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兔狲(Otocolobus manul)、藏狐(Vulpes ferrilata)和赤狐(V. vulpes)是青藏高原三江源区域分布的重要小型食肉兽。本研究于2014年6月至2019年9月在青海省长江源区沱沱河和通天河沿岸选取208个位点布设红外相机, 通过所获取的时空分布数据比较了上述3种同域分布小型食肉兽的时空利用情况。通过空间重叠度系数的比较分析, 兔狲和藏狐、兔狲和赤狐以及藏狐和赤狐之间的空间重叠度系数分别为0.25、0.48和0.17, 这表明兔狲、藏狐和赤狐三者在空间利用上存在一定的差异。通过核密度估计方法分析, 兔狲和藏狐属典型的昼行性动物, 而赤狐以夜行性活动为主。兔狲、藏狐和赤狐每个物种在冷暖两季的日活动节律重叠指数分别为0.83、0.78和0.88。两两比较分析表明, 兔狲和藏狐二者的日活动节律重叠指数最高(0.84), 兔狲和赤狐在夜间活动时段存在一定重叠(0.63), 而藏狐和赤狐的时间生态位分化最明显, 重叠指数最低(0.48)。此外, 在暖季, 两两物种之间的日活动节律重叠指数均小于其冷季的重叠指数。综上所述, 长江源区兔狲、藏狐和赤狐3种小型食肉兽可通过空间和时间资源的利用差异来降低物种间的干扰和竞争, 从而达到同域物种共存的目的。  相似文献   
84 quadrats from 5 vertical transects of Luhuitou fringing reef are investigated in detail by using video-quadrat and indoor-interpretation methods. The results show that (1) the reef consists of 69 species of hermatypic corals belonging to 24 genera and 13 families which are unevenly distributed in abundance. (2) Among all the corals, Porites lutea is the most dominant species with importance value percentage up to 36.62%; Porites and Acropora are dominant genera with importance value percentages 43.85% and 22.88%, respectively. (3) There exist distinct spatial differences in coral communities. Both the coral covers and coral diversity indices on the northeastern transects are higher than those on the central and southern transects. (4) Coral communities also show remarkable zonal characteristics with less coral species occurring on reef flat than on reef slope. The importance value percentage of the sole dominant coral genus, Porites, is over 50%, while on the reef slope, the importance value percentages are 28.33% for the first dominant genus Acropora and 26.71% for the second dominant genus Porites. Our further analysis suggests that the spatial and zonal differences of coral diversity pattern are correlated with both natural environmental changes and human activities. The shallow water reef flat is frequently exposed at low tide and it receives more anthropogenic influences (including dredging and trampling) than the deep water reef slope. Thus, the coral community on the reef flat is not as well developed as that on reef slope. The relatively poor coral covers and coral diversity indices on the central and southern transects are closely related to heavy human activities around these sites such as aquaculture, fishing and coastal sewage drainage. Therefore, the impact of human activities must be taken into account in developing strategies for the protection of this coral reef.  相似文献   
动态监测2011年、2013年和2016年我国不同地区医院内获得性血流感染病原菌分布及耐药进展趋势。从全国10个城市回顾性收集血流感染病原菌非重复性株,采用琼脂稀释法或微量肉汤稀释法进行药物敏感性试验,采用Whonet 5.6软件对药敏试验结果进行分析。收集的2 248株血流感染病原菌中革兰阴性杆菌为1 657株 (占73.7%),革兰阳性球菌为591株 (占26.3%)。分离率排名前五的病原菌依次为大肠埃希菌 (32.6%,733株/2 248株)、肺炎克雷伯菌 (14.5%,327株/2 248株)、金黄色葡萄球菌 (10.0%,225株/2 248株)、鲍曼不动杆菌 (8.7%,196株/ 2 248株) 和铜绿假单胞菌 (6.2%,140株/2 248株)。血流感染分离的革兰阴性杆菌对抗菌药物体外敏感率较高的抗菌药物依次为粘菌素 (96.5%,1 525株/1 581株,不包括天然耐药菌株)、替加环素 (95.6%,1 375株/1 438株,不包括天然耐药菌株)、头孢他啶/克拉维酸 (89.2%,1 112株/1 246株)、阿米卡星 (86.4%,1 382株/1 599株) 和美罗培南 (85.7%,1 376株/1 605株);革兰阳性球菌对抗菌药物体外敏感率较高的抗菌药物依次为替加环素、替考拉宁和达托霉素 (敏感率均为100.0%)、万古霉素和利奈唑胺 (敏感率均为99.7%)。2011年、2013年和2016年产超广谱β-内酰胺酶肠杆菌科细菌分离率分别为50.6% (206株/407株)、49.8% (136株/273株) 和38.9% (167株/429株);碳青霉烯不敏感肠杆菌科细菌分离率分别为2.2% (9株/408株)、4.0% (16株/402株) 和3.9% (17株/ 439株);多重耐药鲍曼不动杆菌分离率分别为76.4% (55株/72株)、82.7% (43株/52株) 和87.5% (63株/72株),多重耐药铜绿假单胞菌分离率分别为9.8% (5株/51株)、20.0% (7株/35株) 和13.0% (7株/54株);甲氧西林耐药金黄色葡萄球菌的分离率分别为51.9% (41株/79株)、29.7% (19株/64株) 和31.7% (26株/82株)。屎肠球菌和粪肠球菌中高水平庆大霉素耐药株分离率分别为43.2% (48株/111株) 和40.9% (27株/66株)。碳青霉烯不敏感肠杆菌科细菌中肺炎克雷伯菌居首位,占57.1% (24株/42株) 。肠杆菌科细菌中分离出30株替加环素不敏感株,其中肺炎克雷伯菌占76.7% (23株/30株);分离出粘菌素耐药肠杆菌科细菌39株,其中大肠埃希菌、阴沟肠杆菌和肺炎克雷伯菌分别占43.6% (17株/39株)、35.9% (14株/39株) 和15.4% (6株/39株)。医院获得性血流感染病原菌主要为革兰阴性杆菌 (以大肠埃希菌和肺炎克雷伯菌为主),其对替加环素、粘菌素和碳青霉烯类药物的敏感率较高;革兰阳性球菌中分离率最高的为金黄色葡萄球菌,其次为屎肠球菌,这两种细菌对替加环素、达托霉素、利奈唑胺、万古霉素和替考拉宁的敏感率较高。粘菌素耐药肠杆菌科细菌、替加环素不敏感肠杆菌科细菌、利奈唑胺或万古霉素不敏感革兰阳性球菌的分离,警示临床高度关注,仍需动态监测耐药进展趋势。  相似文献   
