrane fluidity and mitochondrial membrane potential using flow cytometry and effects on membrane permeability using cell bioassay procedures (H4IIE, MCF-7, PLHC-1). Of the PFCs tested, only perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS) increased the permeability of cell membranes to the hydrophobic ligands used. Three PFCs were tested in the membrane fluidity assay: PFOS, perfluorohexane sulfonic acid (PFHS), and perfluorobutane sulfonic acid (PFBS). PFOS increased membrane fluidity in fish leukocytes in a dose-dependent fashion, while PFHS and PFBS had no effect in the concentration range tested. The lowest effective concentrations for the membrane fluidity effects of PFOS were 5-15 mg/l. Effects on mitochondrial membrane potential occurred in the same concentration range as effects on membrane fluidity. This suggests that PFOS effects membrane properties at concentrations below those associated with other adverse effects.  相似文献   
Statistically based experimental designs were applied to the optimization of medium components and environmental factors for eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) production by the diatom Nitzschia laevis in heterotrophic conditions. First, the Plackett-Burman design was used to evaluate the effects of variables including medium components and environmental factors on cell growth and EPA production. Among these variables, NaCl, CaCl(2), PI metal solution, pH, and temperature were identified to have the significant effects (with confidence level > 90 %). Subsequently, the concentrations of NaCl, CaCl(2), PI metal solution as well as the values of pH and temperature were optimized using central composite design. The cell growth and EPA production were found to respectively correlate to NaCl, CaCl(2), pH, and temperature that could be represented by second-order polynomial models. The optimal values of the four parameters were determined by response surface and numerical analyses as 8 g/L NaCl, 0.10 g/L CaCl(2), pH 8.5 and 19.8 degrees C for cell dry weight (DW), and 14 g/L NaCl, 0.10 g/L CaCl(2), pH 8.5 and 18 degrees C for EPA production, respectively. The subsequent verification experiments confirmed the validity of the models. This optimization strategy led to a DW of 9 g/L, an EPA yield of 280 mg/L and an EPA productivity of 28 mg/L/d, respectively, which were considerably higher than those obtained in the previous studies.  相似文献   
Mao JW  Wang LW  Jacob T  Sun XR  Li H  Zhu LY  Li P  Zhong P  Nie SH  Chen LX 《Cell research》2005,15(5):371-378
The transwell chamber migration assay and CCD digital camera imaging techniques were used to investigate the relationship between regulatory volume decrease (RVD) and cell migration in nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells (CNE-2Z cells). Both migrated and non-migrated CNE-2Z cells, when swollen by 47% hypotonic solution, exhibited RVD which was inhibited by extracellular application of chloride channel blockers adenosine 5‘-triphosphate (ATP), 5-nitro-2-(3-phenylpropylamino) benzoic acid (NPPB) and tamoxifen. However, RVD rate in migrated CNE-2Z cells was bigger than that of non-migrated cells and the sensitivity of migrated cells to NPPB and tamoxifen was higher than that of nonmigrated cells. ATP, NPPB and tamoxifen also inhibited migration of CNE-2Z cells. The inhibition of migration was positively correlated to the blockage of RVD, with a correlation coefficient (r) = 0.99, suggesting a functional relationship between RVD and cell migration. We conclude that RVD is involved in cell migration and RVD may play an important role in migratory process in CNE-2Z cells.  相似文献   
A fed-batch process was developed for high cell density culture of the diatom Nitzschia laevis for enhanced production of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). Firstly, among the various medium components, glucose (Glu) was identified as the limiting substrate while nitrate (NO3), tryptone (Tr) and yeast extract (Ye) were found to promote cell growth by enhancing specific growth rate. Therefore, these components were considered essential and were included in the feed medium for subsequent fed-batch cultivation. With the optimized ratio of NO3:Tr:Ye being 1:2.6:1.3 (by weight), the relative proportions of glucose to the nitrogen sources in the feed were investigated. The optimal ratios of Glu:NO3 for specific growth rate and EPA productivity were both determined to be 32:1 (by weight). Finally, based on the residual glucose concentration in the culture, a continuous medium feeding strategy for fed-batch fermenter cultivation was developed, with which, the maximal cell dry weight and EPA yield obtained were 22.1 g l−1 and 695 mg l−1, respectively, which were great improvements over those of batch cultures.  相似文献   
目的:探讨G145R rHBsAg抗原衰减对抗体亲和纯化的影响与意义。方法:采用抗野生重组HBs G6-McAb制备层析载体,对含rG145R HBsAg的2A8细胞上清做亲和层析。以SDS-PAGE、Western Blot及ELISA等对产物纯度、含量及回收率进行评价,并与同法纯化之野生HBsAg进行比较。结果:梯度洗脱层析显示G145R rHBsAg、自然表达野生HBsAg及其r-wHBsAg三者纯化产物的纯度分别为90.3%、95.2%及93.1%;回收率为43.3%、72.0%及66.4%,其亲和洗脱峰型前者较后两者略宽,主峰前部出现明显顿挫;pH线性梯度洗脱显示,G145R rHBsAg洗脱曲线主峰较前梯度洗脱进一步增宽,顿挫更为明显,并在主峰前出现一低平的蛋白峰。ELISA检测显示HBsAg活性贯穿主峰始终,SDS-PAGE与Weistern blot显示两法洗脱产物纯度(92.5%与89.3%)大致相似,分子大小与野生HBsAg相同。结论:洗脱峰加宽与顿挫作为G145RrHBsAg抗原性渐进性衰减的特征性表现,在同类生物材料实验性制备与产品考评中有一定参考价值。  相似文献   
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