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Abstract  The present paper deals with a new species Habrophlebiodes zijinensis sp. nov. collected in Nanjing, Jiangsu Povince, China.  相似文献   
Using the rice salt-tolerant mutant 20 as material, a cDNA library was constructed and two salt-inducible clones, SIR5.5 and SIR8.1, were isolated by differential screening. Homology analysis revealed that the two clones together constituted a chimeric rbcL which encoded a truncated large subunit of Rubisco with 337 amino-acids, plus 64 amino-acids of unknown origin. The expressions of both the normal and the chimeric locus appeared to be developmentally regulated and salt-inducible in shoots of the salt-tolerant mutant 20 and its original variety 77–170. In roots, their expressions were salt-inducible in the salt-tolerant mutant 20 whereas no, or only premature, forms were present in the salt-treated original variety 77–170. Higher concentrations of salt reduced the expressions of both normal rbcL and the chimeric locus. ABA showed no effect on their expression.  相似文献   
足月分娩的新鲜胎盘组织制成匀浆后,经高速离心、超速离心,谷胱甘肽(GSH)Sepharose 6B亲合层析,Amicon pM-10膜超过滤及高效液相层析,最终经SDS-PAGE鉴定,结果呈现单一亚基区带,其亚基分子量为25000。 根据我们现有高效液相设备条件,用ODS柱代替RadulovicL等报道的特异阴离子柱,用磷酸盐洗脱液代替含谷胱甘肽、二硫苏糖醇及氯化钾的梯度洗脱液,从人胎盘组织成功地制备了谷胱甘肽硫转移酶(GST)纯酶,全过程在15min内完成,保留时间及主峰面积的重复性均较理想,7次实验结果的变异系数为0.2%,最终纯化578.9倍。本研究为各种形式GST的纯化制备提供了一个新的、重复性好、分辨率高及回收理想的简易方法。  相似文献   
本文介绍用二相分配法制备蚕豆叶片原生质膜上的Ca~(2+)·Mg~(2+)-ATPase,用以研究镧系,稀土离子对此酶活性的影响。初步证实Pr~(3+)、Nd~(3+)对依赖于CaM的以及不依赖于CaM的蚕豆叶片原生质膜上Ca~(2+)·Mg~(2+)-ATPase活性的抑制不是CaM专一的。  相似文献   
我们分子鉴别了一个缺失型中国(A_γδβ)°-地贫家系。先证者为这一缺失的纯合子,具有中度贫血症状。家系的另五个成员均为这一缺失的杂合子,其胎儿血红蛋白(HbF)为16—21%,接近或达到HPFH杂合子的HbF水平,并且几乎不表现贫血症状。限制性内切酶图谱分析证明了β-珠蛋白基因簇内的DNA顺序缺失,缺失的5′端点位于Aγ基因IVSⅡ内,3′端点在β-珠蛋白基因下游区远端,距HPFH-2的3′缺失端点上游区约11kb。缺失的总长度约为80kb。本文讨论了这一缺失导致胎儿血红蛋白在成人中持续活跃表达的可能机制。  相似文献   
用基因定点诱变技术,删除了pO_1α ANF表达质粒中的33对碱基,使人α型心钠素结构基因直接与大肠杆菌分泌型表达质粒pIN-Ⅲ-OmPA中的信号肽酶切位点编码区相连,构成天然人α型心钠素的表达质粒pANF,在IPTG诱导下表达28肽的天然人α型心钠素。纯化后的表达产物具有天然心钠素的放免活性和很强的舒张血管的生物活性。  相似文献   
The underlying ionic mechanisms of ischemic-induced arrhythmia were studied by the computer simulation method. To approximate the real situation, ischemic cells were simulated by considering the three major component conditions of acute ischemia (elevated extracellular K(+) concentration, acidosis and anoxia) at the level of ionic currents and ionic concentrations, and a round ischemic zone was introduced into a homogeneous healthy sheet to avoid sharp angle of the ischemic tissue. The constructed models were solved using the operator splitting and adaptive time step methods, and the perturbation finite difference (PFD) scheme was first used to integrate the partial differential equations (PDEs) in the model. The numerical experiments showed that the action potential durations (APDs) of ischemic cells did not exhibited rate adaptation characteristic, resulting in flattening of the APD restitution curve. With reduction of sodium channel availability and long recovery of excitability, refractory period of the ischemic tissue was significantly prolonged, and could no longer be considered as same as APD. Slope of the conduction velocity (CV) restitution curve increased both in normal and ischemic region when pacing cycle length (PCL) was short, and refractory period dispersion increased with shortening of PCL as well. Therefore, dynamic changes of CV and dispersion of refractory period rather than APD were suggested to be the fundamental mechanisms of arrhythmia in regional ischemic myocardium.  相似文献   
To identify salt stress-responsive genes, we constructed a cDNA library with the salttolerant rice cultivar, Lansheng. About 15000 plasmids were extracted and dotted on filters with Biomeck 2000 HDRT system or by hand. Thirty genes were identified to display altered expression levels responding to 150 mmol/L NaCl. Among them eighteen genes were up-regulated and the remainders downregulated. Twenty-seven genes have their homologous genes in GenBank Databases. The expression of twelve genes was studied by Northern analysis. Based on the functions, these genes can be classified into five categories, including photosynthesis-related gene, transportrelated gene, metabolismrelated gene, stress-or resistancerelated gene and the others with various functions. The results showed that salt stress influenced many aspects of rice growth. Some of these genes may play important roles in plant salt tolerance.  相似文献   
Sunitinib, a small-molecule multi-targeted tyrosine kinase inhibitor, has been applied in phase II clinical trial as second-line treatment for advanced gastric cancer. In this study, we determined the effect of Sunitinib on the multidrug resistance in gastric cancer cells selected by vincristine. Our results showed that Sunitinib significantly enhanced the cytotoxicity of adriamycin, vincristine, etoposide, 5-Fluorouracil, and cisplatin in multidrug-resistant gastric cancer cells (SGC7901/VCR). Sunitinib significantly increased the intracellular accumulation and retention of rhodamine 123 in the SGC7901/VCR cells. However, Sunitinib, at a concentration that reverses MDR, had no significant effect on P-gp protein or mRNA expression levels. In addition, the present study revealed that Sunitinib inhibited Stat3 and down-regulated Bcl-2 in SGC7901/VCR cells, which might also contribute to the reversal of MDR. In conclusion, Sunitinib reverses multidrug resistance in gastric cancer cells by inhibiting P-gp transporter function and modulating Stat3 and Bcl-2. Further study with Sunitinib may be helpful for developing combination therapeutic strategy or circumventing gastric cancer MDR to other conventional anti-cancer drugs.  相似文献   
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