一步法发酵菊芋生产乙醇   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
利用马克斯克鲁维酵母(Kluyveromyces marxianus)YX01具有菊粉酶生产能力且乙醇发酵性能良好的特点,直接发酵菊粉生成乙醇.在摇瓶中考察了该菌株最适发酵温度,进而在2.5L发酵罐中考察了通气量和底物浓度的影响.实验结果表明:该菌株最适发酵温度为35℃;在通气量为50 mL/min和100 mL/min时菌体生长加快,发酵时间缩短,但在不通气条件下糖醇转化率明显提高;在菊粉浓度235 g/L时,发酵终点乙醇浓度达到92.2 g/L,乙醇对糖的得率为0.436,为理论值的85.5%.在此基础上,使用近海滩涂种植海水灌溉收获的菊芋为底物,以批式补料方式直接发酵菊芋干粉浓度为280 g/L的底物,发酵终点乙醇浓度为84.0 g/L,乙醇对糖的得率为0.405,为理论值的80.0%.这些研究工作,为以菊芋为原料的燃料乙醇技术开发奠定了基础.  相似文献   
中国的河蟹养殖及其发展前景   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
中华绒螯蟹(Eriocheir sinensis H.Milne-Edwards,1583)又名河蟹、大闸蟹、毛蟹,是水产珍品。中国的河蟹生产历史,经历了狩猎、增殖、养殖三个时期,都在不同程度上破坏了河蟹资源和水域生态平衡。近十多年来,河蟹养殖迅速发展,目前的年产量已超过10万t,年产值约100亿元。由于种苗混杂和传统养鱼技术的影响,总产虽高、个体却小、效益甚微,面临严重的市场危机。与此同时,结合河蟹生产的科学研究迅速发展,成果丰硕。当前已有可能认真总结,应用现代科技,走工业化集约式养殖河蟹的道路,以优质、大规格商品蟹和软壳蟹拓宽国内、外市场。    相似文献   
中国昆明小鼠亚群蛋白质多态性的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
史顺娣  王汉荣 《遗传学报》1990,17(6):422-429
本文报道采用电泳技术对北京、上海、长春3市的4个中国昆明小鼠(简称KM)实验群体中24个蛋白质标志研究的结果,与我国1981年从美国引进的NIH小鼠进行比较,显示出:(1)KM小鼠亚群间等位基因组成无明显差异,它们间遗传距离为0.008—0.027,与群体封闭时间成正相关;(2)4个KM小鼠群体间聚类分析发现S:KM群体为特殊一类,该结果与KM亚群间下颌骨分析结果相符;(3)KM与Swiss来源的NIH小鼠群体间在E(?)-3、Es-10、Got-2、Glo-1、Gpt-1、和Mpi-1座位上的等位基因组成存在显著差异,它们之间的遗传距离平均值为0.131±0.011,证实中国KM小鼠为非Swiss来源的一个亚种。  相似文献   
为了探讨CO2浓度升高下不同水稻品种荣优398 (RY)和粤杂889(YZ)吸收重金属Cd差异性的原因,利用水培试验研究了不同浓度Cd处理下两种水稻吸收Cd的差异及根形态的变化特征.结果表明:低Cd处理(5、10、20 μmol·L-1)显著增加水稻生物量;当Cd浓度高于50 μmol·L-1时,Cd胁迫效果开始显现,水稻生物量减少.CO2浓度升高显著增加了水稻的生物量,增加了YZ茎Cd含量而降低了RY茎Cd含量.在5~200 μmol·L-1的Cd浓度下,CO2浓度升高增加了YZ活性根在总根长中的比例,降低了RY活性根的比例.CO2浓度升高下不同水稻品种根形态的变化是导致其对Cd吸收差异性的原因之一.  相似文献   
DP Long  AC Zhao  XJ Chen  Y Zhang  WJ Lu  Q Guo  AM Handler  ZH Xiang 《PloS one》2012,7(6):e40150
A comprehensive understanding of gene function and the production of site-specific genetically modified mutants are two major goals of genetic engineering in the post-genomic era. Although site-specific recombination systems have been powerful tools for genome manipulation of many organisms, they have not yet been established for use in the manipulation of the silkworm Bombyx mori genome. In this study, we achieved site-specific excision of a target gene at predefined chromosomal sites in the silkworm using a FLP/FRT site-specific recombination system. We first constructed two stable transgenic target silkworm strains that both contain a single copy of the transgene construct comprising a target gene expression cassette flanked by FRT sites. Using pre-blastoderm microinjection of a FLP recombinase helper expression vector, 32 G3 site-specific recombinant transgenic individuals were isolated from five of 143 broods. The average frequency of FLP recombinase-mediated site-specific excision in the two target strains genome was approximately 3.5%. This study shows that it is feasible to achieve site-specific recombination in silkworms using the FLP/FRT system. We conclude that the FLP/FRT system is a useful tool for genome manipulation in the silkworm. Furthermore, this is the first reported use of the FLP/FRT system for the genetic manipulation of a lepidopteran genome and thus provides a useful reference for the establishment of genome manipulation technologies in other lepidopteran species.  相似文献   
Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography-Electrospray ionization-Quadrupole-Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry (UPLC-ESI-Q-TOF–MS) is a powerful lipidomic tool. In this study, we developed a UPLC/Q-TOF–MS based method to investigate the lipid metabolomic changes in different growth phases of Nitzschia closterium f. minutissima. The data classification and biomarker selection were carried out by using multivariate statistical analysis, including principal components analysis (PCA), projection to latent structures with discriminant analysis (PLS-DA), and orthogonal projection to latent structures with discriminant analysis (OPLS-DA). We discovered that the intercellular lipid metabolites were significantly different among exponential, early stationary and late stationary phases. Thirty-one lipid molecules were selected and identified as putative biomarkers, including free fatty acid, Harderoporphyrin, phosphatidylglycerol, 1,2-diacyglycerl-3-O-4′-(N,N-trimethy)-homoserine, triacylglycerol, cholesterol, sulfoquinovosyldiacylglycerol, lyso-sulfoquinovosyldiacylglycerol, monogalactosyldiacylglycerol, digalactosyldiacylglycerol and lyso-digalactosyldiacylglycerol. These lipids have been shown previously to function in energy storage, membrane stability and photosynthesis efficiency during the growth of diatoms. Further analysis on the putative biomarkers demonstrated that nitrate starvation played critical role in the transition from exponential phase to stationary phase in N. closterium. This study is the first one to explore the lipidomic changes of microalgae in different growth phases, which promotes better understanding of their physiology and ecology.  相似文献   
Metagenomes derived from environmental microbiota encode a vast diversity of protein homologs. How this diversity impacts protein function can be explored through selection assays aimed to optimize function. While artificially generated gene sequence pools are typically used in selection assays, their usage may be limited because of technical or ethical reasons. Here, we investigate an alternative strategy, the use of soil microbial DNA as a starting point. We demonstrate this approach by optimizing the function of a widely occurring soil bacterial enzyme, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC) deaminase. We identified a specific ACC deaminase domain region (ACCD-DR) that, when PCR amplified from the soil, produced a variant pool that we could swap into functional plasmids carrying ACC deaminase-encoding genes. Functional clones of ACC deaminase were selected for in a competition assay based on their capacity to provide nitrogen to Escherichia coli in vitro. The most successful ACCD-DR variants were identified after multiple rounds of selection by sequence analysis. We observed that previously identified essential active-site residues were fixed in the original unselected library and that additional residues went to fixation after selection. We identified a divergent essential residue whose presence hints at the possible use of alternative substrates and a cluster of neutral residues that did not influence ACCD performance. Using an artificial ACCD-DR variant library generated by DNA oligomer synthesis, we validated the same fixation patterns. Our study demonstrates that soil metagenomes are useful starting pools of protein-coding-gene diversity that can be utilized for protein optimization and functional characterization when synthetic libraries are not appropriate.  相似文献   
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